(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

kimifin, how long did your bb latch before you put bb to cot? if bb has been actively sucking for at least 10 mins and is full, like for my bb always suckle one side for 10 mins usually and fall asleep and then i put her down to sleep. if she makes noise, i will latch again but for another 10mins niah and if the same pattern happens, i ignore her liao and go out of the room... unless she cry for more than 15 mins then i will come in and latch again... but then i've been slowly converting to bottle feeding more now... cos latching for me seems to mess up the schedule and ends up with very little me time and time with my elder gal.... bottle feed makes life much easier for everyone... hee... but i will still latch from 11pm onwards and morning first feed before i pump.... but go out i will do pure latching cos i lazy to bring pump and ebm out.

ayukie, oic.... cos i wanted to get her to do one ginger massage for me.... cos i think i still got some wind in me as my tummy is quite hard lor... been trying to call her but not connected... will try again on fri.

tanly, for me during daytime, if bb go beyond 3 hr, i will wake her up liao by changing her diapers. cos she is now feeding around 80ml every 2.5 hrs so if go till 3hrs, she is like underfeeding so i will wake her up by then.... but so far, she quite auto wake up by 2 - 2.5hrs unless the room temp is very cosy like now (just finished raining), she will go beyond that then i will wake her up but for night feeds, i don't bother.... cos wanna train her to sleep thru...

my gal now feeds 2hrs.. 125ml of EBM.. but sometimes she sleeps longer.. i don't bother to wake her.. normally by 3 hours she will automatically wake up for milk.. as for at night, we only feed her when she wakes up and cry for milk..
Ariesgal, Grace went Chengdu, China for about a week but should be back today. Because I have a massage appt with her tonight. So you could try again.
So what does the result 'MRSA' from the culture test means? How was the culture test been carried out?

It won't be liang. Anyway i'm using very small amount to cook and only give bb 5 ml only. Actually is better to feed by schedule during the day as this also helps to train the baby to sleep thru the night faster.
Hi ladies

My girl also facing the same prob, got wind in the stomach and does not like to lie flat. Constantly gotta carry to sleep and once put down she wakes up. End up she doesn't sleep a lot in the day She likes to be carried upright with tummy agst my body and only sleeps when lying on tummy. Is it ok to let a 6 week old sleep on her tummy?

Am also feeding on demand day & night. Do u gals still pump out after a feed? how long do we need to do this? cos may need to go out for a longer period n dun wanna worry abt having to pump out. When will our milk ss become stable?

I'm having problem with my Avent bottles. They keep leaking n i have to unscrew n screw many times to see if it leaks. very frustrating as the milk is wasted! Anyone has the same prob? Wondering if we can complain to Avent. I bot so many btl somemore incl the big ones. If every btl also leak, i'm in trouble!
piggy> SO CUTE CAN!! omg!

oh man.... make me feel like going liao... where u got it from? platinum mall?

i totally understand how u feel when ppl just takes the bb like tat so they can "play" then when bb cry just throw back to us...haizz... TOTALLY understand... mine is worst... my hb's hse nxt door is his aunty and they always just grab the bb to their hse and dono do what i really cannot imagine... their hse is FULL of kids and i guess they always play with the bb then when the bb comes back he's always crying... then at night he can't sleep liao cos think play too much.... sigh...

I see him v sleepy, so feed about 10mins + 5mins(other breast) n put him back.

I thk must let him fall deeply asleep in my arms b4 putting to cot.

So far, he gets more alert after he started to cry....much more difficult to settle him later.

I never try more than 5min.
best part, he thinks that he is always right!

just now insist to help me feed..well, ok, i'm fine de...BUT u see the way he feed ah..walao...

my boy slept when almost finishing, then the old man shake and shake and shake him, to wake him up to finished the balance, which is ard 10ml..

my boy was "SHAKEN" awake and refused to suck, but the old man still continue to shake! F**K!

i told him, dun want means dun want liao..why force him?!

then he wants to try to burp him..omg, position all wrong! i want to take over, he say no need, he can de..

my boy sleep liao, he still continue to carry and talk to him so loud.."OLD MAN, are you brainless or wat?"

