(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

oh coz the sales person came to my house do demo.. see liao v tempting but put off by the price. Coz me n hubby both got sensitive nose, so still pondering.. but seeing comments / reviews on the net, think dun wan buy liao.

Philips sale is 28-30 May 2010, 9am-6pm

hmm vacumm cleaner supposed to be good, coz they clean up all the dust ( a lot) from the mattress, pillow. But its ex, abt $3K + leh..

eh that time u bring Lucas to hotel stay right, he enjoy?

I still thinking to bring my gal to hotel stay or jus me n hub oni leh..
morning ladies.

<font color="119911">funne</font>, come for the gathering lah.

for the gathering pls transfer payment to POSB Savings 037-68465-1. indicate your nick ya! $15/pax
i brought my boy to my ritz stay during mothers' day ...he enjoys ah ...i mean, he may not know what's happening but with him around, i enjoyed my stay more!

Cool la..i shld be going for the sales on 29th..
ya lor, coz to stay w/o bb, i will miss her lots lots.. but if bring her along, got to bring lots of things and cant stay out late.
Dilemma now..haha.
yah...i'll miss him lots if i didnt bring him then ...we brought him out at night to helix bridge &amp; MBS...he slept thru in the pram ...
wah so good leh, my bb get distracted v easily. Yest got sales ppl come demo vacumm cleaner, n bb dun wan to sleep, keep kaypoing until the person left.
Onion won't cause gas if its fully cooked and it actually taste sweet, i used those big onions. According to TCM and macrobiotics, its actually best not to introduce fruits so early especially raw fruits . I started with grains first and let him eat that for 2 weeks before starting to add other stuff inside. But i cooked with lots of water, then gradually will lessen water to make the consistency thicker.

Yah i blended the porridge after cooking cause actually its better to cook grains as whole rather to grind it into powder. Did u mash the millet? Better to blend it to liquid as they still learning to swallow.
Something to share from my book on Chinese medicine:

One should keep in mind that everything the baby eats must be turned into 37 degree Celsius soup before digestion can take place in the stomach. That means food should be at the baby's body temp or just a little above or below this. Most definitely the baby should not be fed chilled, iced, frozen or cold foods.

Secondly food should be pureed so that its like a thick soup. Babies do not have the back teeth which can mashed food into a puree inside the mouth. Unless food is reduced to a mash it cannot be digested in the stomach.

Third, food should always be cooked. Cooking does some of the work of digestion before the food actually enter the stomach. Since babies' stomachs and spleens are weak and immature to begin with, they, even more than adults, benefit from the predigestion of cooking.

Because the baby is new to the world and everything in it, their tastes are not yet jaded. One does not have to vary babies' diets the same way as an adult requires. By introducing one food at a time, one can see whether or not the child can actually digest that food. If the child's digestion is not yet mature and strong to digest that food without side effects, there will be some sign of indigestion such as vomiting, colic, gas, constipation or loose stools.
Starrz, Lucas have problem sleeping in the day at the hotel but after a bathtub swim he sleep better.... if got someone help u to look after ur little one theb is better not to bring along... couple time will be great. I got no help so just lugg Lucas along loh....
i jus ask hub, he say dun bring bb go...

we ask PIL to bring bb over the next day to let bb swim in the hotel swimming pool.
waaa i had a full breaky / brunch ... chicken curry rice 1 plate and a full chicken terriyaki sandwich whahahaha i ate alot manz ..
Shiseido is having a sale on all the brands under the Shiseido brand today &amp; tomorrow 10am to 8pm.

