(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


Nlimm: me'!!! I'm thinking of Suntec for GUG! Saturday 2pm!

PY: GUG not shichida method. That one a lot of hard work! The fun factor for GUG is more! Think Someone mentioned that LNT is more Shichida. Actually if you want fun for Charlotte, you can try gym classes. I'm sure they have weekday classes. JG is another option. If I'm SAHM like you, I'll sure join JG!
Funzee: no stress! Did u drop a note to the seller? Any tracking number? Might want to see if there's any other alternative.

Xoxo: dre unscrewed UHU? My goodness! Hope she is ok. So far no tummy ache right?

Re: big birthday parties
Tell me' about it! You know up to this stage I am still thinking of not inviting relatives but my hb was saying how can invite friends not no relatives! Then I tell him not to invite his colleagues but he already did! For me', I merely invited really close ones! And now I almost feel sorry for myself and Kay. I really dunno how to split ourselves up! I love planning for
Parties but I want it the way I want it to be!
funzee: aiyo bomb their mailbox haha. Wahh u starting planning so early too

gal: tt one is 15sept this wed hehe every mth 15th will bring m out though most of the time no idea where to just go town (coz aircon is an essential haha) 15 Oct shd be another mini one now waiting to see if hb mind getting a rm at marina sand for M hehe after his morning photoshoot.9Oct is the big one for closed relatives ,closed frds n some online mommies[as usual the initial mini one blow to a big one] super busy now with party preparation n work preparation

Tien: when u intend to start? M still has 5 lessons to go at gymboree.
Nlimm : 15th sept is this wed right? Too bad I already made a promise to celebrate my helper's birthday. If I read this earlier I would have changed the day

Xoxo : hope nothing wrong. Pray pray pray

Funzee : I need the ready to buy cake on the day itself,but thanks for the info. Hope they will deliver A's dress soon

Tien : jg is another singing n dancing? I need to find some activity on weekdays
Glass: no worries abt the KM location info!

Astro: have fun yah! sigh I wish I had a holiday too!

xoxo: Just went to check my tube of UHU stick... it says non-toxic. hope yours is the same and that drey will be fine. Dun worry!
nlimm: This Wed I can't... Mil going for surgery on Thur and she granted me a day off to myself cos after that I won't have help to look after C foe 2 weeks... Will be us to ourselves. I alr book facial and massage and then do some shopping on Wed! ;p

funzee: U ordered 2 months ago for the dress and it's still not ready? Did etsy tell u the arrival date when u place ur order? Think better hurry them! In any case, just to let you knw that Chateau is now having the red and white stripes series for their dresses. May have what u need.
Angelina: bring ur helper along n all of us sing her a birthday song hehe:p JG is a private sch tt offer classes fr I think 6 mths(playnest), playgp fr 18mth to nursery n more. I'm seriously thinking of remain on Parttime job basis then can send M to JG, will decide after the trial end sept.

Py: JG charges is the same as most playgroup wo,ard $1k+ abit for 1term tts ard 10wks(this is for playgroup18mths onward) same rate as st James(full house aldy, waiting list abit long too for both their sch) cheaper then Patsch n Eden.
Patsch n Eden so far din get very gd feedback,was told soso maybe just for my frds' kids those branches.
I check out those playgp at those church n neighbourhood sama rate or slightly cheaper only

Candywhite: aiyo missed u again.

Xoxo/shugar:what abt uhu n dre? I think I missed ur post on this. Dre ok? U both able to join us on we'd?

Ginger/ py: howhow where to? U been to any playplc at united sq? Any plc nice there?
nlimm > thanks for organising the wed playdate. i can't cos of work commitments. sian. JG is $1K? I don't rem it being so. I think I paid abt $800 incl of $200 deposit which they refunded to me when I decided not to continue. It's quite OK when u consider that it's 2x per week..and 1.5hrs at that. wait for mid-term, with the 50% off...that's when it gets quite worth it in my opinion.

funzee, gal, tien, shugar, nlimm > i got a shock when i saw her merrily licking the UHU stick. for how long, I don't know. my fault really, cos i left my bag on the floor..Dre went to rummage, took out my pencil case and got hold of the UHU. i was working on the computer, turned around and saw her licking the glue. it must have tasted quite nice to her..cos she grinned...but i went into shock. so did the Dad. took it away from her and gave her a stern scolding..she hollered and protested plus threw a huge tantrum. *headache* yeah, it says non-toxic..but STILL!!?!?! ok lah, won't over-react...calm calm..what's licked cannot be unlicked right. but like i said..i've got monkeys in my mind abt this.
play area > just to suggest...at JG Forum there's a playground on the 2nd floor. used by chiltern house in the afternoons at certain timeslots. $10 membership for 1yr I think...but it's pretty decent if u are looking for an indoor slide and soft padded ground etc.
PY: Count me in for the weekday activities, at least got something to occupy him and something for me to look forward to.. Hahaha.. Don't say he bored sometimes I also bored.. :D

xoxo: don't worry dre should be fine..

candy_white: your MIL is so understanding how i wish my MIL also can say grant me one day off to go shopping.. and your wed activities is seriuosly packed.. hahaha.. :D
Good morning mummies...zombie Tien reporting.

nlimm: I intend to start next week hahah...need to confirm with hb first. That's the first sat that Kay is free in the afternoon. Problem is, I am thinking should I do a trial at Suntec before deciding. Notice that whether Kay enjoys a class or not very much depends on the teachers.

