(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

you can surf the bulk purchase section of the forum.. you might be able to find the california baby cream and also shoppin for CNY clothes..

Hi mummies,
Sometimes bb did not able to sleep well is due to colics. My therapist advise to massage bb with telon oil, anti clockwise and hold bb your tummy and bb tummy together and pat their back. Its really works for my bb. I still email their company if I have quires abt my bb till now. Mayb can email your quires too abt your bb. visit their website jamumassage.com
Yes is jing ying hua. My yi shi asked me to boil with gan cao. She asked me to feed bb when come back from hospital, it helps to clear all the system so that bb skin will be clean. I even took it when i was pregnant. But i only feed bb a bit, the next day bb sticky eyes clear but recently come back again. I suspect bb is heaty cause he also got a lot of yellow flaky stuff on his ears and eye brows which my sis said is oil dried up on the skin.

So what did the eye specialist prescribe and how's ur boy now?

My boy also prefers my hubby. He will stop crying almost immediately when my hubby carry him but wouldn't stop when is me. I have extra aloe vera cream which i bought quite a lot from amazon, do u want?
almost died of engorgement...now pumping after latching my gal...my gal slept from 11pm to 530am! hope this routine continues... hee

starrz, i'm sure ur gal will be ok...i heard before the hole in heart will close up one...

taurus, haha...ya lor, maybe u did too much sprees liao! u feed him on demand in the day or every 3 hrly kind?

piggy, cool it...if u stay with ILs really have to keep one eye closed...so did ur son wake up after ur fil carried him?

carinez, yeah...see the bulk purchase section to shop! thas one of my fave section...hee
i also just done with pumping.. trying to clear a blocked duct.. so painful!
my gal last night slept from 8 plus till this morning 5.15.. let's keep our fingers cross that the‭ routine continues.. hehe..
Sporty & saintbaby, so envious!!! If my boy can sleep for more than 4 hours I happy liao! Mine has been waking up every hour from 4am onwards. Sigh....
Wow so good ur girl start sleeping thru the night liao. Have ur girl reached 5kg cause i read a book that if bb reach 5 kg, they will start sleeping longer. He's still feeding at 2hrs. I dun wake him up for feeds as i hope to extend his feeding. Yesterday night i let him cry to sleep on his own at 10+pm but he awoke half an hr later crying again. So fed him and then he slept again till 1+am. My hubby is able to coax him back to sleep but dunno why i can't. Maybe he needs man smell. So yesterday night was better but dunno when he can sleep longer.

Ok but how u want to get it from me? I staying at Bukit Panjang.

wow ur girl slept even longer. Envy.
saintbaby, blocked ducts from ur non-pumping when u out for hair appt? hhehe... wah, ur gal li hai leh...slept so many hrs!! yes yes i hope the routine continues...

superwalker, dun be envious la...maybe its juz a one off thing...

taurus, juz tha first time she's like tha leh...so not considered as sleeping thru la...my gal was 4.8kg few days back...maybe i weigh her later to see whether she hit 5kg...really ah hit 5kg will sleep longer? good leh... hahha...u so funny, said ur son needs men's smell...LOL... anyways at nite juz feed on demand la...dun wake them up...yesterday i was up at 3am plus and woke up every hr and wonder how come my gal still sleeping...heheh
sporty, saintbaby,
my gal oso sleep thru the nite.. her last feed is usually abt 11pm.. and it can last her till 7am... :p

but daytime she's usually quite awake n wants to be carried... tried cold turkey on her but dun seem to work... she will juz keep crying n crying until her voice is hoarse and her scream got no voice lidat... see liao really heartpain.... but, if i dun start cold turkey now, in future when she goes infant care, she will hav a tougher time if she can't self soothe... hai~~~
taurus, I think I shall try giving jing yin hua, I've always use this to detox my body and have used this for clearing urinary tract too. My CL told me to give this to bb but I tot he is too young lor.... How you boil it?

Sporty/ saintbaby, so envy leh... your bb can sleep thru the nite, my bb like an alarm clock one, will wake up at 2.30am, 5.30am then 8.30am...even my #1 still wake up at 1 or 2 times to drink... haigh...
Hallo, want to know who can help me on this situation?

In the day/nite, when trying to BF bb to sleep/nap, bb tends to be impatient and pull n tug on the nipple as he feeds on the 1st breast after 10 mins( I suspect cos low supply as he reaches for the hind milk...so I switch to next breast, which he fell sleepy n dun pull so much.

Wonder if this way, he did not get the hind milk from either breast or did not empty my breast?
Me started Fenugeek from GNC yesterday, 2 capsule for 3 times per day.

