(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Suoperwalker: my girl also using physiogel now.
Had such bad rashes around her neck for a week.. and it spread to her face. worst thing is she kept scratching! Arggh...
Hence brought her to see pd on Tues, so now applying mild steroid and physiogel.

maybe u can consider other carriers like ergo which have greater mileage as bb bjorn is until max 11 or 12kg...

raerae, hope ur procedure goes on smoothly...jia you

superwalker, now u kno durian icecream and koi helps to increase ss!! haha

shirlin, of cuz i wun need to throw letter la...its u mah :p hahha
cyn: where did you get the physiogel? Better to keep it handy...these few mornings very hot, I scared he'll get heat rash.

shirlin: wow...KOI can increase ss?? hahaha
sporty & superwalker: for me hor...it's beef. Increased my ss by quite abit leh. The other day, hub made me spaghetti bolognaise...and he put lots of minced beef for me...that night when I pumped, I got more.
Devlina, ha...I had beef too last nite....maybe that's why I m in so much pain now! Haha!! *latch n pump ...latch n pump.... Lil T please suck harder!* kekeee
Wow Starz, i saw the OG promotion site u posted! Sob sob i wanted to buy the blender u.p 79.90 but selling at $49.90 for members but promo over liao! Wonder if such a sales will come again or not! My mum member leh why no info.

KOI I just has it yesterday, bought at peoplepark complex and heard after i left the place was on fire! Wow..lucky i bought already if not no KOI to drink :p
raerae: my son use more than 10 bibs a day , total i bought 20 n my MIL bought 14, and wash everyday is not , not enough.

shirlin: my boy oso since v young wanna hold but we nvr let him try coz he like to push away. even now also
devlina, yes i think bubble tea increase ss for me la...not only koi...of cuz if its koi, better la! hey, rem to update me if got philips sale hor...

velo, u looking for thermos spree rite...i saw one in the BP section...
sporty: yes yes...you'll be the 1st person. I remember. Last year I forgot you.
I think coz bubble tea is a happy drink ah ...hahaha so thats why it increases ss!
Ru Yun: *faintz* more than 10???? Goodness one mountain tall got another one taller haha i tot my gal bad..now i shall stop scolding her liao muahaha..

KOI: I MUST try KOI by this week..everyone is raving about it! My goodness..I stayin at my mum pl near chinatown ..this week i go cheong KOI! hahaha i like bubble tea but stopped recently coz my gal got cough so i axe out cold drinks =(\

SS boosters: haha KOI, beef, milo and Oats! Not that i wanna boost but for all those mamas who are!!

Sporty: thanks =) Been Praying..it will be fine juz that got jitters..need to inject eyeball and i was like HUH haha Got LA i hope!
devlina, ya la...soooo pls rem to tell me...watsapp me/sms me/msn me or call me!!! hahahhaha

raerae, shd have LA la...if not very pain leh! hehe
Carinez Thermos leh haha the brand oso called thermos..think at BP section got le or the webbie is alwaysthermos.blogspot.com heeh

Sporty yah lor i was wondering if i can move my eye! so weird haha but yah it will be fine!!
i want the philips carnival sale info also ... i wanna get the bb monitor ... im gg start lil e on my philips steam and blend machine nxt week .. pumpkins, potatoes here i come ..
raerae: got 1 day he hit 16 bibs, excluding the hankies that he use everyday. haha

carinez: i using tiger , i find it not bad , that time aft deliver my mum use that to bring food for me. My cousin who put braces oso buy that n bring porridge to office
raerae, dun worry la...i'm sure u are in good hands

ayukie, Lil E still need bb monitor meh? he dun sleep in the same room as u?
Raerae, so you are joining the KOI clan. Like what sporty says once you drink will be hooked leh. I am the worst, havent even try and 'geaning' everyday. hahaha
Taurus, are you still giving any supplement or chinese med to your boy? Perhaps should stop and re-introduce one by one to see any allergy reaction.

I always kept asking why my son is so weak too. I saw some kids around me are so strong, pple around them are ill and they are still so radiant. I envy them and their parent. So lucky. On the other hand after I went to KKH and saw some pathetic cases, then I felt that compared to them my problem is "peanut".

