(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

my gal will be 8 weeks on wed.. she has been drinking 120-125ml ebm every 2 hourly since she was 3 weeks.. so i don't think you're overfeeding your baby.. hehe.. as long as there's output and baby doesn't vomit out e milk.. it should be fine..

the jap food at mirama hotel good ma? i'm going there this wed for lunch.. hubby bringing me there for my birthday.. lolx..

saintbaby, i just had jap food at Ikoi at Mirama. hee..... the sashimi is good. i think i ate almost 3 plates of the sashimi myself yesterday. Oh, btw the Japanese porridge is good. I like it. Ordered for my #1 but i end up eating half of it. hee... I brought my mum and hb there cos didn't celebrate their birthday when i was in confinement.
sporty, i think its becos he has a good figure.. and he is afraid i will get fatter and fatter.. until no return...

for him, he can slim down.. just by eating lesser carbo.. and his lesser carbo is 1.5bowls of rice.. so unfair!!

i went to lavendar closet at far east plaza.. bt they say the do size 16.. and for me.. its size 12 to 14.. so dun have so many.. no choice.. i have to slim down.. for a start will cut down on my carbo.. = (

but i just love to eat!!
must cut down slowly wor.. need to give your body some time to get used to it.. my hubby never nag me to slim down.. lolx.. cos he knows that if i bf will slowly lose the wt... instead it's my grandma who nag at me. say why my tummy still look big. haha.. i can't do massage ma cos csec.. so can only put binder..
Hi rhapsodyrach, just keep on latching. The baby will help to stimulate the breasts and more milk will be produced. U can try these pills from mumsfairy which helps to boost milk supply.
Anyway breastfeeding is feed on demand.
superwalker> so kancheong abt next outing ah u. hehehe. the venue is suggested by sporty. me not so familiar with suntec. next tues is 5th? i don mind if it's for lunch

LUNCH @ Kushinbo Suntec (Tues, 5th Jan 2010)

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
YES i feel the same as u too... I jus dun care abt my mil and my hubby (they keep nagging bb eat not enuff and etc....)
I super insist on latching on and bb do wake up earlier then the normal 3hrs timing for feed so just continue to latch loh... but my bm ss is very low cant really keep up to bb demand so at times i do give fm too...

Wah, really baby can really turn her head on her own? my bb will cry if i dun help him to turn his head... so i stay near him when he sleeps on tummy and will help him to turn when he cries for help.
had a nice lunch juz now

starrz, nvm la...u can bring bb out when u are more comfortable to...

myboyjovan, haven heard from u for awhile...u must be very bz

momo mummy, come join us for the next gathering!!!
u can get ergo from Bulk Purchase section also

rue, cannot chose color for the protective cover? my stroller's grey too... i gonna watch avatar tom
date with hb

carinez, great tha u catch some "couple time" ... the jap food at mirama hotel i tried before...not bad la...but bad part is its ala carte so very troublesome to keep ordering! hehe

catechins, hahha...ur hb got good figure ah? my hb's figure is expanding horizontally...LOL...hehhe

jane/superwalker, so onz abt next outing ah?!!
yes sporty and U ARE COMING!!

LUNCH @ Kushinbo Suntec (Thurs, 7th Jan 2010)

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty

Superwalker> change date can? cos some mums having their #1 start skl next week. i assume u any day also can since u on long leave. lol
Hi all

I seldom latch my bb in the day but feed ebm from bottle becos he's always sleeping and doesn't latch on properly or even if he latches on, he will get frustrated after a while and refuse to feed and goes back to sleep. Not sure if you ladies have this problem. I really envy mummies whose bb feed regularly. I always worry he is not eating enough as despite waking him, he eats very little. Furthermore, he also has a bad reflux problem. He merlions after every feed despite putting him at 30 degree angle or upright. I was advised by the PD to supplement with formula (up to 30%) of his feeds at night. Feel very guilty and also frustated as would really like to bf bb.

Have any of you ladies experience this problem? pls advise.

Oh yes, sometimes when giving the bottle, bb feeds for a little while then gets angry and refuse to feed but other times he's okay so not sure if it's a problem with the bottle teat or something else.

Feel really lost at times. Motherhood is really not easy....
Jane, 7th is good too
I just think we should have weekly gatherings before the rest of u go back to work mah :p will be very lonely once u gals go back to work!!!
loading the pics now to FB :p

superwalker, hahha...good idea...sooner or later, the attendance for gathering will get lesser and lesser cuz all go back to work liao...LOL :p
Jane and Sporty:
Yes count me in for next outing too... wonder if i can handle bb alone ley... scary.... i try to jio Kimifin along... she stays near me... hehe
do u guys bring stroller? i scare too heavy for me to handle alone...
Had a really nice time just now meeting nice mummies!! Thanks for being so friendly!
It was so nice to meet you all finally.

Sporty - I really like your funky hair!!

Jane - Your baby is so cute and big... =) Sorry about messing up your changing mat with my bb's poopoo...

Rue, Sporty - Avatar is great! Go and watch it in 3D .. much more fun.

Ashley, Lovie - next time bring your babies yah?

The jap restaurant I was mentioning earlier is called Hanabi and its on Kings Road near Coronation Plaza. Lunch alacart buffet about $25++. =) Wah you all really going to meet next week already??hehhe
I also trying to lose weight thou hubby didnt pressure me but i cant stand myself cos basically i cant wear bk any of my pre-preg bottoms! Very sad, can only pull till middle of upper thigh & stuck thr =(

Which ergo carrier are u using? is it all the same? jus diff design & colors? or diff ones has diff functions cos i see diff price?
Avatar is gd, me and hubby went for the gold class since its a 160mins movie (longer), weekday (cheaper) & so mch effects, worth it!

