(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Jamie & hippo, Happy anniversary!

hippo, enjoy yourself! Min is still taking a number of naps isn't it?! So you have a number of times to be romantic keke

It's funny, last time hubby and I don't talk on the phone. Even when we meet, we don't talk much as we are not the chatty kind. But now, if I didn't call him for a day, he wil call me and ask why I never call him for that day at all! We can chat for an hour at least nowadays.

PY: U mean Charlotte's name was mispronounced as "Shut up"? Oh my goodness! My parents and in laws also can't speak good English. My mum especially, has the tendency to call Charlotte as "salad" and now she calls my 2nd nephew, Kayden as "carrot". So we have "carrot" to make "salad"... Haha... Anyway, she knows she mispronounced and even my nephew will keep correcting her lor... Our family members will usually call her by her Chinese name or nick like "Nini" or "ah-ni". And they shld also understand all babies progress differently.... Cannot compare one...

Ting: Hope HDB will start building your flat soon and complete fast. Usually collection of keys is faster than expected unless contractor runs away.

Guess I count myself lucky for having an understanding MIL who not only dotes on her grand daughter but also me. She had her surgery done today which means I will be alone with Char for the next 1-2 weeks.... and Im beginning to miss her alr. And Char... super uncooperative today... Not sure if it's bcos of her absence..

On hubby... Think I need to be more kind to him... After C arrived, the whole world changed... He's always the one encouraging me and assuring me that things will be better. He helped alot in caring for the bb and makes an effort to bring me on dates. But somehow I can snapped at him easily when he's not even the cause of the problem. It's me who's always finding fault with him when he has none! Aiya... I need to find my love back!

Hippo/Jamie: Congrats on your wedding anniversary!
Wah! so many posts today! thanks everyone for birthday wishes for Samuel! haiz, yah, how fast time flies.
Only thing that is the same is that one year ago on this day i was a tired mummy.... 1 year later, i am still a tired mummy! ahahhahaa :p

Anyway, had a fun day at the zoo. decided to bring Samuel to visit the animals there for his birthday.
He got to touch a horse (that made him laugh) and also got to pat a doggy. A fun trip... but now... mummy is super duper tired!!! but still got to clear up spme work... haiz! :p
Hippo : just found out that yl booked capela as well for our anniversary. Let me know how is it, he said from the review it's very nice

candy white : yes ur the lucky one

py : ohhh next week, blur I thought it's this week

shugar : wah went to zoo today, he must had a wonderful day n enjoyed himself
wahhhhhhh i went to the party shop at hv and its closed!!!!
they close at 7pm mon to sat and 6pm on sun.anyone who intend to go take note of this, dun be like me stupid stupid go n its closed,waste a trip down end up go eat my dinner

jrrt: u have 7 more days haha.i super jialat la, the only thing i did is booked the function rm (done by hb)and smsed a few closer frds n my god parent haha and surf for cakes but all so exxxxxxxxxxx, u getting fr where?

PY: guessed mine might be like urs, hb is aiming at those 3D cake!!!

cat02: ya they are like enjoying at tt corner.and gd thing next time we can just put them there n chitchat. n guessed men r all the same, kick then move haha.Hb so scared of M, he volunteer to do anything n everything fr wash,cook,mop n even cleaning the toilet bowl but dun wan to take care of M

Sotong mom: same here leh.but for my case my hb is super chatty n i quieter unless i siaosiao or meet those whom i can talk to if not like a listener.And now hb will call everyday to 'trace' my movement haha.

ginger: ya i find ur hb very quiet, or none of our hb is his chatting type of kakis hehe

All mommies: help help,i super last min haha. any one see any aeroplane cake that is nice? something like this or better at a better rate, is cake all so ex?=>http://www.ecreative.com.sg/cakes_details.asp?PSID=234
Aiyo, i wont bear to cut n eat it, all the 3D cakes r so nice....

