(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

slept abt 11 plus yesterday.. later when baby naps i'll nap too..
so did u have hotcakes for breakfast today?

saintbaby, hahha...no leh...no hotcakes...hahaha...my hb overslept! so CL already prepared breakfast for me...so juz eat whatever CL prepared lor...
shihui, Dont worry, yr supply will recover. I pump extra hard to rebuild the ss. Thats the only time my MIL gave me the pork liver. No more pork liver for me from then onwards and my supply went up again.

Lil bit of warm water is ok, as sporty mentioned as well. No worries


Wah, latch per hourly really 'shiong' ler! Can't imagine if I am in that situation!! Glad ur situation is better now...


Maybe pump once every 2-3 hours, regardless baby latch or not. Pump at a fixed time/interval, maybe will help...


Will definitely pop by this week, not that bad la, hehe. Just that the 'wait' is really looooooong lor! Looks like I'm gonna be induced again coz really got NO sign of labour at all up to date. Hopefully on Thurs checkup can request to induce already...dragged for too long ler! Else later X'mas cum wedding anniversary also cannot celebrate liao
haiz, i woke up at around 12.45am to pump. then set the alarm to sound off at 4am but just couldn't wake up when the alarm sounds off at 4. i only woke up at around 6.30am with engorged and leaking breasts. haiz...super lazy me lor.

jane, i saw your hotcakes in FB.

shannonbaby, confinement can be enjoyable without the interference of MILs, our own mums and sometimes hubby. sometimes, i just wish that they can leave me alone and stop interferring.

momoko, pat pat. dun get angry over your MIL. no point getting angry over this kind of xiao ren. just ignore her lor.

rue, my doc didn't specify the dosage for fernugreek. i just follow the instructions stated on the bottle - max two capsules per day. never heard of vac foc if it's compulsory leh.

now my baby dun like to latch on le. she's an impatient eater, want to down the milk fast fast and my breast is not a showerhead so she's super frustrated when i latch her on. she even grumbles while sucking my breast at the same time. when i give her the bottle, she happily takes it.
jane: yeah , our baby names start with J, thats also becoz our hubby names start with J right? hehe.

momoko: dun bother yr MIL. She left her brain at home.

jinghui: today only mon, dun worry. bb might come out before 21st.
Jing Hui, jia you! My gf also pop at 41 weeks with induced as she totally have no sign of labour at all after 41 weeks. But her baby is big - 4.2kg.

dingdong, I love those times during my confinement when my MIL n hb went out, leaving my maid at home with baby n I. Lots of freedom to do what I want without interferring, esp my MIL loves to watch me latch baby on my breast. She can watch so close until almost banging on my boy's head already. Then will ask me qns like how I know he is drinking etc.
Ru Yun,

Yeah, I really hope so!
Hopefully on Thurs checkup can induce already...can't wait to see and hold my gal! Friends and relatives also been anticipating and expecting her 'arrival' since long ago!
jinghui, ur last round also induced becuz bb is overdue? ya la...bo bian if bb too comfy inside...juz have to wait lor...

dingdong, at least u took the effort to wake up to pump...already very good liao! ya la, i find my confinement more enjoyable this time as i can bathe n my mum not ard to nag...but i missed her cooking tho... ur bb's bottle teats's flow, try to get the slowest flow one, so she wun reject ur boobs becuz ur milk flow is slower...

shannonbaby, ur mil really kpo leh...see u latch until so close up!

Wow, ur gf's baby soooo big also doc allow to go past EDD so long? Then I have no reason to complain liao lor! :p Coz my baby very small size only, less than 3kg (estimated weight at birth based on detailed scan at 32 weeks --> 2.8-2.9kg).
shannonbaby, my mum did tat too! and she'll ask questions like whether bb is swallowing. even though she's my own mum, i find her rather irritating and her actions stresses me out.

