(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

no prob! hehe..

by the way mummies who are putting their kids in CC.. can i know how much are you paying a month? i'm considering putting my son to CC.. let him mix around more with other kids..
Aiya cause i couldn't think of the right word to use mah. think should use aroused instead.

Hmm.......how come so fast menses come back. Actually is not wise to get pregnant so fast after giving birth cause our body just recovered from giving birth and if get pregnant now is very hard on our body. And the baby produced may come out weak.
Babylele, coz my girl was already given ridwind previously but finish liao she still cranky. N for the past 3 days b4 I finally bring her go pd, she keep refusing sleep and to the extent dun really wan to drink her milk, only wants to be carried and cuddle. So pd say shld be reflux. As for spitting of milk, not much wor tis time, compare to last time she directly merlion de.
My ss like forever so little despite me doing watever I can to increase it, drink the papaya fish soup, take oats, take fenugeek drink tons of water, etc. I have juz bought the mother's milk tea from spree and the motherlove milk plus to try to increase my ss coz the gnc fenugeek din work for me. Hope something works for me soon.

After pd say my girl too thin, I start to feel its all my fault that I dun provide enuff tt's y she's so small size. Feels so bad.

Let's jiayou tgt!
Monday, December 28th Shall we have LUNCH instead?

Town area (as usual) TCC@Isetan Scotts

1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)

zentan> u coming rite?
I think I'm coming.
Meeting what time??

Town area (as usual) TCC@Isetan Scotts

1. Jane
2. piggy (1st time)
3. sporty
4. ariesgal_76
5. 1sttimemummy (1st time)
6. zentan
ariesgal, think menses will come back if the supply drops n i noticed it usually come back first for mummies who are on exclusive pumping...

devlina, yeah...better take precautions when u xxx :p

saintbaby, for my #1, the fees after subsidy is abt 700 a mth for his cc... you can check www.childcarelink.gov.sg for cc near you n their fees...

momoko, your pd never ask you to supplement with FM if your gal never drink enough? esp ss needs time to build up...
Babelele, the bb bjourne can be used till 12kg, which is around 1 year old. U can get the synergy one that offers back support - not painful on the shoulders that way.

I m dying liao.... My boy woke up almost every hour last nite! I did not get to sleep!I also did not nap at all during the day yesterday....so now I m BEAT....dunno why bb has been eating 2 hourly from 12am to 8am recently while on a 3 hourly schedule during the day... Shd I give fm at nite ? Will help?
superwalker, join us for lunch next mon leh since its near ur house...come come
could ur boy be on growth spurt? thas why kept waking up?
hi jane and all

I will be there... I 'm a bit shy. though .. all of you know each other akready - and i missed 2 mtb gatherings!! =)
Also - will you feed your babies around that time?? Is there a baby room there or do in the sarong?? =p
Could it be that ur girl unable to absorb the milk she take in thats why she's thin. Last time my girl spit out very regularly but still able to put on weight and she's a small drinker too, only feed 1 breast. There was once my girl refuse milk for almost 7hrs and i brought her to see TCM who gave her medicine and massage which helps improve her appetite.

Brought my son to see TCM as he has bloated stomach but he dun really suffers from colic as he passes out gas quite regularly. And my son likes to exert energy and arch his back so yishi mentioned that his back is probably tight so taught me to do massage for his back which seems to helps a lot. Previously i have problem making him sleep at night as he kept waking up crying and sometimes won't sleep. The problem for him is that he get startle easily at night as he's more sensitive to noise at night than in the day so i let him sleep on his tummy which really helps him to sleep. And he also enjoy the massage a lot. The massage is actually called spinal pinch pull which is found in this book called "Keeping Your Child Healthy with Chinese Medicine", is a book to parent's guide to the care and prevention of common childhood diseases.
Poor baby, hope she responds well to the medication and be one happy healthy baby once more =)

Thanks for the info, will seriously consider.
As for the 2hrly feed, could it be that baby is not drinking enough?
Usually when my baby didnt drink enough, he will wake up earlier than his usual 3hr feed.
Esp these days there were a sudden increase in his feed, probly the so called, "6 week growth spurt", cos baby just nice in his 6th week.hehe
Sporty, nva leh. She juz ask me to feed more.