ARGH>>>stupid old man!
mine not let down, cos I need to compress my breast as I feed him. So as to squueze more out, hope then he also gets the hind milk.

Maybe cos of the blocked ducts, 1 side more than the other...


I just took Fenugeek yesterday.
How did your supply respond? Do you need to pump more often?

I only pump once at 3am, cos bb demand milk a lot in the day n my supply is low as the day goes. i did not express enough for an entire feed. only good to supplement a late nite feed, when he gets impatient and refuse to suck hard.
i've been taking fenugreek for the past 2 weeks.. abt the smell.. i don't realise le.. maybe later i ask my hubby if i smell of it.. hehe.. i'm doing exclusive pumping so i pump 3-4 hourly.. when i first started taking fenugreek.. my ss slowly and gradually went up.. but i also drink a lot of fluids and soups.. also, must rest..
rhapsodyrach, i also taking fenugreek from GNC same as saintbaby i dun smell like what u describe leh. I have been taking it from the 5th day my bb born. My EBM ss increased from 40ml to 100mml per session.

Piggy, wow nice pic of ur bb. Really v.cute eyes r big!
ya loh i dun latch.. so nothing i can do but to pump as usual and hope it'll clear off soon loh...

dont be upset la.. older ppl have their own way of taking care of bb..if you not comfy with his style must let him know or subtly give suggestions. anyway your hubby was brought up the same way n he's perfectly fine!

would like to post more but typing with one hand only. the other arm holding bb n patting him.. ha.. multi tasking
tauras, PD said it was caused by skin contact... don know is it me but I seldom latch him nowadays and he still get it lei... cultured test is also taken like a swap test with a cotton bud something like the strep b test...
ask you ah.. how often you pump now? den when you go out for long hours, do u bring your pump along? cos i realise that if i don't pump abt 3 hours from my last pumping session, i get engorged and painful.. today brought my kids to my nearby market.. we were out for 3 hours plus..‭ den i was super engorged already. faster rush home to pump milk.. so i'm wondering if i wanna go out shopping without baby, den how? bring pump??
bo bian..have to bear with it..old man always give me funny surprise..

when i ask him to put baby down to bed to sleep so he can go do his stuff(he carrying baby for the past 2hrs plus)..less than 5mins of putting baby to bed (while i patting him to sleep), he walked back and ask me to go eat something or do my things (i already eaten, pls), he wants to carry him to sleep...i say, no need cos he is half asleep liao..

already told him, dont carry too much, if not next time, got hard time siah..
if i were in your situation.. i will tell him off le.. cos if babies keep carrying.. next time xiong.. they will want to be carried all the time! my inlaws know i don't give them face one.. tml bringing my kids back to my inlaws place.. i know my mil will surely wanna carry.. but i'll be slinging baby.. haha..
actually i don't mind them carrying, just that sometimes they like to do stupid and weird things.. esp my husband's sister..
the older generation always think their method is right one.. den if you tell them, they say last time they also do it this way.. duh! last time police wear shorts le!
Carinez1> Think yr baby is suffering fr colic, cos those that u hv mention seems to be similar to my baby's symptoms when he suffers fr colic.
My baby also clench his fist and his feets will curl up and kick and his cries is very different fr his normal cry, its loud and sometimes screaming.
Sometime while he is slpg, he suddenly scream in his slp and start crying loudly and uncontrollably.

Try to carry him upright with his tummy against yr body and walk/hop ard (it works for mine all the time), my fren's doc advise that baby suffering fr colic feels better being upright.
Try to keep burping him when he is suffering fr his fits, they will feel instant relief when the burp is out, if they fart, the gas is also let out, u will notice their face of relief.
I tried to burp my baby many times after feed, thou i know usually one burp is good enough but u will be surprise how many burps i can make out fr persistent motion of burping.
U can imagine how mch air is trapped.
I can burp my baby for 20-30mins every feed.

