(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

superwalker, chris haven replied my sms leh...anyways i will be there at 1230pm...

swanston, how many feeds is ur gal having? my gal having abt 6 to 7 feeds a day...
my gal total latch on and feed about 6-7 times also. just brough her for injections, she's 4kg+.. below average weight. :p
ayukie, hahha...i thot u forgotten liao :p hee hee

funne, if the pd/gp never raised any concerns abt ur gal's wt means shd be ok la...gals are nicer to be petite
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, she feeds between 5 to 7 times a day. usually 6 feeds. each feed 110ml. so avg 660ml a day. but based on her wt she should be taking abt 850ml. hmmm. ur girl also 6-7 feeds. then same leh. hope she follow daddy miao tiao lor. dun follow mummy fat fat. i still got 6kg never shed leh. no clothes to wear so sad.
swanston, mine drinks abt 125ml if she's on ebm...4 bottle feeds and 2 latches a day lor... maybe she has daddy's genes la, thas why slender kind...
My son prefer smaller feeds. 3oz, 3 hourly if on EBM.

For mummies who are bringing baby for jabs, try not to give few jabs in one day. At least 1 month apart. The further the gaps the better as baby may not be able to take so much foreign substances in one time. Also, I feel delaying is good as they will be stonger as they are older.
hi sporty, mm6j!

can share more about the wong boi boi baby massage? issit good for baby? 1-1 means just mdm wong and baby? how long per session and how much? cant seem to find the info on TMC webbie leh. thankssssss lotssss
funne, better feed ur gal with panadol first as a prevention

ardenz, i went to mrs wong's bb massage class for my #1...it was a class session, i find it quite good as my son enjoys it! think mm6j went for 1 to 1 one, which is more ex as they dun have pple to start a class now...maybe u can call tmc parentcraft to check on mrs wong's schedule?
ardenz, if not u can gather the gals here to start a class...see how many paxs they need to start 1 lor...

superwalker, chris cant make it le!
superwalker, hahhah...u scared i fly kite ah...i was abt to say...i go ta bao since u all got even nos liao :p hahha... why dun we order 1 extra set to share since there's a few of us?! i'm sure we can eat! LOL
haha sporty - i didnt forget wor .. whahhaa ... hmz the missy says my boy gd weight so i guess its ok .. anyway my brother says when teething they will lose weight furthermore my mil and fil loves the bouncy cheeks of my boy .. (they was sooo worried last week when he lost the "hamburger" face when i went home for the weekend ..) also i finds my boy like cuttin down on hsi feed as well haiz .. nw he feeds like 6 times a day .. sometimes 5 .. instead of 7 feeds a day ..
ayukie, bb will lose weight once they start to crawl and walk...so dun worry abt overweight bbs now cuz my son was one overweight bb last time!

superwalker, chris changed her mind, shes coming also!! hehehe
Qns for those who are putting bb at caregiver(bbsitter's or mum's place) while you work and on total BF:

How do you organise how much milk to bring to the caregiver's place?

If I have both frozen BM and intend to continue to express, shd I bring the FBM over or EBM which I expressed at the end of the day?

I also duno how much bb will take n how often...cos now on demand latch still.
Hi ladies,

Wondering where u all get ur nursing tops??

Coz nowadays when i go out i rather just latch le.. haha someone bought me the momsinmind sling so i tot let's do it hee
Hello mummies, sorry been "disappearing" for months. Mint jus went for her 2nd dose plus 1st dose of the 5 in 1 dosage jabs this morning. Hope she dun get feverish. I think mine is a giant giant baby. she is 78 cm tall, weighing 7kg now. haha. I guess i missed the BB gathering. When is the next one? good to have some mummy talks!
Anyone dun mind add me in FB. my email add: [email protected]
kimifin, i'm wearing normal tops.. but i waer a tube, just below the bra, so tt when i pull up my top to bf, got tube to cover my tummy (fat)!!
Sporty, long story.

Actually my contract ends on 14 Jan 2010 and suppose to renew, but I was on maternity leave. Then was suppose to go back on 5 Feb but bb sitter backout so got to extend my maternity leave plus no pay leave till end March. Then I sms and email my boss for the extension of leave, but he no reply me. So may be he is preparing to kick me out liao loh. Still pending for his reply lah.

