(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

peicatz, I think mine also scared of heat.. But becoz of the father, we both have to bear with the fan instead of air-con everday... My gal will pull her hair... Her hair already so little liao n she still pull.. faint...

Will urs pull her hair too?

Talking abt honey, isit safe for them to take honey now? I have not given her yet...

hmz ... if i give my boy colostrum shd be fine rite? cause its milk products but i also give half dose daily nia whhaaa
cod liver oil - I intend to give daily, but cos he was sick, so stopped. Cos I put the oil in the fridge.

aircon - the weather is really v hot n humid. I dun on air con to sleep thru cos I thk he will get dry cough due to the air. Have to stick to fan and apply some powder carefully on his body if he is sweaty and cant go to Z.
Intend to shave his head botak soon!

Insurance-Did you all get both endowment and life ins?
Normally u got from Financial Advisor (compare different brands) or just agent from specific company?

Does AIA have suitable plans?
my gal also pull her hair when feeling hot! We dun sleep in AC room too.

Re: Supplement
I gave colostrum, same as Ayukie. half spoon in milk daily.
kimifin, insurance I got the endownment and life ins from NTUC.. NOt sure abt aia as NTUC is under my aunt so easier...

rue, whow.. n her hair so little! i scared she pull till botak! lol... n she wil pul till she see hair on her hands lo.. faint...
my boy sleeps in aircon and he seems to be better "touchwood" in terms of immunity after taking colostrum *touchwood touchwood* but i put 1 stirrer size nia ..

no aircon we all cant sleep haha and my boy just had haircut and darn short (thx to the dad insistence and the dad kenna scolded by the grandpa whaha)
insuarnce my boy have life frm prudenrital and endowment from ntuc whhahaaa

now lack the accident plan .. most prob ntuc bah .. cause cheapo ..
Actually, sleep is the most important factor for growth development and immunity. As long as they can sleep better and longer just on the aircon. Unless your child has asthma, else aircon shouldn't be a problem. I have checked with PD last time.

pei, it could be her body is heaty. As aircon should be enough already, why need the fan too? Try giving ju hua boil with lao han guo and rock sugar(she must be well to drink this). Are her palms and feet warm to touch? If yes, this drink is suitable. Also if you noticed this must really quickly give, else they will fall sick easily. I miss this alarm bell this time, hence my gal fall sick.

kimifin, you can put a bit of chuan bei into his porridge while you are cooking it. Then remove the chuan bei when time to serve. As chuan bei is bitter he may don't like the taste. Chuan bei is good for removing phlgem. You can also steam/boil chuan bei with pork. Just give him the soup will do. The soup/porridge will not be bitter. It is the chuan bei which is bitter.

ntuc is one of the cheapest. I get life and hospitalisation plan for my kids.
pei, yes too much of cod liver oil will cause hardening or liver failure. There are cases in newspaper. But it is due to some crazy parents giving extremely high dosage to their kids. But then to be on the safe side, don't give too much as they are still very young. Btw, from my own observation with my boy, cod liver oil is not very effective with flu. It just minimise chances of infection, so the need of antibiotic is reduced.

cljl, my girl is taking manuka honey weekly when she is 16mths. No issue so far. Just that it is rather difficult to feed her. She has yet to like the taste of honey.
hello gals...
long time no post!!
hows everyone?
had been bz so haven been checking in here...

re: insurance
most imptly is to get hospitalisation insurance... if u get from aviva with ur hb, it will be foc for ur kids lor...

re: supplements
i haven started my gal on any yet... any recommendation? thot of feeding her with sambucol left in the fridge tha my boy doesnt want...hahha

seems like alot of ur kiddos started on cc already, my gal will start next yr in jan...already registered her liao...
Thx Bidosoh, that's very useful!

Sporty, what your gal do while at home?
Cos I only spend weekday evenings and weekends with my son and already nothing much to do with him. The books he read many times, toys abandoned!

