(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

chen mama is giving her moral support for the gathering

taurus, hmm.. ideally by end of next week pls..
but if u wanna come last min, can let me know and I'll see if it's possible (then just pay cash on day itself)

funne, bidosoh, come lah!

June Gathering Details

Venue: Club ITE, 10 Dover Drive, S138683
Cost: $15 per pax
Date: 6th JUNE 2010
Time: 1pm-3pm

Guests arrive, Mingle a bit and Vote for Babies

1.15- 2.00pm:
Welcome Address and Intro (Chris)
Protecting your Baby (Momo_mummy Gets Serious and Mean Business)
Parenting Quiz (win pressies!)
(to makan while doing all these)

Ice-breaker Games (only mummies and babies)
Let the Men Sweat
(Daddies to interact between themselves --- Play Wii, run on the treadmill or play pool. Team ball games like basketball and table-tennis are also available. The less active can read magazines or throw darts. There is Mahjong too! But must be “healthy” and “non-violent” lah..haha)

Announcement of winners for Baby Photo Contest

3.00pm : So long, Farewell!

Baby Photo Contest
1. Cheeky Monkey
Baby in his/her cheekiest antics

2. Smile Baby Smile
Cutest, happiest toothless smile

3. Yummiest Baby
All those wobbly flesh… *pinch pinch*

4. Fashionista Diva
Lovely! Charming! Handsome! Chic! Babies all dressed up…

5. Ice Ice Baby
One word. “Cool!”

Interested, please send me your baby photos (not too big file sizes pls) and indicate the category u would like tp participate in. No limits to number of categories. A category with less than 3 entries will be cancelled.

All mummies going, pls email me the following info:

1. Name of Mummy
2. Name of Daddy
3. Name of Baby
4. Name of kiddo (if any)
5. Car plate number (for security clearance)
(if i dun get your plate number, the security will not let u in..very strict on weekends!)

my email : [email protected] or PM me

1. chris -- 1A+ Lil L
2. swanston -- 2A + lil xy
3. Ashley -- 2A+ Lil A
4. Blessedcyn -- 2A+ Lil R
5. Cass -- 2A + Lil K
6. sporty -- 2A + Lil A & M
7. Shirlin -- 1A + Lil L
8. Mitsy -- 2A+ Lil T
9. mm6j -- 2A + Lil JO
10. FieDa -- 2A + Lil R
11. sponge -- 2A + Lil A & J
12.zentan -- 2A + Lil A & A
13. dingdong -- 2A + Lil C
14. ayukie - 2A + Lil E
15. Raerae -2A + Lil R
16. DevLina - 2A + Lil E
17. ariesgal - 2A + Lil A
18. stmama - 2A + Lil S & A
19. Jazz - 2A + Lil K
20. Shihui- 2A + kiddy PH + bb PY
21. Liciafwy - 2A + lil N & N
22. Rue - 2A + Lil C
23. myboyjovan - 1A + bb
24. Pei Pei - 2AA + bb C
25. Jamie -
26. 1sttimemummy - 2A + Lil A
27. Ardenz - 2A + Lil A

Can pay Swanston and email/PM me yr details and baby photos latest by end next week pls! 6th june is sooner than we think and we need time to book club, cater food and plan stuff.. Thanks much!
More details for June gathering..

1. Ice breaker games
Aim: To let mummies get to know one another/and the babies better. Some physical movement by babies to aid development too..There will be "pa sang/ forfeit" like singing etc when u "lose"
Hope mummies can be sporting as there is NO intention to ridicule or insult at all :p

Parenting Quiz: Just a simple quiz with questions about babies that any mummies/daddies (one try each) to answer.. win small tokens with each correct answer!

Protecting Your Baby: Momo_mummy our resident joker gets serious (err..or maybe not) and talk about the necc insurance protection u need for yr baby.. This is purely informative and there is no marketing/sales involved.. but of coz if u trust her professionalism, she is ready to help

Re facilities: Nursing room with fridge-- access by card only.. Let Swanston or me know if u need access...

Baby photos contest! the most voted gets a small token! We love to drool over the babies don't we?

