(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

brought my gal for her vaccination yesterday.. PD said hers is accelerated vaccination programme coz we want her to finish as much as possible b4 she enters infantcare to get the max protection.. she's now already on her 2nd shot for her 6-in-1 liao.. PD said bb is on WHO schedule instead of MOH.. :p

gal now down with low grade fever... hope she will get well soon... den, i can go for Robinson's expo member sales tml.. hahaha.. :p

share something cute with u all.. yesterday my gal was beside me when i was preparing to pump.. the moment she saw my breast, her eyes shine... but when she saw me putting the funnels on, she wail till very very jialet.. hahaha... so funny.. :p she only kept quiet aft i bottlefeed her while pumping.. :p it was 1 hour earlier than her feeding time lor... so glutton... :p

for Mon's tea gathering, i can offer myself as the temp nanny.. :p my gal starting her infantcare tt day n i'm not allowed to stay... boo hoo hoo....

BTW, any mommy using lansinoh milkbags here? tt time i was thinking of freezing my EBM to build up stock for my gal when i go back work.. but my gal refused to take FBM.. so i'm stucked with lots of milkbags... :p if anyone's interested, i can sell at $17 per box (i hav 4 boxes to let go).. i can bring them along on Mon..

for the rashes on the face, i put california baby calendula cream.. so far quite gd.. but like ayukie, muz be hardworking n apply everyday... i usually apply twice a day aft bathe..

i usually avoid creams given by docs unless it's really very bad attack.. coz usually the cream contain mild steriods.. not very gd for the skin..

i'm babyless on mon.. so i dun mind helping u with the feeding too..

now i almost pump full time so tt my gal will get used to the routines once she enter infant care.. she's taking bottle in the day.. but i will at least latch once a day... oso on times when she's not consolable by pacifier, latching works.. :p

i oso use the last in first out method.. EBM will slowly lose it's nutrients as time passes.. so i always make sure she gets the latest batch in order to take in the most nutrients.. :p the earlier batches will be used as spare top up when i do not hav enough freshly expressed milk.. then at the end of the day, i will feed the oldest batch to my elder son.. :p

rotavirus is not neccesary unless baby is going to infant care.. i did not give my #1 rotavirus last time coz he's taken care by my in law.. this time round, my gal got her rotavirus vaccination when she went for her 6-in-1 vaccination...

dun worry, i won't fly ur aeroplane..
bb's first day in infant care tt day.. i need something to keep my mind occupied.. :p else i think i will feel terrible.. dunnoe y, i'm super attached to my gal...
tt time for my #1, i can't wait to go back to work... :p

zhen zhen,
my elder son is 3 this year... will be 4 in dec..

i sterilise aft every use... so it will be a few times a day...

i think i saw nice white dresses for little gals fr gymboree/Gap/ON (can't rem which one).. but dunnoe abt boys leh... maybe u can go to the website to check it out?
Hello gals! managed to catch 1 hour zzz just now. with the recent saga on the Medela Softshield, you gals are still buying them? Mine justy arrive from USA and i'm still thinking whether to use. *confused*

Shihui, the calendula cream can be used for rashes? i was just thinking why the cream is like so popular. My boy occasionally will get some rashes on the face.

Haitong, I sterilise my feeding bott after every use. but i have 2 bott so i alternate use them. so each bott sterlise about 4 times a day (i feed 8 times a day)

my baby seems to go on jian fei. he drinking less. last time one day can drink 900ml. now drop to 800+. is normal huh? this morn very happy. he was in a good mood so i let him try to latch for comfort (i already pump out) so he was happily sucking. Wah, i really miss the feeling of him latchin!
wat's the saga abt? i dunnoe anything abt it leh.. is it on the news? aiyo.. i juz bought a pair fr spree recently coz i realised the shields are yellowing liao..
paiseh.. so occupied with the shield saga tt i forgot abt ur question.. :p

yup.. the calendula can be used for rashes.. my boy had mild eczema when he was a baby.. i used calendula for his eczema outbreaks n it usually clears up aft a few days unless it's really bad...

