(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Swanston, Thanks for organizing the gathering. Your girl is super duper cute and friendly, makes me yearn for a little girl.

Thanks Tanly for the koi.

So nice to see everyone again and glad to know some new faces. unfortunately baby T could nor attend this time. Hope that there is other opportunity.

Haha dingdong.. Baby look changes everyday.. Wear more pinks!! Heehee.. I can tell is a girl but my Hubby kept telling me is boy boy.. So I approached to ask lo..

Is a nice afternoon to meet up with all pretty mummies n cute little babies..

Million of thanks to swanston for such good event, tanly for the koi..
Velo, when my girl had her 5 in 1 2nd dose 3 wks back she also developed fever on the same day in the afternoon at 38 degrees. I din even give med. She is ok at night. When she develop fever in her first dosage, i also din give med. She had fever for 1.5 days. If temp maintain at 37.7 its ok. Don't fret, just dont let the temp goes beyond 38.5. You might want to use cold compress. Those over the counter thingy that you paste on their forehead is quite effective.
Sharon, haha..my girl looks more like my hubby. some more eyes small small so look so much like a boy, especially when her hair is shaved off. i've been praying for big big eyes during my pregnancy but my prayers were not answered...hahaha.

velo, i feed my gal barley water before she had her jab, about 20 ml. and then some barley water after her jab. it helps but she still have slight fever around 37.5 deg and fever subsided the next day. as long as her fever doesn't exceed 38 deg, i won't feed panadol. keep sponging her and paste the cooler pack on her forehead would suffice.
Thanks to swanston for organising d gathering n tanly for the ordering of koi...
See so many cute babies... But did not manage to tok to all mummies... Haha I shy lah. Hope next time can tok more...

Swanston... Ur XY is so sweet!!!
Thanks to swanston and tanly for the yummy koi. Good to meet so many more new mummies.

swanston, xy is very sociable, cute and happy baby!

Alamak, my boy is so immersed watching 'ai' with his daddy. Haha
Nice meeting all e lovely babies at e gathering today..
Kayla & I had a good time..

swanston.. Tks for organising!! Xy is a very gd host wor.. She goes round n plays wif other babies..

Tanly.. Tks for ordering the koi.. Hehe..
Sporty, Bidosoh & Dingdong thank you very much for the advice. I kenchong spider mama, so worried as my helper say 1am plus he already feverish but i wasnt informed so i very worried when i took his 1st temp at 38.2 @ 4am. Gave panadol but fever still handing around.

Oh, although his fever came down a little at 37.2, i still gave him his 4th dose of panadol before putting him to bed. That's the max no. of dosage per the prescribtion. Hope he ok.

Wow, i see you all have a great gathering! Hope to get to see the pics too! Hope one day i can join as i still not confident to bring my boy out alone.
i uploaded my pics...not alot cuz we were late...think have to wait for others for their clearer pics :p

velo, join us next time...ask ur hb along...so u wun be alone!
swanston, thanks for organising today's gathering! it was really great to meet you mummies and babies, though i'm shy to go and approach a lot of mummies. :p

tanly, thanks for buying KOI! my first try... GREAT!
oh also to thank mummies for recommending the grass jelly milk tea and ice cream milk tea! YUMMY! Hee. The grass jelly taste like the one I'm selling too but itz without milk tea! I'm going for KOI again... wanna make it very soon. =)

Anyone........ can add me on facebook??
sporty, cos most of you already have your own clique, not nice to budge in mah... so i just smile smile only lor... hope next time will be better lah. haha...
bpmama, ok...added u liao...pls approve

peipei, no la...most mummies are very friendly...u can juz approach them to chit chat
next time shd be better lor
Hey ladies...

I realli enjoy the gatherings...do sms me for the next one..coz I seldom get to log in forum.

Swanston - thanks alot for organising & for holding us up at your venue. Wonderful!

Pics are up! My fb is Edar Idris. Add me if you cant see the pics....
pei pei
yah yah ...i'm the only shy one around.. :p
But do chat us up next time ya...all of us are extremely friendly. Next time will tap you when I see you at the next gathering
omg.. my bb has 2 teeth popping out now.. and he has been biting me whenever i bf him.. boo hoo.. mummies, did u encounter this? any solution?
up n pumping again... :p really missing out alot on sleep.. hahaha.. :p looking forward to Thurs coz on leave.... hehehehe... :D

thank you for organising the party.. too bad i came too late... my boy was throwing tantrum n driving his papa mad when i was abt to go... so got to settle both of them n ended up super late.. :p

thanks for organising Koi BP.. :p now u got me addicted to it.. ahahahaha... :p it's my first time drinking Koi n it's really yummy!!! too bad west area no outlet...

my #1 used to bite me when he had teeth.. i always unlatch when he bite... den latch him again aft lecturing him... but hor, soon, he associated latching with scolding... n he wean himself off breastfeeding within a wk...
NVFM, you can try teething gel. Dentinox brand. Her PD prescribe to me. But i think can buy over the counter. Also whenever he bite you have to unlatch and put him down on sternly tell him "no". This is wat the books says. Its not very effective for my girl. For Shihui case, I think she mentioned her boy weaned himself after she do it. My boy also don't like latching after repeated episodes of scolding. But my fren is successful when she tells her boy sternly not to bite.