Enjoy your lunch @ Nelly.
Update on bb's developement:
Bb is now 2 months and 2 weeks plus. I was surprised at how he responded to an aunty who was trying to talk to him. I was at the condo's lobby, holding bb in my sling. An aunty was trying to talk to him from a distance. He responded by looking at her and gave her a big smile then quickly shy away, turning away and hiding his face towards my chest. The aunty called him again and again he did the same thing. It cannot be a coincidence as he did it 3 times.
sporty> cny> u intend to pump outside too? then u going to bring the pump out isn't it very heavy together with baby stufF? or u bringing out ur manual pump? cos was thinking if i latch outside then dont pump liao.....

anyway, anyone knows where's the ameda service centre can give me no.? my ameda suction getting bad to worse! kns, take me half an hr to clear boobs! shit man totally regret not buyin FS... ameda not handsfree somemore.... wanted to buy the handsfree thingy from pumpin pals but like bo hua, seems quite flimsy..... anyone used the handsfree from pumpin pals before?
hmmmm... lost my post...

sporty> re cny> u intend to bring out ur pump also? i tot if latch then i wont wanna bring pump liao... so bulky and heavy...

anyway, anyone knows where's the ameda service centre? does anyone have the number? my ameda dying on me, the suction ggetting from bad to worse... it took me like half an hr to clear my boobs... so tiring! and aanyone using ameda? my neck and arms hurting like mad as i will always hold and strain my neck to see if the milk is expressed out or stopping, cos i will always massage... ameda not handsfree so ma fan! anyone used pumpin pal's handsfree before? issit good? it looks flimsy tho... anyone got any idea if there are other handsfree ways for ameda?
Carinez1, the number for the service center is 6454 1867. I've been using the pumpin pal's handsfree and i could make up while pumping =P It's easy once u get the hang of it. Sometimes, my ameda will have differences in suction between the two breasts or have some wheezing sound. After changing the valves, the problem is solve and they are pumping well again. I bought 4 valves on top of the pair that come with it.
just got home
had a great lunch with the gals again. as the babies grow up its really more fun to have play dates! Just now 3 babies were sitting on the sofa together - so cute!!!!! It was gal - boy - gal somemore ! the boy in the middle (my son la!) "tan dio"!

Next gathering 22 Feb (Mon) or 23 Feb (Tues)? who else is free? sekali just me! hahaha!!
velo> u talking abt me ah? *LOL :p

ardezz> yes, i went for 1 for 1, don like to share. lol. price was abt $120+ after discount and it was mrs wong, me and bb and mrs wong teaching me also how to massage bb whilst singing song. she's lovely and will follow up with me again. she asked me to check in weekly with her and if anything, can jus consult her again (without paying :p

how's the lunch?

can't wait for tml's meeting to be over then i am off for cny!!!

p/S: my boy's ard 7.1kg now and 64 cm.. ayukie ur bb of good weight and height. i also love my boy's chubby cheeks!!
bz bz...juz came home frm my pump!
sorry gals, had to run after i gobbled up my food as tha waitress really screwed up my lunch!

raerae, i dun wear any nursing tops...i juz wear any loose tee shirts with nursing bras lor...

wendypoo, i thot ur bb really 78cm tall...i was abt to WOW :p hehe

ayukie, u meant u pump in handicap toilet not handicap office rite? :p

tanly, maybe ur boss's juz bz la...dun think too muchie!! maybe its not tha bad!

carinez, yes i bringing pump out to pump...its heavy la but i lug it everyday to work now so used to it liao! hehe... yes, u can using pumping pal for ameda...or u can kiap one bottle on ur forearm area and hold another using ur hands...thas what i did last time...

superwalker, got take pics of the 3 bbs bo?? show show leh :p if ur 22nd and 23rd's at marina sq/suntec area, i can onz u la :p

mm6j, finally u appear! u have been missed by everyone

chenmama, hope u all enjoy ur trip...am sure valerie will be good

saphira, good job
but i think record still goes to our mm6j, 600ml in one pump :p
i cfm will be bringing my ameda pump out during cny .. my boy cant be trsuted to latch me or he will latch one side and leave me with loopsided nehs .. whhahaha ... pump more trustworthy ... i will bring my nursing cover along as well ..
i gt the pumpin pal handsfree but i like leaking abit or i dunno hw to use them so i gave up on them .. yeah i also regret nt buyin fs .. i hear mm6j and sporty use like v shiok ..
but i gt the pumping pal supershields .. that 1 i use can see milk being expressed out leh carinez1 you got get that? without that i dunno hw to pump ..