Buffet: help help, this time need a nicer buffet. Any one can recommend?thankyou

Playcorner at function room:
shd i bring down my LG mat, some toys n borrow those barrier gates to create a corner for the little ones to play?haha.

Chiller :
My fil looking forward for more champagne kakis manz,1st thing he get is champagne !!hes like waiting for M and his other grandson to grow up n drink with him coz his 2sons cant drink haha and im allegic to alcohol.and now i need hunt for a chiller n champagne glasses as well.Anyone has chiller to borrow?haha so maybe i shd bring down the mini fridge
tell me about organising parties. I only decided last sunday to have a birthday party. Asked my aunt to book her condo function room. Settled on Tuesday. I think probably just a few people only, haven't really done the other invitations. Cake only just decided last night, going to place order soon but it's super expensive at $200. Don't know how heavy it is, but it looks cute. Going to place confirmed order by Saturday. Only 1 week left for me to settle.

nlimm: http://www.foodinfinity.com/page/412431634
there is one on high flyer, got pilot and small aeroplanes. You can customize or ask them for bigger aeroplane. Give them more details so that they can come up with idea.

my aunt's condo got air con squash court. i got play tennis before, but too hot lah. then at night too lazy to go out.

jrrt: ya lor, when baby starts walking, cannot liao. Even now, he's carrying him, while I carry the heavy diaper bag. Don't know why it's so heavy!

He interacts with him at night. He will play with him a while. Maybe that's why my son sleeps late. We try to put him to bed around 9, but sometimes he's still running around and climbing beds in my PIL's room at 11pm.
hippo: ya, we were jc classmates. paktor too long liao, the passion seems to haf fizzled out by the time we got married.

jrrt: v difficult to shut up during fights leh, i must get a conclusion else cant sleep. n we both dun give in... sigh. ur mum is so rite abt hvg a child cld break or strengthen the family. we always park A at mil's plc during weekends but we always end up shopping for bb stuff. his idea of paktor is to go for movies -.-"

cat02: its funny how these men duno wat to do yet dun like to be told wat to do rite? some of the things r really common sense or repetitive n yet they duno? always makes me wonder where my hb left his brains!

mie: ahhhh... u n hb oso paktor from jc days. so it kinda confirmed my suspicions dat ur hb is the youngest amg the daddies
i thot he looked really young when i saw him at MB. i thot army days r the worst n our r/s survived so nothing can be worse
actually "divorce" just flashed in my mind during the fight n images of A growing up in single-parent hm. but somehow he read my mind n said "u can just go file the papers n i will sign... i dun care sh*t". in a way, i m glad dat the fight took place even though the r/s is scarred. we r now making efforts to be more appreciative of each other n i nag less

sotong_mum: thx for sharing! u haf given me hope
is ur hb based overseas? hw come both of u tok on the phone for so long? but its so sweet lah... hee

nlimm: at first i see ur hb so friendly, i thot ok, hb wont be bored le. end up they din tok much! are cat's hb n ur hb same profession so got common topic? hee
the way you people describe your husbands, sound a bit like me. I think I'm a bit buay zidong. He's the one reminding me to take this and that. Then I'm so messy he's always complaining about the mess.
source of friction.

then he's the one who likes to go shopping and buy baby stuff, while I hate doing so.
ginger>> yeap i think my hubby is the youngest ba.. he is 1981 de, and im 1982!
its like a blessing in disguise after that big fight? good that both of you appreciate each other more after a fight.. sometimes its with a fight that everything just 'blah' out, it sort of clears the air and any grudges right? just dun ever mention the 'divorce' word again ba
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Ginger</font>
wow.. u guys were JC sweethearts??? hb n i were sec sch sweethearts, so ya... the r/s is a little stale. i think coz we've known each other for so long?????

