(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

I feed sambucol in the morning and original flavour cod liver oil at night. Both I feed a spoonful, I presume less than 5ml. Touch wood but I do see a difference after giving supplement, his recovery period is much faster and less prone to falling sick. I also try to bring him out to the playground or park everyday to run around and expose him to sunlight and fresh air. I am really scared of him falling sick after his episodes of constant fever and flu end of last year to early this year.

Currently he is not attending any classes cos we relocated to China. Thinking of bringing him to sichida and my gym because its very near our rented apartment (less than 10min walk) but then I haven't decide if I want to be based in singapore or china yet.

1 surprising fact I found about my son is his separation anxiety is very obvious at 18 mths. Cos when reach home, only left hub n me, he dun allow me to go kitchen (cos we got safety gate), he will grab my foot! (duno where he learn), of course, dun wan daddy.
If at in laws, he is quite attached to them, so not very particular, just need someone to carry when he feels like.

I sent my son to full day cc at 16mths, maybe it was a good thing cos the seperation anxiety has not kicked in yet. Previously we exposed him to Gymboree, for 1 hr lessons.

My fren also sent his son to enrichment classes, but cos at least 1 parent was ard, the kid seem to enjoy the class, but to cc, is a total different story.
Wow, today so happening.

Seems like lots of mummies giving supplement to their kids and most kids are going to cc.

I am having problem finding playgroup near my nanny place(JE), the one just below her block no longer conducting play group. Sigh.. now trying to find weekend class but also need to be on waiting list(zoophonics).

My gal also doesn’t like to eat porridge and milk. Last time she use to like porridge, now she will hold her porridge in the mouth and eat very slow. My nanny and I need to always different type of cooking then she will eat. But one thing i am glad for now, she loves veggie, fruits and like to drink soup. So weekend I will try to boil soup and cook at home.

As for milk, she still takes like 150ml per feed, around 3 to 4 times per day. Sometimes she doesn’t want to drink or drink half way stop cause she was distracted and want to play. Err... me and my hubby "discipline" her before by locking her in the playyard (which she hates), after few times, she knows milk time she need to finish the milk.

My gal sleeping pattern is 10+ pm go to bed, will close the door and i will sleep with her in the room, and she will toss and turn, talk, scream for a while then only slowly fall asleep. Weekday she will wake up at 7 and drink her milk while she still blur blur, but she still manage to hold her bottle and drink with her eye close. If weekend, she will wake up slightly later around 8, we want to sleep longer also cannot, she will stand in her cot scream for you or keep throwing her pillow and bolsters down. Her afternoon nap normally is 2 hours normally from 1+ to 3+.

Separation anxiety:
Use to have it few months back, now better. At least now when I'm cooking (close kitchen door) she can see me throw the glass panel, she will walk away and go for her daddy. Sometimes i find kids at this age know how to react when with who. When she is with me, she wants me to hold, sit on my lap and etc... but she with my hubby, she can sit next to him and play her toys/mega block quietly.
momo_mummy, oh.. mine too.. but my mil commented that sometimes, even the orange one she also refuse... she is a very fussy eater lo.. haiz...

anybody give them vitamins in sweet form?

talking abt milk, do you still need to hold for them? mine use to hold on to her milk bottle till she was 16 mths.. all of a sudden, she juz refuse to hold and keep on asking mi to hold for her.. if i ask her to hold, she wil refuse to drink.. haiz..
yes, today is very happening!

I think our tods are approaching the terrible twos, that's why all the patterns come out now.

Re #2, I prefer a bigger age gap like 3-4 years cos hopefully the older child can be managed easier and she can also help take care of the younger sibling (bonus). I also read somewhere that it's better to have a few years for the womb to rejuvenate so that the next baby can have better health and IQ. dunno true or not.

Re GUG class - I missed the previous class too!! Even my hubby commented that the class now seems weird without the "regulars"...hahahaha... I was just talking to kanelmo last sunday and we both also agree the class is just not the same anymore.

Re supplements, we tried giving lil A cod liver oil but she refused to take it so we stop. I intend to give her sambuccol to try to boose her immunuty now that she is attending 2 hours of playgroup everyday. she still has bouts of cough ever now and then so better start on the supplements.