Koi-- shihui, any news? swanston has some monies left over from previous gathering that u can use..

$$$ -- Will be transparent and breakdown the expenses after gathering is over.. leftover monies will be used for next gathering..

bidosoh, why so cute must sell away sterliser...juz keep it away la...

dingdong, the konked out thingy happens to me quite often...i always have to wake up again to pump...now i try to "tong" till 1030pm and i will pump and sleep earlier (if possible)

funne, try to wipe away the sweat on ur gal when she persipires...on the fan for her la...use the california cream, pretty good!

shihui, think bishan shd be able to deliver la...cuz dover and swanston's place quite near mah...

chris, sounds like alot of programs tha u had planned out wor...looking forward
so the 15 bucks includes koi as well? or we have to trf to shihui separately?
thks ladies! will get the california cream when i go back to sin.. think i saw it at watson.. or where can i get it cheap?
now at my mom's place in johor.. not only need to jaga her rashes, need to jaga the mozzie bites also.. haiz..

swanston, i pm u my email later..

My hub birthday is coming. Which hotel's 1-for-1 buffet is still ongoing? Find it so hard to search..
funne, I second Shihui suggestion. Use Calendula cream. Need to wipe baby skin clean with water and towel. Dry the area and apply the cream 2-3 times daily. Should clear with a few days. Wiping too often may irritate the skin, so don't over do.
wow, the june meet up programs are very nicely planned!! Kudos to the organizers!! =)

ok, where is swanston's acct number? =P
Yesterday, i attended the 1st/4 days marriage course. Wanna share some insights i gained.

The speaker talks abt a couple started off with
1) infatuation (burning forest), First 1-2 yrs of dating/marriage. Constantly thinking of ur partner.

then inevitably move onto either

2a) love connection (u need to maintain the fire by introducing wood over time)
Happpens when One put in effort to maintain a marriage


2b) mutual affection (u let the forest burn by itself w/o introducing more wood) then finally
"brother-sister" relationship. Live together, but love no longer there. Quite sad huh. His strong point that you once was attracted to becomes nuisance to you. Eg man of few words, first attracted to him cos u find him cool, but overtime, u find him boring cos he seldom talk.
Stay together for the sake of children. That explained y divorce rate increased for couples married for >20yrs. They spent all their life nurturing their children, spending time on them, that they forgotten to make effort to maintain their marriage. One final day, children grown up, left the nest, leaving the 2 of u. U faced each other, nothing to say. You hav become strangers.

3b) disintegration (fire dies off) if mutual affection continues.

Children are 99yr property, ur spouse is freehold. A lot of ppl places children's importance higher than spouse, in fact, it shd be the other way round.
swanston, confirm u at fb liao.
fr there how i can add other nov moms?

rue, i'll be going aquamarine next tue with another group of mummies.. current promotion is ocbc 1for1.

ayuekie, ermm.. i don't like to use powder..

bidosoh, yes, i'll get the cream when i go back sin..
<font color="119911">funne</font>, add u in the fb group liao.

<font color="119911">fieda</font>, POSB Savings 037-68465-1. indicate your nick ya! $15/pax
<font color="0000ff">Anyone keen in getting a BN Lucky Baby Car Seat (still in packaging)? Suitable for Newborn till 18kg.

PM me if interested
Mummies, Carrefour having offer for Fitti Premium diapers.. 2 packs for 22.90! Till this Sunday. For those babies wearing M size, it means 88pcs for 22.90! =)
Babes: Mamypoko 2 packs for S$40 at Watsons. 1 pack for S$19.80 at NTUC.

Use everyday card at carrefour and watsons to get rebates :)
rue, thanks for sharing. Ya, its very true. I like the 99 and freehold concept. Actually we know it all along. I think I tends to take my hb for granted. As we are together toooooo longgggg already.
funne, calendula cream is good for treating mozzie bite. Last time when I apply anticeptic cream on my son always leave a dark ring after recover. Calendula cream really is a magic cream. Another trick is to apply toothpaste. You might wish to give it try. Just a small amount first to test for allergy. It helps alot too for mozzie bite.
hi mummies,

I think most mummies has already master the knowledge of purees by now.
Just wanna to share a recipe for teething biscuits i made for Kaely, if you are not keen in purchasing those off shelve rusks, this is a good alternative i been using since my 1st born
It is useful as snack when they turn older, dip into cheese sauce or even puree, it also encourage self feeding later. Cheers!

Whole meal bread (or white), i prefer whole grain
Cut it up into slices, finger food size (refer to the picture i post)
Bake in oven for 45mins, using 140degree (it will become crusty like biscuit)
Cool it and store away in air tight box

Here's the pictures with her eating and the rusks!


I know from swanston there is a gathering up and coming, i am sorry that i am unable to come that day as i have already got an appt.

I definitely would love to share topics on weaning food or tips/tricks...hopefully we can do it again some day. I been doing alot of sharing with some mummies privately offline as i seldom got time these days to come forum. Do drop me a line or message on email if you need any help.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

bad news for KOI...