If not for cc, I duno how my MIL gona look after him. Lucky I am at work, I can take a breather...
So far, is let him watch 1hr of Barney max.

Then, he recently wants to self feed, else he wont eat. duno good or bad, ha, cos it's such a big mess.

Supplements: I may be thinking of the colostrum chews, but haven let him tried chewing such stuff b4. Do I need to cut them into smaller pieces?
kimifin, normally we do flash cards n read to her...sometimes together with korkor at nite cuz since gg to read to korkor liao, so kill 2 birds with 1 stone la...

other than tha, she will juz play with her toys lor n attends GUG during the weekends... only planned to start her next yr as i hope she can speak abit before she goes cc, at least can tell us who bullied her in skool...lol
Bidosoh, oh ic.. Manuka honey doesnt taste like the normal honey? Normally honey is mix wif cold water right? do you give ur gal honey icy cold or room temp?

sporty, whow.. long long time no see you here liao.. hope u enjoy ur trip.. hee...

cc, mine also will be starting in jan nxt yr...
taurus033 & 1st time mummy: Aiyo my boy got my genes ba... he super small size... he is about 69cm only and 8.7kg! Think he is under height and under weight! not eating well recently after he recover from fever! he bearly wants to eat any solid! I guess is also become he eats alot of junk food and loti! he loves loti and whole day he can just eat loti and drink water (not milk)... wonder why... any of ur todds is like my boy?

Rue and Bidosoh: Mine my stuck in between my hubby and me and the separation anxiety comes from my hubby not my boy! My is not room issue but my husband issue (which is harder to solve!) hahaha...

Sporty: wah... long time no see... hello!

Rue: colostrum? which brand and buy from where? this is for what purpose? I tot colostrum comes from the 1st few days when we deliver? I am confuse? u mean pharmacy sells colostrum?
cljl, yeah we did have a great hols but it was tiring tho! hahah... so which skool is C gg to?

momo mummy, so long never talk to u...missed ur jokes leh!! whahhahha :p ur son v save monies for u leh, eat loti and lim zui nia... have u tried pedisure? it can beef him up abit...
Sporty: Hello... hehehe no wonder my nose so itchy, dun miss me can always come out la kopi drink teh... hahaha... I hvnt tried Pedisure but did check out the price... one small tin cost $39+. Hahaha... my son likes to waste food where got save money... cook threadfin porriage he eat 1 mouth nia then whole bowl throw away... give milk taste abit cry and want water... faintzzz this is waste money where got save money! My boy tot I print money one lehz....
So when is ur number 3? Hehehe...
momo mummy, hahha... ur nose itchy then dig la...LOL :p ya la, we can meet for lunch or what la, u still working at RP? yah, pedisure is good for underweight kids la, maybe u can buy a small tin n try lor...some of my frens swear by pedisure...if not hor, call abbott for SAMPLES!! no 3 ah?? soon lor...whahhahha... when's ur no 2 coming?
duno about colostrum chews, but see a lot selling for kids, I thk is from cow's milk.

My son caught up with weight cos he likes to eat. I thk he go cc, no need worry starve or reject food.
Last week, he was slapped by an older boy in sch cos he snatch his food! hhaa
stil got a few finger marks on his left cheek.

I find my son is more inclined to use his left hand than right.
Find it very odd, but thk let it be.

he prefers books to flashcards. But recently, all the books he sian already. U know, whether so hot too, so sweat easily to entertain him.
Sporty: Wah seh.. soon?!?! oredy?!?! hehehe... pei fu pei fu... i got one little cheeky monkey i half dead liao where got time and energy and MONEY for 2nd one! Hahaha...
Where is RP? My office is at Shenton Way Lippo Centre now is call 78 Shenton Way... where is ur office? Lunch can can... when?
*DIGGING NOSE now...* Hahaha
cljl, yeah mindschamp not cheap...then ur gal same as momoko's gal lor...which branch u sending ur gal to? toa payoh one?