Those who are keen to try NaturCare Colostrum +DHA chews (in vanilla or chocolate flavours) or want to know more abt the product can let me know. I'm going to give Amanda this too if she likes the taste.
momo mummy, ok will wassapp u
mb u shd establish a sleep routine for ur boy...make him sleep between 9 to 10pm lor...

kimifin, wow...so u exhausted all ur cc leave last mth eh? if mil/fil can help then good la cuz u cant be always taking leave

rue, wahh u good...still drink the fm...i find the fm v smelly, have to even hold my breathe when making fm for my kids...haha

nvfm, nice to see u here...congrats on ur new born!

mitsy, how's life in china? haven been catching up with u...

cljl, maybe u can give gummi bears from GnC as vitamins to ur gal...its v chewy kind...my boy used to love it!
Cod liver oil: I give 2 Teaspoons in the morning and 2 at night. I gave the original flavour and she seems to like it!

Colostrum: hmm... Is mine spoil?? Gotta check tonight.

Separation anxiety: it started only after 12 months. But since my girl has been in school since 3.5 months, she is quite ok to go sch. She cries only when she's not feeling well or after a long break, eg holidays. But hope when she moves to toddler class next week, she will still enjoy school.

Milk: my girl refuses to let me hold her bottle most of the time! Unless she's really sleepy or her hands are occupied with toys or her smelly pillow.

Sleeping pattern: we will give my girl het last feed at 9.30pm and hope she will sleep after that. But she always not doing it. Will go to sleep ard 10.30, 11pm. Sigh... In the morning, we will wake her up at 7.15am to go school cos she always refuses to wake. Now in school she still takes 2 naps, at least 1.5 hr each. Next week onwards, they will cut down to 1 nap. Don't know how she will react. We do realize on weekends when she only had 1 nap, she becomes very cranky in the evening.
Sporty, thanks will try.. Bt I worried she laZy to chew, she will swallow leh...

Peicatz, Whow.. Ur gal is Gd! Mine simply refuse to hold! When I'm driving alone with her, 1 hand on steering wheel n e other hold her bottle... Very tiring...

Amy recommendations to cure moZzie bites? My gal gets bites easily n she wil scratch til water came off n e scar stays for 3 wks n counting... Haiz... Legs n hands have lotsa moZzie scars!
Wow... today really happening.

sporty, ashley, ayukie, if only all the other tods don't go to tod class, we can have our own "tod" class too. Actually all the kids in our sunday class are so near in age gap. Should put them together. I find that they also learn faster. Now no more 'if you are happy..' and 'the wheels on the bus..' songs. Substituted with story telling again. My gal loves those songs. At home she will do all the action for me.

cljl, Initially if itchy just apply our adult toothpaste. Good for stopping itch. Also not worried about if it is poisonous or not. Once the itch is gone, apply calendula cream. Very effective. Won't leave scar too.
yah most kids can't tahan hot weather. But my girl still can sleep even though she's sweating, think she used to it.

I not planning #3. Two already made me so busy with no time for myself and money not enough too.

But my boy is too light leh. Actually shit a lot is not a good thing, it may mean that he is unable to absorb the nutrients. How many times he poo? When my boy eats too much can poo max 3 times a day. Yah better establish sleep routine, try to get him to sleep early.

My boy also play with his finger food. But even i let him self feed, need to jaga him so as to prevent him from stuffing himself with food by snatching his bowl or spoon from him.

Is true to let the womb to rejuvenate before concieving another baby. As body already drained after giving birth and taking care of baby also taxing on our body so need time to rest to prepare for another one. Better to have another one after the first one is more independent (like toilet trained...) if not really tedious. So which playgrp your girl is attending?
Re: reading
Seems like a lot of you are reading to your tods. But does ur tods sit still for you to read to them? My boy always try to turn the pages so not able to read to him at all, if not he will wriggle his butt here and there.
Clil, u got a slot in TPY? So good, initially consider TPY coz nearer to me n better parking but they told me full till 2012. Then we visit Katong br and lil A likes that plc so we are there now

So far lil A likes sch but she sick frm day 1 till now. This whole week kept her at home take care of her. N I tot send her go MC would make my life easier but seems not the case. Sianzzz ...
taurus, my girl is attending Tara @ JP, level 6. As her session is new, the teacher:child ratio is 1:1....thought this is good since she is young and new to the group, lots of adult supervision and attention are necessary.

