(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

mel: i think we shld spend more of the guys money then to avoid giving them the opportunities to 'look rich' to other girls.

sometimes i feel so scared leh... coz C always have a lot of pretty young girls around him (teachers, admin staffs and even graduated students)! Arghhh If i don't service him, later he go find other ppl I how :X So cannot give him any excuses leh...

zuo nv ren zhen nan!!! (be a woman is difficult)

mm6j: hahaha... i got the valleys with no river!!!

so sad hor?! I got no supply since the beginning.. damn sad lah... no matter wat i eat - fenugreek or goat rue.. no matter how i pump - until sore... The supply remainds at 5ml per pump.. I tried electric and manual pumps... Until i feel totally lousy and hopeless and even had minor depression... Also no milk!!!
Mm6j, sound like good buy. I'll head to United sq immediately after work.

Btw, anyone how much does the Triple 3 lunch biffet cost? Planning to go for the 1 for 1 lunch. Is it as good as Aquamarine?
jolene> lil J is growing and developing well. now wonder u say C is like GTO like tht. but i think u can lock him tight in your Valleys lah, no river so he cannot "swim" out wahahhahaah.. lol

tanly> i sound like such a bad influence. posted the pics on my fb. wahhahaha yes triple 3 buffet is good, i called and asked i tink it's $48++ per pax before discount.
Good afternoon ladies =)

As many of u mentioned..Our thread quite erm open abt XXX but why not rite? Since we all went through and are going through the same thing..Its kind of comforting to know u are not alone =) hee hee..I guess nowadays wkdays is a no no..unless my gal is over at my mil or mum's pl..But all those whose bb sleep by 11pm hee hee seize the opportunity!! I mean, as much as the guys wan IT, we oso mah...not meh??

Jolene: *salute* 9 mth still so entho abt bedroom activities..Positioning must be pretty erm Karmasutra leh hahaha..Abt being preggie again..I tot C sect need some time of rest b4 preggie again??

MM6J: Wahhh 4 fig??? Anywayz =) how's d work? Hope the battles all finishing we are one more step to friday =) hee hee

Anise: Jia youz Jia youz...Wish ur dad a speedy recovery!

Tanly: =) Dun "duo xin"..afterall he is the man u chose to marry so u haf faith in ur own choice..Sometimes i think they just non expressive la..haha like momomummy say..pamper him abit..surely he will reciprocate la..
Raerae, want to pamper him, he also got no time for me. He just work n work if not just on his notebk and play game nia. Erm... I sound like 怨妇 now.
mm6j: wahahaha.. yaa i hope i can lock him in the valleys manz.. lucky he doesnt do rock climbing :p

raerae: time to rest ehh? meaning?
back home!!

mm6j, ya lor...must always dress swee swee lor :p cannot be nua one!

jolene, see...u still HOT HOT in marriage la...juz married nia :p no wonder so much xxxx :p ya la...u so active, better take precaution hor, if not jamie will have a sibiling soon...LOL...mb this time is a boy since ur cravings are diff!! whahhahhaha...

tanly, yes la...tha one i totally agree...nowadays young gals see got $$...fat , short ugly also nevermind one! LOL triple 3 weekday is cheaper, think 40++ (forgot how much), sat is 55++ and sun is 90++...

raerae, whahhahah...i like ur "we oso mah...not meh??!!" whahhahhaha :p aiyo, even bbs not asleep also can one mah!! whahhahah
sporty: hahaha.. how long have u been married ah?

dont scared me lahh!!! but i already chose the name for jamie's future sibling... hahaha hope it's a boy next time :p will call him James! :p
Today I will be passing another over 30 packs of breast milk to a mother of a pair of twins. So far aready gave away over 120 packs to her. My brother is expecting a baby next month saving some for my niece as well
So happy that I don't have to trow away now.
mm6j: wah, gd deals lah... worth it to spend ur lunchtm this way, haha

re: jolene's valleys, i agree tt it's one of the biggest pull factor, deep deep :p

jolene: yes, must keep close watch, he has the kind of face and character tt appeals to many young mei meis :D

tanly: my hb also loves to play games, i always nag at him, then he will say "i need some "me" time too!" hahaha
jolene> lol.. he so bungee jumped into ur valleys of erm sweet desire. lol. wah new sibling called James so C no chance for his kids to follow his initial ah? LOL

raerae> thanks, i only need look forward to thurs lah, i fri on leave. lol...

sporty> i still very nua leh.. better buck up but then hor, if i wear damn nice to office erm the guys in my office always erm drool one lei. lolllllll
mel: aiyohhh.. u and mmj6 very funny!!! if he is only interested in my valleys then very sad thing also lah :p

LOLz... mel: u making me more scared now!!! I always ask him cannot be too frenly lah...
mmj6: hahaha we didnt choose the names James and Jamie coz its my initials lah :p It happens that James is his '2nd name' and Jamie is mine...