now, whenever my gal has red patches (not eczema according to PD), i juz apply for her n it will disappear too...
Shihui, it was reported in the straits times that a lot of pple are complaining that the SoftFit turned yellowish and out of shape after sterilising many times. then medela said that the softfit need not be sterilised everytime. just need to wash with warm soapy water and can use liao. but i think we have been always used to sterilising so the shields turned yellowish fast. anyway, medela said the yellow discoloration is safe but then I'm a little concerned loh
i also need to buy new dress for my gal for CNY.. which bp got good deal?
my boy and my hb also got red tops.. i got none yet!
Hi Shihui, u putting ur gal at infant care centre at bt batok huh? how much is the fee and can share with me more details abt the infant care centre?? Me & hubby tinking if our new maid not up to it, we mind consider putting our gal at the infant care centre when i need to go back to work in march...
shihui - i use lansinoh milkbags haha cause erm ran outta bottles .. i also got my milkbags cause thought of freezing my ebm for when i go back work but no place to freeze haha so gave up .. so when i run outta bottles to store i will use milkbags lor haha ..
hmz i only apply the california baby aloe vera cream once a day but my boy now using the california baby bubble bath to bath hehe .. so i apply the cream after wipe down my baby at night .. cause now back at work .. my mil lazy put but at least she apply the candedula cream on my boy butt after every diaper change ..
Ayukie, same here...i oso need to get some clothes for cny but my tummy still bulging & look like still pregnant diff to get clothes leh...sighzzzzz
bearycue, u must wear binder or corsett to push the tummy flat - cannot leave it to shrink on its own.

my boy is fussy again last nite - kept waking up. dunno if its due to the jab or cos my ss has decreased and hence he is always hungry? so sad leh. now drinking lots of milo...
<font color="119911">bearycue</font>, talking abt looking preg. sigh. yest i went to guardian pharmacy to buy some restricted drugs over the counter for my mum. the old pharmist uncle was like who is it for? then staring at my tummy he ask r u preg? *faint*
superwalker,thanks for ur advice...mmmm, i saw the "nu ren wo zui da"(superwoman) recommend those type of tights/binders....duno effective or not, maybe will get to try :p
re: sterilising
forgot to mention that i have 3 bottles that time. that's why sterilise every 8 hrs.

haitong, can try mothercare. they have nice white clothes. but not sure whether there's a lot for boys.

shihui, your girl going to infantcare already? you going back to work soon?
icic... i oso find tt the shield yellowish.. dun like.. tt's y bought new ones fr spree to replace...

yup.. putting her in the infantcare at Just Kids (bukit batok).. my elder son now with their childcare.. he was previously with carpe diem.. but i think he adapt better at just kids... will let u know if the infantcare is gd..

my tummy is bulging too.... sian..

my gal was up n fussing last night too... she was cranky aft latch.. i suspect it's the vaccination..

haha.. :p i oso got pple mistaken me as being preg.. was in a crowded lift and pple started pushing.. suddenly, a lady infront of me told the person beside her the mind the preg behind....
superwalker, do you use binder/corset? are they comfortable??

swanston, poor thing. i also had the same thing happening to me after my #1. people kept looking at me and asking when's the next one due. very demoralising right?
Afternoon mummies,

Feel like buying a carrier... i got the infantino carrier (passed down de) but i find it quite difficult to use it alone.. need help from another person to adjust or clip the buckle..

Saw this Naforye Air flow baby carrier.. anyone use this before?
starrz, for ease of use, i really like the baby bjorn. easy to put on and adjust. i saw the naforye one. looks nice and affordable too. but have not tried, so no idea about user-friendliness.
shihui, thanks..u can pm me lor

*hugz hugz swanston &amp; shihui*
Mmmm...maybe we r on the plus size so pple still misunderstood we still preg hor...but one positive point is hubby still tink i'm huggable like a teddy bear and my baby gal like the soft soft "cushion" feel when i carry her...hahaha :p
PPle also mistook me for preg. but then to save face, i always graciously nod my head hahah else they pai seh i also pai seh.

Starrz, i also looking at the Naforye carier. looks good but also dunno whether good or not.

Haitong, I find drinking milo helps. no harm trying cos milo is a delicious drink! I try to drink milo before pumping. but not every pump else will be too much.
baby bjorn carrier ex leh..keke
ya lor i saw the naforye like quite nice...

Rachelle, which model u looking at?
i bio the air flow baby carrier, the cheap one..hehe but that one can only use when bb is 6 months onwards leh... i see the instructions, like quite easy to use.. 1 person alone can liao..
starrz, agree that it's ex. but i find that it's really worth it. i'm using it for my #2 now, and it's such a lifesaver when i have to bring both girls out alone. can consider getting a 2nd hand one, if cost is an issue. saw a few people selling in the WTS thread.
jane mm6.. i will be seeing him in may.. still far man.. i oso clear my papsmear test =) "5"

1st time mummy.. ya i saw another web www.mybreastpump also seeing at $9.95. I shall see which is cheaper after adding the shipment charges =p If you want to order let me know. I placing order latest by tomolo. Jane also ordering.. good can ssave on the shipment cost
zhenzhen, binders / corsetts must be very tight to be effective, thats hy its not comfy...but for beauty sake, must endure

haitong, a lot of mummies here swear by milo n oats. u can try too.