Taurus, which tcm u go to and where can I find the book. M keen to do bb massage for her. I give her tummy rub everyday but dun seems to be helping much coz I duno if I'm doing it right or wrong.
Ladies drinking the Mother's Milk Tea, can I check with u, 1 teabag can use for how many times? Is it use one time and throw or can use for 3 cups?

N mummies using the Medela FS, do you get bad condensation in the tubes? I keep getting droplets of water in the tubs and they flow back into the motor wor. Very scare it will spoil.

The TCM i go to is at Bukit Batok is Fu Nan Traditional chinese medicine centre. If u want the details let me know. Probably you want to try. I prefer chinese medicine than western as PDs often prescribe medicine too strong for children and they seems to like to prescribe antibiotic for babies too.

I bought the book from amazon, inside the book there's a massage for tummy but quite difficult to explain here. If u want me to post it here let me know cause it got me sometime before i understand it.
Taurus, opps bt batok abit far for me, me easterner, do they have branches in the east? Me go search for the book in amazon. Thanks!
i think this gathering i cant go le .. hopefuly unless my gran is discharge from hosp else i will go visit her and i dont even have time to cut hair or get wipes for baby ler .. haiz ..
Hi momoko you must make sure all parts of the pump ESP the yellow rubber valve is dry before using. Happned to me one time before when I wash and never dried it.

ayukie- sorry to hear about your grandma. Hugs.

Am at jean yip rebonding hair now! Yayy
1st time mummy, how do u dry it? I take straight out from sterilizer and use liao, dare not wipe dry coz scare contaminated.
reading the posts, I see we all coming to a common problems, bb cannot tune in to sleep fast and feeding hours are not longer the same as in the 1st mth.

during the day, i already give up on forcing him to nap.

at night, start to put him to bed early lor...
then by the time he gets tired, he will sleep(hopefully) for longer hours.

Yes, colicky too..
throw tantrums easily... and crying super loud.

only see him as an "angel" while sleeping

ANYONE here who takes care of ur newborn ALONE after CL left? (hub goes to work in day)
how do u cope?
hey kimifin< i had no cl n was coping with my precious n hsework first wk alone after discharge, husb no leave (self-employed). u just got to have faith n jiayou
<font color="119911">ariesgal</font>, i haven decided which model to get. pisa or fs better leh? many pple tell me pisa suction better. sigh...

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, u using ameda ar? the funnel size is standard one ar? i tried the demo set but i find the size too big for me. then the lady tell is one size only. hope ur granny get well soon. *hugs*

<font color="119911">jane</font>, thanks dearie. btw what time is lunch? dunno if i can make it on time. lol.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, thanks dearie. i also dunno worr. she just sleep thru herself, we never do anything special or feed her more for her last feed. now i also got latch my girl once in awhile leh. but menses still came back.

<font color="119911">magical</font>, my menses also came for 3 days 2 weeks back.

<font color="119911">momoko</font>, jiayou! my ss also drop permanently after i cleared my blocked duct. sian hor. fenugreek like dun work for me too.
kimifin, I am taking care of my gal with my hubby after my CL and mum left. It is tough, at first is can't get her to nap during the day, can't finish her milk and getting cranky, tried all kind of methods telon oil , ridwind, bb better and yesterday my col came over and she ask me to try let bb sleep on their tummy, and we tried and bb can sleep longer and better (less startle and more comfy). Her appetite is back again, but she like having reflux problem as she always spit milk even though we have burp her few times. Even she spit milk she still can smile like nothing happen, and still want milk every 2 hours.

Tommorrow will go see PD and do the jab as well.