Bishan is unwillingly to deliver even with sponsored cab fare.. coz their previous experience (delivery to Bukit Batok- our previous gathering) took them too long.. now they r unwillingly to deliver to west area again..

tried toa payoh and chinatown.. but they are oso unwillingly to deliver to Dover...

so, if we want KOI, most likely we will need to collect ourselves....

how how?
1. chris -- 1A+ Lil L
2. swanston -- 2A + lil xy
3. Ashley -- 2A+ Lil A
4. Blessedcyn -- 2A+ Lil R
5. Cass -- 2A + Lil K
6. sporty -- 2A + Lil A &amp; M
7. Shirlin -- 1A + Lil L
8. Mitsy -- 2A+ Lil T
9. mm6j -- 2A + Lil JO
10. FieDa -- 2A + Lil R
11. sponge -- 2A + Lil A &amp; J
12.zentan -- 2A + Lil A &amp; A
13. dingdong -- 2A + Lil C
14. ayukie - 2A + Lil E
15. Raerae -2A + Lil R
16. DevLina - 2A + Lil E
17. ariesgal - 2A + Lil A
18. stmama - 2A + Lil S &amp; A
19. Jazz - 2A + Lil K
20. Shihui- 2A + kiddy PH + bb PY
21. Liciafwy - 2A + lil N &amp; N
22. Rue - 2A + Lil C
23. myboyjovan - 1A + bb
24. Pei Pei - 2AA + bb C
25. Jamie -
26. 1sttimemummy - 2A + Lil A
27. Ardenz - 2A + Lil A
28. lemontee - 2A + kiddo Jx + bb JH
another bz day...
luckily i am having a long weekend...

chris, icic...but now seems like no hope for koi liao...guess everyone will be very disappointed

rue, if u wanna go for triple 3, u can use dbs card... like ur freehold vs leasehold property...very true

shihui, very diff to "collect" koi by ourselves lor cuz its so many cups!

funne, u trying for #3 huh?
My boy had fever last night and went up to 39.4. Luckily after feeding him chinese medicine, he started to sweat and temp gradually goes down till 38 and by morning went down to 37.8. Now temp clear but for me didn't sleep till 6+am.

Really can let u know last minute cause my unsure reason is dunno if my boy's eczema will flare up and afraid pay now later cannot go, wasted and now ah lao no job so need to be thrifty. And hor if i go can give me special pass to escape the forfeit should i lose in the game, i very shy and very nervous when comes to such thing....

Purees are ok but try not to introduce all the sweet or heavy tasting stuff cause next time they may become picky eaters. Will try to go for gathering but do not know if my boy eczema will flare up during that time.

Wow so ur ambition is to become a doc. I got the book from amazon, recommended by my sis. Is pretty good and is actually written by a ang moh. Here's the link to the book http://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Child-Healthy-Chinese-Medicine/dp/0936185716/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=books&amp;qid=1274459881&amp;sr=8-1. My boy till now will fuss when taking TCM but then i found out is only when the medicine has a bitter taste.
taurus, hmm.. hope ur last minute not too last minute k..
or else hard to plan numbers and stuff.. as for the forfeit, i dun think i have the power to "excuse" you.. if not everyone also want then cannot play le.. hee.. but all the mummies very kind de, wun "qiang2 ren2 shuo3 nan2".. so dun worry k..
hehehe.. it's juz some childhood dream... :p but then, dunnoe if i will hav the time to take the course... planning to take it only when #2 is older..

ya lor... was thinking how to carry so many cups.. waiting time will be very long with such big order too... sian....
sat morning also cant zz abit longer cuz both kids are up at 715!

taurus, hope ur boy's fever better...tha day my gal also had high fever like ur son but goes away within a day...only fed her one dose of the panadol...am glad it wasnt like a 3 day thingy as what the pd said...u come for the gathering la...wanna see u

shihui, since the delivery is a prob for them...i wonder whether can call like 1 day in advance and give them the order then collect on the actual day...cuz its the delivery part tha they dun want rite...haha
Ok i will let u know by coming end of next week.

His temp went back to normal yesterday also within a day. But he's on the heaty side so i must give him some water everyday. Will try to go for the gathering.
Hi all, is it a must to process or so call cook the apple , banana before feeding the little one? I feed fresh fruits to him...and sometimes after eating he will poo. how do u really cook it?

can you share with me your schedule on feeding the little one? has he/her started to sleep thru the night? my little one used to sleep thru till i intro semi solid...guess he might not be getting enough
Send your Baby Photos now!