Angelina: JG is more like GUG. Have music, speech and drama, art etc. Not as tedious at KM. I intend to be the one accompanying her when we start GUG. Because I love attending classes with her.

PY: Actually JG is slightly more expensive than GUG only. You can check out this page hahah...some mummy actually did a comparison. And she blogs about all her child's lessons. http://sunflower700.wordpress.com/2009/06/10/is-gug-cheaper/

Xoxo: Dre showing her super sleuth side! Well most glue has more starch than anything else. So should be ok. Get those monkeys out of your head!
hihi all, seem like alot of activities. I am so busy at work that no time for forum and fb must have miss out alot of fun.

sighh need to continue my work now....
Poor Kay is down with fever. All of a sudden! Had to rush back home cos my mum seems to be down too! Think both of them caught a flu somewhere. And this Kay refused to let us take her temp! Fussing a lot! Finally got her to sleep after paracetamol. Will see if temp returns before sending her to the far far PD.

Glass: that was the same question I asked yesterday. Intend to find out more. But I think some centers accept while some don't.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">nlimm</font>
sorry didnt reply u until now. I'm FTWM so can't bring my son out for gatherings lah, if on weekday.

JG trial only can call them back in week 3 which is end of sept. so tat the moment is juz wait &amp; wait.

n u are rite... JG amounts to abt $800. Some ppl say it's ex, but actually if u look at it on the per hr basis, it's quite reasonable. $20+ per hr. as compared to some others which are abt $50 an hr. the only drawback is it's twice a week, 1.5hrs. hence, amounts to so much.

<font color="ff0000">Glass</font>
cannot use baby bonus to pay for these
but for JG, if u have OCBC or UOB card, can opt for free 6/12 mths installment. haha, i'm still paying for my #1 sch fees now coz cheapskate me opted for 12 mths. since free, why not rite?? haha

<font color="ff0000">Enrichment Classes</font>
Another one u all can consider is Right Brilliance. Check out the website here. http://www.rightbrilliance.com/index.htm

This is a collaboration between my fren and her fren. They both branched out from Shichida. I have actually spoken to her about organising a trial class for our Oct babies and she's looking into it, coz they dun usually provide trial classes. They can start a class with juz 2 and max class size is juz 6, so a small grp which i like.

The reason why i'm recommending this to u all is coz what her kids can do. kids the same age as my #1 can already write numbers at 2 y/o. something which my #1 still can't do. so i can only attribute it to her class.

OK, i'm mean to compare and to expect so much from a 2y/o but it's only human nature to compare rite? and wonder how come that kid can do it, my kid can't. kiasu me am so tempted to sign him up for her class NOW.

I will keep u all updated again if she's opening the trial class juz for US only

So with this class, i might actually forgo JG.</font>
Am interested in the brain training leh. But is at tpy. Do they have wkend classes? How soon can we start the trial classes? Hee u ask ur fren n keep me updated k? U stay west side right? Will u be interested in LNT as well?
Morning moms,
I had a terrifying morning experience just now
As usual at 7am josh woke up n I gave him to my maid,so I can sleep back
At 8.30am I woke up n noticed that the house was extremely quiet, so I jump out of the bed n wanted to check on josh
I was so surprised that the house was empty, I open the door there's only josh's bowl outside the door
Panic,I ran n took the elevator to the 2nd floor. Cause there's swimming pool n play ground there. Looked around but they're nowhere to be seen. So I quickly checked with my security guard condo,n he saw them somewhere at the corner
I was so relief when I saw josh,almost cry on the spot
Stupid maid lock herself out from the house while feeding josh. She tried to ask my neighbors help by stay there for a while but she needs to go out, n my maid can't remember my phone numbers
She did try to ring the door bell, but because I set it very soft I didn't hear anything

I was so angry, why my maid never knocked or bang or make sound whatsoever to wake me up. N I told her to memorize both my numbers n yl's but she's still can't memorize it
Damn panic
angelina: oh man, you must have been really shocked!

If she can't memorize, is there any way to print the numbers and put them into a chain or something?
like those secret love letters compartment?
or a wrist band or something?

which corner was it?
I read already feel like crying.

