(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

kimifin, u not going to pump out the excess since he didnt clear ur boobs?

1st time mummy, looking forward to see ur jap look!

superwalker, yes la...pls join us on mon
i wanna see ur Timothy! or maybe we can go for last round of dirty nelly's 1 for 1 before 31st dec...shepherd's pie leh!!kekekkeke :p

superwalker> yah, come, albeit my vodka still with u. lol. but at least i can pay u first (note: do not attempt to bring it along with u if u are alone bringing bb tim, it's not urgent)
Mummies Lunch next week before 2009 ends!!

Date: 28 Dec 09 (Mon)
Venue: TCC @ Scotts Isetan
Time : 12pm
Reservations under Jane Ong (if can make reservations)
1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
7. shirlin

anyone else keen to join? pls add ur name
you can come with or without bbs...
My boy also spit out milk but not every feed. Sometimes the milk even come out thru his nose. 1-2 teaspoon is ok. Depends on baby, my girl grew out of it around 6 months if i remember correctly. My girl spit out more milk than my boy. Same for my boy, now spit out more frequent. As long they put on weight, we dun have to worry too much. Dun have to turn their face left and right unless u afraid their head shape will be uneven. Just now i let my boy sleep face up, he immediately made noise but when i switch to tummy he slept with no fuss.

So ur boy now sleeps thru the night? Actually according to the babywise book, routine right now should be feed/wake/nap. Think right now quite difficult to say what time they should go to bed and when to wake up as they are feeding at every 2-3hrs interval as long they achieve feed/wake/nap routine, should be good. Yah only nap 2-3hrs in the day is quite little.
today my bb cries alot in the afternoon.. everything he also dun wan.. fed him ridwind also cry.. so i gave him the breast then he quiet down.. after that he slept at 10plust. and just woke up..

we heat up the milk at 1030PM.. as he is due to feed at 11am.. now the milk is outside for 4hrs and 15mins.. i still feed him.. feel guilty now....

i tasted the milk.. its tasted like honey.. there is a smell ..but not sour.. am i right to do that?

also.. i thinking when we expressed out the milk.. and then heat up by putting the bottle in hot water.. do u thnk that in the process.. some of the nutrients is gone?

now going to pump.. felt very awake now.. maybe i too guilty liao..
Sporty n Jane, I try to make it
shd be just me n bb.

Catechins, maybe u use lukewarm water to warm up ebm instead ? Your milk is "overdue" by 15 mins only, somemore the weather is nice n cool at nite, so shd be ok - dun feel guilty. But if during the day, dun try :p

I swaddled up my bb n let him sleep tummy down last nite. He finally slept better! Thank goodness!!! Although he woke up for 2 feeds in the middle of the nite, it is still better than waking up over other hour(like the previous nite). I m so happy n so rested. I give up on trying to make him sleep thru the nite liao....as long as he does not wake up every other hour , I "thank god thank earth" liao!!!

rainy day today.... bringing my boy to the country club today

MY bb slept about 1am last night!!! I was so frustrated already trying to get her to sleep since about 8pm. MyDH then took care of her from aoubt 10pm - thank goodness for him....She always wants to be carried and once I put her down she cries. Also was swaddling her since she was born- now seems to be always struggling so tried to not swaddle but she wakes up very easily when her arms swing about. So we'd carry her for a bit, she falls asleep and then it only lasts about 20 min. Then she cries again. Is it colic??? Sigh....
hi mummies, can we bring our babies out if he has not gone for his 1st mth 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 injection? Going for x'mas lunch at frnd's hse..
morning all!
juz woke up...my gal performed the wake up every 2 hrly stunt last nite...hahha

catechins, u dun feel gulity la...like what superwalker said, the weather now so cooling, the ebm wun be spolit becuz its OT by 15 mins...also sometimes its good not to be so "strict and clean" abt bb's hygiene as it bulids their immunity... dun heat up the ebm till very hot as the nutrients will be gone...juz heat it to lukewarm will do...

superwalker, okies...hope to see u on mon
wah, countryclub again...ur hb on leave isit :p

geraldine, my gal went out alot of times liao even tho she haven gone for her first 6 in 1 jab...its ok one esp if u going fren's house...
sporty: hmm..but he has slight cough..heard him coughing past 2 nights ago...

my hb tell me dont bring him better, cos might have virus outside...
Hi ladies,

Long time no post liao...me still struggling to get a hang of things with my bb gal, hope everyone is coping well with ur little ones and advance merry x'mas!!!!!
taurus, the spit milk is not straight after feed. She spit when she struggle from her sleep. or when change diaper even though is 1 hour + after feed.