Address: 1 Grange Road, #12-01 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
May i know how much u pay for the Ritz stay? The baby cot is provided by the hotel, so was ur boy ok to sleep in it?
kids are on their road to recovery from hfmd.
it was terrible and living hell the past few days.
blisters are still there but at least no more fever and appetite is back.
i myself got no rashes but caught fever and sore throat. now better too.

kimifin, i think there is a infant care under character montessori near sengkang east way.

momoko, my baby also san kee bor. but never mind la, health more important, especially after this hfmd episode, good health more impt than anything.

chris, the $15 is per pax?
thanks for the info..
did u study TCM? i'm thinking of learning TCM coz it seems so helpful to know abit abt TCM..

i bought raycop which is a handheld vacuum cleaner for cleaning dustmites... been cleaning the beds and pillows once a wk... but like not much effect.. :p in the end, my gal's sensitive nose improved aft we try TCM....
hi shihui,
I got a book about TCM for babies and is quite useful so not really studying. Heard that ur kids took the chinese med without any fuss, really good for first timer. Good to hear ur girl's nose have improved.

May i know when is the deadline to make payment for the gathering cause still thinking if i can go.
<font color="119911">myboyjovan</font>, yes it is $15 per pax. details u can check with chris.

<font color="119911">taurus033</font>, have to check with chris on the deadline. i'm just the cashier. lol.
Hihi.. Anyone gave barley water to their bbs? My girl seems a bit heaty after she started cereal. Can give barley water? Angmo barley or china barley har?
bz day...

taurus, think my gal's case was a viral infection...so its airborne lor

starrz, heard of the vaccum cleaner tha u mentioned...my fren have and said tha its not bad...

devlina, weather is bad...hope ur boy gets well soon...

momo mummy, how's the trip to australia? had fun?

swanston, when's the deadline for the trf of the funds?

mbj, in the end, both Js kena hfmd? i think must be very tiring for u to attend to the 2 sickly kids...

shihui, can we place our orders for koi soon?

cass, i gave barley to my bb...but dunno whether is angmoh one or china one...have to ask my mum cuz she cooked the barley...
sporty, your girl sick?
devlina, your boy also sick?

sorry i haven't read back the thread, dunno what's happening.

sporty, in the end both got it. i got it too i think but mine was fever and sore throat (ulcer inside i think)
mbj, yes...she's down with viral fever and stomach flu... aiyooo...u also rest more... its really tough with 2 sick kids!
Hi all mothers,

can I check w those who had brought bb to outdoor swim, any of u applied bb sunblock for bb? If yes, wat brand is good?

Evening everyone ^-^

wow! June gathering program sooo interesting~~

1st time mummy
Your gal can stand.. so fast

thanks for sharing~~ ive noted
shihui, so which tcm did you went to?

Sporty, hope your lil M recovers soon.

DevLina, I remember anise mentioned that Philip Canival is from 28~30 May10

mbj, i search a website which accept han yu pin yin and convert to Chinese Char, then I cut and paste to that url for name selection. Or you can go Windows setting then select language. Then add keyboard with simplified Chinese. To switch to Chinese just click the button located on the bottom of your windows screen from "EN" to "CH". You can start typing Han Yu Pin Yin after that.
Chris, this coming gathering sounds too good to be missed. Really wish that I can join. But hb already said that he don't like to go for such gathering. He finds it awkward lah. Actually he is more outgoing than me. I am the shy one. Maybe will try to ask again.
carol, i dun apply sunblock for my bb cuz i usually bring her for a swim in the late afternoon where there's minimal sun...i do have a bottle of sunblock tha i bought for my son last time, its called water babies by coppertone...

chen mama, come join us for the gathering

bidosoh, thks...i hope so too...keeping my fingers crossed!! come join us for the gathering...i wanna see u and ur lil heather!!

mbj, the fever seems like "gone" liao...hopefully wun come back tonite la...but i noticed my kids's fever goes off very fast...dunno whether isit becuz they taking bm...hahha
Carol, I saw California Baby have sun block. I didn't bring my baby to swimming. But I have good faith in CB products. I just tried the CB cream and everyday lotion on my son 2 weeks back and it helps to prevent my son's eczyma from outbreak. Now I apply these cream twice daily on him. Thumbs up.
Like to check with you when is the deadline to make payment for the gathering as still not sure if i can go. Pls advise. thks
yeah~~ the gathering like so fun..i love to bring Valerie to make friends with all cute babies ^-^
But my hb already have plan.. usually weekend is family outing day
Hope can join the next gathering
shihui, I don't think handheld vacuum is strong enough to suck those stubborn dustmites. I read that must use powerful ones. One of the good brand is ... suddenly forget name. Oh its Nilfisk. Hospital graded brand. But they have household model. I regretted not buying this one. I didn't buy it cos, it not bagless. I bot Dyson as its bagless. Both cost is about the same. However, bag have maintenance cost lor and its not cheap.