The last time (#1) was induced coz I was hypertension at the very last stage of pregnancy, amnio level quite low and decrease in baby's movements. It was not overdue, but 2 weeks early! Induced at 38 weeks. So, to compare hor, the wait this time is really long lor! I was like expecting my gal's arrival since 38 weeks...
sporty, i use the nuk latex teats lor. slowest flow already. my gal still refused to open her mouth big, making latching difficult too.
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Ru Yun,

Haha, I also think my womb really comfy until my gal don't wanna come out yet! Enjoy as much as she can inside :p

Weight not known lor, coz never check the last 2 times during visit. But as of 37 weeks was only 2.5kg. So, is around 2.8-3kg the most...? The last doc/prof I've seen on last check up (last Thurs) said/commented my baby is on the smaller side compared to others, but is ok. So, I just trust the prof and shall wait until 41 weeks!
Shannonbaby and dingdong, think our mil and mums are concerned la....cos my mum also asked if baby is drinking or if she has enough or why she take so long to drink, etc.....cos I believe ppl in their generation are not used to BF and they see us and the babies like very poor thing, thus kept asking questions lor.
jinghui: icic. lidat nvm , let baby gain more weight inside. I wished mine stay inside n gain more weight. coz my target was 4kg. but was induce 13 days earlier, so came out 3.505kg
sporty, yup she is really literally watching my bf..so nw I lock my room when I bm my boy. even my own mum also dont watch me latch so close lor.

Jin Hui, yup, her baby is so big when delivered. Think max is 41 weeks according to her thus she induced.
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please PM me if u are keen as i wont be checking this thread.. thanks...
ashley, i know she's concern lor but it's hard to convey the importance of latching when she never breastfeed me tat time. so i just wish that i can be left alone
jing hui, icic...i thot the last time bb was overdue also...nvm la...juz few more days of wait now...hang on!

dingdong, hmmm...then shdnt be a prob leh if u use nuk teats with lowest flow... my gal also...her mouth very small...sometimes have to struggle for like 5 to 10 mins before i successfully latch her... dunno why her mouth so small! ergo carrier, i have one tha i used for #1...its pretty good as it can be used until bb's quite old...up to 18kg

dingdong/ashley/shannonbaby, think our mums generation dun bf la...thas why they think bb will be very thin or go hungry easily if we bf...but we have to prove them otherwise lor...
dingdong, i got ergo carrier but haven't used yet. using sling now.

i tried to pump on my 'problem' breast, but milk only came out little coz got operated b4.. has been applied cold cabbage to stop milk actually. another side is ok.. i guess i will just concentrate on 1 side like what i did for y #1.
those who order the meals from natal essentials, do you realised the delivery time getting later?
tt day the guy keep apologies coz first day he deliver my meal at 12.30, 2nd day 12.40, then 3rd day 12.45!!
he said got a lot of ppl gave birth and they have lots of order this and next mth! LOL~
WOw had been so busy to go online.
But need advise!!
bb had hard time latching, tried to pump out and feed her, but as now still very little supply so after pump, feed bb and she sleep. But its not enough for her mah, so sup her with FM but she not interested. Drink bit bit then dun wan liao.
My gal hor, duno how to hungry de. Whole night can dun cry for milk de, wake her up and let her latch or drink FM also not too interested.
How, how... my gal just like to sleep a lot leh.
WOrried and stress...

Yeah, for me also, doc said max is 41 weeks. So, still ok la...few more days to go!
Patiently waiting for the 'big' day!!