The books did says give teething toys for them to bite. So that they will know the diff between what can be biten.

So it all depend on individual cases. Good luck.
morning all...
its monday again!!

devlina, if u are shy hor...then we all all introvert liao...LOL :p

nvfm, what shihui/bidosoh said is rite...have to scold him whenever he bites...for me, i chose to wean him off my boobs when my #1 had teeth and did exclusive pumping instead even tho he still wanted to latch...
morning all..

wanna hear from you all, bb needs to latch to sleep.
fed him EBM bottle, but after drking some, he refuse bottle and need latch to z...

wonder wat I can do?
morning mummies!!

Toking abt shy.. i think i am the shyest leh...
Didnt mingle much.. duno how to start the conversation also...
Hope next time will be better lah
Saw the pics! So nice to gather the mummies and babies again...

When's the next one huh? heheheh....I can help to organise though I dun have a venue to offer. My hubby was saying we can consider having a mass birthday gathering for the babies in October. Theme can be Halloween! hahahahah....and everyone can dress up!
kimifin, if ur bb wanna suckle to zz...try using pacifier...thas the best alternative to ur boobs...

starrz, next time definitely will be better...dun worry

ashley, ur halloween theme party sounds good...heheh

ru yun, long time never see u here...been bz eh? weekdays gathering...u can join the sahm lunches on every tues...
Morning all! Had fun to see the moms n babies ystd, and it was educational talk fr Nestle. Thanks, Swanston n Tanly!

My hubby has fever since ystd. N my back n tummy very painful...like going to have my period type of cramps. Going to see doctor later.

My MIL is now here. She prepared breakfast n made us cereal...but using baby's brown rice cereal!!! Hm..it tastes very good though.
yeah .. i must talk more in forum so other mummies will be more 'familiarise' with me..hehe.

haha i find my bb is the 'biggest size' among the bbs..
agata, hope ur hb recovers soon! he looks like those kinda daddy tha will very much wanna participate in the weaning process! hehe

starrz, how heavy is ur gal now? yes she do looks bak bak!

last time, pacifier used to work, but during the time he fell sick, we resort back to rocking and latching, cos it was so uncomfortable for him to get to sleep with his cough n blocked nose.
So far, he only take pacifier while in the car..

at night, he would use his tongue to push the pacifier out.
I tot once he sleep on his chest, it is much easier to settle, too bad, it only last for the 1st few times.

eh last month her weight is 7.3KG (at 4 months)... now ah i duno liao leh...
now i also didnt feed as much liao but still duno why bak bak leh...hehe.
sporty: coz since aft my confinement my mum expect me to take care of bb myself so v bz lor, and since gave birth till now i tink only the week before, i slpt well for 1 day only. den Mar went back to work shift already. the SAHM lunch are mummies from this thread or ??

starrz: wah, my bb only 7.5kg at 5mth
Ok thanks shihui, bidosoh and sporty.. If I stop latxching him it means begin battle with bottles.. HaIi..

Ru yun we having lunch tomorrow 12nn at ION swensen. Join us : )
kimifin, u juz have to keep trial and error lor...

starrz, icic...mb ur gal's ard my gal's weight now liao even tho my gal's older...hee hee

ru yun, sahm lunch are from this thread...all their bbs are nov bbs as well!

nvfm, have u introduced any bottles to him yet? if yes shd be ok la...if not have to slowly intro...
Ru Yun...
haha my bb the most bak one in here...

hmm nvm, hope she will lose her fats when she start to crawl/walk
Lunch 13 apr (tues) at swensens @ ion orchard
1. Superwalker
2. Momo mummy
3. Nvfm
4. Novbaby
5. Shirlin - kiv
6. Stacey - kiv

ru yun, u joining us? It's swensens 1 for 1!
nvfm, i'm going for the tue lunch! yeah yeah! I heard there is a type of bottle that resemblance is closest to the mummy boobs, went to buy it with my fren at paragon the first years.
Swanston, thanks for organising and all the help.

Wow! Have a really tired and bz day yesterday. My mil was in town, so we left early fr the gathering to rush down town to meet her. Then follow by a dinner. My girl and I were super tired. My k.o. at about 9pm last night.

Today will be a bz day in office too, rushing for a submission. Now snake a bit to post post here ;)
Lunch 13 apr (tues) at swensens @ ion orchard
1. Superwalker
2. Momo mummy
3. Nvfm
4. Novbaby
5. Shirlin - kiv
6. Stacey - kiv
7. Bpmama 
nice meeting u girls n bbs.
starrz, u r not the only shy one lah, me also shy, nxt time we sit together big eye see small eye. your milk more powerful so your bb more bak.
btw i still dunno who's who. need to do some homework.
ya lor, coz we sort of new face to gathering so harder to start clicking hor...
Never Mind, next time i am gonna to be thick skin and talk...
Then u all dun ignore me when i start talking can liao

Jazz... u got FB?

Milk ah... mine if Formula milk leh... not BM..