<font color="ff0000">sotong_mum</font>
wow.. 10 yrs is such a long time!!! i feel a sense of sweetness in ur post and feel so determined to create sparks in our r/s as well, so tat we can be as loving

<font color="ff0000">PinkieMie</font>
hehe... my hb n i oso 1981 de

<font color="ff0000">PY</font>
tot of tryin to order myself since i'm gonna order quite a bit. but can't find the email add for Mayuki, sighz</font>
Morning moms, nice weather today. I love it when it's raining, cool n breeze

Read about romance makes me want to go out on a date this weekend. Hope can find a baby sitter to help me

Cakes : think I decided just to order from pine garden. But haven't gone there yet, maybe also on this weekend

Time really flies very fast, cant believe all the babies will turn 1 soon
Candy White (candy_white): YES! i heard her calling her "shutup!" so i went out and told her off.. then she tell my husband she was calling her name. then my husband also told her off lor. say her chinese name instead of saying her english name.

aiyah my sil is low IQ type.. sometimes it's a torture to see her everyday !
I dun like her to play with C even simple hi i also dont like. haha sorry i may sound like an ass here but yah i just dont like. :x there was once she wanted to join C in the playard and she went in, and i straight away carry C away HAHA! :x ok i'm an ass hehehehe

Nlimm: wah! ur husband so good ah still want 3D cake.. i think most hb wont really bother.. :p
by the way i'm intending to bring down my play mat and some toys hah.. if not the bubs will be quite bored ya? unless they wanna swim hhe!

Sotongmum: wooo 10 years! that's really long!
Hopefully most of our marriage will turn out to be like yours !
after so many yrs still as sweet hehehe.

Yes tell me about it! My husband also like this.. he will only bring whatever you asked him to... sigh.. so i cant i not nag at him leh u tell me ?!
arghhh!!! but since he already said i'm v naggy and always scold him.. i shall keep my mouth shut and stare at him if i expect something more like "the wetwipes? diaper cream, mat"

but sometimes he will not get what i wanna say!
ginger>> nnlim and my hb not same profession. They have common fear of their own babies so they can click lah. Wahahahahaha...
mie: wah... he was ur senior in jc?

if possible, i dun even wana fight wif him n yes, i will steer clear of the D word.

ilmm: u lagi sak... all the way from sec sch??? really lao fu lao qi le!

PY: i can so relate to ur story of ur hb sayin u nag n scold him. but after a while, my hb got so pissed off, resulting in our major fight. like wat some of the mummies say, lets try to revive the romance!

cat02: hw can ur hb be scared of baby k? she is so cute! i love her "shang nao jin" n "no more" expressions!
must clap hands!
none of the people I know who started from sec school and jc made it to marriage.

ginger: I think is fear of other things, such as K dating at a young age.

cat: what fear would nlimm's husband have?

I know my husband is scared of a lot of things. Mainly, scared that Elgin would grow up to be as short or shorter than him. Scared that he is too small, scared that he would get fever and fits, scared that he cry too much and get fits, scared that he try to walk and fall down and hit his head and become stupid, and lots more
So is your hb from dhs? Cos he looks like the std dhs format to me ah. The zhong hou lao shi type!

We went down that road too. But that was quite early in our marriage n we couldnt resolve our differences - mainly the IL issues so i gave up trying n issued the ultimatum. M glad i did cos we bounced back stronger ever since so phew!
of course now that we have bb, we have to work harder at maintaining our love for each other lor. Its something that requires constant effort and a lot of TLC. This weekend go somewhere romantic, just u two n rekindle the spark.

Thinking of going to Au Jardin for dinner tonight, where the man knelt on 1 knee 6 years ago. Hehe...
Ilmm: wow sec school, amazing! For me I'm just dated yl for 1 year n 4 months then we married. Fast ah :p

Nlimm : ya think better bring down ur playmat n some toys so ur baby guests won't be bored