What if she gets separated from you while you are outside? Make sure she has a way to find you.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Ting</font>
yeap.. my fren's place at TPY. they have got weekend class n i told her to fix the trial on weekends as well, haha.. so tat i can go. should be on sun.. so i go liao can go to my mum's place :p dun need to travel so far

ah yes... i'm interested in LNT as well. juz wanna compare lor.

<font color="ff0000">Angelina</font>
oh gosh... tat was such a horrifying experience. did u tell her not to go out w/o ur permission? &amp; yes, i agree with glass. worse come to worse, give her a tag, with ur mobile nos on it, so that if such things happen again, she has ur number on hand, tho i hope it will NEVER EVER happen again.</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Lantern Festival @ Vivo City</font></font>
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Not sure if we need to register.. i will call them to check. According to the website, The first 1,500 participants will receive a free lantern and shopping vouchers on the day of the event. Take part in our stage games, activities and lucky draw for your chance to win attractive prizes.

To participate, register at any of our Customer Service Counters between 3 and 17 Sep.

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
<font color="aa00aa">Angelina</font>
wah lao!! so scary lah! does she has a wallet or purse? write down the no. and ask her to bring it along with her all the time!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Lantern Festival @ Vivo City </font></font>
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Not sure if we need to register.. i will call them to check. According to the website, The first 1,500 participants will receive a free lantern and shopping vouchers on the day of the event. Take part in our stage games, activities and lucky draw for your chance to win attractive prizes.

To participate, register at any of our Customer Service Counters between 3 and 17 Sep.

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
Glass : I'm printing my phone numbers n will laminate it so she can always put it in her pocket

Ilmm : I haven't fully trust her yet, that's why I never let her go out with josh without my supervision. She knows she's not allowed to take josh out without my permission. But she gave excuse that josh was fussy that's why she brought him down stairs. Nonetheless, she shouldn't do that

Py : she's not allowed to have any money that's why she never bring her wallet. N she's also not allowed to have a cell phone

Pinkmie : she locked herself out while feeding josh. Then she said he was fussy that's why she brought her to the swimming pool. But she's not allowed to do so, its scary lah when I woke up n the house was empty

Lantern festival : is it on sat? Maybe I'll join u all after the yl's soccer means dinner time. Is it okay?
angelina: tell her swimming pool is totally out of bounds, only when you are there then it's allowed.

very scary!!

even if josh screams the house down, she shouldn't bring him out.

Hope she gets it in her head that she cannot do that again.
Angelina, your maid is so bad... going out not even inform you first. You are right that she need to memorise the telephone number..... Is so scary, that to find your child missing.....
Hope she will not do this again without your acknowledgment.
Lantern Festival @ Vivo City
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Not sure if we need to register.. i will call them to check. According to the website, The first 1,500 participants will receive a free lantern and shopping vouchers on the day of the event. Take part in our stage games, activities and lucky draw for your chance to win attractive prizes.

To participate, register at any of our Customer Service Counters between 3 and 17 Sep.

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Chinese Tea!?
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
4) cat02 (i've added chinese tea in the list above. kekeke)
cat02>> hi there, pls count me in
when u ladies going down for the registration? Attending:
1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
4) cat02 (i've added chinese tea in the list above. kekeke)
Lantern Festival @ Vivo City
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Not sure if we need to register.. i will call them to check. According to the website, The first 1,500 participants will receive a free lantern and shopping vouchers on the day of the event. Take part in our stage games, activities and lucky draw for your chance to win attractive prizes.

To participate, register at any of our Customer Service Counters between 3 and 17 Sep.

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Chinese Tea!?
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
4) cat02 (i've added chinese tea in the list above. kekeke)
5) jamie
PY>> yea, then must bring teapot, stove, charcoal as well loh... wahahaha.
canned/bottled tea (oolong tea) good idea. or make tea and stored in thermal flask also can...
xoxo>> oh dear, hope Dre is fine. erm, will it help to feed her more water and flush out the glue? am sure she'll be ok, she's a feisty lil gal...
Shichida>> i placed my elder boy when he was nearing 2yrs old. The course is originated from Japan n distributed n owned by a local elder chinese lady. Before enrolling yopur child, parents have to attend a seminar talk. The lesson is once a week, cant recall how long the session is... basically the traniner is there to deliver the method, 1 parent has to sit in n spare at least half hour a day to reinterate what is taugh in the lesson, the materials has to be purchased at own cost (pretty expensive) ive the materials still n im using it on my 2nd son, bb naven is using the flash card n memeory cards too. The lesson consistute of foreign languang singing esp Japanese, flash cards, linking memory, monterssori method but more towards tawaniese material, jigsaw, telepathy, hand co-ordination art &amp; craft etc...
conclusion>> parents must reinforce at home if not no pt placing your child there

chiltern house/julia gabrial>> my son attended chiltern house during weekdays in Turf city, languang base school, speech &amp; drama method, english teacher its either ang moh or indian, chinese from mainland
Conclusion>> towards languang academic base

Mindchamp>> philospohy method, need coaching n guidance from parents too, before enrolling parents have to attend a orientation too.

conclusion>> too 'chiam' for my P1 boy, more for upper level student with good english vacab power. Then they will be able to comprehen the weekly activities required. Not academic kinda of 'think out of the box' n motivation course. I dun even understand the activities which is required from my boy most of the times

MMI>> good for playschool, from 6mths onwards before the nusery. Method involving body co-ordination, my boy attended the lesson at railway mall 8mths onwards...