kimifin, actually too early to gauge whether the bb is left or right handed la...this can be "changed" when they start writing lor, my sis used to do alot of things with left hand when she was a bb, but when she started writing, my mum trained her on right hand...eventually she uses her right hand... buy new books for ur boy ba, since he's bored of the old books...if not go n borrow frm the library, they have quite good selection of toddler books nowadays...

momo mummy, its abt time mgmt & multi tasking !! ur boy looks guai from his pics lor, dun look as bad leh... alamak,u are at the end of RP(raffles place), i am at city hall la... ur lunch time flexi bo? if flexi, mb we can meet at raffles pl mrt, middle of shenton way n city hall... dun dig too much nose la, wait the pi sai anyhow flying ard...whhahhahhha
Sporty: Yes my lunch is super flexible... Plus now i dun work tues and thurs liao... Hehehe... Can go over to Cityhall to hv lunch with u too.. hehehe... RP too crowded lahz... everywhere is tissue paper see liao faintz before i can hv lunch... Cityhall at least not so bad.. Hahaha..
My boy guai! fake one lah.. he act kelian only.. he is super active and cheeky.. give me 3 hrs with him alone I will be super shag... climb here grab this and that then cry when i dun give him what he wants.... wah sey.... BUT active better then he sien sien... see him sien sien means BAD news liao... so give me a choice i still rather he active and I am dead tired. hahaha...
Cljl, my girl doesn't really pull her hair when she's hot. But she pulls anytime of the day Ehm her hands itchy! Same, she got so little hair still pull. Now she still looks like a boy. Sigh...

Bidosoh, I on fan for circulation. Cos aircon is quite still leh. Maybe my aircon not very good. Also my temp is set at 26deg, cos doesn't want it to be too cold. Hee...

I think my girl is the heaty based type. Will try the receipe u provide. Thanks!! I give more cod liver oil is hoping it will minimize the flu infection which she's very prone to.

Re: supplements
Colostrum which brand is good? I bought from gnc the powderr form, very difficult to dissolve and my girl hates it.

Re: insurance
We got the life and hospitalization plan for her from Manulife. But I'll prefer AIA if hubby didn't go for his friend's recommendations.

Sporty, so long nvr see u here!! Good to see so many old-timers back to this thread.

How many of you are planning for the next baby (no. 2 or 3 or 4)?? I want to try no 2, but my hubby not very willing leh. He complained we are not ready, mainly because I got not enough time for him.
the colostrum i feeding e with is childlife colostrum with prebiotics .. gnc gt sells ...
very easy give .. give dump into milk (milk + milk nt much diff taste cept gt abit pineapple and dunno wad fruit tatse but guess he is ok with it ..)

yeah e also have hosp plan but frm prudential .. only lack accidental plan nia (will get b4 he goes cc which is nxt yr!)

i cant wait for him to go cc but likewise wans him to build his immunity and finish his jabs and can talk better (so i can know if he kena bullied and by who) before he starts cc ..

my boy is a teebee king ... he cant say his name but he can say the cartoon "Timmy" name ..
peicatz - i feed my boy same brand leh .. v easy dissolve (at least i dun see lumps la) but in plain water abit milky and specky lor but i put in milk dont see anything whahhaaa
sporty, long time no see. How is the class on sat? i will attend the sat class soon. Make up class lah.

pei, 1-2 years gap is the best. Don't delay for too long. Starting all over again is very very sian. Like now, my big one can do so many things by himself and he can express himself so well. Sometime we wonder it will be so easy if we only have him alone. But if both of their age gap is near you won't feel that way. Like my nephew and my gal. Their age gap is just 1 year old. I don't feel much difference in them. Except my nephew can speak more as he is older. Let them grow up together. The xin ku is just the first 3 years. If the gap is wider, the xin ku will be lengthen. Just my own experience.