My girl is not keen in books too. It's very hard to read to her cos she will also turn the pages and cannot sit still. Very short attention span.

When we bring her to the library, she is more interested to sit with other ppl and see what they are doing rather than pick out her own books and sit with us.
Bidosoh, my gal will only feel itchy and scratch when ppl ask her.. hahaha... any place can get calendula?

taurus033, my gal keep on asking us to take the book and read.. then after 2 pages, she snatch the book from us and take away liao...

momoko, yeap.. they are full till 2012... we have to wait till jan next yr for her to start... we not a hurry since she attending GUG so we enroll her for next jan intake lo...

hur... sick frm day 1... means she stil not use to the environment yet?
Hi Sporty. Haven't seen you guys for a long time. I am a housewife in SZ now, look after kid and cook lunch and cook dinner, do housework and wait hubs to come back and take over. Its easier for me here than in Singapore cos at least there is someone to help me during weekend and weekday nights. In Singapore, i have to handle everything myself day and night. The downside is that no friends here and can get quite boring.

Abt books, T is keen in books but he likes to flip them alot to get to the page he wants so sometimes I just speed read. Usually during lunch time if he is not self feeding, he will flip through his books while I feed him because I refuse to switch on the TV.

Anybody still not talking yet? T can only call papa and mama. Although I do see him trying very hard recently to copy us speaking.
morning ladies. looks like we are back to the good old days ya.

<font color="119911">mitsy</font>, xy only recently started to call me ma ma lor. pa pa is still waiting to be called. oops!
taurus - i tried read to my boy but failed miserably .. ends up he will use his toothbrush and help me brush my teeth

mitsy - my boy still babling and i still dunno wad he means most times but he have expanded his dictionary to include all "gor gors" as "di di" .. bth and "ah pek" ....

Bidosoh - yeah true ...
cljl: The cod liver oil orange favour one hor i use string to feed my boy leh... so he got no choice but to swollow.. hahaha *evil mummy*
Re: mozzie bite, i use california baby calendula cream.. is a magic cream i apply that to almost anything on my boy... and is super effective... I use that for my own pimples or mozzie bites too.. and even on my hubby and my mil... hahaha

taurus: my boy poo max 3 times too but the poo is explosive type and stain his pants too one type...if 3 times is normal then maybe is ok.. cos i am comparing my boy poo to MYSELF... Hahaha cos i dun poo so often! WHAHAHAHA... think problem lies on myself I am CONTISPATED! Haha so i feel my boy poo too much...
Re: reading, hahah my boy wont sit still to read with me too.. he will turn the pages then snatch the book and throw them away then RUN away... so i gave up.. haha i rather sing and dance with him and he loves that... silly chicky dance...

Sporty: I am trying to establish the routine but he pattern seems to change every now and then... haiz... will try again... if not i will be dead if he continue to sleep so late and wake up so early...

Mitsy: hello.. how long u will be at SZ? can always come here and chat with us then u wont feel bored there alone loh... hugs hugs
Ayukie, can get frm kiddy palace?

momo_mummy, hahaha.... my mil feed her wif her small little spoon... so i dun even noe hw much she took... depends on her mood if she takes or not... maybe i shld try to use syringe too! hehe...
isit the same as wat ayukie intro? if its tat super effective, i will need to get it asap! coz both mi n my gal are very sensitive to mossie bites! arrgh!
Cljl, I'm also getting the calendula cream..have ordered online from agapebabies. You can also get it from watsons.

Mummies, when are we supposed to register our kids for nursery? My hubby told me he saw banners from some schools that are calling for registrations for kids born in 2009.
Mozzie bites - we paste those 3M clear plasters so that he only scratch on the plaster instead, i know recovery will be slow, but rather he scratch till bleed. He can scratch in his sleep too n become frustrated.

Sporty, lucky got my mil to take care, cos i take leave, must find someone to cover my class during term, and after that, must repay one.

independence feeding - last 3 days, he's been self feeding his porridge. But hor, supper time i give bread, he play with it and purposely drop them on the floor.
He suddenly refused to drk water from his usual straw bottle, so I put some water in a cup n he wans to drk non stop. Thk in cc, got those cup with handles, so he just wan to be indept.
Ashley, thanks alot!