shihui, oh...so it may be the vaccination ah? oops... n i m punishing my boy today for waking me up so many times today by not bringing him gaigai. ok...i shall bring him walk walk this evening after the sun sets then :p
ok ok..will make a cup of milo when i pump...
I have been drinking nrusing tea too..but dont think my ss increases. weird thing is if i latch bb directly, he usu sucks one side and then fall asleep..but i m very sure that he is sucking less than what he is beiing bottle feed. Yet he can last for at least 2-3hrs.
superwalker, i hate being uncomfy tho. guess i'll just have to live with my big tummy. hope it doesn't decide to become a permanent resident. haha
hi all.... me just back from lunch with my mum and elder gal... brought my mum to kushinbo... hee... now so full after whacking the sashimi...

today both my gals had their vaccination... my elder gal finally "graduated" from all the vaccinations... hurray! The most amazing thing at the PD is both my gals didn't cry or flinch when the PD gave the jabs.... i was worried that my elder gal will scream or push the needle away but she was ok... just look at the PD jabbed her... then blur blur look at me and say "ouch"... hee.... then my younger gal i think in a happy mood... happily blabbling away even when the needle went in... i'm so proud of them...
my gal today exactly at 3 months doubled her birth weight... put on 2.7kg but height wise, i think she probably may follow me, shortie.. hee...

superwalker, now wear binder still useful meh? i tot have to be in the confinement month? i think i should also start putting tummy fat burning cream and binder.... looks preggie also after a meal...
<font color="119911">anise</font>, u seeing him so early?

<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, where u get ur binder/corsett? i better bind again soon. lazy to tie the clothe.
ariesgal, wow! your girls are so brave! i'm guessing your elder girl just turned 2YO? my girl also graduated from her jabs a few months back, so finally she doesn't mind going to the PD. before that, she would start crying the minute we walk into the clinic. so drama right?
zhen zhen, my gal is 2.5 yrs old.. so far she didn't really cry at all the jabs, only whine at times.... but i'm worried today she may scream cos now she is older and sometimes she fall down only she will wail liao cos she can expressed out her pain.. but surprise surprise lor.... even the PD says she is quite tough... hee... but as we left the clinic, she say she don't want to see doctor anymore... haha...
today at the PD, i told the doctor that my younger gal sometimes have blood streaks when she poo.... so far i saw it like 3x liao.... so PD now wants me to stop all my diary intake.... including cheese and my fav bubble tea and ice cream! sigh.... test it out for a month to see if the blood streaks stop and if so, it means she is allergic to diary stuff.... if not, gotta check if she has weak instestines that get inflammed easily or not cos PD check and found no tearing at the anus side so cannot be straining when pooing...
Rachelle, oh I am looking at the air flow bb carrier, the cheapest one, coz I aldy got the infantino, dun wan to spend much. And I want easy to use de, the one I saw like quite easy to use.
ariesgal, oh! your gal around the same age as mine. mine is born oct 07. she's really very brave! and hope you find the cause of your younger girl's problems, and that she'll be all better soon.

starrz, think for the price ($30+ right?), it's really worth it. if you decide to get, let me know how it is ok!
back from my oysters and sashimi fix...very shiok ah

haitong, i got ur PM...didnt kno we got the same name
haha... will sms u my number shortly
i sterlise the bottles or whatever left to sterlise after every pump...abt 5 to 6 hrs interval ba...

WT, welcome
will update ur details
tbf bbs poo very often...my gal poos like 4 to 5 times a day...

zhen zhen, icic...looking forward to see u and ur gal on mon then

mitsy, i love his photoshoot shots...very chubby

shihui, so u decided to go back to work ah? thas why sending ur gal to infantcare liao?

rachelle, i'm still gonna buy the medela softshield...anywyas even bottles or last time my ameda funnels also turned yellow after sterlisation...

bearycue, nice to see u here
ur maid cannot make it ah?!

superwalker, think ur boy might be fussy becuz of the jabs ba...u doing total latch on shd have enough milk for him ba, why say ur ss decreased?

ariesgal, wahh...u go kushinbo again...yums
what jab did ur elder had today? thot they cleared all jabs by 18 mths?
face rash-
I now a bit more hardworking, change his mittens 3-4 times instead of 2 times lor..

cos v smelly!

hope dat helps too.
ya i saw the spree then i heart itchy itchy wan to buy...
there is also another spree

Ya neck need to be stiff... my bb 2 months plus nia leh... but neck is getting firmer.. not so nuanua liao... hehe u buy liao let us know the feedback..

Can see the instructions on how to use, etc here

i am still thinking.. coz bb need to be 6 months then can use coz the recommended age to use is 6 months..

The carrier can use from weight wat to wat?
thinking if worth to get one..cos starting work, maybe bring bb out less.

Is the padding comparable to BB Bjorn?