Catering for buffet : try this May Catering 90047507 I really think she's good

Cake : anyone tried 7th manna cakes before?
we can shake hands together! i'm e muddle headed one. bring this, din bring tt. kena scolding by him lor!
My hb is not the romantic type. wun spring surprises or buy me flowers depite knowing i love flowers but he's a v responsible father &amp; hubby to me. so well, give and take. he is the one tt washes my pump parts for my last pump so i can go to zzz 1st. ever since #1, he did tt. and to think i took it for granted tt all hubbies do tt until my fren &amp; I talked abt it then i realised I am the fortunate one. he was the one tt taught me how to use the pumps somemore! LOL!
why diaper bag so heavy? erm, good qns! mine is always heavy oso! nxt time we pour out the contents in our bag &amp; compare ok? hahaha. moreover now my diaper bag carries stuff of 2 kids. thankfully RN on bfg, else imagine lugging the hot flask for water, milk btl etc, largi heavy!

ginger &amp; Mie
wow! u guys hv come a long way! Since JC! Its so valuable!

ginger, why not movies leh? i oso think its one of the essentials of pak-tor-ing leh! i love watching movies esp so now its considered a luxury.

i think it was a v cute sight when i saw the 2 men at 1 corner chatting juz as I was pushing out my stroller to leave the plc. my hb wld hv the chance to chat if not coz of my son. so u can see most of ur hubs got chance to mix ard, mine cannot. coz my son wldnt keep still &amp; wan his papa to bring him here &amp; there lor.
i've oso heard my colleagues saying their hubs r like tt - kick then they move... 1 step. kick another time, move another step. Glass &amp; me can join these men's league liao! LOL!

sotong mum
wat do u &amp; hb talk abt everyday? last time both me &amp; hb's workplc v near, we oso dun bother to meet 4 lunch leh. i thot since we alrdy see each other everyday, no need to liao mah. hahaha
but thks 4 sharing ur story. glad tt u both hv walked out of it and now has a stronger marriage.

argh... talk abt cakes... i am so gg to burst my budget alrdy... haven finalised details yet but i am sure my hb will roar when he finds out. in any case, i only intend to tell him everything AFTER the party then he cant do anything liao! LOL!

we got married ard same time. urs in sep, mine in jan. u guys only decide to hv baby aft a few yrs into marriage? my hb kept chasing me, say wan baby... we were bickering over this during 1st yr of marriage! hahaha. he knelt down for proposal! awww..... i din hv a decent one. humph! dun wanna talk abt it.
ur hb looked the honest type, as well as Mie's. like can b bullied type! ssshhhhhh!!!!

SO the lantern gathering how? darn.. am hvg gastric attack since last nite... woke up &amp; merlion-ed big time at 3am... had to send my hb to 7-11 to get antacid. this morning felt lousy and saw doc. argh~~~ wanna get well soon! got wedding lunch tmrw and the gathering!
glass: wah u r efficient, so fast decide on cake.Thanks for the link, does their cake taste nice, u tried b4? Saw tt design, nice haha hb will love tt pilot, he want M to be pilot!!my god i was telling him, "hey y u want ur son to be ppls' "driver". What is the dimension u got fr them? Their biggest is 10inch by 4inch only wo, is tt big enough?

wahhh aircon squash court, where is tt?i like hehe.pm me?
tennis is play b4 10am n after sunset type of timing sun will give me migraine

Ginger: haha ur hb is smart. if he rem, he will forever need to rem. Act blur is the best way isnt it haha.Yalar have to put them together next round, my hb is those who can talk to everyone n anyone which i cant stand it. This round ur hb alwasy just stick to u leh:p

ginger/Cat02/glass: haha ya i guessed my hb is scared of M :p Scared of taking care of him but i very bad always leave M with him n i go work a few hrs during wkend haha. Glass, ur hb's is not fear is worry wo hehe,like me think too much type:p is he a capricorn?haha

PY: ya me too wan a 3D cake but hor if its infront of me, i will feel so sad to destroy an art
still hunting aldy