Conclusion>> bulid bb confident n agility

Kindermusic>> song, rhymes, n movement

Conclusion>> any playdays school will incoporate the kindermusic activities example kinderland

Well, as parents we walk thru the journey with our babe n experience with them, lots of exploration n time consuming too
1st yr birthday celebration>> me &amp; bb naven wont be celebrating on the actual day, got to attend 2 cousins wedding on the same day, me &amp; bb nave n helper attend the one in singapore. Mr n 2 older boys attend the one in JB... siong ah

esther>> im back from jakarta this morning, see u ladies this sat at the pool ya

cat02>> let me know what is required for me to contirbute for the lantern festive meetup ya, this is the 1st time me &amp; bb naven going to meet the oct bbies n mmies

sunnylight>> me too have been missing out a lot on the thread

angelina>> where is your maid from? is she new or experienced?
jamie: really experienced mummy! not just time consuming, they cost a lot of money too!

re mid autumn festival,
will confirm later.
jamie>> me not the organiser for the lantern fest lah, it is PY who's starting the lead (thanks PY
). guess we'll just bring whatever we deem suitable for this gathering, like per the items listed.
Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 3:15 pm:       
Lantern Festival @ Vivo City
Date: 18 Sept 2010
Time: 6pm. (we need to go earlier to chope some good spot. )

Not sure if we need to register.. i will call them to check. According to the website, The first 1,500 participants will receive a free lantern and shopping vouchers on the day of the event. Take part in our stage games, activities and lucky draw for your chance to win attractive prizes.

To participate, register at any of our Customer Service Counters between 3 and 17 Sep.

Things to bring:
Picnic Mats!
Chinese Tea!?
Candles (??) not sure if it's a good suggestions for them to play with FIRE haha ~

1) PY
2) Jrrt
3) Mie!
4) cat02 (i've added chinese tea in the list above. kekeke)
5) jamie
6) vodkarib
Jamie : my maid is indonesian, she's quite okay. But she's still young herself, n not married yet. So she doesn't understand the moms feeling, all the worried etc
She thinks its okay just to bring my son gai gai without telling me, but I explained to her already so she can understand
xoxo/ILMM: or their price went up, not too sure i based on the one they sent me 1mth back hehe but as mentioned haiz their timing are mostly for wkday.Im actually looking at the one which start at 18mths.Coz i was comparing to st james, st james's is 1 term ard 1.1K but full house,waiting list also need to pay registration fee etc 1st so i din go ahead with tt.

ILMM: do updte me for ur frd enrichment class too im looking at brain/neuro training

angelina: wahh my god, if its me, i will cry manz.

Tien: so early!!! wah i gotta arrange again

jamie: wahhh thxthx useful info hehe.

PY: Mooncake festival at vivo.Is this per entry basis, timing? i have mooncake dinner with inlaws,mil booked me 3 wks ago for this sat dinner
any ending time, u gals be there till? i see if can go over after my dinner, mine be at orchard hotel wo
Xoxo:do place ur bag zipped or off reach fr dre, she's exploring . My tyrant as well, everything into his mouth n I'm putting everything high n far fr him
wahahah... Cat, no problem! someone need to post something.. if not everyone is waiting for one another.

my new BP up!
Great for christmas exchange gift!

waiting time is ard 3-4 weeks. by then it's just nice for the festive seasons!


Can either just post there or PM/email me :D:D

In addition, i'm collecting orders for my TW spree:

Rate: NT X 0.05
Shipping shared among the spreeist
Remittence also shared among the spreeist
after dividing, it's ard $1.8-$2.30 for shipping per item. No handling fees

Pls post in this format:
Item Name: (in chinese)
Alternative: (if OOS)

Total: NT X 0.05

Happy shopping !!!! hahahaha
Jrrt/Candy_white/Nlimm/Esther: Spree up! hehe let me know if you want anything
Waiting time is ard 6-8 weeks. Just nice for Christmas!

Py: ok update me
aiyo u nvr say u bringing in ,I gotten4pillow cases fr the other Bp seller at$46 for4 wo then I realised my supplier carry as well haha
u got a SMS , u joining me n alethea tomm?&amp;a dec mom
