(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Nlimm: Yeah i suggested the mooncake gathering.. but i cant think of a suitable location haha! dont tell me it's esplanade again LOL! maybe we can try the new marina park just besides marina bay sands? i zoomed pass that place it looks pretty nice! hehe!

but at night i scare got xiao qiang leh.. running ard the floor lol! eeks!

Yah lah. i'm talking about the one i bought from you! :p eh got anymore request ask them to email me. i sell them half price. the thing is brand new k. that's why i said i'm gonna give it to someone i dont like. hahaha...
hippo: oooohh. hahaha sorry read wrongly lol!!
anyway it depends on the babies lah. Charlotte is pretty ok with that.. but active ones like Josh is definitely a no no lol.

i had quite a no. of them asking for one.. but i told them no more liao. if have i redirect to you haha!
Hihi mommies!

So fast the long weekend is ending! I haven enjoyed enough yet! Dunno y since fri I beenhaving fainting spells. Will feel super giddy suddenly then today my menses came! Alamak! From a 60 day cycle girl I downgraded to a steady 28 d cycle after childbirth? Not used to buying sanitary pads so often leh and milk supply dwindle like mad. Sigh

I didn't go in today cos I scare I faint inside. Hahahaha but can tell today's teacher voice not as nice. Couldn't captivate KD and sigh. His daddy also cannot coax him de. Next door shauna's voice is sooooo nice. Sorry everyone. I left earlier cos the bb is cranky and the dad is busy and me the mom is feeling under the weather like super weak. See u all again!

Gal: nice meeting u!!

LNT preview: I actually skip it today cos I needed some rest. Will go again to find out more. And west side mommies interested to sign up together for this brain training thingy? I jus needed some wkend class so I can Siam the in laws and I noticed KD more "attentive" and less "active" kind. Maybe he likes intellectual stuffs more. Wahahahahah I dunno leh. Just that this is so near my Pl

Nope, I haven try kids amaze yet. So bz this few wkends. Now new "hobby" is to go fly kite at west coast park. Lolx. I even got sun block for the boy ok.

Geez. There is so much on my mind but like so super jumbled up. Think I need to zzz Liao. Catch up tmr again. Yawns. Nights!
pigsy: Sorrieee... I miss your post on LNT. Anyway, oso couldn't make it yesterday. Any other Sat that you are available after the last week of Sept? Or we wait for astro to come back then trial together? But I can only make it on Sat.

astro: Enjoy your hols! Have fun!

funzee: Exact reason Im not so sure.... That was like 2 years back when I wasn't preggy yet and couldn't be bothered with what's good/bad... Haha... But it seems like my nephew was given a set of cards shown to him in the class and parents were highly encouraged to repeat the activities at home. But my sister being was working then.. too tired to keep flashing the cards when he couldn't even sit still to look at them... End up frustrated and sometimes lazy so pull him out altogether and just do whatever things they both enjoy... Like sending him to the "Ah-Yis" where the lil' boy will be entertained for a long time! Haha...

serenity: Welcome! Glad that you enjoyed the trial with your babe! Are you signing up?

py: Which session is shuana teaching? Morning?

tien/mummies signing up for KM:
Which session are you all signing up for? So tempted to switch to join all of u since only going back the next semester. But timing might be a problem...
Candy_White: We're on the waiting list for Sunday either 1 or 3 pm
Yeah teacher shauna
her earliest slot is 10am. which most of us find it too early haha!
Wah I gave up liao for the km, I couldn't stand the idea of me carrying little monster dancing n singing . For last the birthday party we attended already want to break my arm by carrying him for a short while. If there's a class where I can let him be go wild n play by himself I'll be happily join for it
Gal: oh hey nvr see siangjiao ard nowsaday, or i missed again?aiyo will just refer to the google address book haha, i super forgetful nwosaday so many thingy.