Angelina: wahhhhhhhhhhh tts fast, i very bad, i made hb go after me for i think abt 2 yrs then i accept him haha,then date for 1 yr+ then rom:p
Oh that nos is to Elite cartering wo,not May Cartering.Or u meant the pax named May?
the posts these days on relationships are very interesting... hmm.. my husb is prob one of the younger ones as well. 1982? well.. we knew each other since jc as well but only started dating in uni cos probably din wanna go thru the tough army days.. haha... i think its hard to keep the romance alive with or without a kid.. it takes alot alot of effort on both sides.. no?
ting: maybe you should get your own fridge to store milk? really very heartache leh.. or 'upgrade' your home fridge to those with the 'beep beep' sound one if door not close properly.. the beep beep is so irritating that no one will be able to stand and let the door be left open whole day one.. heh..

ilovemaxmax: you can join 1 of the regular mayuki spree by jj at the overseas bp site? i join before.. but takes quite long cuz her order taking window quite long then plus all the waiting for the shipment and re-stocking..
angelina, i'm also looking at pine gardens.. do you have any quotation from them? they email me some quotations but only for the normal cakes, not the design cakes.. and they indicate those toy figurines must provide ourselves.. so troublesome? don't know if their design cakes are as nice as their premium cakes also..
hippo>> woooooooo.. make him repeat that same stunt tonight? hehehe.. and nope, my hubby aint from DHS.. hahaha..

jrrt>> ya actually everyone feels that my hubby looks like the type can bully de, coz i look damn fierce la.. and everyone assumes im the domineering one in the r/s! haha.. its true to a certain extent, but hor dun see he can bully de, i also get bullied at times hor! just that he always give in to me. i very xiao jie one, cannot means cannot. hahaha

cat02>> actually i also have those fears for my girl.. abt them getting preggy before marriage, kena cheated by man all such stuffs.. i think too much? haha i dunno but these worries are all unknown de lo..
Nlimm : yes the person name is May. She did for my house warming n baby shower, both was good. All the food was finished,all the guest said the food was nice. She actually caterer my meal every single day,but I stopped already cause I got maid now.
Yeah for me n yl,it was very straight forward, we're dating to get married. I'm indonesian that stays here to be with him just after I graduated from uni,so I told him don't play play

Jadabelle : shugar's son birthday was with pine garden's cake. N I like the taste, guest actually eat the cake. I haven't gone there before,think will go this weekend. My option is between pine garden or 7th manna cake house, on their website most of the designed cake got the price already, around $130

Mie : I also scared of the same thing if I have a girl. What if she become naughty, n pregnant n all, wah damn scary
Well, none of that happening cos our stupid 5yr old car is in the workshop!!! Radiator broke. So im eatg bee hoon soup at home
hoping to be able to get back the car b4 capella tom!
Lantern festival:

yes it's still on.. Guess everywhere
will be crowded ba.. And no one had a better suggestion where to go...

If it's really crowded then
we don't 'picnic' there lo haha! Just carry the bubs with their
PY>> i haven buy lantern for belle to carry tmr! i thot her gonggong will buy for her, but he never! i gg to pester him later.. hahahaa

hippo>> there's always your dad's car or your brother's car to erm, 'borrow'?
jrrt: "kick then they move... 1 step. kick another time, move another step. Glass &amp; me can join these men's league liao!"

wahahahahahahahaha. that really describes me.

regarding buying flowers, he used to buy flowers every month. now no more coz he scared his mother tell him off or nag. he said must wait till we get our own place, or he buy the flowers and put it at my mum's place. wah biangz.

nlimm: i've learnt something. It's called the 60 sec rule. Just make up your mind quickly and don't dither. It's either want or don't want. either eat this or that. I hate it when people take super long to decide what to eat for lunch, esp when i was pregnant. I was like, come on, let's go, if not i go by myself.

wahaha, then that cake super suits your needs. pilot no need to really pilot the plane. just sit there and have auto pilot take over. only need to be super vigilant during takeoff and landing.