The chewable colostrum is from tupperware. I saw the bulk purchase has it. Or you can get from Ashley. I have gotten the trial pack. Found that my boy is allergy to it. So i give the reminder to my girl. I don't break it up. Just give her the whole tablet. She suck it like a sweet. I think we have train her in taking sweet. As all along she is taking the Goat's milk chewable sweet.

cljl, manuka taste quite different from normal honey. As it has a slight bitter taste and is thicker in texture. I mix with room temperature water for her.
Ayukie, same one? But can mix into milk? Not too hot? I thought the temp if too hot will kill the prebiotics?? The colostrum us now sitting in my fridge, I tried to take myself, but find it very lumpy when mixed with room temp water leh...

Bidosoh, its not just my decision leh.. Haha... I have set a limit that the max age gap is 3 years. If by then time she's 2.5 years and still no news then we won't have any more.

Chloe is also taking the goat's milk sweet, is the colostrum one tastes similar too? It is sold in stores? Wonder where to get sample...

Re: honey
I've given the yummy house wild honey to my girl before. So far no problem leh. The taste is very light, not sweet, so it's easily acceptable by kids.. I've yet to try manuka honey.
momo mummy, ok good...come city hall la!! ur watsapp still working or not? i will arrange with u...

peicatz, i agree with bidosoh la, dun have a bb with a wide gap la... even tho its very xinku first few yrs but they grow up together and its very sweet to see tha de... jia you on ur ttc!!

ayukie, i scared ur boy bully pple in cc leh...not he kena bullied...LOL

bidosoh, class on sat quite boring without u gals and ur tods...but bo bian la due to some personal changes in schedules so had to switch to sat... yes hope to see u and H on sat if u come for makeup class...
Re: Hot weather
My boy is sleeping with the fan only. When he sweats, he will toss and turn and scratch due to his sensitive skin. So now have rashes on his neck and forehead. But will still settle back to sleep on his own as i ignored him. Most probably is the itch that disturb their sleep.

Re: School
Not sure if want to put my boy in playgroup next year as he still can't really talk, dun think by next year can talk a lot.

Re: Self Feed
Are your tods self feeding fully and do they stuff themselves with mouth full of food? My boy wants to self feed but problem is he eats too fast and keep stuffing his mouth with food when he haven't even swallow those in his mouth. Till now he still doesn't chew.

My boy is very underweight and height too. He's 75cm (recently then increase) and only 8.3kg. He has good appetite but dunno why grow so slow.

Been sometime since u post here. Hi! Wah, u planning No. 3 liao, so fast?

I also still dunno my boy is right or left handed cause he seems to be using both hands to self feed and draw.

So is ur boy ok? So did u go to Funan TCM?

For me i feel 1-2 yrs difference is tough for the caregiver. I like 3-4 yrs difference like my girl and boy, cause my girl can help out and i can spend more time with my girl before my boy came along. But most importantly both parties must be ready to have another baby.
sporty, yup i miss the original sunday class alot. All the tods are almost the same age. Maybe differ by just a month. So the teacher can teach something that is suitable to their age group.

pei, the bulk purchase sell the trial pack. You can check it out. Its 15 tablets in pack for $9 (not too sure now, as i check it 3 months back).

taurus, yes i brought my boy to Funan TCM. However everytime he took the medicine he will fall sick and kena Bronchitis. He hasn't got Bronchitis for almost 2 years liao. After taking the medicine both times he got it twice. So concluded he is not suitable. Actually I should go back and tell Su yishi. But then really don't want him to try and kena later another episode. So now he is on Western med. At least he is putting on weight now. He like stop growing for almost 6-8 months. Takes a long time for them to total recover from Bronchitis.

My girl don't put food into her mouth if it is already occupied with other food. Even for porridge. If she is still processing her food in her mouth, she will shake her head to refuse another spoon. If you give her 2 sweets, she will eat one at a time. After she finish one completely then she will put another one in. I am quite amazed, different from my boy. He also stuff everything in. I guess it is their character.

So nice Sport and Taurus don't mind having a 3rd one. I am stopping at 2. No more helper to look the 3rd one. Also I need time for ourselves too.