Only pump once at 3am after bb feed.

wonder if will help in my day supply
ya lor! the blocked duct cos i didn't pump when i went to do my hair! the price i have to pay for wanting to be pretty... lolx..

superwalker & taurus..
don't envy la.. maybe as sporty say it's a one off thing.. but i pray that it's not!

wow! your gal even longer! hehe..
I'm so exasperated by my bb. Whenever he's awake, he'll gesticulate for milk very soon. But when the EBM is heated up, he will first suckle on the bottle teat very fast and then couldn't finish it. I've been trying to get him on at least a 2-hourly routine of feeding EBM at 100ml but usually doesn't work by afternoon. He will suddenly cry out very loud and start sucking his fingers and demand feeding. By the time EBM is heated up, which is only about 5-8 min, he can't finish it already. However when he is asleep and I wake him up after 2 hours, he can finish his 100ml. Sometimes, he'll demand feeding an hour earlier and when the milk is offered, he won't drink it. By 9pm, he is often cranky and will tear the house down with his crying. This lasted till 1 am last nite. How? I've been so frustrated over this.

He also has rashes on his cheeks and sticky eyes. Plus colic also, prob due to drinking too fast from the bottle.

Also, I tried taking fenugreek capsule. It helped to increase my milk production a bit but it gives me this strange body odor. Also I start having leaky breasts. Anyone eating fenugreek too?

I'm so tired that I felt like running away from the bb.
shihui, wah, ur gal's good sleep thru le...is it a everyday thing? i hope mine is... aiya...she awake in the day is better than she awake at nite rite? :p

caffe latte, mine maybe one off la...dunno yet... my #1 still wake up once for milk every nite till now lor...

kimifin, i think ur boy wun empty ur breast completely...ur boy pull and tug could it be becuz of letdown? my gal does tha too and when i unlatched her...sometimes the milk sprays on her face...hahha

saintbaby, nvm la...slowly unblock tha duct...ai swee mah :p kekkeke

Do mummies who are doing latching on experience bb diving at yr breast even thou bb may not be hungry. However, when someone else carries the bb, he will stop this action ?
rhapsodyrach, ur experience sounds so tiring? u tried a 3 hrly routine for him in the day?cuz 100ml sounded too much for 2 hrly... rashes on his cheeks, isit milk rash? rem to wipe his face with wet cloth after feed... i heard of this weird smell after taking fenugreek but i have yet to try fenugreek tho

carol, cuz we have milk smell mah so bb always looking for our nipples when we carry them...hee
wah, I tried to settle bb to sleep by feeding him at 1030am, but back to his cot, 5 mins later, he cried...so coax him to sleep but 2 more times, back to cot, he cried...
just fed him at 1150am...now back to cot...hope can have my lunch peacefully.
sporty,i dun this is let down...
occur mostly at noon n nite..

12midnite to 6am, he sleepy but hungry,so will not do such thg.
hello all!
kena mastitis on sunday, fever for 3 days liao, only yesterday the fever went away. so sian.. but still not completely cleared yet, now still got a little lump on my left side that so irritatingly painful.. i fashioned a hot compress out of a milkbag and put on the spot every pumping session to try and encourage the lump to clear but not really very useful eh.. fed up ..
I got lump on my breast too, i pinch it so to clear th block duct, duno if necessary to see lactation consultant.

The big lump seems to soften a bit, thk i must use more force to squeeze the lump toward the nipple direction.

But this way duno will worsen?
daytime, bb sleep less, so i feed on demand, like 1.5hrs to 2.5hrs.
he normally wont sleep past 3 hrs between feeds.
sporty, saintbaby, shihui
Seems like all the girls are starting to sleep thru the night.

Yi shi told me to just boil for a while just like boiling tea but i would boil longer around 15mins. I boil jing yin hua and gan cao together. So ur CL also taught u this. Only need to use small amount for bb, yishi told me to feed 5ml.

my CL says the face redness n pimples is coz he is "pai du" removing toxic..

I din apply anythg...i see some patch goes off after a while, but then new patches show up.
I feed at fixed 2 hrs interval during the day but if bb wake up earlier hungry then will feed him but depends on situation. Anyway now my boy automatically will wake up at 2hrs for milk.
Yah correct bb is detoxifying thru his skin, jing yin hua helps their body to detoxify as mentioned by caffelatte.
during daytime, i latch my boy on..he will cry for milk abt 2hrs interval..so wondering is he drinking enough? but well, after 20min on 1 breast only, he stopped and has a satisfied look..lolz..

during night time, i bottle feed him, he sleep longer! abt 4hrs interval..bottle feed with 120EBM..
juz finished lunch...had curry udon...shiok

kimifin, so did u have lunch peacefully? so how u settle lunch now after cl's gone? u juz press hard on lump when latching or pumping to clear...

saintbaby, bo bian lor...now swee liao, slowly latch to clear...

magical, no wonder didnt see u online...u dun latch bb rite? if not easier to clear with bb latching...

tanly, i feed bb every 3 hrs in the day...sometimes could be 2 n 1/2 or 3 1/2...i quite flexi...
taurus, kimifin
The rashes is on and off thing. He is ok after applying antibiotic cream but once laid off the rashes will come back lor... I don wish to depend too much on prescribtion drugs... we did a culture test abt a mth ago, the result is something call 'MRSA'
Any good tips to settle bb to sleep?
my bb likes to sleep during BF...then in my arms after I tried to unlatch. If put back to his cot, n he makes noise, shd I latch him again or pat him to sleep without carrying him?

yes, bb gave me 1.5hrs to eat..but woke up again. I just posted for tips how to settle bb back.