Yesterday night my gal make lots of noise during sleep and like struggling like that. I was so worried scare she don't know got silence reflux or what cause she like very xian ku. At the same time she also keep opening the mouth want to eat. At the end feed her but can't finish her 90ml. I can smell her mouth got like acidic smell, really worry. SHe sometimes spit out the milk is very thick one.

Wanted to bring her to PD today,still raining, the PD just downstairs, want to quickly bring her to do the jab and ask about the reflux. Being a parent really always worry this and that.
hey ladies
good morn ~

edryan's much better today. Will still monitor his coughs tho.

long time no see!! how are u?
my mum said she heard from a pd (so it's not from horse's mouth) that it is not that bad to spit out regugitated milk.. it's the "bad milk" not digested.. i also dun know what this means but as long as bb not vomitting milk like merlion, no need worry too much i guess.. just make sure bb not swallowing bk or choking on it.. (head turned sideways when spitting)

bb cannot sleep at night problem .. for past few nights i let bb sleep on his tummy ON my tummy and chest..
haha..means i hold him to sleep.. it works for him and i can soothe him immediately when he startles etc..but dun know if it's a "bad habit" for him or not.. haha but i like the feeling of holding him close too.. just have to be very careful not to turn ourselves or cover with comforter too high up in case..

re mon gathering, I'll try to make it too if my mum willing to help me jaga for a while... i shy too coz 1st time but very excited to meet fellow mummies going thru the same shit and joy... haha
And want to meet the forum guru sporty too! really admire u for handling everything so coolly..can handle baby and toddler, do housework, cook and NAP! And have an answer/comment for everyone's posts!
my ou xiang lor... haha
Morning ladies and merry xmas to all!

Sporty, no conclusive answer to my low pressure headache though my specialist believe it has to do with my epidural. Anyway, I am ok now after doing the blood patch procedure.

Swanston, you just let me know if you wanna get my PISA...no pressure..hehe...

BTW, anyone knows if my BM will come back if I pump my boobs and try to stimulate milk flow? My boobs doesn't leak anymore and my boobs are as flat as the airport runway now.
Date: 28 Dec 09 (Mon)
Venue: TCC @ Scotts Isetan
Time : 12pm
Reservations under Jane Ong (if can make reservations)
1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
7. shirlin
8. Ashley
Hi Babylele,
yup yup, my engorgement better liao, hw abt u?
Mmm...now i din really latch on often but pump out to feed my gal coz she's quite impatient so will be cranky if she din manage to suckle much as my milk supply still low...

Hi Devlina,
Mmm...still learning to cope with my baby gal, not easy at 1st coz sometimes she keep crying for reason i duno so i oso cry with her as i'm at a lost...now better liao but at times still feel helpless lor..hw's things for u??
good to hear u're doing well now. I'm trying to cope as well. But like Sporty, I'm glad that I can do my own housework now that CL has left. At least I can do things my own way
Waaa....i really admire u gals, still gotta energy to do housework, i'm still staying at my mum's place after confinement so need not do housework as the maid is helping out with dat...
Hi there,

Had a quarrel with hubby yesterday , still refusing to speak to him today. He kept on insisting to get pacifier for bb which i told him it will interrupt my effort to increase my milk supply... i am on total latching , occassionally will supplement 1 feed with EBM/formula if bb is cranky. Not much excess after latching, really envy mummies who has good milk flow.

Being offering my neh neh as food source, comfort , anything to make bb stop crying.... Super sore liao , but will still hang on. Feed on avg interval of 2 hrs (lately nite time also like this , wonder if it's growth spurt. Bb is 4 wks 2 days old now.)

Any advise on pacifier? Shu i listen to hubby and give in to get a pacifier ?