Kene: How is the LNT trial gog on as well? Im keen to check out more for M.need some neuro dev training for him , physical guessed he dun need aldy so super active till i cnat control

ILMM: any update for the trial at JG?
serenity: it was nice meeting u too but A is not guai de.... he was super moody ytd :S R made us laughed several times by making noise first when we all paused n kept quiet... haha. thot she enjoyed herself. u din sign up?

km trial: the baby girls were enjoying themselves a lot more than the boys! they all took turns to squeal in delight.... hee.

no doubt teacher doreen is very experienced, i felt she was not very warm. cant exactly pinpoint but just feel dat she is carrying out the class as per curriculum. A was totally expressionless (minus 1 part when he cried briefly for duno wat reasons) n hb also felt he responded way better to gug. probably will reconsider km at a later stage.
nlimm, tell me about super forgetful. This is the second time I couldn't find a place, and had to ask people for help (thanks shugar and xoxo).

Don't know why it got stuck in my head that kindermusik is at forum, even though I had seen it at Tanglin before.

In the end, I walked over from Forum to Tanglin Mall to check whether it's there, and the sun was so hot, I think Elgin is a bit feeling lethargic in the afternoon.

Because we were late, we missed a bit of the lesson, and I think he needs a lot of time to warm up, so he hated the drums, refused to participate, only like the silk curtains a little, and then I think expressionless during the lift and sway section.

I don't like it as much because I have to do so much work. I think I can sing better than the teacher. Think I'll just go for gug. Got permission already.

By the way, didn't really get to mix with all the mummies there. Some babies really look like they enjoyed the session very much. One of them kept giggling and it makes me smile at the happiness the baby felt.
ginger: maybe you are right about the girls enjoying themselves more, since girls tend to be more 'artistic' and 'musical' at an earlier stage, and yes, gug seems better for him too.
Hey mummies!
Totally taking a break from my work. A little 'buay gam wan' that my boss passed me the things that she wanted to do last week (and assured me that she had things under control) when the underlying issue is that she doesn't want to bear responsibility or simply, she 'catch no ball'.

Anyway, decided to come in and chit chat instead.

Re: KM

Candy_white! I joined your class lor. The 2pm class. And, ladies who joined waiting list for Shauna class, I think you all made right choice. We got teacher Jane and immediately about 15 mins into the lessons, I went to ask if I can change class hahahah...my hubby also agreed to change class. Teacher Jane has a very very nice voice but I think she was more worried about her voice cracking then mingling with the babies. BB Kay was not engaged and was more interested in interacting with other babies. Definitely creating quite a bit of havoc. To make matter worse, I think the babies in this class are younger than the ones we had at trial. We actually wouldn't mind Doreen but her class is too early. So, now joining you all on waiting list for 1pm Shauna's class. Hopefully there's space for now or next sem. If not I will pull out totally. Kinda feel that money not well spent in this case...AND I am so tempted to drop an email. But very mean hor...Oh well, maybe it's still first class of the sem, will see how it goes.


Glass and Ginger, which class and branch you girls going? I am joining the weekend parents and babes class cos I can't make it on weekdays. Just that I haven't sign up. Trying my luck to see if can sign with anyone familiar. More fun this way.
Candy_white: I haven't signed up yet, cos was rushing back to settle R, and oh yes, R KO for 2 hours straight after the class! I loved it cos it's hard to put her to nap at home, this girl juz have too much energy to spare!

Ginger: Ya, R loved the class! This morning I was trying out the dance steps, and the 'throwing her into the air' stunt with the '1-2-3 whoo' sound, and she kept giggling! Think I'll call KM and ask to be put on waiting list too!

My hb said the teacher next door had more expressions and sings better, wonder is that teacher shauna?
re: KM Trial

nice meeting the babies & mummies (and daddies too) yesterday...

Glass>> sorry only saw your missed call and sms when the class ended on asking where is KM...

Gal>> I always see E very well behave and guai guai.

Serenity>> glad to see R enjoying herself. She is so active & vocal too. Love those dimples...

