(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

best one with website.. :p coz need to check out the different maid agencies charges and procedures.. seem every agency is different...

sporty, but weird thing is, at night, ard 2-3am feed hor, he reject my breast leh, he took bottle instead...hmmm..i think cos i din on the light so it's pitch dark, he cannot see what is he drinking from...wahahahahaz...

btw, sporty, r u sure u are working? reply so fast de?!
piggy, i think i reply faster when i'm at work than at home...whahhahha :p cuz no distraction mah! ur son so cute, wanna feed on bottle instead :p maybe he thinks the flow of the bottle is faster so wanna quickly drink and quickly koon...
Saphira, wow!! your supply really good lei!!! 18oz is like my 4 sessions of pumps!

Piggy, i can understd the agony of pouring away EBM. i just poured away 120ml this morning!!! cos baby din want to drink.... think he trying to jian fei

how i envy you mothers who can still do latch. mine dun wanna latch liao cos he used to bott. sometimes when he cried for milk, i feel so much like ripping off my top and offering him my boobs!!
u mean she put the pump parts into Lock Lock, put water and microwave to sterilise?
Cos i know Avent has this microwavable sterliser too, just a container to put the pump parts to sterlise.

I intend to just use hot water, thinking that lock lock is able to use in this manner.
wah... struggling to get my bb to sleep, just now i out pacifier, he refuse n refuse. So i fed up n take it out.
he suddenly look at the curtains moving, n in 1 min, eyes closed!

time for my nap...

Thk he's really adjusting to his growth spurt!
Medela has a Quick Clean MicroSteam Bags for steralisation. One bag u can use 20 times, put water n pop inside microwave.. a box comes with 5 bags...
Kimifin, she just pour hot water inside lock lock and dump the parts inside. no need to put microwave.

Nov baby, i have the medela steambag but haven use yet cos waiting to use at workplace. but each bag cleans
1) 2 breastshields and the valve assemblies
2) 2 (250ml) breastmilk bott and caps
kimifin, in the end, i didnt sterlise my pumps at work, i juz put in ziplock bag and leave it in fridge for next use...actually planned to do the hot water sterlise thingy but didnt...hehe

rachelle, 18 oz is how many mls? i dun have a bottle with me rite now so cant imagine...
i think if were me, i may have to bring 2 sets of pump parts to pump twice. cos wont have time to wash nor sterilise..... sigh...... i hope can still pump at work. else ss will definitely drop a lot
rachelle, ohhh icic...540ml! icic
i wanted to bring 2 sets of the funnels etc but haven got time to buy 2nd set and it take up space in my bag leh, thas why i brought 1 so far...
Hi, Verda

Tried out the Bjorn Active over the weekends when my hubby and I brought my baby out both days. We were in air-conditioned environment (shopping malls) most of the time, but when outside, e.g. walking to car, eating at non-aircon places, etc., I felt that the carrier was okay too, not too warm. The lining is 100% cotton so it's still ok, not the type that makes baby itchy when hot.

Plus the lumbar support really helps compared to the original carrier. I have a Combi carrier that's like the Bjorn original in terms of back support and my back hurts after carrying baby for a while. The lumbar support for the Bjorn Active distributes the weight better, and even my hubby said it was very comfortable and easy to use.

I also saw the Bjorn Synergy on display at Baby Kingdom too, and went to feel the material. It's definitely much thinner and cooler as it's made of mesh material, but somehow it seems more flimsy. Wonder whether it can really support baby's weight?