My girl is 86 a month back. Doc says it is the genes, and we agree. As my boy also developed about the same phase.
sporty, yeah... bo bian.. thats the only place my hubby wan to send her n its near my in law house... yeap at tpy.. Think different from momoko...

peicatz, once i brought her to cut hair, the gal say whow ur gal hair really very little... sian.. last time mine was like a bush lo!

aircon, mine also on at 26 degrees... juz nice for both father n daughter but too hot for mi! hehe...

whow ur hubby think u no time for him, my hb wans the more the merrier lo.. faints...

Bidosoh, adults also can take right? maybe shld go buy and let my gal try... she still doesnt take alot of water...

most of u all bring ur kids to GUG sat class ah? are they up to the next level already?
peicatz - yeah the one selling at gnc .. the lady says i can mix into milk .. of course ur milk dont too ultra hot lah the normal milk temp ok lor at least those are nt culture .. culture prebiotics then must chill chill take ...
anyway e also takes yougurt once a week or so as well hee ...
sporty - dun likdat say lah .. nw he new class mellowed liaoz .. cause no buddies to havoc (aka lil jo and gang ..) haiz ...
i also gg do make up class on sat hehe
the class he doing nw like gt v big gap lor
i sooo miss our class ... :|
taurus, i think generally kids are v afraid of heat la...sometimes my gal will roll from the floor mattress onto the floor to koon as the floor is more cooling...hahah

bidosoh, yah at least now sun class still have amanda & dekuan with u mah...so not as bad! heheh...

cljl, wah ur hb so "strict" ah..."only place" tha he wanna send C to! heheh ... most of the gals are on sun class, only i am on sat class... ur gal attending gug now?

ayukie, yeah thas why i told u...tods class the age range v big...frm 18 mths to 36 mths (i think?!)...
sporty, he say he wan the best for her ma.. i tel him send to my first skool which is cheaper he dun wan! very very high expenses lo...
oh ic.. yeap.. she attending sun class since apr... so far her progress not bad...
I exchange books/toys with my sis whose kids at +/- 1 yrs.
Recently let him play with stickers, he seems to enjoy, but still put things in his mouth lor.

Wow! #3...my hub n I tired liao, maybe esp when son is sick, hard to get proper care etc...

food-self feeding, initially I was worried he stuffed everythg in his mouth, but I find that if I give him 1 big cake(breadtalk steam cake) instead of smaller pieces, he take his time to "play" with the food and break it into pieces.
Messy lor, but I watch and can have my food at the same time.
Anyone gave Cerelac ?
Cos I rem buying stage 2 mixed fruits and still give him until now, like it cos of the fruits bits. But the recent batch I bought seems like plain rice, so I feedback to them, though Nestle says should not have the fruit bits???
cljl, urs was sun afternoon class isit, thas why never see u ard... of cuz daddy wants the best for C mah, if he foots the bill, why not rite? :p

kimifin, so usually u will take leave if ur boy falls sick and cc calls u?
Rae2: Cod Liver oil as per Bidosoh if overfeed will cause hardening of liver... Sound scary! I used to feed lucas abt 10ml everyday now I feed 2 times a week after i hear wat bidosoh says...

taurus033: At least ur boy is tall... mine is so short and so light... he is not eating well and very active and shit alot so maybe that is the reason y he is not growing well... Sien

Sporty: My wassapp still siao siao if i dun reply you means hor is not working. next week lunch i can do Monday nia leh... if not the week after will b 7June or 9 Jun... we wassapp each other ya...
My boy change sleeping pattern again. these 2 days he slept at 10-11pm then wake up ay 7am eyes open big big stare at me... if i dun wake up he will dig my eye ball... then afternoon sleep either 2 hour if good if not 1 hr... hahaha
He used to sleep at 1-2am then wake up at 9am or sometimes later at 10am then wont sleep until 5pm for another 1 hrs then can dong until 1am then sleep again.. that is madness!
Is every todd like him? I realise he needs very little sleep and i guess that's why he is not growing... Old folks says children sleep less they grow slower?!!?!?!
I am prepared to take leave or alternate with my hub.
But in the last 1 mth, he's been sick on and off and away from sch for about 6 days! cos some days, we prefer for him to stay at home so can rest and nap longer. So have to ask MIL or FIL to help.
FIL looked after once on his own, n he fell sick the next day, tiring mah!
my boy sleeping habit is like this on weekends for normal cases(own time own target)
sleep from 10pm to 7am.
Nap from 1-3 or 4 pm.