Already i given in on sarong... can't tahan carry bb all day (he needs to be carry to sleep, can't sleep long and cry if put down, then got to offer neh neh again). Tried 3 days on sarong and finally bb is accepting it and sleeping soundly liao... keep finger cross he continues to sleep soundly and i can take a break.
Glad that u are alright, for mine also ok le, the lump are cleared and i stop b/f after that cos ss drop and was already very little to begin with, dwn with flu shortly so ss drop even further like 10 - 20ml per pump in total.

Like one of the mummy here once posted that we deserve to enjoy parenting after a long 9m of pregnancy & labour so if this make me happier, less stressful & more patience for baby esp mine was quite cranky during that trying period, i rather channel all my time and energy on baby.

As for reasons why baby get cranky, i think reading fr internet sources & asking the fellow mummies here are really really helpful.
Like once u know the possible reasons why they cry, u will know how to counteract their problems.
Like recently we are hot on the topic of "reflux"- backflow of milk + stomach acid, i start to feed baby in a upright position, thou he still cries during his feed but his cry is much softer (means the backflow is less traumatic on him) and the nos of cries during each feed is greatly reduced.
I am so glad we always hv someone here to discuss similar prob, ways to counteract & signs to look out for that suggest a more serious tone.
Read more and log on here more, u will feel better, less stressful & more informed. =)
I was very against pacifier too untill my mum insist.

It help me alot by soothing and coaxing baby to slp, if he cries cos he is slpy but cant get to slp, once i give pacifier, he will fall aslp easily like within 5-15mins depending on how slpy he is.
If he is simply "mang chang", pacifier can soothe him dwn too.

But of cos if he cries for other reason like colic or reflux, it doesnt help at all.

Now i can't leave home w/o pacifier if i m bringing baby.

I am still against "yao lan" for now and since baby can fall aslp w/o too mch effort w pacifier but dun take me for it cos if anytime he gets cranky and have prob slpg, i might just give in to that too.
devlina, hmm..means more serious feeding problems i think ..baby wouldnt be able to absorb the needed nutrients/calories.. must keep track of weight and wet diapers to see if medical help is needed then...
Or persistent vomitting may mean stomach virus or illnesses..
My girl of 3+yrs old only vaccine with BCG and boy no vaccination also go out. But if baby not feeling well then better dun go out.

1st time mummy,
Sometimes it may not be colic but bb used to being carried to sleep and will wake up when being put in the cot. Thats why the cycle keeps repeating. Last time my girl was used to sleeping on me that she will wake up once i put her in the cot and it really took me sometime to get rid of this habit.

My boy also sometimes spit out in the middle of his sleep and during diaper change as i change his diaper half an hr after feed. But sometimes when they open mouth it doesn't really means they want to feed. Yesterday my boy spit out in the middle of his nap thru his nose and mouth, there was also sour smell. Here's something i read - "In the food stagnation pattern of infantile vomiting / spitting, the baby vomits a sour smelly vomitus of curdled milk which has lain in the child's stomach undigested. In addition the baby will commonly have colic, gas, abdominal distention, and their breathe does not smell sweet and clear like baby's breathe should. Rather it smells sour and fetid." There's another which is baby vomits back up the milk which has just ingested which looks just like the milk and does not have any bad smell. Sometimes my boy spit both of this type. When u said acidic smell, do u mean sour smell and the milk been spit out is it looks like curd type?

Hi bearycue,
Nice to see u here, was wondering where are you. Once u get to know ur bb's cries, it will get easier. Jia you.

Sometimes bb vomit like merlion maybe due to overfeed. My sis told me last time when her girl finish her engorged breast, she vomit everything out after a while. We find that some babies knows how much they want to drink and some doesn't they will finish everything you feed them. But u need to monitor if this happens frequently or not.
Taurus, no lah, he sleeps for slightly longer time at nite. but still wakes up 2-3 hrs for his food.(he makes noise but din really cry out loud yet, so i BF him)

About the super-mummies who handled your newborns (and some with toddler) wat about your meals?

If hub go overseas how? If i wanna shower, must wait till bb sleep?

like i told u, he demand more sometimes, less sometimes. If not v full, I just pump 1-2 times per day.