Taurus, would like to know how long can bb sleep on tummy ah? We try to put her sleep on tummy during day time, but we also a bit worry will it affect her breathing or not. Anything need to take note when letting bb slepe on tummy?

Anyone have any suggestion for reflux problem ah?
Hi Kimifin and saintbaby,

Sorry for my late reply, was too hectic with caring for bb. Yes my supply did increase after fenugreek. In fact, now I have fast let down until bb chokes and cries when he latches on. Very traumatic. Not to mention constantly leaking breasts. I read on kellymom.com that one way to know that u have reached optimum dosage is the maple syrup smell. So if your ss did not increase, may have to increase dose- need abt 6 capsules a day to work.

I pump out my milk in the daytime to bottle feed and latch bb on at nite. Would love to latch bb on but am pretty scared that it won't work out. Anyone made the transition from partial to full latching on before?
Last time for my girl, she slept on her tummy most of the time. Today i let my boy nap on his tummy and he sleeps better. Past few nights i had been letting him sleep on tummy too. The only problem we are afraid is that they will suffocate cause my boy can turn his head left and right and sometimes will face down. My hubby always ask me to check if he's breathing. As long bbs are comfortable and secure and sleeps well, there should be no constraint on the duration. Actually spitting out milk is quite common and they will outgrow it as they get older. But if is projectile vomiting then you got to take note. I found that when my boy was placed in an awkward position after feeding it will cause him to spit out milk. And i always elevate him with his head higher after feeds to prevent him spitting out milk.

Cause thats the one my whole family goes to. How about People's park? My sis goes to tcm there but i need to check with her.
I'm taking care of my girl and bb boy alone. Luckily my boy sleeps a lot therefore is easier. U mean ur boy doesn't nap at all in the day? How about trying to let him sleep on his tummy, give him some massage and play some music. He may not be feeling well thus unable to sleep.
recently my son has alot of saliva coming out of his mouth.. my mum says that he is growing teeth.. can it be true? growing teeth when he is so young.. cos he been crying and cranky alot in the daytime. and has to be carried all the time..
i m caring for my boy alone since birth - no CL, no maid, husband often overseas - like jane, also have to juggle housework. Sleep is no longer important n i realise that after these few weeks, i can get by with 3 to 4 hours of sleep a day (by instalments somemore!) haha.... its ok la.. its just a phase, i believe that as the bb gros, life will get better. U can do it
My baby is having similar problem. Doesn't sleep at all.... she gets startle easily and the bean sprout pillow doesn't help at all. Am worried that the lack of sleep will affect her growth and development.

btw, i am no longer breastfeeding
Very very sad. I had very bad low pressure headache and needed to be hospitalised. When in the hospital, I had to go thru CT Scan and MRIs, thus cannot feed my BM to my baby. At 1st thought I can still keep pumping to get the supply going but my headache was so bad that I can only sit up for 1 or 2 minutes. How to pump like that? In the end I gave up. My BM was leaking like mad and I had very bad engorgement while I lie on the hospital bed thinking of my baby. After a week or so, my boobs dried up.
Anyway, I have my Medela PISA to let go if anyone is interested. Used for less a month. Will also throw in a box of the Mother's Milk Tea and GNC Fenugreek capsules.

Now I am waiting for my menses to come...so far, no signs yet.
taurus, the spitting of milk is like leak from the side but sometimes can be alot like 1 to 2 teaspoons like that, so is this a lot? when will bb out grown this? i notice the spitting of milk getting frequent these few days. My bb now just pass 6 weeks.