Please stay strong, the battle has just began. Its not your fault, just try to clear current outbreak and do maintenance from there.
chris, tha story abt car seat is quite scary...how can anyone forget rite?!

bidosoh, lai lai lai...go try KOI and get hooked!! i think kids are sick are part and parcel of growing up... think only thru being sick, their immunity will be stronger... my son stuffed himself with lotsa apples last nite and woke up to puke in the middle of the nite and twice this morning...today we didnt let him go to skool... at least he learnt a lesson of not to OVEREAT!
Hello to all mummies/daddies & mummies-to-be/daddies-to-be,
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sporty, ya, but it does happened lor.. ever did to one of my frens too...
sick from too much apples? poor Lil A!
reminds me of the time my brother just discovered how nice soft-boiled eggs are.. and the fascination with cooking his own.. he ate EIGHT and had fever that night...
Superwalker, Ashley,it's ok, no need to pay for the taxi, very short distance only.

I am having super heavy flow menses, so pek chek and in a angry mood. Somemore my hubs irritate me early morning. Hope the day end soon and can go back to rest.
shirlin, my bb on total breastmilk lei, not FM, but i latch her only, never give much EBM unless i go out to teach or facial or massage. keke. my #1 using magmag though, the straw one, to drink his milk, he has huge problem with drinking FM.

chris, your bro ate eight eggs in a day? with all the yolk? alamak...
oh ya, speaking of eggs, anyone knows if it is ok for toddlers to have more than 4 eggs per week? my #1 loves egg, everytime wants to eat egg.

currently using potassium permaganate to bathe instructed by PD. Actually young children can't eat too much fruits, it will weaken their stomach.

ru yun,
I staying at Senja. Better bring him to PD to see if its eczema or rashes.

Yah PD did suggest to go for prick test. But hor 1 prick test is for 1 food, so if want to do 10 food then must prick 10 times. My boy really poor thing. Hope ur eye will get well soon after the surgery.

The flare up had come down and his skin now is clear and smooth but today found some new red spots at some areas. Dunno when it wil stop. PD said some eczema is internal and external trigger. Internal also means that it may have to purge all out then it will stop, so dunno if my boy is that category so it may not be food allergy. PD also said feeding them with probiotics can help with the eczema so currently doing it. But only wash his clothes with water is clean enough? So ur boy's eczema had all cleared but whats the reason ur boy got eczema?

I'm not giving any supplement. But dun think is chinese med cause he had been taking that all along and during that time his eczema did heal a bit for few days. Now he taking chinese med for his running nose, will stop once he complete the course.
my menses also always very heavy! haha..and my boss knows when I'm PMS-ing.

I think it's standard that you can only have 2 eggs a day...any more that that is considered hitting the roof of Mr Cholesterol
Taurus, oic he has running nose. I find that whenever my son has running nose his enczyma will flare up too. Its like his body is at the weakest state and enczyma will attack.
chris, devlina, mother's day is on 2nd sunday of may, i think.
chris, march is 3-8 fu nu jie..keke.

i going downstairs buy bubble tea with bb. she looks much better today, smiley again. yey, so happy. drinking bubble tea to celebrate. haha
kimifin: my boy had his jab 2 weeks ago n he had rotavirus leh. its only after that then my fren told me doc stop giving le .

tauras: can bring to GP? coz my baby dont have GP, his jab all taken at GP , or do i have to bring him back to the PD in TMC??
hihi mummies, one more day to weekend *beams*

chris, i persevered past few days and managed to up ss...see whether can last.....

oh chris, devlina, mbj, mother's day is Sunday 9 May
ive been waiting for it cos my hb promised if i become mummy will celebrate mother's day for me hehe
ardenz, your hubby so good ar. my husband only remembers to celebrate for his own mother, forgot about me. somemore give birth to two liao still no standard. chey.
my mil more best. she every year will book early early a restuarant to makan then ask us all go celebrate for her. haha.
ru yun
I'm confused too...hahaha maybe i'll celebrate twice? One for my mummy...and one for bb to celeb with me? bwahahahahahaha
<font color="119911">chris</font>, think some time back the news reported something similar to the case. very sad. but it can happen, very unfortunately. esp if the child is sleeping and not making any noise. and this reminded me of the case tat the black rose variety show was talking abt on tues, how a young couple managed to keep their virtual baby chubby and happy but their real life 3 months old baby starved to death. sigh...
ru yun
yah yah ...it's a Thu...so cant blame us...weekends' coming!

that's sad...can keep virtual bb happy but not their real bb.