If I am gg back to work, how many weeks in advance I should start to pump n store? Cos now, wat I pump is good for 1 feed for supplement only...

Any rough guidelines how many ml per day for a 3.5mth old bb?

yes, I felt by sharing pur issues and leanring from each other, is much easier to cope. Cos I keep thinking only I am facing this issue of bb fighting sleep...so was really stressed last week.

When I learnt its part of the phase, I treat it lightly and dun really bother too much if bb cant fall asleep immed.
we just have to experience and learn each time.
I seldom cook my own meals, only cook for my girl's. Last time first time mummy, i ordered tingkat. Yah lo, have to wait for baby to sleep before can bathe.
chriszinc & taurus
thanks for the info ya ..the other day he merlion-ed leh ...quite alot! Just after feed...but that was only one time.
back from lunch...went to have kfc...kekekek :p
very happy today as my gal doubled her birth weight liao...hehhe :p

geraldine, better bring ur bb to see a doc if he's coughing...ya, if he's not well, better leave ur bb with ur ILs or parents...

bearycue, nice to hear from you...hope u doing ok...keen to join us for lunch on mon?

devlina, yeah...better go for follow up if edryan's cough didnt get better...

chriszinc, wah, u let ur bb sleep on ur tummy/chest, tha means u sleeping in a 45 degree position ah? yes, pls join us for the gathering on mon...can you PM me or jane ur contact no? so in case, we can call u or u can call us if you cant find us... i not guru la, juz sharing what i kno and read before...u can try to priorise things at home and multitask la so u can also cope with ur bb at home

ashley, think its possible to relactate...why dun u call parentcraft at tmc and see whether they can help?! great tha u joining us for lunch on mon
is amanda coming along?

carol, actually pacifer is a good "replacement" for u so u can rest ur nehs :p i used tha for my #1 also as he kept wanting to suckle and i think the pacifier soothes him and it doesnt affect my supply then cuz if u feed ur bb on regular intervals, the pacifier wun affect ur ss...

kimifin, normally i cook simple meals if my hb's on leave or work from home on weekdays...if not i will ta bao or juz cook something simple like porridge or noodles... i will consider tingkat for dinner next yr when i return to work and my #1 goes to skool... sometimes i shower when my kids are not asleep but maybe have to keep the doors open la, in case they cry or what lor...for my #1 last time, i resorted to bringing the bouncer with bb to the toilet door and i kept talking to him while i showered :p actually 3 and 1/2 mth bb's milk intake depends on individual lor...some bb drink more some drink less and it also depends on the weight of the bb...u can start storing milk maybe like to 3 weeks before u go back to work...but u must start training ur bb to take frozen milk if u are intending to freeze them... btw, have u found ur bb sitter yet?
Date: 28 Dec 09 (Mon)
Venue: TCC @ Scotts Isetan
Time : 12pm
Reservations under Jane Ong (if can make reservations)
1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
7. shirlin
8. Ashley
9. superwalker
10. swanston

anymore mummies keen?!
add ur name in
come with or w/o bbs...
long time no post... was down with slight flu few days ago.. luckily recover fast.. dunnoe if it's due to higher metabolic rate coz of breastfeeding? :p

i shd be gd enough to attend the lunch on mon..

Date: 28 Dec 09 (Mon)
Venue: TCC @ Scotts Isetan
Time : 12pm
Reservations under Jane Ong (if can make reservations)
1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
7. shirlin
8. Ashley
9. Shihui

had the same dilemma as u previously.. bb was latching almost the entire day.. treating me as pacifier.. i buay tahan when she was 3 weeks old n intro pacifier to her.. sad to say, she's old enough to differentiate between me n the pacifier.. so, most of the time, pacifier dun work on her.. but, if i'm not the one carrying her, pacifier still do works occassionally.. :p
i went PD on Monday, waited 2 hrs for my turn! end up have to pacify bb while outside. clinic super crowded, so waited outside, HDB area seats, Skali got construction outside, move to other place for seats..wind blowing so cold.