Yah, need more food n sleep to grow.
shit a lot also means he is taking in a lot wat.
bou colostrum from overseas spree. so much cheaper- $20+. The same one cost $70+ at GNC. Childlife brand- recommended by raerae
My gal also love loti. Rather eat loti than rice. She's "ang moh". haha. she still drink milk thou. phew! if ur boy doesn't want to eat threadfin porridge, u finish lah, y throw away? the leftover milk from my gal, either myself or my hub will gulp it down. y waste? it's ex milk hor.. w nutrients

the colostrum my gal is taking is childlife brand. no issue w dissolving.

i think my gal is also bored at hm, sianz of same old toys & i do not kw hw to entertain her. My only entertainment is to bring her to swimming pool or to shopping. We freq NLB to borrow toddler books, which she enjoys as bedtime story. recently, bou an easel cos i notice she likes "drawing", but haven open. will do so soon. has ur boy settle in cc? my gal is still crying everyday when we hand her over to teacher... haiz

my boy is adapting well to cc, maybe cos he is used to looking after by diff ppl.
Last time at nanny's plc, got many ppl. same for my family.

Did you go and pick her after sch? may need to chk perhaps she just dun like that teacher or certain things in sch.
Mine likes to eat, so breakfast time, v happy sitting at chair waiting for food lor.

Entertainment-weekends, will morning spend 1 hr after breakfast at playgrd + NTUC(he likes to see fruits and say out names), noon if he can nap 3 hrs, good rest time for us too.
Other times, battling with him to eat or take bath or to go to sleep. If boi tahan, on barney + give him snacks.
I bring her to cc whereas mum will pick her up. prior to this full day cc, i enrol her to 1.5h twice wkly class at zoophonics. She is happy there, mayb because my mil stays with her during class. I thou such arrangement can expose her to classroom setting & hopefully able to adapt to cc faster, but no lor. I guess it's just separation anxiety. Too much changes- we shifted away from her usual caregiver- my mil & start cc at the same time. Nowadays after work will be mad rush for me go hm, clinged onto me the min i step into hse- can't even have shower & dinner in peace. Constantly need me to carry her, doesn't even want her daddy to carry her, only me. She's frustrated, yet we do not kw what she wants. i hope things can settle dw soon else i think i will collapse soon.
momo mummy, my ger doesn't like to eat her porridge & drink her milk also. Gotta distract her w her fav dvd or let her play w our wallets as she will take out all the $ & cards...faintz!
sporty, yeap.. we are in the afternoon coz hb teach swimming in the morning... if he foots the bill, im totally fine! lol...

cod liver, do you all feed the original flavour or the orange one?

Kimifin: Hmmm shit alot but dun eat alot dun noe where the sai comes from leh.. hahaha the Loti maybe...

Rue: I tried eating before what my boy cant finish but now i see the porridge i want to vomit... eat too much liao..... see fish now i scare! Milk i dun like rather throw them away.. use to hv dogs then i will give the milk to my dog but now i gave my dog away liao....
$70+ at GNC. Childlife brand SO EXPENSIVE leh...

Rae: Yah i hear about the hardening of liver i also scare...

Carol Ong: WAH....Hello how r u? I miss u leh

Cljl: Cod liver oil i give orange de cos i smell the original one very smelly leh...

NotveryFatMum: Hello MUMMY!!! yes very lively TODAY only.... cos i think everyone very free! Hahaha How r u my MUMMY!