Mie>> Belle so cute during the massage time. Totally relaxed and enjoying the royal treatment from mummy.

Vin>> R eyes are sooooo huge. And she's walking so well. She can really dance to the music.

PY>> Can see that C enjoyed the session too. hopefully we can get a place in the Nov term.

Ting>> are you feeling better already? maybe KD knew mummy not feeling well, hence the crankiness?

jRRt>> you and your HB look so at ease bringing the 2 kids out (MB picnic & KM). and R so guai guai and sweet. do consider signing her on and join us if you can afford the time ok?

Pigsy & Ginger>> the finale part is really a test of strength and endurance for us all. good job in presevering on despite having to sway and heave the heavyweight Nic & A left right up down.
Serenity>> yup, the teacher next door is Shauna. quickly call up KM to be put on the same waiting list as us.

Tien>> yippie! hope we all get to be in the same class.
hi... it was nice meeting all the babies, mummies and daddies yesterday....

still wondering if I shld sign Nic up.. not too sure if he really enjoy himself but am very sure that both my arms are aching like wat now..

cat: for KM, what is the min they can start a class? otherwise we can start our own class requesting for Shauna? (just suggesting)... hahahaha

Tien, glass and ginger: which class and branch you going for the gug, Nic seems to enjoy gug, mayb i shld sign him up..
cat: No worries! hehe, I was just trying my luck because I know you should be in class already. I actually checked the google messages twice, but someone my brain just didn't register it. Me sot liao!
pigsy: I'm looking at novena even though I think mountbatten might be less crowded.

Maybe Tuesday and Thursday afternoon lesson, coz weekends I prefer to chill.
hi mummies,

i had 2 tins of similac (stage 2) to let go at $15 per tin. Expiry date till next yr 2011. Not yet open. interested pls pm me. Thanks.
Pigsy: I am looking at Sat 2pm Suntec. they have about 4-5 lessons left and their rates is pro-rated. No harm joining halfway.

glass: Looks like we gonna miss each other. Weekdays are out..sobz
Tien: Tr Jane that bad arr? I only attended one session with her and I thot she's still ok... and yah... she has a clear voice and speaks well... maybe I try to attend 1 session with Tr Shauna during one of the weekdays for C's makeup lesson and experience for myself how good she is... Keke..
Candy_white: I dunno is it her or the session. Yesterday's session had too much quiet moments. Main theme is teaching them to keep quiet. I could see Kay and her papa not engaged. Usually is Kay likes the teaching, she will just stare at the teacher. But yesterday she was just moving around, making friends with other babies. Seldom paused to even look at the teacher.
glass: u looking at gifted babes for gug? now dat i stay at hm, i prefer to bring A for lessons on weekdays too but they dun haf weekly class for weekdays leh.

tien, pigsy: i m looking at suntec too, but probably sun coz A got little gym on sat afternoons. any reviews wich teacher at suntec is good?

i m gg for term 6 (18 oct - 19 dec) if i can persuade hb. he was telling me ytd dat maybe we shd let A finish his little gym class before starting a new term for gug n he meant term 1 of 2011
Tien: Oic.. The theme is Dream Pillow... according to the synopsis "... include delightful ideas for lulling Baby to sleep"... maybe that's why? Err.. I not sure oso... I just called... Even arranging for makeup lesson with Tr Shauna must wait till next week... Haha... I see how she engages my girl who cannot sit still to quiet moments. Usually she will want to move close to the teachers or other babies and disturbs them... but she warms up to people quite easily.
I m feelin the birthday bash stress Liao. Need advice!!

I was planning to celebrate boy birthday with a few of our close frens (10+pple) and intended my immediate family only. My MIL ended up inviting 30+ relatives. Wah how can my humble hdb flat hold so many pple? And how abt the cake??
Shld I get one small pretty expensive cake + 1 cake for the masses? Or shld jus get one super big cake? I suppose my boy can only cut one Cake right?