I supposed 4-6 weeks bb need 16hrs of sleep, right?
taurus - anti biotics , artificial tears eye drops (2 types/btls) and massage and cleanning now no more sticky eyes thx god ..
Hi Ladies

Hope you don't mind me joining in. My bb is 1 mth plus a couple of days. After reading your posts, seems like some of us are going thru' the same things. My bb will also sleep in the aftn 4 to 5 hrs at a stretch but from 10pm onwards,he'll be super alert and cries to be carried (also due to colic) all the way to 1 to 2am. Hubby tries to help but I feel bad cos he still has to work the next day. So also super tired. I try to sleep in the day. PD suggested give formula in the night to help bb sleep better (also cos he claims bb's wgt gain not enough as he only gained 0.3kg in the second week)

My prbm is milk ss. Try to latch bb every 2hrs in the day and express likewise in the night but in the day, sometimes bb only feeds on one side then falls asleep and I can't wake him up. Any suggestions? I'm taking up to 9 to 12 fenugreek tablets in hope of increasing ss as sometimes bb is hungry even bef 2hs is up. Very worried that he is not eating enough. Pooh pooh frequency seems to have gone down also now that he has reached 1 mth. Not sure if I'm being paranoid. Btw, my bb also has small little pimple like things on the face and pd says it is due to hormones in the breast milk.

Anyone who has suggestions on how to increase milk ss other than frequent latching (which I'm trying to do now, until I really sore),please share. Thanks
Just wondering, since we cant sleep well if bb keep waking up, then our ss will be affected.

but we are mummies, so need to care of bb as well as ourselves. I really hope my bits of pieces of sleep here n there will maintain my supply.
So if my bb sleep beyond 3 hrs and miss her feeding time, should I wake my gal up for feeding or I should feed on demand?

Dealing with colic prob, I will normally apply ru yi oil every time I change diapers and will hug my gal's tummy against my body to keep her warm and secure to put her to sleep.
hi ladies,

sorry to intrude.
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thanks Sporty! Okay, i'll try 2.5 hourly. But the thing is, bb may suddenly wake up earlier and demand for milk vehemently. I usually put my EBM in the fridge and it takes about 5-8 min to warm up. My impatient bb just wouldn't wait and will wail very violently. By the time the milk is offered, he will take a lot of fast mouthfuls, then stop feeding. Makes my EMB go to waste and worse still, he will demand for feeding pretty soon again before 2 hours are up. Don't know whether anyone have babies who also live by the motto ' I want it NOW'. How do you stop your EBM going to waste when bb doesn't want to finish? I find it too troublesome to heat up smaller quantities at a time as once he has to wait for his 'second round', he may refuse it too.

My hubby has been turned off by my bodily fenugreek smell. Don't know whether it's because the ones I'm taking are from GNC, or do all brands of fenugreek give us bodily maple syrup smell?
Hi Babymuffin, I have the exact experience. Tried to latch on in the daytime before but somehow bb doesn't seem to be fed enough and demands feeding almost every hour (sometimes half hour). Hence in the end I resort to expressing milk to feed him, hoping that this will instill some regularity. Will latch him on at night cos he's less demanding and will sleep once been fed.

I just keep pumping and pumping and my supply has been increasing. However, I'm also worried that it may not meet bb's demands eventually, hence am taking fenugreek capsules. Like I wrote in my previous message, it's giving me a strange body odour, so I'm looking at alternatives. think there is a prescriptive medication for gastric that has galactorrea as a side effect. Will ask my gynae during my next appt about it.
Hi Babymuffin again, just to add that my bb is also experiencing the same night crying problem for the past few days. He'll cry non-stop from 10pm till about 2am. He gives the hungry signs too, so I offered my breasts but he would suckle for 5-10 min, only to cry again. He would also lick his fingers and move his mouth, so I offered him EBM but he only took 20ml. Do you think this is colic too? SOmehow he always gives the hungry signs but I suspect he's not always hungry, just being a very confused bb.

kimifin, bb will have tummy probs if we eat liang food? what kinda tummy probs? i always try to let my bb sleep by herself la...unless i desperate then i will latch her to sleep :p so far i haven tried patting her yet but i saw my hb did tha when he put her to zz...

caffe latte, yeah i cooked curry udon for lunch

babymuffin, if ur bb feeds on one side in the day...u can pump the other side concurrently when latching to up ur supply or u can pump tha side after u latched... try taking milo or oatmeal...it helps for me to increase ss...papaya fish soup is another good booster...

tanly, i will max let my bb sleep for 3 and 1/2 hrs and i will try waking her up for milk in the day...at nite, i feed on demand...cuz i wanna sleep also mah :p

rhapsodyrach, if u kno ur bb's pattern is every 2 hrs and cant wait, u may as well leave the ebm outside at room temp like 30 mins to 1 hr before the 2 hrs's up...so when u heat up, its faster lor... use the balance of ebm to wash ur hands if bb cant finish lor... i think all fenugreek gave out maple syrup smell...