So kinda of fated rite? ^^ C likes the name James also on his future son :p
jolene> i agree with mel lah, ur husb got those gto look mah... and i don tink he jus interested in ur valleys lah!!! don be scared...

mel> good? i end up burnign holes in pockets!! but the sale was too good to miss lei...
mm6j: hahaha thanks for the consolation leh!!!

sporty: wow! 10 yrs liao!!!

meaning u married liao for a few yrs then give birth to ur son ah?

Ohh, ne and my hubby just passed our 10th yr together this yr too...

OMG, later he fainted ahh...lolz
Jolene: For C section, our wound is over the womb area..so we need tat area to be healed well before we can tax out the womb for the next pregnancy? My gynae say start to try at 8 mth after birth le..

Mel/Tanly: Haha my HB is oso game freak..sometimes so pissed off coz when i in the bedroom waiting for him den can hear the whistle goin for his soccer game!! Anywayz nowadays haha i suan him by saying..since u enjoy ur online exercise so much..den i go to bed NOW! Den he kind of get the hint to stop...n somedays if he rems to not play too much games..i "reward" him la

Sporty: How to do when bb awake?!?!?! I mean Coz the cot in my room mah..den imagine doing things den she turn around to stare at us!! EKkkksss this type scali give her sub concious memory!! Ehh mai la hahaha

MM6J: actuali flexi leave for the ML quite nice hor..haha i on leave tmr le muahhahaha
saphira, thas alot of milk...maybe u can take over mm6j's title of milk queen

jolene, dun u feel tha u are "virtually molested" by mel and mm6j, they beo-ed ur valley until like tha...LOL... we married for 5 yrs + before we decide to have our first kid as we wanna be more financially stable first...

mm6j, women must not be lazy to look nice lor :p LOL

raerae, u waiting for ur hb in the bedroom for xxx ah?? whahhahhah :p alamak...the bb wun kno a thing la...u can rem meh? sekali ur parents also did the act when u were a bb :p
raerae> yah, i prefer flexi. wah shiok lei! u off for rest of week? i prefer to take "corners" of the week off so long weekend.

sporty> okok, i will jiayou.. spag tops and contact lenses here i come. LOL

mm6j: i usu take wed coz wed i bring my gal down to mum pl..transition lor wed-fri my mum pl..sun - tue my mil.. if i dun take leave must wake up super early!!!

Sporty: hahaha like i say..we oso wan wat!!! i dun think i can do anything wif my gal lookin on le
Wah! sporty and jolene married 10 years already. U got married at 25? me pat tor for almost 10 years before getting married. Me married for almost 6 years lioa.

Actions = xxx
Wah! already 10 year still HOT HOT in marriage
Very good. Me staying with my inlaws really hard do to so.

I got lots of access milk because of my daughter too. She like to latch on. One side for didi and another side for her. End up when I am working got extra.
sporty: i got that feeling now leh! mel and mmj6: stop harassing my valley lah! hahaha

and u must have took a lot of precautions! But not by pills rite? My bro and da sao only wanted a baby after 2 yrs married and already need almost a yr then start the engine going and got my niece...

raerae: wahh, is it? Then i really hope i m not preg lahh!!
mm6j, ahem...colored lenses gal... :p i missed my colored lenses..shd go stock up soon :p hahhaha...

raerae,aiyo...if u never look at ur gal...how u kno she looking at u rite? whahhahah :p if not, can do in living room or other rooms mah...opps...whahhahhaha :p
sporty> saphira can have my title lah as cow lah.. as long as my boy have enuff i very happy le :p

and sporty> we din molest jolene lah!! LOl, it was visible for all to see. pls rewind see photos lolllllll u and A so long le hor, but still both look very young and HOT lah ...ok lah, i hear u, tml i wear nice nice ok, esp thursday mus wear nice nice cos got meeting witoh bosses and i am only gal in the room. wahhaha. *evil smile
saphira: me oso staying with my inlaws wor :p hahaha..