My gal can turn her head left right if sleeping face up, so we also a bit afraid. We only dare to let her sleep on tummy during day time, at night sleeping face up. When she is sleeping on tummy, my hb keep asking me to move her to check on her.
Do we need to turn her face left right on and off ah?

catechins, my gal also got lots of saliva like she is playing with it. So fast grow teeth meh?
Ashley, your headache better ? U take care.
My gal get startle easily and the bean sprout pillow doesn't really work ask well. When she sleep face up or side way, she can just suddenly cry out and need to be carried. Tried the sleeping on tummy position and seems a lot better and she can sleep better.
Jane-very steady....
Karen, rhapsodyrach- I find my bb starting to spit milk more frequent too.wonder if cos fenugreek works for me, but i took only 3-4 days, last week, stop cos i worried it's adding on to his wind/bloat.
He spits likes 2-3 mouthfuls about 15mins later in the feed...i try to burp, but mostly he din not.
I thk my ss increase, but was more waterly...so he felt full v fast, but hungry v fast too...2 hrs interval.

Din intend to pump out,cos wan bb to latch more. he used to take 2 sides, now after 1st side, super sleepy.

Taurus-he sleep late at nite, but also late in the morning...we din wake him up...till 10am if he's hungry. Duno if this is good for routine next time.
He nap too little in the day, like 2-3hrs in total, with intermitten wakes. Now he is sleepy...but dun wan him to sleep, else he may cried for sleep till midnite.

Superwalker-steady ah too!
i thk sleep v impt to biuld my supply, but also wan to ensure i take good care of bb n housewk, cos i cant stand the house or chores not done..cos no point to nag at hub, cos he's been very tiring sharing the load too.
been out the whole day shopping since 10am...juz came home...now my boobs are bursting...gonna pump soon after latching my gal...

1st time mummy, dun be shy...come join us! i will latch my gal with a shawl or in a sling...i seldom look for nursing room but i think isetan shd have a nursing room (anyone can confirm this?)... have fun rebonding!!

superwalker, i am going alone with my gal on mon...hb not going...come la...wanna see u

momoko, maybe u can consider to go for mrs wong's bb massage class...not bad as i went for my #1, at least bb can feel relaxed n fall asleep more easily... i do get condensation on the FS tubes too...n sometimes my pump leaks...i dunno why also...

ayukie, hope ur gran get well soon...was the stroke attack serious?

kimifin, have to multitask alot if u taking care of bb alone lor n of cuz give up sleep also...jia you...u can do it!

swanston, PISA is more bulky to bring ard...FS is more mobile...but u drive so dun make a big diff la...ohh ur menses back too? thas fast...

catechins, if bb drools alot, have loose stools n slight fever means bb is teething...its possible la, some bb grow teeth at 2 mths...

ashley, what caused ur low pressure headache? hope u feeling better now...no wonder u MIA...
Mine too..the mouth open a lot, n saliva drooling out...cos he felt more comfy when we carry him over our shoulder, he likes to "bite" on our shirts or shoulder too.

dun thk is teething..i thk is his way to relieve pain (wind)
somthg to note on the bean bag:

I put it across bb tummy, so the beans are at the side.
At nite, bb perspire and sweat soak thru the clothes at the sides of tummy...i tot was cold at nite.
May I ask, who has a list of the nursing rooms with the facilities?
Like which room has hot water, electrical point etc...?

my bb drk less now, alternate sides, after 4 hrs, my boobs painful...U can tahan so long? I still the "just enough" for bb supply leh.

kimifin, i latched my gal every few hrs when we were out so still ok but didnt managed to clear boobs lor...so now pumping...hee
Momoko- leave it out to dry totally on a kitchen towel before using. Usually can dry out.

I'm done with my hair session- rebond and loose curls at the bottom. Now look jap! :p.

I think we are all facing the same problem with our babies not sleeping well. I have been reading this book called the baby whisperer- I think it's good. Teaches to schedule using EASY- eat, activity, sleep &amp;you. Activity for about 30-45 min before baby yawns. Once she yawns can start the bedtime ritual. Babies love repetition. Also I think at about 6-7 week they have a growth spurt and want to drill and sleep more. After this they will nap fewer times but longer. My baby responds quite well to the easy schedule but I have to watch how long she plays for. D
Swanston, I tried my friend's PISA and I have the FS, I felt that that PISA the suction really better and no backflow problem. But FS smaller and compact easy to lug around tt's y I bought it.