i'm looking at either 7 or 8inch. they recommended 8 or 8.5 inch for 25 people. I need to email them to confirm. I never tried their cake. Found them as I wanted a non-diary, non-egg and non soy cake last time, and had to google our forum to search for the link. but thinking of not having that as it costs extra $30 and I don't plan to let my son eat the cake.

aircon squash court at lor chuan, but i too thin skin to go there. the guards kept asking whether i was a resident.

my hubby a bit nu ren when it comes to family coz he is more thoughtful and thinks more. but nothing to do with the horoscope leh. he's leo.

angelina: i know how you met, but did you meet in Singapore or Indonesia?

regarding girl pregnant, naughty etc, I think it's the women's world in the future. Guys are actually going to be more afraid of women in the future, and the girls are going to be more assertive. So, just teach your daughters to protect themselves and know how to stand up for themselves.

re playmat
Elgin is terrified of playmats. I got him one recently, and he would howl in terror and it's really hard to calm him down when he sees it. I tried using bedsheets to cover it and it sort of work, but it was slightly translucent, so he kept staring. My MIL thinks it's too troublesome and traps dust so she doesn't want to use the bed sheets.

We tried a few times, but even after a long time, he still becomes hysterical when he sees it.
Really dunno why. It has pooh bear on it.

Just 2 days ago, I suddenly realised why he got so terrified at my friend's house a few months back. I brought him there, and he was ok until we got him to play with some of the toys at the playmat. Never thought about that until suddenly. Really don't know why. Even if we turn the mat the other way round, he is still super scared.

Because of this, they don't dare to let him try walking on the floor.
Angelina: oh no wonder haha she was saying ' no no we r not may catering we r elite catering haha.
I'm thinking yl might know my ex,also officer at his base but he left after finished his bond 2yrs back n now a pilot, u ask if he knows Adrian goh
actually I think for relationship tt starts when we reach marriage age is more stable as we know what we want fr our partner aldy.

Glass: wahhhh tts farrrrr let's drop tt idea. Ur previous suggestion is more possible as I shd be there a few days per wk fr Oct.oh unlike Leo char haha .
Glass : I met in indonesia, he was sent there for a year, when he needs to return just nice I finished my study. So I moved here to be with him

Nlimm : sounds familiar, but again yl is a naval officer but sure he knows air force guys
Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 3:15 pm:
Lantern Festival @ Vivo City
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Chinese Tea!?
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
4) cat02 (i've added chinese tea in the list above. kekeke)
5) jamie
6) vodkarib
I tried to called vivo hotline but no one picks up the phone.. so i guess we just go there lor. i dun think it's a per entry basis ba. since that place is so huge! hahaha.. the registration is just for those yao gui people who wants the free lantern maybe haha!
u're so funnie! yao gui pple?!
Ok keep fingers crossed tt my gastric will b gone by tmrw!

hey hope u dun take it to heart hor... juz a lame joke. :p

pple always think my hb is the easy to bully type while i'm domineering. haha!

wah seh... got many young mummies &amp; daddies ard!
All of u r v young mummies here! Wah stressed leh! kekeke...
Ur hb cant b tt old... hv seen his photos. Think he's born in 1975-76?
Py: wahhh ur hb 11 yrs older!!! Tts a big gap Manz

Angelina: nope he's naval officer also haha but now a sia pilot ,finishing training soon n getting married soon too. Maybe yl knows they fr same base n maybe yl was his boss haha he was a captain 2-3yrs back

jrrt: u also young ma , younger then me haha n with2 offsprings aldy

hippo: yy leh? Only a wedding dinner to attend for me
ME! 17 oct.

think this particular wkend not alot of babies borned. i rem YX borned 2 days aft RN.

my hub oso 75. u r a really young mummy! if i got married so young, i wld really wan 4 kids. ideally, i wan 2 more, 1 baby born in each yr of me &amp; hub's zodiac yr... aiyah but can 4get abt it liao...

i younger than u? we're same age rite?
jRRt: hey how's your gastric? Hope you are feeling better today!