Some says gripe water helps.

I hv recently bought "rid wind", and tried a few times, baby seems to be good for now, we didnt hv the colic attack since sat but i suspect could be also that i chg my old similac formula to the advance similac immunify .

Notice that my baby makes alot of bubbles fr drinking the old formula but not with the new advanced formula, suspect it reduce alot of air intake.

Am really glad that we dun hv to handle his colic almost every other day for a persistent 7pm-12am non stop crying.

I read a few days ago someone posted to put baby on his tummy after feeding & burping to reduce the air in his tummy for an hr.

U can try the abv methods if it works, know its very heartache and frustrating to handle a colic baby, take care & good luck!
tanly & funne...
sometimes my gal also like that.. after feeding le refuse to sleep want to be carried.. i'll carry her a while and pat her to sleep.. if she doesn't den i'll put her down on the bed.. den i'll talk to her..
i'll let her cry for a while before i pick her up again.. den she'll fall asleep..
morning all
nice weather to snooze :p
my gal didnt sleep thru last nite...woke up at 3am+ for milk...haiz...
anywyas i weighed her this morning, she's 5kg liao! another 200g, she will double her birth weight! *happy*

saintbaby, wah ur gal's a huge drinker...125ml...no wonder u must pump so often to keep up with her demand...

odiey, if ur gal can turn her head by herself...tha means her neck's strong enough, u can let her sleep on her tummy...if not u will have to keep checking on her... yes i still pump out after latch but not every latch cuz it depends on whether i'm free to do so cuz have to juggle #1 and housework etc... i think after 2nd mth, more or less our ss will be stable... i also go out for like 6 to 7 hrs, but i will bring bb along so can relieve abit but come back, first thing is PUMP! :p

piggy, ur boy looks so alert in the pic!
i think ur FIL loves ur boy alot, kept wanting to carry him... shd ask him dun spolit ur boy cuz dun let ur boy have the habit of being carried!

magical, hope ur blocked duct is cleared by today...

babylele, wow...u burp ur bb for 20 to 30 mins? u are very patient lor...for me max is 10 mins...

funne, i have my fair share of the cycle u mentioned...sometimes i'm like saintbaby, juz leave her to cry, after tha she juz fall asleeps :p
sporty and saintbaby, wanna ask how long does your gal take to finish the 100 / 125ml of bm? my gal is like taking forever and by the time i'm done with her feed, almost an hour has gone by and sometimes she breaks the feed into 2, can drag to 1.5 / 2 hrs! like that how to feed when the 3 hr is up? then i weigh her this morning, she like not gaining a lot or rather fast enough leh.... she has been yo yoing between 4.2 - 4.5kg this 2 wks..... dunno if it's the scale or wat....
sporty, your gal solid leh.... 5kg! i dunno when my gal can hit 5kg.
i think i will now go on full ebm liao cos i think the latching thing is really messing up the whole feeding leh.... i try to latch first thing in the morning but then end up i really dunno how much she took and when she wakes up 2 hrs later, i gave her 100ml but she can't finish at all...... this morning she break into 2 feeds again and now left 30ml since 8.30..... so she is only like taking 70ml again! like that how to gain weight.... sigh...
ariesgal, my gal takes abt 5 to 10 mins to finish tha bottle of ebm...if your gal gains abt 100 to 200gm a week shd be ok range la... for me, last time my boy also gained weight quite fast even tho he's born ard the same weight as my gal, i guessed my tummy wasnt too conducive for them to grow and they grow faster after birth ba...

as long as ur gal is drinking, even tho slow...she will gain weight one...the drinking via instalments might be a passing phrase, i rem my boy used to have a period like tha also...after awhile it resume back to normal...
my gal takes abt 15 to 30 mins to finish.. if she's hungry.. she can finish less than 15 mins.. my mummy always say.. xiao jie drinking milk.. lolx...