I am pretty upset this is like a IL family affair instead of my private affair. But hubby was sayin I shld feel happy about havin so many relatives to celebrate with...grrr
Angelina: hehehe. you can as papa YL to take over ma! It was really xiong for us.. my arm is aching now!

Cat: Yeah!! i hope they can call us end of Oct, telling us if there's available slot anot! hehe.

Candy_white: are you able to change the class to be with us? hehe if can then will be good!
How big is the class? max also 12 babies?
vodkarib: I think people don't really like eating cakes. They just take a small slice. So I think no need to get a huge cake.

Borrow some foldable chairs for people to sit, or remove some furniture away to accomodate more people.
hi, the price for gug are as follow for the United Square:

Wkend(1x): $378 per term (8-9wks)+$50 (registration)+ $100 (refundable deposit)+ 7% GST
Wkday(2x): $630 per term (8-9wks)+$50 (registration)+ $150 (refundable deposit)+ 7% GST

Hope the info helps.
astro: enjoy yr holiday and will wait till you return then we plan for the LNT trial.

candy-white: sure, we will wait for astro to be back.
Py : sure yl will happily do it, as long its not on sat

Btw, have u found any suitable weekdays class? I also want, if I'm too tired then my maid can take over me while carrying dancing or singing

Vodkarib : usually people just eat small piece of the cake. But surprisingly shugar's cake was so nice I finished both mine n yl's cake
or maybe I'm just too hungry. But it taste really good

Any suggestion for ready to buy cake?
tien>> i think teach shauna got no weekday class! nevertheless, call and see. really la, teacher shauna is thumbs up! i attended her lesson before, and she sings like the "sound of music". teacher doreen sings a bit too loud i feel. teacher jane i dunno who that is!

ya if only we can have a class by teacher shauna ourselves! then our kids can attend together and its gg to be more fun with mummies that we know right!

since sunday im gg to put belle up for kinder, i need something for sat! hehehe..

pigsy>> you want GUG? im thinking suntec is a good venue.. but not sure if i want GUG.. think i should go for one more trial to determine that.. or LNT? LNT have trial? im getting a bit confused over which one has and which one doesnt. i think i rmb LNT no trial?

serenity>> no leh, belle doesnt allow me to put her on her back at home! the only time she lies on her back is when she's drinking milk! im quite surprised yesterday she allowed me to put her down.. haha.. so shiok, i would be very happy if someone made me lie down and massage me! hahahaha
hi everyone.. how are you all?

going to leave budapest to go romania tonight. checking out of the hotel. actually this hotel has wireless internet in the room. but tired.. and miser says jet lag.. and hence not been posting..

glad that the marine barrage trip turned out soooo nice.. and the KM trial.. haiz. missed it.. but u girls had fun! great!

setting off. checking out soon..
see u ..

(will catch back the archives when back.. hahaha..)
glass: i'm more keen in KM than GUG leh. haha GUG is more of a academic based.. now they're too young.. i cant see the results.. so daddy already told me to just let her have fun (like KM)

GUG is abt the same as shichida method.. which we planning to send her when she turns 2!

Re: Outing

Can we have more of such outings? hahaha it was FUN!

aiyah.. how ah the mooncake gathering? any idea where to go?
Cammie: actually i wanted a weekday. but if i choose weekday, then i cant be with you all already!

Anyone SAHM wanna attend something for weekday? haha i think for now i just bring her to royce on a weekday :p She's really TOO bored at home!
mie: Tr shauna has weekday classes! She also teaches on Tue and Thurs but only Tue 3pm class is suitable for our babes at this point. The rest have babies which are either much younger or older than ours. Im going next Tue for her class. It's a makeup lesson for charlotte. U going for GUG trial again? Can call me along pls? I miss the prev mountbatten trial.