Anyways, these are my two cents' worth. You may wanna go to one of the shops that sell the full range and try it out for yourself. ;)
1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) sponge (KIV)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Shihui
6) Sporty (KIV)
7) Chris (KIV)
8) Ray of Joy

I have purchased too many milk bags. anyone wants to buy from me? 6 packs of Blue Egg milkbags, 25 pcs in a pack, selling at $8 a pack.
Hi, I am new to this forum but had been following this thread for about 2 weeks.

momo Mummy, perhaps you can also try kids Tui Na (massage) to shorten his recovery. That is usually what I did. I will bring my son to see PD and on top of that i will bring him to Tui Na when he is sick. Usually this will shorten his recovery time to almost half. Let me know if you need contact for tui na. My son is 5 this year. His immunity is very weak, sick every 2 weeks since he started school. Ever since i started a year ago him on Tui Na his health improved tremedously. You won't believe the result. He is sick once last year. Currently my nearly 3 months daughter is going to Tui Na since she is 3 weeks old. Tui Na is the best, no medication and yet their health improves.
d8raem8n > thanks so much for your review. Yeah i will go hunt ard and try with my baby.

argh..the hot weather is making me feel even sleepier
bb super cranky! he can made a loud cry for no reason n stop, n cry again...
if he see us, he might smile.

but he find more comfort in sucking his fists.

Also tend to latch on v long this time nibbling instead of sucking.
superwalker, so fast ur fbm expired liao meh? 3 mths le??

raerae, yeah thks for the link...i already placed orders for the spare parts, i juz wondering whether PIS and FS are interchangable, later i will go check out the www.breastpump.com website... thks for ur concern, my headache's gone!! hehe
Jolene, yes, i change the teats and bottles too. Think she prefer pigeon teats i think is easier to suck compare to avent. I just bought a wide neck pigeon will try whether can put the pigeon teats to avent bottle. If not will need to change bottle also.

Baby at curious stage will forget they are hungry ah?
Mine really prefer to play than drink. Drink also struggle till so jialat, need to coax then drink. Drink half way then sleep ...sigh... Hopes she can adjust to the growth spurts and less fussy. If not everytime feed take almost 1 hour, really can faint.
In case you noticed that your bb tends to sleep n face on 1 side...you may need to encourage him to sleep on the opposite when you can...
cos if later then 4-5 mths, more difficult to train.

my mum ever notice bb face bigger on 1 side n smaller on another.
karen n jolene,

i latch most of the time, so i worry he might reject bottle completely.

This little boy who fuss n refuse to nap now is "talking" to the CNY decor.
Sporty, I only keep mine for 2 mths, cos the tmc lc advised so. Plus my boy does not like fbm now....at most he can take chilled ones. Sigh....that's why I m selling away my milkbags ...
karen, my gal likes to smile and coo at me, while milk dripping out frm her mouth when i latch her nowadays so i try not to make eye contact with her at times...whahha

kimifin, yes! my gal's face one side is chubbier as she likes to sleep on one particular side so we always try to shift her...

superwalker, icic...no wonder u selling off...so now u must work hard to produce fresh ebm le!
Hey Verda,

I'm using the Bjorn Air (pass down from my bro). I figured unless u are carrying for long hrs or ur bb is heavy, if not it is still pretty alrite. The main thing is that there is this X shaped thing of the carrier which u need to position at the center of ur back so tat the wgt is distributed well. The material is pretty good, nt hot mostly my bb perspire coz she leans onto me

Although i think alot of other mummies use carriers of other brands le..
ohh yaa.. does ur baby like to scratch ears or rub eyes? my girl likes to do that.. so cute but scratch and rub until red red...
sporty, my gal smile and cooing that time will have lots of milk/saliva spit from her mouth, even thought is after feed for an hour. She can wet the whole handkerchief, like drooling like that. She sometimes coo till scream ... so fierce.
hi mummies :D

i had been using my new carrier these few days and my girl seems to be enjoying her more than when she is on the stroller.. she can even slp through our lou hei and reunion dinner on the carrier when i am sitting down... wow...