now you know why i have to keep pumping..
sometimes her last feed at night, we give her slightly more so she'll sleep longer..
sporty, really? it's very tiring cos always have to track the time she started and when is the next feed and when break into 2 feeds or more, very frustrating cos dunno next feed should start all over again or break into smaller portion.....
she has gained about 400g since her last check up 17 days ago....
saintbaby, ya lor...125ml very shiong! so how much more did u feel her for last feed?

ariesgal, last time if my boy does instalment feeding, we juz let him finished tha bottle n top up accordingly to make up to 100ml (for eg)...400g over 2 weeks is good range leh...dun worry too much!
sporty, how you top up?
for eg: i prepare 100ml @ 8.30am. she drank 30ml and then break till 9.15am and take another 40ml. then zzz till now.
ariesgal, feed her the 30ml if she wakes up before 1230pm...then add another 70ml lor...thas what my mum used to do when my boy have this prob...
if say she wakes up 1130 so i give the remaining 30 and add 70ml to it to make 100ml? but if she cant finish ahain and break then do the same cycle?
ariesgal, if not u start the day with 60/70ml then increase if not enough?! maybe now she wanna drink frequent feeds but less amt? bb can juz change their habits...we juz be more flexible lor...try diff ways...
Need some advice here as i think that i should lengthen my boy's feeding schedule to 2.5hrs or 3 hrs as he's currently feeding at 2 hrs. Cause most of the time my boy feed only 5 mins and suckle without much energy at 2 hrs interval. But found that he can suckle faster and with more energy when at times he woke up 3 hrs later. Although his system has been tuned to wake up at 2 hrs interval, only when he's very tired after crying too much he will sleep longer. Last night was a torture again, didn't want to sleep and carrying or anyway of coaxing doesn't help. In the end left him to cry and after that fed him then he fell asleep.

Actually last time my girl also had to split her feeds into 2 which means she will feed again half an hr later. Sometimes my boy also like that if i find he drinks little for the first round, i will get him to drink again later. I think they are small eater. Even when my girl was on solids, she also needs to split her meal into 2.
taurus, your gal will still take half hour later... my gal can drag for an hour or more.... like just now 11.30 she woke up so i gave her 85ml... she only managed 65ml and then knocked out liao till now..... i think she will prob wake up at 1pm but then like that very difficult to really guage how much she drinking leh.... i also want to lengthen the feeding schedule so i tot to try from 90 - 100ml and she can zzz for 3 hour but then... sigh... total failure..

saintbaby, your bb is really power! my gal only half of your gal's intake.
My girl also got the same prob on feeding. She has been behaving strangly since last night. She would norm take about 70ml, but since last night she refuse to sleep and only took 50ml per feed. Not sure what's wrong with her. I guess may be due to colic or probably the ulcer in her mouth.

I spotted some white spot in her mouth, can I know is it ok? I did wipe her mouth daily with water and gauze. Can I know how you all clean bb's mouth?
but my gal poo a lot!! lolx.. 2 nights ago, my gal also didn't drink finish her milk.. took only 80 to 90 ml.. was pretty worried.. but yesterday back to normal le..

back from dentist
went to "repair" my chipped molar...haha

ariesgal, ya lor...think u start 2 hrly again and slowly try to switch to 3 hrly?

taurus, i think u can try to switch to 3hrly if ur boy can suckle faster...sometimes i very unwilling to feed my gal if she wnats milk before the 3 hrly interval cuz she like takes her own sweet time to suckle...i rather she more hungry and get over and done with quickly...

saintbaby, wow...150ml! impressive
juz now i went out to dentist, my gal finished a 125ml ebm when i was out and 1/2 hr before i was out, i was latching her...i wonder whether this is the 6 weeks growth spurt!!

tanly, white spot where in the mouth? i wipe my gal's mouth with wet cloth everyday before i bathe her...