1. Cheeky Monkey
Baby in his/her cheekiest antics

2. Smile Baby Smile
Cutest, happiest toothless smile

3. Yummiest Baby
All those wobbly flesh… *pinch pinch*

4. Fashionista Diva
Lovely! Charming! Handsome! Chic! Babies all dressed up…

5. Ice Ice Baby
One word. “Cool!”

Indicate the category u would like to participate in. No limits to number of categories. A category with less than 3 entries will be cancelled.

Attractive prizes for most voted babies! (how attractive depends on budget lah..haha)
Re KOI, an alternative is courier... my hubby said as long as the $ is decent, he has many frens who do courier services will be willing to fetch and send the drinks.. the last time we paid $0.65 extra per cup.. I'm thinking $0.50 extra per cup this time to pay to the courier guy whoever it is...so someone has to place the order and pay a day before or something.. what u think? sporty? shihui?
haa.. i'm not trying for #3.. although i miss the feeling of being pregnant..

anyone is using bb pouch? how to wear it? i don't understand the instruction from the website..

can I check if anyone has the contact number for agapebabies? Coz I email [email protected] ~1wk ago till now no reply leh =( wanna order Lansinoh milk bags &amp; CB sunblock...

And did someone mention b4 tat breastfeeding mother who has diarrhoea can take charcoal pills? Me had Hong Kong Cafe @ City Sq Mall &amp; had ls 5x since yesterday noon! Boo-hoo....
Carol, when you send email to agapebabies. The last mail I had received from her is 16 May 10.
That is to confirm that she had received my payment.
Carol: Aiyo, u take care manz... poor thing... *hugs*

Sporty: Lucas survive Perth trip just alittle motion sickness and keep vomitting what he drinks... and got some rashes cos we didnt bathe him properly... haha... his dad scare he too cold so anyhow bath him... hahaha.... perth got nothing much.... just sight seeing... didnt hv much shopping to do... shop closes at 4 plus 5pm... and sunset by 6plus... hahah... a good place for making babies and retirement... Haahahaha

Dingdong: I cook apples also leh.. but lucas still dun like it at all ....
Hi mummies... so long nv login here liao..
Advice needed!!!

I recently found out tat im preg again, n i nd advice on whether or not to continue breastfeeding. cn anyone share ur experience? My gynae said tat i must stop as it will cause miscarriage or preterm labour. Wat should i do nw? Frankly speaking, i prefer to continue bf lo.. sobx*
Was watching fb video clips of Xuanxuan's little YX, Superwalker's lit T, NVFM's little boy and other mummy's little one. After which I feel abit worried leh. They reach milestone soooo way way ahead. My little gal can't even sit without support. She can crawl a little bit and likes to hold up her head high up. I am comparing my #1 and #2 instead. #1 can only crawl at 7 month base on the video I took last time. He learnt crawling before sitting. Looks like my gal is following her brother's footstep. That makes me feel better lah.
Peace, I didn't face the same situation before. However did hear from my friend. She BF for very long something like 2-3 years. Along the way she had 1 mc. But very quickly like within 3 months, she is preg again. Then when she reach 4/5 months gestation. Her elder one wean himself from BM altogether. She suspect the BM taste change, so he refuse to take bm. So what your gynae says is quite true. I ever saw baby center have some articles on this. You might wish to read up.

I remember my friend did mention that bf is very very painful when she is preg in her 2/3 month. As the breast is also expanding due to hormone changes.
Thanx taurus033 for the link, din noe she has ongong BPs now...
Thanx momo_mummy for ur hug!
So does anyone noe if can take charcoal pills?
Carol, duno about that. I will recommend you to take probiotic instead. As its definately safe. I am taking it daily. Brand is Lactogg, it contains 20Billion good bacteria for the tummy.

Date: Tuesday 25th May 2010
Event: Ride on Singapore Flyer followed by Lunch @ POPEYES:)
Price: first 5 to respond got $20 ticks. Usual price: $29.50 ( ia m trying to source for more cheap ticks , do come!!)

1. MM6J
2. Sporty
3. Zen
4. Shirlin
5. swanston
6. sponge

Not coming for flyer, coming for lunch:

1. Devlina
2. Superwalker
3. Nvfm
4. Novbaby
5. Xuanxuan
6. Bpmama
7. Ashley
8. Jamie &amp; bb Naven(born 101009)

Lunch - we meet at popeyes @ 12

bidosoh, my gal coming to 7m.. can't crawl also..
i got worry too when i saw her slower than those younger than her.. but after all, her health is more impt.

jocelyn86, not too sure about ur condition but my gynae will ask me to stop bf if i pregnant now as i hav history of mc..