So fast register for nursery? I think some frm preschool can continue all the way up to kindergarten.

Kimifin, tot must let e wound breathe? Duno y my gal bites always have water puss leh...
kimifin, oh ic.. mine also scratch very hard.. and she dun like things on her leh.. wat i can do is apply cream then as and when moisturizer to soothen it...
haiz... talking abt mossie bites, i told my hb to tel my mil, then she always gif tat face how the f she noes and must be frm my house! arrgh! everyday bring her to the playground sure will have one lo...
cljl, a mummy from my son's class always kena mozzie bites. She taught my put the sticker type of mozzie repellent. You must stick everyday. It may take a few months, the mozzie will suddenly stop to bite her. California baby also have the lemon grass cream apart from the calendula one. It is suppose to keep the mozzie away. I din use before so don't know really effective or not.
my california baby citronella lotion gt frm overseas wor nt kiddy palace .. i also have those mozzie bands to wear when i bring e to zoo n etc ... (v strong smell like the citronella)
citronella is summer lotion nt candedula cream thou btw .. its a lotion with pump and smells abit like lemon grass likdat but its citronella oil (whatever that is) anyway the mozzie bands i gt also made of the citronella oil so i guess its gd for keeping mozzies at bay as well as to soothe it cause apply a few times will clear ..
sigh, seems like I am always lagging behind when it comes to getting a place in school for my girl

Called up a PCF kindy near my parents' place and they told me it is already full for nursery in 2012. In fact it was already full before they are opened for registration!
Bidosoh, thanks! If im with her to either playground or what, i will put the mozzie patch for her(5 over her whole body!) lol.. but i doubt my mil will do it everyday..

you mean your fren's son after continuation of pasting the patch, mozzie wil not attack him?

Ayukie, thanks! maybe i shall go online n find... i wil put patch if i go to those potential mozzie areas.. but is the band more useful than the patch or same?

Ashley, nowadays i think all parents ks liao.. must enroll early n fast!
wah so happening today ah!

cljl, if ur gal is lazy to chew, u can cut the vits into smaller pieces...then easier

bidosoh/kanelmo/ashley, gug called me yest and told me tha my gal will be "promoted" to tods class next term...they shd be calling or have called u liao ba...

taurus, ya my boy/gal will sit down and let us read the book to them...sometimes not 1 book lor...v sianz to kept reading the same books...LOL

ashley, wow, the teacher to student ratio at amanda's playgroup is good...are the fees ex? wah so fast u registering for pcf... how abt trying those church kindy near u...

mitsy, bored ah...come in and talk la...hahha...my gal cant talk much also but she understands what we talking abt la...so i am not tha worried cuz by 3 yrs old, they will all be the same...

momo mummy, ya la...hope the routine can be established soon...if not u become panda mummy...hahha
So good ratio 1:1. How many students are there? So your girl enjoy the playgroup? Wah, PCF haven't open for registration, already full! Is the PCF very popular and good curriculum? I know there's one good pcf in jurong. I'm planning Nursery in PCF and maybe K1 and K2 in church kindy.

My boy only say "ball", "car" and his favourite "mum mum" (eat). Haven't call mama or papa yet. Btw are you "SJ" in fb?

Ur boy knows how to brush teeth already. My boy always bite the toothbrush, makes it difficult to brush. U using toothpaste for ur boy?

Explosive poo means loose stools, not those solid ones. It may means his digestive system not very good, this may also result in weaker immune system. Perhaps should give him some probiotics, you can also take it also helps in constipation. My boy poo 3 times but is solid stools and small amount. Sometimes when he eats too much, his poo becomes mashy.
sporty, will try.. hahaha..

wonder when will mine be promoted to next level too.. hehehe...

brush teeth, my gal still haven started brushing teeth leh.. isit too late? bt she sees us brush, she wil say brush but when i gif her toothbrush she say "mai".. haiz... if we use toothpaste, will she noe how to spit out even thou its edible?
think they still dunno how to spit. I heard that can only use toothpaste after they turn 2 yr old, is it? Should start brushing now to get them used to it. I had a hard time brushing my boy's teeth but now is getting better although he still bites the toothbrush.
taurus - i use the first teeth toothpaste for him .. he just poke my mouth more than brush teeth so most times i will brush for him alt days or so then he will imitate the actions later by taking the brush himself lor and worse he use it to poke my mouth (like waht i did to him) ..
Taurus, ya lo... Bt my gal wil say pui if she sees mi spit bone or spit out colgate! Haha... Since he dun use toothbrush, I Stil use cloth force her open mouth n clean her teeth lo... Haiz..
Tauras: probiotics? Buy which brand? from where?