Ru Yun,

Wah, 3.505kg is good enough lor! :D U target 4kg? Think I can't manage that! *lol* If my baby has average of 3-3.2kg, I'm very very happy ler...So, my target for my gal now is 3kg, hehe.
sporty, my hubby was asking me if i would rather prefer my gal to have a big mouth when i was complaining that she doesn't want to open her mouth big big to latch on. come to think of it, it's better for her to have a small mouth lah. hehe

sporty/funne - which ergo carrier u bought? i'm thinking of getting ergo sports but not sure if it's good.
Starrz, regarding the FM, maybe your girl doesn't like the brand that you offered her? Cos my baby's also not interested in the Nestle Nan we gave her initially...she will suckle, hold in her mouth and then spit it out. We switched to Similac and she has no prob with it.
dingdong, you are so funny....I have the same prob with my baby's mouth too...every time i latch her I will say "Amanda, open your mouth big..bigger...bigger.." as if she can understand...hahaha...but I can't help it.
gosh...have to chase my son ard the house while pumping...luckily my pump is portable! he always likes to di siao #2 when i am bz...arrgghh

funne, how was ur session with parent craft? have they resolved ur engorgement?

starrz, bb now are more sleepy...what the nurses taught me is tha wake them up to feed every 3 hrly in the day...from 12am to 7am, then feed on demand...

ru yun, 4kg is big lor...nvm la, now ur bb shd be 4kg liao after abt 2 weeks...can beef up bb now too

dingdong, what ur hb said was rite lor...mouth small nicer :p i bought the organic version of ergo...the cloth is softer...i think sports ergo, its more "hot" for bb becuz of the cloth used...
ruyun> my name also starts with J..

my ss like drop last nite and this morning pumped 140- 150 ml nia. wondering is it cos i din take anything before pumping or is it cos i latched bb on before pumping. hop ei twill go up soon!
why me today no BM one eh? I tried to pump but no have leh...

yesterday 1st time pump, total 280ml...quite little...

soooo discouraging...so tot today will have but dont have!

yr food delivery timing is already v gd.
At least it's during lunch time.mine delivered lunch at 10+am and 3+pm for dinner.by the time I started eating my food was already lukewarm.tried to tell them many times le..but they say I'm the 2nd add they deliver to. Have since been used to it already.just finsh the whole course of confinement food and say bye bye to them.
i just started to pump yesterday wor...1st time pumping...y'day abt 3pm pump, 180ml..then 8.30pm pump another 100ml..it shld be emptied le, cos no more coming out..

now pump hor, no milk wor...does it mean that no more BM?
piggy> wow! 280 ml, that's alot.

ashley> i tink we mus take some hot drink when we wak e up in th emiddle of nite to pump. usu i take and yield is ok but last nite too sleepy to make myself a drink.

funne and zentan> hmm, my delivery timing is ok lei, lunch comes at 11+ and dinner abt 5+. strange.
ashley, when was ur last pump before 4am?

piggy, after 830pm yesterday u never pump liao? actually its good tha u pump frequently like every 3 hourly to establish the supply...
i woke her up..and tried to feed her. She juz simply not interested. From 4am plus till now, she only drank abt 10ml BM and 20ml FM. No sign of her hungry yet. She jus urine, relief a bit coz was worried coz from 4plus am, the diaper still dry. No poopoo yet. Today is Day 4 liao, by right no reserve in her body liao right, shld be rather hungry liao right... haiz.
starrz, have to slowly make her interested lor...i always take abt 5 to 10 mins to make her interested before i can finally latch...u never try to wake her up from 4am till now?
Jane, but hor, it's only 280ml/day and today dun have liao...

even the 100ml, i tried so long then managed to get one...

quite sad wor...no more BM to pump...

must wait till engorge or wat?
Sporty, last pump was about 11plus pm b4 the 4am pump session. Maybe like Jane said, I need to drink something hot b4 pumping...sianz
piggy, u shd pump/latch every 3 hrly... bfing is abt demand and supply... maybe u didnt pump/latch from 830pm till now and ur body thot u no demand for milk so never produce... dun wait till u engorge then pump...can be too late le...

ashley, yeah u shd lor...make urself a cup of milo...then pump...or drink some warm water...
piggy, try to latch/pump every 2/3 hrly from now... see whether can re-establish the supply... i think also call parentcraft to see what they advise... u have to rem tha u need to "generate" milk frequently to have milk lor...cannot wait till engorgement...or as and when u like to pump... anywyas juz try ur best!