sporty, ok will try to convince him. There is mah jong, he likes that.
taurus, u shd also come for the gathering too!

chen mama, ya lor...if have plans already...next time ba... maybe u can join us on next tues for lunch....

bidosoh, yup yup...
hope next time can bring Valerie ^-^

ok nite nite ladies , going to catch my beauty sleep ~~Zzz

oh yeah! i cant go but i have promise chris i am going to sponsor my handmade **shh** see who is the lucky baby ^-^
Sporty, me planning to let bb try out bb pool this weekend say abt 5~6pm when minimal sun but not too late that she will catch a chill....dunno if need sunblock since their skin so tender but also scared sunblock not gd for their tender skin...
Bidosoh, CB pdts well known for sensitive skin, thanx for suggesting, will go check it out! =)
sporty, wanted to ask you a week back but keep forgetting. Have you stop sterilising bottles and your pump?

BTW, I find that my memory is getting very very bad. Keep forgetting things. Is it due to BF. All our good stuff are xfr to our little babies.
chenmama, nites

carol, yah...i find it a hassle to use sunblock and their "swim" wun be too long also...so thas why i never used any...

bidosoh, i still sterlising lor...but planning to stop soon cuz i lazy to descale the sterliser...but now sometimes when i am lazy...i juz rinse her bottles with hot water and feed her...so far she's ok...
i am totally konked out! fell asleep immediately once my head hit the pillow and now woke up to pump. my left boob is seriously blocked. my hubby commented that both my mum and me look exhausted. i'm seriously looking for a maid now. else both of us will turn to skeletons.

starrz, i got the delphin sales pp came to my place for demo. almost tempted to buy that vacuum cleaner and that salesperson was very pushy too. luckily hubby was searching the net for reviews and found out that the reviews ain't positive so we decline. one of my colleague used rainbow and says that it's very good. but it's very ex too and i find it no point cos i seldom use vacuum cleaner.

momo mummy, yup. she likes apples. we didn't give her in raw form. need to steam the apples to make it soft and juicy and i think part of the acidity is reduced after the apple was cooked.

taurus, i'm more ang moh pai when it comes to food. so far, i haven't introduced porridge in her diet. all are purees.
come for the gathering!
cloudyrynn: thks, i got the normal cereal fr ntuc at the end. will try bt panjang next time!

swanston: thks for the invitation, we got plan on tt day alrd! haiz.. i always miss out the fun of gatherings? can invite me to the nov mom's group at fb?

rashes: help needed! my gal develop rashed on her neck and elbow due to sweat.. how to self treat it before i bring her to see dr?
any cream to recc?

tt day i was still telling hb tt i wish to study again... den i thot TCM is very useful.. :p maybe can become a sinseh n fulfil my childhood dream of being a doc... hahaha.. :p where did u get the book? is it gd?

yup.. both kids took TCM well... which is a surprise for me... :D

heee.. i haven't call bishan n amk to ask abt delivery... let me confirm first then i will start the ordering...

i went to Fu Nan at bukit batok...

ohh.. the handheld i bought got vibration mode and oso UV mode... which i like coz i can oso clean her soft toys etc... :p the powerful one usually too bulky... which can be so tiring vacuuming lor... even with handheld, i already sweat like mad.. can't imagine the powerful ones... :p if only there's cheaper service provider who can come n help me clean it every weekend.... :p

i use california bb calendula cream... it's like a miracle cream.. can apply on almost anything..