its only $11+$1 postage.. i got it on gmarket.. see if u are interested to get one too
portable and easy to keep :D

see my facebook picture:
Oh yaa, my girl hor has been slping super long hrs for the last few days.. eg. last nite she slpt from 11.30pm to 8.30am this morning... then she woke from her slp and had her feed and zzz again from 9am to 3pm!!! OMG.. is there smthg wrong with her.. she just zz and then suck her thumb and zz... and if i didnt woke her at 3pm to feed and bath.. she can still zz on.. and nw she zzz again...
ayukie, shd be 7.8kg la...my gal already 6.9kg so ur boy shd be bigger!

jolene, mine likes to rub eyes...every morning her face is red with scratches after she wakes up...so must make sure i trim her nails regularly

karen, hahha...so ur gal's like mine...like to smile and coo during feed!

momo mummy, the one who placed orders is anise not ayukie la...
sporty, did not manage to go shopping yesterday. Help my hubby paint our front gate. Resign to fate liao, just wear one of the many bought but never wear before dress for CNY.

momo mummy, anise said that she had ordered but she have not tell us how much to pay,
huh? FBM can only keep for 2 mths? I tot at least 3mths? die liao. like tat i got expired fbm!! so wasted! My MIL asked why dun i use the FBM and freeze the current expressed milk but i tot of giving him fresh milk now. Shd i give fbm and then freeze my fresh milk now?
Rachelle, dun panick yet. Some books say can keep fbm for 3 mths, so dun worry.

My boy also has unbalanced cheeks and now developing a flat head! No wonder how I force him to turn when sleeping, he will turn back. He scratches n rubs his eyes too, that's why i put on mittens when he sleeps at night.
mitsy, nvm la...at least the dress is new mah...i also dun have habit of buying cny clothes before cny...i will buy for everyone in the family before cny so cny no need to panic...

rachelle, 3 mths is ok la for normal freezers...dun worry
actually if u can feed fresh ebm to ur bb, why dun u feed tha first as its definitely more nutritious lor...

superwalker, i will use a pillow to put at the side of the face tha i dun want her to sleep, so at least it will "prevent" her from turning to her fave side when she zzz...
**Sorry** Sorry** I hv been very very very forgetful recently... is really bad to the extend i am always looking for things and i cannot recall where i left it... I bought 7 pacifier and end up i left with 2 only... the rest i forgot where i left it liao.... and last night i took medicine and feed lucas but then after few hours i forgot did i feed lucas medicine or i feed myself? Wah... i super tired and super not enuff rest and super sick
I need my health and my brain back....
superwalker, ya Lucas oso love to rub his eyes and face... he recently scratch his own face... now he got scalds on his cheek.... cos i forgot to wear mittens for him before he zzzz....
momomummy> my email address correct leh... [email protected] there's 2 underscores...

and girls, wanna ask u all ah.. for CNY u all intend to latch outside or bring EBM out? bring baby out WHOLE day damn ma fan....tiring for both of us... but if EBM out, i only got those kind of normal avent chiller bag not fridge to go leh... fbm in chiller bag can last whole day?
in the middle of the day i will go home and pump ah... but go out latch like abit weird leh... cos i will need a room by myself then i will hog the room...
Momo mummy, it's the fatique setting in. You really have to take some strong medicine and conk out for 24 hours to rest and get better! Sayang Timmy's twin too!
superwalker; I want the milkbags!! I'm using the same ones too. Sell to me can? Cuz I not enough bottles to store my bm le.. Hehe~

momo: Tmr cannot see u n lil L... so sad.. but most impt is you take gd care of yourself ya.. why not ask someone to look after Lucas 1st den u take complete rest? If not very diff to recover de wor.. Tt time when i was sick also bobian ask MIL to look after Leann... only den i recovered faster.. took abt 4 days.. Oh ya, drink more water too.. like alot alot alot..

Shirlin, ok! Pass to you tomorrow? How many packs you want? I also pass you the diapers tomorrow? I fb my Hp number? In case u dun come tomorrow, can you SMS me, so that I don't bring out the loots in vain?