Re: mid autumn gathering: aiyah! Miss another gathering again!
we got a friend's house warming at 6pm today!
Hope you all hv fun anyways!

This romantic/ unromantic hb topic is an interesting read! Hehehe... But really, it's hard for relationship to stay the same after our little bubs are here. Sad but true.
But can still hv short time outs without them n catch up properly with the other half once in a while. Think that really helps.

Jadebelle: re pinegarden, their customized design cakes of 2kg will set you back about $90. (toppers not provided). I went for a design that didn't need toys/toppers.
Cake quality wise, it's pretty much same, except that i feel they used a bit more cream than usual.
just when i mentioned my dad never buy lantern for belle, i went home to discover a lantern that he bought for my baby! how sweet is that.. hahaha
belle is now all that my parents think of everyday, their lives revolves ard her and nothing else. not that im complaining la! hehe

jRRT>> you very lao meh? and you say 17 oct celebrate bday, is RN right, not you! hahaha
and are you gg to join us today? how's your gastric? want to see you play 5-10 with belle!
Jrrt: why can forget about it???! how old did you get marry? haha mine was 22 i think or 23

Nlimm: yah lor... age is a big gap but look wont right ahahahha! in fact he looks more kiddish than me man. >.<

Today's gathering:
ON hor? hehehe i see u all there later. :p whoever reach first sms one another k. :p
remember to bring lantern hahaha! and camera!
shugar &amp; Mie
gastric better tdy thou the pain still there. at least i can eat and not puke anymore. :p

u r v right... a r/s will nvr b the same again wif new family members. we juz gotta adjust ard it.

ur parents really really dote on belle.
my mum alrdy bot the lanterns for the kids a few wks back. i had to stop my MIL fr buyg another set! but my son's lantern, erm... only hv the body part but the handle to carry the lantern is missing! gotta try find it later... but am rushing out for wedding lunch soon. tdy is a mad rush 4 me!
yeah, play 5-10 wif belle! wahahahahahhaahha!
eh can celebrate my post-bdae oso together wif RN! my kids and me all same horoscope! it was totally unplanned thou! hahahaa...

I ROM-ed at 25 (i think! cant rem!), customery 27! see lao liao lah... ideal age to get married was 24 but hb din propose and I paiseh to hurry him leh! haahahahahhahahahaha!
thks 4 ur compliment hor. heee
at e end of e day, age is juz a number. wat matters is being happy!

hope can join u girls later... my darn gastric nvr go away despite medications! i cannot enjoy e lunch later.
Mid-autumn gathering:
Im most likely going to miss it unless we can finish going all the place we want to go before that. And I have not tasted any mooncakes for this year.... I haven't got a lantern for C too.
I want a doraemon design. Have fun everyone!

Mie: I sent u a msg in FB.

Jadebelle: Just another ref for pine garden cakes. I got mine for $138. Did some customization to my own design, 2-tier, top and bottom different flavour. Toppers optional.

Wahahah. Topics on R/S and age so interesting!

I do feel a super big change after wedded and with an additional member. Marriage is really like not jus between 2 of us lo. Since baby born, me n hb also so many arguments over his parents. Every few days there will be something new and my "punishment" for them is to hide in the room w KD or go out on wkends and leave them no chance to even carry the baby at all. I had enough la. To keep my sanity I have to do it like this. Do or say something that turns me off and I wun let u see KD. So? Sue me la! I am his mother I have the right to do anything I want! Next time KD grows up get married I will tell him no hse can't get married first. Surely will have retribution!

Wah PY!!!! 11 yrs gap!! Is alot leh!! Almost same zodiac Liao! No "generation gap" between u n hb? Wahahahahah. U know abt wat ur hb said mayb the mothers of the 神奇 babies are smarter..... U can possibly reply with " ya lo!!! How u know one? They confirm smarter than me cos u see the hb they choose?" wahhahahahahahaha!! See he next time still talk senseless or not.

Enjoy the mooncake festival tonight! I am going bk to my parents place for stayover! Oso very happy!