Unless really necessary, wont go PD.

end up, hub n I tired n hungry for the morn til noon.
hi mummies! just coaxed my bb to slp.. dunno y today keep crying after she fell aslp, like having nightmare.. in the end gave pacifier, carried her and now fast asleep le.. so Carol, pacifier is not a bad thing.. jus dun give it to bb too often.. I only give when she still cry after i tried every single method..

kimifin, i also look after bb alone after discharge.. even when i stayed at mil hse for a few days cuz hb painting hse, i also do everything myself.. its tough la but like wad jane said.. jiayou!! She told me the same thing b4 when i was super stressed up.. =) at least we get to bond more with bb cuz we're looking after them personally ma.. =) Just have to learn to settle all the hsewk n our own personal stuff when bb's fast aslp.. now i can bathe like super fast le.. haha..

Lunch at Isetan: told sporty i'll be gg.. bringing bb along too but 1st time will be out alone with her for a long period so may need the experienced mummies help if bb gets cranky wor.. lol..

it is necessary to always "empty the breast"? or jus to keep ss up?

frozen milk-yes, bb now already drinking my supplement frozen milk, cos i keep reserves by pumping 1-2 times per day. for his growth spurts.

taking bb alone- yes, i tot of bringing bb on bouncer chair, depends on his age...n pattern. so far, thk if put in cot more at ease, cos cot can sleep, if woke up, at least still in the cot. maybe, open bathroom door lor.
Dun thk shd buy monitoring system yet.

BB sitter-pasted notices downstairs, only 1 ah ma called, but seem just to ask price.

My PIL looking for their neighbours for bb sitting. hopefully got news.

thanks for your concern.

Oh, I wont be joining the Mon lunch.
If i steady, maybe in Jan/Fab, when at my mum's place, ask her to go with me.
U gals enjoy!
Date: 28 Dec 09 (Mon)
Venue: TCC @ Scotts Isetan
Time : 12pm
Reservations under Jane Ong (if can make reservations)
1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
7. shirlin
8. Ashley
9. superwalker
10. swanston
11. shihui

anymore mummies keen?!
add ur name in
come with or w/o bbs...
shihui, great tha u joining us for lunch...bringing #1 or #2 or both or none? :p

kimifin, PD is always crowded...i was chatting with devlina yesterday on msn tha many pple go GP instead of PD becuz of the PD's queue! heheh...

shirlin, ya true la...i missed the times tha i was alone at home with #1 last time, very good bonding lor...its tough but its a great achievement when u looked back! ok, see u on mon
we will try to coax each other's cranky bbs...kekekke :p

kimifin, yes...its good to always empty the breast to tell the body tha u need more milk and also to up the ss! also it wun cause u to have blocked ducts becuz u never clear ur boobs properly lor... no la, juz very long never hear u say abt the bb sitter thingy, thot u settled liao...so asked u lor...hehe... yeah, join us for lunch next time la...maybe u can go with SK mummies near u...so got company in cab or mrt mah
hi ladies,

so sorry i can't join you all as it isy hubby's birthday next mon and he is on leave. would like to meet up one of these days!
my mil has been asking me to get a 'yao lan'. not sure whether this is good for my bb. he has not been sleeping well unless i get him to sleep on my tummy, which is also quite unsafe
rhapsodyrach: i got my yao lan few days back le.. Hb bought it for bb cuz my arms are aching from carrying bb too much during the day.. am also scared she'll b addicted to the yao lan.. so far only put her in 3 times cuz she refused to slp and i need to do my stuff.. but she managed to slp almost 2 hrs inside.. making me a happy mummy for tt 2hrs.. lol..
Just came back from town.. brought my 2 older kids to buy their christmas presents...

re: yao lan
i didn't put my kids in the yao lan cos i'm afraid that they'll be very used to the shaking effect den next time when outside, baby can't sleep cos don't have yao lan.. my mil used it for my brother in law's son.. den every‭time the boy wan to sleep, have to shake and shake if not sleep yao lan.. but i think it depends on individual babies ba..

re: pacifier
i've given my gal pacifier.. it really help to soothe her down.. but there are times when she don't want the pacifier, she'll use her tongue to push out the pacifier.. lolx..
sometimes she doesn't need the pacifier to sleep..