grandma in law shld be more than happy if i can bear her a male greatgrandson soon... hahaha...

she was hinting me lately.. how come my niece 1.5yrs old liao and my da sao not trying for another baby yet? 0__0 grandma is even interested in my da sao lor.. yaa, my brother's wife.. I bet she wana ask if I am gg to try for one soon !!!
saphira, i'm married for 9 yrs la, almost 10 yrs... we been together for abt 13 yrs...yes, i was "conned" at a tender age of 24!! whahhahhaha... hmmm, i thot stay with ILs more chances to do the act?! cuz cannot openly go living room watch tv etc...hahhaha...cuz tha happened to us when i was staying with ILs for 2 mths! hahhahha...

jolene, ya lor, took pills for a few yrs...

mm6j, talk abt molest hor...this dingdong juz commented on my pic in FB lor!! hahhaha...dingdong, u better come back, wanna smack ur backside ah!! me and A act young...the word is ACT cuz we not young anymore...whahhahhhaa :p ohh meeting on thurs ah, then better wear nice nice...lu 1/2 ball lor :p whahhahhaha
jolene: no scared lah, can tell C is the faithful kind.
somemore, u service him so well, he dun hv any reason to stray lah. :p

sporty: not we purposely beo lah, ur's gigantic, jolene's one humongous leh! ho ho ho

raerae: wow. great rewards ah! hahaha... for me, i give my hb timeslots to play, like little kid like tt, bth
mel, ahem...now u come and "virtually molest" me liao huh?! whhahahha... u cannot say jolene service C well...maybe its the other way round leh...C likes to service jolene...whahhah :p (juz kidding :p)
sporty> no lah, u 2 LOOK YOUNG. so unlike dingdong> am i gonna get some treats? Wahahahha

raerae> icic

mel> woah, u're the queen at home man.. lol

jolene> no lah, i see mine erm D liaos but urs bigger. is it E or F?? whahah going more into details.. lol
sporty> i never wear coloured contacts very long le. lol, now i wear thre "big" eyed one but i miss having green/ blue eyes. i tink my office here got coloured lens promo though can buy and claim from office. lol
wah, suddenly the forum so active!!

talking about sex, i;m so dry that it's so painful to do it! then we tried using lubricant. but i like got no mood. but then seing that he really need to relief himself, i had to act a little and show that i enjoy it when in actual fact, it's a little pain. no choice, i;m a wife and a mother also. got dual role to play.

hahahah jolene, how come i know you so long never really notice your valleys? hmmm next time must bio a little bit more

My fren works for Toyrus and she got the staff card. 10% off everything including sale items. you all wanna get something?
mm6j, hahha...u saw the comment tha dingdong made ah?! LOL... thks for ur compliment hor, what treats u want? sweet can?? LOL... i only wear brown lenses la, but my sis enjoys being a green/blue/violet eyed gal...hehe

tanly/mm6j, toyrus card is called STAR card lor...its a must have! for those member sales items...

rachelle, we talk cock sing song mah...thas why so active...LOL :p
Aiyo, I don't mean to steal the mo mo title from MM6J. I got access milk because I have 2 mouth to feed at home. demand = supply mah

Staying with inlaws cannot dress sexy sexy, have to be careful not to let them know.

Till today i still don't know hoe most of u look like
I only know Sporty's face. Sporty can PM me everyones' real name to me so that I can check out in FB?
rachelle, ya la...teacher better be more "decent" ... LOL

saphira, hahha...for me i dun care...i simply go braless when i was staying with ILs and BILs...but usually i'm inside my own room la... PM you everyone's real name? thot swanston posted a table with everyone's real name before...long time ago when we were preggy? tha list shd be good
diff for me to PM you cuz so many of them and maybe some wanna be anonymous mah :p also, check out the WALL on the november FB and u can see some of those who "idenitfied" themselves...
Sporty> I got the star card hahah yah I can tell M also "my gang" one tht day met her she was wearing coloured lens. Gal seems like u got assigned homework hor by saphira :p

Rachelle> wah can tompang u to get then? mel, we go consolidate our orders? Lol

saphira> it's excess la nt access milk lol
mm6j, yes u and M have so much same "likes" like blings and lenses...hahhaha...

rachelle, if u offer to us hor...wait we flood u with our orders :p