PY: We are stopping this semester due to hse matters and also Charlotte's bday. So can reselect the time and now also subjected to availability. I got to see how it goes after next week's lesson with shauna. Most prolly if can, I go for Sun 1pm. 3pm seem difficult cos got to change Charlotte's routine. Else, I stick to Sun 2pm cos I really like their programme.

vodkarib: Don't fret! Im in a similar situation as u. Initially only wanted a simple affair but some elders in the family said must celebrate and announce that Charlotte is ONE! So end up my guest list is 80 plus now. Hope can still reduce. Im one who love to attend parties but hate to plan for them. Been procrastinating for too long and now bo bian got to push myself to do it and get it over and done with! For the cake... usually ppl won't eat too much but if u meet cake lovers like me I will eat alot... Haha... Anyway, went pine gardens last week and got a 2 tier 3kg cake. Can opt to have diff flavors for each tier.
PY>> now our babies know how to interact, so these gatherings / outings are getting more fun! haha

astro>> hello! its been quiet without you in here.. hahaha.. have fun in europe and maybe a MADE IN EUROPE? hehehehe
Py : let me talk to yl n see whether he wants it or not. For me,no difference cause I'll be outside watching him n josh singing n dancing :D
I need to go out also, its a super busy week for yl til next week. So if want to go out please let me know, royce?

Astro : hai hai, have fun there. Hmm "made in europe" ? Sounds romantic :p
Hello!! Monday kicks off with a mozzie attack again!

good news though..the scaffolding came off to reveal a shiny lift door on my floor *big grin*...but now I am having chimpanzees in my brain...cos Dre unscrewed the UHU cap and I caught her taking some licks off the exposed glue stick??!?!

LNT, KM, nursery etc > Glad that KM was great fun for some folks here! We can't for now..maybe in Jan when work eases. I am beginning to notice that Dre is very reserved once she is out of our home...so this part has been nagging at me and I'd like to explore a playgroup or something for her. Our visits to various nursery centres were most disappointing...still on a lookout, but so far, nothing seems suitable.

Astro > Just to know that I am suffering from astro-withdrawal symptoms! Wahaha..when normally I think I'd have texted an SOS wrt to the UHU incident...now..xoxo is a little lost! Decided to wait-and-see if there are any effects of that glue licking. >.< come back soon!!!! on another note, how's hungary so far? Update leh..pictures also good! :D
Aiyo our thread moves super fast as usual...

hehe can start a discussion forum once confirmed ? I'm considering the one at suntec hehe anyone ?

y this one trial need attend 3 so weird

Outing this Wednesday,15thOct:

I'm planning to bring out this Wednesday ,as usual the 15th of every mth compulsory outing for his monthsary hehe abit ks:p
Anyone wanna join?Py,CandyWhite,Angelina? usual no idea where to,any recommendation, mrt accessible

Todate Babies joining be:
nlimm: LNT is conducted in 3 diff languages (English, Chinese &amp; Japanese). 1 language per week therefore need to attend 3 trials. If not mistaken.
Py/ Ginger: no idea where to ,any recommendation? Usually if only me mum n m ,we just go out walkwalk .Ginger,any suggestion?

Pigsy: is it a must for all 3 trials? Doesn't really make sense coz personal I dun even know jap ,even if they teach wrongly I also won't know:p

xoxo: is it the stick type? Or the wet super glue type? I think the dry stick type shld be non-toxic - did you read the label? If Dre looks fine, no vomiting etc I think should be OK bah... hope no damage done!

Cake: Angelina and Vodkarib, if you need a cake can consider eCreative. It's quite good and you can order online http://www.ecreative.com.sg/. I quite like their chocolate cake.

Parties: I love planning parties! However, I must say I am not very good at socialising during the party itself, hahahah! But I think I've kinda done myself in this time. Anyway I am thoroughly upset that the dress that I ordered 2 months ago from Etsy has not arrived! I suspect that it will not be in time for A to wear during the party, which makes me kinda frus considering how much effort I spent trying to find a suitable outfit. Arrrrgh!

OK, enough ranting from me. I am just trying to survive the rest of the month!