Sporty: ya hopefully soon loh..if not i really like panda leh... siens...

IS WEEKENDS! yeah... i am so hungry and tired now...
momo Mummy, I will be here for at least 1 to 2 years but then will be going back to singapore regularly.

Sporty, will come in to chat when my little terror is sleeping.

Taurus033, yup, I am 'SJ'
Ur girl so cute, still know how to say pui. But will ur girl bite u when u use cloth to clean her teeth? My boy bite my finger when i used cloth so i change to toothbrush, at least my finger will be safe.

My kids and i are taking culturelle. But i buy from US online store which is cheaper. Think local also have but more expensive. Here's their web with some infor www.culturelle.com

Oh so is you, cause i see u mention ur boy's name T so guess that should be u. Seems like a lot of people going outstation in China. So now use to the life there?
Sporty and Taurus, Amanda's fee is $220 each month for 2-hour session daily. It's a bit more ex than another playgroup near me and my parents' place but I like the environment. There are more kids (about 8 to 11 kids) in the earlier session. As Amanda's session is new, so they only have 4 kids now. Quite lucky that Amanda has 1:1 attention now (2 teachers, 1 auntie/facilitator and 1 principal to teach and play with the kids) so I hope she can overcome her separation anxiety soon before more kids join her session.

The PCF i enquired is the very popular one in Jurong. I like it because of the reviews and cirriculum. And it is very very near my parents' place but too bad lor, I am not kiasu enough.

Now looking for another nursery + kindy, if cannot find suitable ones, will look for CCC. Again must act fast if not I cannot secure a place for my girl again

Might even have to move in early with my in-laws if cannot find a school or CCC in Jurong
(provided I can find a school near my in laws' place)
Cljl, ya, she ok to go, will even wan to carry her own sch bag, reach sch will wave byebye to me, likes her form teacher, but prob is come home sick lo. I oso duno wat's wrong with her. Mayb really not used to new environment bah, coz at home not much virus going ard as compared to sch.
Hi all! My boy just had had his final 5 in 1 shot today and had accessement by doctor. He's referred to KK Hospital for Speech delay! Mmmm...cos he cant call Mama or Papa yet. Actually he did call Papa last week when he saw his dad for 2 days but his dad often overseas so not accurate also. Hope he talks soon! Next month starting Playgroup liao! Scare teacher or kids bully him and he cant tell me ...hee

CB products can buy from Agapebabies. Price cheaper then on retail. I buy the CB repellent spray from her as my boy goes to park often too
sporty, i haven't received their call. If everyone are promoted and lil H is still in this baby class i will be so sian. I will check with the admin tomorrow.

yanyan, most of us are at the United Sq gug.

Ashley, how do you know which PCF is good?

Velo, your little boy will start speaking after joining the playgroup don't worry.
Hi Bidosoh,

Missed you and lil H in class yesterday! Hope lil H is ok.

Yesterday, the teacher was handling out the invoices and both Amanda and DK are going to the tod's class next term. I believe it's the same for H.

And we are stopping GUG after next term (after letter Z) cos hubby finds that lil A is not really benefitting from the classes and he also complain the location is too far
I intend to put her in JG cos the location is nearer and more convenient to my in-laws' place which we visit on weekends.

As for checking on PCF and other preschools for that matter, I asked around plus read the reviews on kiasuparents.com forum.

taurus033, hahaha.. she imitate ppl very fast... luckily till now she still didn bite me.. heng ah...

Momoko, whow.. gd that she loves to go to sch... duno when come to nxt yr jan, my gal will be the same anot...

my gal also will be promoted to the tods class next term...