No need reduce la, i saw some of the mummies here feeding abt 110-150ml for babies ard our time.
i was hoping to increase his milk intake but not able to, he jut refuse to drink further.
Sometime he just stare at me and his mouth refused to move no matter how mch i disturb him w the teats, bei tahan.
First 2010 mummies Lunch next week !!

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy

anymore mummies keen?! add ur name in
come with or w/o bbs...
dong dong dong... kushinbo.. suntec level 3
Wah.. i cant wait for thurs to come... sashimi wait for me... hehehe...
Jane and Sporty, if got change in timing or venue let me know ya... cos i seldom come online...
Bye bye and see U mummies SOON...
momo mummy, dun worry la...we all also bring bbs...dun worry if u cant handle bb cuz we can help out! i wun bring stroller cuz my stroller heavier than my bb leh!!

1st time mummy, nice meeting u too
ur gal really looks like u
thks for appreciating my "ah lian" hair :p ehhehe

babylele, i using ergo organics one...think cranberry color...i think the price depends on the material of the carrier... i wanted to go for gold class but in the end, we decided to go for buffet instead and go for normal 3d...heheh
I will let u knw next week.
Dun thk will bring bb, cos suntec far n very unsettled yet.

Oh, do u know if bb will be sleepy after growth spurt?

I know I've been saying bb was very wakeful, but today, Zzzz a lot in the day...so worried he later wakeful at nite...n I m doomed!
anyone can advise, wat happens AFTER a growth spurt?

I know, during is bb wans to feed more frequent. then our ss will increase accordingly...after leh?
bb will continue to take as much milk?
momo mummy, yes...come with empty stomach and whack all the sashimi and boost milk ss after tha!!

kimifin, wahh...u lurking ard ah...suddenly appear...kekkeke :p

wah....u very Zai...
I dun dare leh, today only bring bb to compasspoint with hub, already v Rush hour..
eat fast in jack's place, n buy essentials.
worried he wake up n scream. luckily, he is really sleepy today, cos he was wakeful from 4-am this morning!

I won't be gg from Sengkang next week, cos moving to my mum's place at Bukit Panjang.

Anyone from Bukit Panjang wanna share cab?

just log on lah, cos bb sleep, i sleep.

tonite maybe he super awake...then no sleep.

Neck gona break, cos he's been feeding so long n slow recently.
Hi jane,
Thurs is good.
Count me in but KIV cos need mum to jaga baby if i need to go out as i wont be bringing baby.
He can get VERY cranky sometimes so better not take my chances, hee.
First time meeting u ladies, how do i acknowledge???!!

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
momomummy> np! c u soon!

1st time mummy> no probs , it's disposable anyway..

sporty> i always fast hand fast leg. pics r up !

superwalker> Alamak! i forgot pay u for the vodka. next thurs ok?

Zen, ariesgal, sponge, swanston, ashley, bearycue and the rest. pls join us!!
kimifin, after growth spurt if we kept latching, ss will increase...bb's frequency of intake will be lesser lor... u really not bringing bb eh...

babylele, not bringing bb? btw can PM me or jane ur contact no...juz in case any changes...

jane, i cant wait to eat sashimi next week!!!
i'm still struggling with the pics...shd be up soon
I see how he behaves next week. If not, ask my mum along, cos need to jaga stroller (need 2 hands to open :p)

But wat about sleepy baby? he's been so cranky and wakeful last 10 days, today, cranky when awke, but...sleep like nobody biz after BF for 5 min.
Jane, haha....no worries. I rather u pay cod la. U so cute, advertising for the restaurant!!! Haha!!! We can all go shopping after lunch

any sahm here? When the rest go back yo work, I will need your company!!!
hi hi, next thurs i should be ok to join. my gal will also start her playgroup on Mon so thurs is good for me to sort of settle her in by then...

btw, wanna ask those mummies who love milk tea... do you think milk tea helps in ss? cos dunno today is it cos i had fish soup or cos i drank more milk in the aftern and also cos i also drank milk tea or the combi of either one but i actually pump out 20% more milk! and this is the 2nd time i notice this when i had milk tea.... so wondering if that also helps???
Hi hi, i'm joining for this outing. Yeah!!!
Kimifin, I stay in Bukit Panjang. Who else? I'm thinking whether should I drive or take cab there.

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal
Sporty, can i know what kind of food they serve at Kuishinbo? is it buffet only or there's ala carte too? got nice jap desserts? coz me vege most prob will be having desserts/drinks only..
kimifin, dingdong stays at bt panjang, maybe u gals can go tog... if bb is sleepy, i will let her sleep...n wake her up for next feed...

blessedcyn, join our nov mtb 09 fb group

superwalker, u really not going back to work ah?

ariesgal, come join us
i like milk tea too but i never monitor my yield after drinking leh...u make me crave for bubble tea now...going to buy it!!

chriszinc, coome join us next week! this is their website...its not ala carte style... http://www.res.com.sg/restaurants_view.php?v=9
Really Cant bring baby, we brought him to Sq 2 on xmas day, hubby ask if we shd go home the moment we step in cos baby jus cry non stop, throwing tantrums, hahaha.
PM u my nos le ;)
