(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Yes I agree its like pang saing for the worst constipation ever. Didnt have epi for all 3. Wanted to feel the pain.I only use the painkiller which lasted for 4 hours.

I timed my labour some more. I know that the painkiller will last only for four hours, so when I'm dilated at around 4 cm, I asked for the painkiller. When you are relaxed you can dilate easily and you will dilate about 1cm every hour.

So this is what happens when you work in the logistics line for too long...everything is timed to perfection...hahah!!
btw for my first one, I had 4 hours labour and the 2nd and 3rd one was 6 hours..
Hope i'll be as lucky again this time..
chiapatty>> yucks! i thot after they insert the pill or dunno wad medicine, we supposed to clear ALL our bowels le? i dowan my baby to come out together with the shit!!!
Miemie, my gynae inserted like a bottle of liquid into my eek eek...less than 2 mins, I was having the best pangsaing experience ever..hhaa!
Astro: Browsed your blog quickly for more of Teng's pix. No baby pix ah? Anyways, will read it when free. (now only got time for posting on forum...ahahaha)

Joanne: Wow, you are so wei-da! Induce birth without epi??! Unheard of! Induce birth very pain wan you know.. Aiyah, of course you know lah. Anyways, are you going to opt for epi this time?
Rina: Wow, another wei-da mummy. I don't understand, but why you want to feel the pain leh? I really can't understand.. hm...ponder ponder ponder... I confess, I'm a chicken.

Miemie: You see, sometimes (in fact very often) labour lasts for hours (mine was 14 hrs!) during which time the mummy must eat some food to have energy to push later. And later what happens to the food that was consumed earlier leh? Become sai lor.
im grossed out... really grossed out.. you mean we supposed to eat whilst waiting for the cervix to dilate? i tink i will be too painful to eat lo..if we take epi we not supposed to eat anything at all, think only on drip right?
Miemie: If take epi can only eat very lightly so that won't throw up later. It's up to you whether want to eat or not but must make sure got energy to push bb out later lor.
Chiapatty, actually I'm too chicken to take the epi..heheh..I heard you got to 'prawn' yrself rite? Then they will insert the jab into yr spine?
i have a blog too..
you're welcomed to look see if interested. nothing that interesting though. just boring ramblings and recordings of my life. had another blog for my first pregnancy. also can find the link there.

i've made my pregnancy announcement.. too lazy to hide hide la..

here's the link: famela(dot)me
famela! Your entry is making me almost cry. I'm trying hard to hold my tears now. In the office neh...Amazing you know the exact timing of each stage, whilts in the pain...
Rina: hahaha Yah, you have to 'prawn' yourself but the procedure not painful leh. At most it's a needle prick for few seconds vs prolonged pain until die contractions for hours on end followed by possible tearing or snipping of ...eeks.. and then sewing up...eeeeekkks... Ah-doi!
rina.. oh my... my story that touching isit? i know i sobbed like mad on that day once baby born la.. the timing is pretty exact yes.. for most of it la.. cos my hubby was busy taking photos and video truout. so i could find out the timing frm the photos and videos. hehe

try www.famela.me then look for the link pregnancy at the side if you want to read only about the pregnancy
xoxo, please excuse my ramblings hor.. i can be ery auntie sometimes.

chiapatty, i forgot la, how old is your dear daughter now? you mean the epi is less painful than the contractions? i did ask for epi towards the end cos the pain was getting unbearable.. but midwife said already 7.5cm oredy, sure want epi or not? tot abt it and just went ahead without. too painful to think too long. luckily to get fr 7.5 to 10 didn't take that long
Famela: I just read your entry on birthing. Such a famela ('familiar'
) story, so touching. Sigh.. making me look forward to my next birthing experience. Thanks for sharing.
Famela: Yes, administering the epi was not painful at all. Needle prick only. I suspect therefore it is not half as painful as contractions because honestly, I don't think I experienced the real full blown contraction because of epi.
astro, my old gynae was dr judy wong. she's left kkh to go tmc though so i'm now with dr irene chua at tps kkh

