(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

super hot weather today
normally i dun need on aircon for my girl in the daytime but today no choice... she is sweating like mad...

ohh i never buy cot mobile and the rocker doesnt come with a toy.. ehhh no wonder she is so bored manzz...

but i talk alot to her... and she always smile.. esp in the morning when i say gd morning to her, she is so so so happy..

i really wonder hw to start working manz
haizzz... se bu de
and need to send to infant care somemore...
piggym, i started my boy when he was abt 4 mths old cuz i dunno what to do with him...heheh

jolene, yes she will self entertain one...only after half an hr or so when she wanna nap or what, then she will eh eh eh...if u have to start work, bo bian one, can only "catch up" with ur gal when u back home lor...unless u be a sahm till shes older...
Sporty, your hb is able and willing to work from home? U r so lucky to have a supportive hb!

I just got back ...had lunch at durty nelly's 1 for 1 :p ganna blocked ducts....hope I can get it cleared soon!
superwalker, we have no choice as my mum cant help n i cant work from home...so he sacrifice lor! we each have to play our part la, so at nite, we take one kid each to put to zzz, if not very shiong! heheh... durty nelly, i can eat again from next week onwards!! :p

carinez, ok thks...will check

kimifin, used to order online tog with my other thread frens to get bulk discounts n free samples or i will buy from ntuc extra...

blessedcyn, i bought the mat 2 yrs ago from them...fast delivery lor...mine is the yellow bear design...
Zhen zhen and jolene, hah my wound is a long long story...
haha i shall repeat to complain..
a few days aft delivery the wound starts to hurt q badly.. then abt 5 days when go back to clinic for first checkup dr said that the wound is gaping but no infection looks clean.. me v diligent in cleaning the wound cos scared of infection.. dr didnt do anything just prescibed antibiotics

then my hub checked for me at night he say no more stitches le!! meaning the stitches have already came off by the 5th day! its incredible loh, i still think she didnt do a gd job of stitching up the wound..

next checkup she says the wound is still open, she say can restitch but will risk infection so can chose to leave it to heal by itself..

i then went back to the same clinic to see another gynea as she was not around. the gynea said i should have restiched earlier! cos now the wound has healed a little and if i want to restitch, will have to scrap away the healed parts!

hais imagine the pain man.. i really buay tahan..
its been two months and its still raw and painful
oh i went to see the LC at parentcraft today.
she said its not blocked ducts..
she said its because my bra support not good, i didnt adjust the straps tight enough, i thought my tank v small so dun need support mah.. so the milk accumulate at the base and made it hurt..

then huh.. ladies be careful.. then she said i massage too hard and injured my breast tissue and even the ribs! cos yday i thought blocked ducts mah, then tried to massage v hard to remove the blocked duct loh.. but ended up no blocked duct cos there were no lumps at all and injured my poor neh *boo hoo hoo stoopid me*

so just massage firmly but GENTLY and if blocked ducts there will be lumps that we can feel and just massage on the lump with fingers to dissipate it.. I know there are muumies here who are like me who abuse our breasts.. please be careful!
hello gals, if you are interested in the Tm asia, can ask Momo mummy for more info (momo, i hope you won;t mind) since she's in this biz and might as well let her earn the commission. if not, you can ask your frens who are agents with finexsis. if you really have no frens, i can recommend my agent to you. i dun want to sound like i'm helping my fren to promote but i really think is a good plan. you pay $288 for a payout of $100K after 25 years yet baby is protected for life.

MIn, bra strap not tight enough will cos accumulation of milk at the bottom? i din knjow!! i also wear very loose cos i tot i din want to make them tight! Ya,i;m guilty of always squeezing my nehs to force the milk out. Now i very scared liao. I'll be gentle to my nehs from now on!

as for my high pre preg cost, cos i had polycystic ovarian syndrome, i had to undergo treatment like taking clomid and inject some hormones to stimulate ovulation. all these very ex. i even had a key hole surgery done to remove the cysts in my ovaries so that i can ovulate. but lucky that op which cost $4k was fully covered by my prushield insurance so i din pay for tat. My delivery was normal with epi. Hospital bill was $5k plus. so my this baby very ex! but it's worth it la

Actually we can make our own flash cards. you get those old flip calendars and paste bright pictures on it, then you can flip and flip to show your kid. we did tat in sch.

re: solid food, bcos my hb has allergy prob, the doc advised me to bf as long as possible for at least 6 mths. then when intro solid food, always take thos non-allergen foods like rice, potato, carrot etc. most veggie are safe. things like eggs and wheat are high allergens so shd avoid for the first year. then he also say not to give baby solid food which has strong taste for eg sweet stuff. cos once baby dev a liking for strong taste, next time will become very fussy with food.

i need help!!! i got this white white stuff in betweem the nipple and the aerola part. I suspect is the milk residue which was left behind after pumping. i tried to scrap off but it;s like dead skin stuck thr cannot remove easily. anyone has that and can successfully remove? actualy after
i need help!!! i got this white white stuff in betweem the nipple and the aerola part. I suspect is the milk residue which was left behind after pumping. i tried to scrap off but it;s like dead skin stuck thr cannot remove easily. anyone has that and can successfully remove? actualy after every pump, i will use a little of my bm to apply to my nipple and aerola. does that contribute to the residue?
chen mama: OMG!! hw come u and funne all so talented!!!!!!!! the dress is soooo nice!! I hope i can sew my girl girl dresses!