chiapatty, i am oso looking fwd to my next birth story. hopefully it'd be easier and shorter. i hope next time no need to induce.. my frens who took epi all swear by it. and say they'd go for the epi much2 earlier the next time round. it must be really good.. i think i shall try to brave it out again this round.. but we'll see la. cannot say too soon la yah?
Chiapatty: read your post about the epi.... OWwww! Owwwww! owwww!
had a friend who gave birth w/o epi recently. duno wat got into her and she decided she wana be superwoman. hehehe, in the end she said she blacked-out halfway from pain while pushing.. but the pain was bad enough to wake her up again! awww man! lucky her labor only 3 and a half hours.
famela: she stopped pushing for a bit but then she said the pain roused her up again. gyne said she went all limp for a moment. tough price to pay for being super woman. :S
famela >> ramble all you wanna...more to read for me = more distraction from my nausea. after reading your birth story, thought to myself..yeah, i need a cool gynae. i cope well with pp who are steady. now wondering if i got myself a too-cool one..hahahha..but u know, the opp of that would be the sympathetic type. if i end up with someone like that, knowing me, i will go on and on abt all the pain and never get down to doing anything (giving birth)..so better stick to dr sim like glue. now in distress...what to have for dinner? most of lunch has been wasted..it's a C day for me.
shugar: all limp? oh my! must be super painful. it's true not easy being woman la.. first must endure all the ms and/or discomfort during pregnancy. then must endure labour pains. but our rewards oso plenty i guess. nothing like a mother's love for her child i feel
xoxo: i have dinner.. but Miser is coming home again , LATE.. haiz. super sian.. moody. i thought my mood swings period is over? apparently not..

are u all feeling cold ah? i am feeling quite cold. in wind breaker now..
woohoo! astro >> you keen? this is an aqua fitness programme...how abt miemie?

Aqua Fitness In Pregnancy @ KKH

This is an exercise programme for expectant mothers. Our physiotherapist will take you through an exercise programme consisting of warm ups, flexibility and strength training, and a cardiovascular workout for those who are keen to keep fit and healthy during pregnancy. The use of water buoyancy and resistance with a well-designed programme will help you achieve physical and mental wellness.

Class Content:

* Warm up
* Flexibility stretches
* Strengthening training of pelvic floor, back and abdominal muscles
* Aqua-aerobic/ low impact workout
* Cool down
* Monitoring optimal exercise intensity

Commencement Date:

Saturday, 04 April 2009

Time: 1.00pm - 1.45 pm or 2.00 - 2.45 pm


Hydrotherapy pool, Rehabilitation Department, Basement 1, Children's Tower

(includes GST):

$111.30 for a total of 4 sessions

For cheque payment, please crossed and made payable to "KK Women's and Children's Hospital Pte. Ltd"



Registration & Enquiries:

Patient Education Centre at
Tel: 6394 1268
Weekdays: 9.30 am - 6.00 pm
Saturdays: 9.30 am -1.00 pm
astro >> dunno what to eat. no appetite. just zilch idea abt what to have..what are u having? i am super hot...but was shivering yesterday night.
xoxo, since you're already comfy with dr sim, better stick with her la. i'm sure you'll have more of your own amazing stories to tell once the baby is out
i love my old gynae. she really was steady and comforting during the whole labour experience. i felt it then, and i saw it all over again when i watched my birthing video. hehe

i'm oso distressed over dinner
feel extra extra sick today. merlioned out my lunch just now. and i keep retching. that stuck feeling in my throat is back. drink water oso cannot 'load' properly kinda feeling. really uncomfortable feeling in my tummy and chest and throat. hate days like these. i seem to be getting sick more in the evenings these days.. tsk.

i think so...you should download the brochure..all women and looks kinda good to do..can't sit moping at home all day! it's making me sick... cannot agree with you more abt the digestive bit now. it's a complete mess..and i feel so antsy abt the whole sensation of wanting to throw up to the actual act..i get tense when the evening draws near since it means i need to be precise abt what i want to eat as most stalls close by 9.30pm.