finally pull out the unwashed new clothes to soak and gg to wash pail by pail :p hehehe and dig out those too small clothes to put aside...

rachelle: i mixed up ur SIL and my SIL baby clothes liao leh
haizzz... but i will put all aside then when u have ur #2 u can have them back...

rachelle: yaya, i know she spent alot to have Asher and i felt soOoOOOO happy when i knew she had him~!!! Jiayou for ur #2 :D
kimifin,my boy using physiogel products and cetaphil too. his skin very dry type.
but like no spree lei.

i also thought of buying the avent steamer/blender, but ex, think will just use normal blender.

sporty, i also use healthy times cereal. last time for my elder son also. find it good cos wholegrain.

it's better to start with cereal than porridge cos of iron, bb once start weaning will drop in iron, especially bm not much iron. so cereal is iron fortified better for them compared to porridge, unless, use brown rice to cook porridge, will be better.

superwalker, if you are looking at bumper mats from small small world, let me know, cos i know the biz owner, a friend.

relative of mine also doing policy from prudential, he has very good plan for education savings too, he handles all our family clan's children's education funds. let me know if you dun mind prudential.

min, i also dun adjust tight straps lei, cos breasts small, at home also dun wear bra, cos hot and also easier to bf. din realise will cos milk to collect at bottom, i always squeeze them like no one's biz. oh no.

chen mama!!! that dress you sew yourself? so cute!!! you're talented man. oh, by the way, my girl enjoys looking at the cow family you made. keke
Hihi jas~!!!

Welcome to the forum~!!!!!!!!!

Jas is my friend~!!! She delivered her boy one day before i delivered my girl :p heehee...
Rachelle Ling, Min,
Valerie will be 3 months this Sunday.

Thanks, i enjoy sewing her small dress and hat to match.. so cute! hee.. the balance fabric i dress a top for myself lah..

Glad to heard that your girl like the 'cow family'

Looking forward meet face to face with mummies and all cute baby after cyn gathering..

will update more dress i sew on baby blog soon..
myboyjovan, yes, i am inetrested. can ask your friend to send me the catalouge please? or is there an online one?

chenmama, cute dress and hat! my mummy used to make me clothes when i was young too! too bad i have only mastered making clothes for my softtoys :p

rachelle ling, thanks for the link! the educational materials really look easy to make!
i also like to sew clothes for my softtoys too..
After sew my cny dress, i use the balance to sew Valerie dress and hat.

Rachelle Ling,
thanks for the link, will try to make the educational materials.. keep me busy

update baby blog already..
Chen mama! you are so slim after delivery!! Envy Envy! really love your handicraft works! you have magical hands! can make a biz out of it lei!
i like polka dots..the hat can be use both side.

i stay at Tampines Central. How about u? Maybe we can gathering those who stay Tampines ..
Rachelle Ling,
i only gain weigh on tummy..2 weeks after delivery i can wear back my pants
Thanks, my hands cant stop doing thing lah..
Always looking around for nice print fabric.
Also sew some dress for Valerie using my old dress,,recycle ma..
woah! chen mama, the dress is sooooo nice! ur gal is lucky!
i wanted to sew a skirt for my gal.. but don't know how to start! :p
chen ma ma, just read your blog..your girl is so cute and those hand made stuff by you are so cute!!!!!!

I am also intrested in the small small world playmat...are we able to get better price if we order more (can consolidate all our orders)?
superwalker, ssw is small small world...its one of the name of the company tha sells the bumper mats from the bulk purchase section...since myboyjovan knos the owner even better lor!!

min, i'm one of those who "torture" my boobs also...thks for sharing what the LC told u, very informative!!

rachelle, i also had PCOS but got preggy with #1 before i officially started on the clomid...after delivery of #1, the pcos seems to have "gone away", so maybe ur #2 wun be so diff to conceieve...

chenmama, long time no see u here...valerie looks very sweet in the dress u sew, very nice!! i like

myboyjovan, yes...my boy loves the oatmeal and brown rice cereal from healthy times so most likely i will continue with this brand for my gal lor...
Sporty, tat's encouraging! i always think that i will hv prob having #2 cos of my condition. you were lucky to skip the treatment. I had to go thru it and it was not easy. very stressful indeed!
hi all
hmm, didn't know quite a lot mummies interested in the bumper mat.
i'll ask her if she can give a better price than bulk purchase, but what's the bulk purchase price?
then i ask her quote lower.
or anything from her web site you want let me know too, i try try huh....
Update: Spree for Diody cups

Apart from Fieda, momo_mummy and zentan, the rest of the cups will be mailed out today.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
2. zhen zhen - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
3. carinez1 - Orange - PAID $12.41
4/5. Fieda - blue & purple - PAID $24.22
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
7. momo_mummy - red - PAID $12.41
8. zentan - red - PAID $12.41
9. carolorac - Purple Sparkle - PAID $12.41
10.Cheryl - Turqoise - PAID $12.41
11.Devlina - Blue & Turqouise - PAID $26.46
12.Jane-cerise sparkle - PAID $12.41
We bought a medical plan which cover HMFD, Dengue and disease(food poisoning) - 200+ per year and an Endowment plan (330 per month) from AIA for my gal. We compare the Endownment plan from Pru and AIA, and find that the AIA one is better cause we notice most of the endownment plan the gurantee return is always less than the premium we pay. And this AIA Smart Growth the guarantee return is more thatn what i pay. we only need to pay 12 years,and when my gal 18 then can get the money, gurantee is 50k , projected is close to 80k. At the same time my gal is cover by the standard coverage and critical illness. Anyway, the premium amount calculated is based on the payee age. The younger you are the cheaper the rate is. Of course medical condition also come into the consideration.
BlessedCYN: U send me a link on mumsfairy hor... the medication issit fengureek? Cos i am taking it now but now didnt breast feed lucas so i stop for awhile. Ya that Doctor is horrible wont go back to him anymore

Swanston and Carinez: The other time both of u and another mummy wanted the Korean LG playmate that comes with a carrier and i was saying that my friend in JB can help me to get it at abt $90 (after exchange rate) but the size is abt 200cm; 180cm ; 0.6cm lahz... is relative much cheaper than small small world but the thickness is of cos diff. Cos i think small small world mat is abt 1cm thick... (paid more get thicker ones lahz... hehe)
I got my fren to take picture of her JB LG playmat liao, so if u all still interested let me know lahz... (comes in 3 design: ABC, yellow bear and bear)

Piggym, sporty, Zhen Zhen: Hmmm this doctor is actually my hubby's family doctor so when i married to my hubby i started to see him. Used to be ok ley until this visit... haiz, i didnt bother to see another doctor lah.. cos i am really very sick. So just kuai kuai eat the medication and pump and throw away loh.. Lucas becos of me got even more sick now. He cough more freq and his nose like block like that... I see my lucas sick i very heart pain liao... haiz... Hope i can recover soon to take care of him better. Becos i am so sick, hub got to take the night shift to look after lucas so end up hub oso again not well... WAH PIANGZ wonder when we will all get well SOON

My company does product research on Singapore financial products (what is good and value for $$) I can share the information with you abt the TM Asialife product with u if u really keen, but I am not active in sales already, so dun worry that I will sell and push like those insurance agent.. whahaha... Will show u the plan, u want then buy dun want is ok de ya... hehe
I think i hv PM d8raemin and Ayukie my hp number but Velo urs dun allow PM, u add me in ur msn lahz... my msn is [email protected]
I am at work but i feel damm terrible... i think i am too sick to work... can hardly breath well here....
I need a plumber to clear my block nose!
Morning mummies.

Sporty, have you receive my payment? Do let me know.

Momo mummy, it is nice to work loh. Atleast got $. I sms my boss to arrange for my no pay leave until end March and he didn't bother to reply me. So I am expecting them to discontinue my contract as it is due in 14 Jan. So got to see see look look for new job after my new maid arrive.
rachelle, i have a few friends who have PCOS too. and they were able to conceive without treatment. maybe you just try try for #2 and see how? maybe like sporty, it gets better after the first one? jia you!

chen mama, love the dress and hat that you sewed for your girl. do you use any patterns? or you create your own patterns? i've just started sewing too. but my sewing skills still quite basic. only manage to sew shorts, skirt and simple top.
Momo, actually the best cure for running nose is to rest n rest. cannot dun work and rest at home?

Superwalker, got pain in the nose? if not, mayb you are too heaty? drink more water and eat less heaty food. i think if is heaty, see doc also not much use. can drink those eno? but dunno if got any effect on bf.....

zhen zhen, thanks for the encouragement!! wah!! you also know how to sew! i always envy pple who can sew cos i think it;s a great skill to have. can sew for your loved ones. Your gal look adorable in the dress you sew. it;s "ai xin" brand one mah!
Tanly, **Hugs** Agree is good to work.. aiyo i slap ur boss for u, so rude never reply ur sms. Haiz male bosses can never understand how mummies feel.

Zhen zhen, y remove the picture, very nice ma... u oso very talented can sew very well.

Rachelle Ling, cannot dun work, got lotsa stuff pile up waiting for me to clear!
hey all, me loggin in from office

superwalker, think u better go see a doc la since 2 times liao!

momo mummy, u sounded bad!! hope u get well soon!!

tanly, yes gotten ur payment liao..thanks

rachelle, some pple's pcos goes away from delivery, maybe thas for ur case too! for me, my menses was still haywired after i stopped bfing #1 so i dunno whether pcos really left me!

momo mummy, take mc n rest...otherwise it will take longer to get well! and we wanna listen to your jokes on tues - so pls get well for the gathering

rachelle, no pain....emmmm..maybe i drink some young coconut - its liang, right? if nose bleed again tonite at the same time in the middle of the nite, i m gonna freak out!!!
