(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

shugar: i've outgrown the fast food phase. I'm now into 'act high class' italian food like sphaghetti and pizza.
xoxolight : Thanks. Me happy tough my hubby said if we have another girl, the 2 sisters will be close... He just like girl...

I was quite surprised when i saw that we have 2 lynn in our thread and both with twins... So nice!!

shugar : Thanks. I also told my hubby that i can close shop le. But... He said if glynnis got a little brother and our #2 don't have, it will be unfair wor...

Hope mine remains a boy during the detailed scan...
glass: oooh cloth diapers... i was just talking to HB about this yesterday. any idea how much are these? My super on MIL went out and bought me a dozen nappies yesterday liao :S
dreamygal: hahahaha your hubby's theory so funny... like that then how to close shop? it will never end wor coz #3 will need a bro/sis too! hehehe :p
My HB also like BB girl leh. That day he asked gynea "how?? any change??" hahahha
shugar>> thanks! their middles names are actually Fine so it is Leon Fine Foo. on one hand, i dislike 'weird' names, thats why i choose a 'simple' name like Leon, which means brave as a lion (i also like short names), but i know i chose a 'weird' middle name, but the reason i chose it is cos my grandpa who passed away long time again, his name was Fine (actually his name is Humefine but he is known as Fine)and he is quite well known for his achievements in his life, so i give my son his name so he knows he has a role model to follow and that is his grandpa ...
Also i chose Leon, reason being i'm a christian, but i don't like too in your face christian names, so i know Leon is Noel spelt backwards. when Noel arrives, I will play the song 'The First Noel' so he knows he is as special as his kor kor, as i read a lot about 1st child vs 2nd syndrome.

Okok, i'm talking too much this morning :p
shugar: you MIL really very on!

According to the website,
4 diapers + 10 inserts = $169
6 d + 15 i = $245
10 d + 22 i = $381
12 d + 30 i = $469
15 d + 35 i = $565

The inserts are supposed to soak up all the urine, and they are washable. You can get liners which are washable if there is no poo. Machine wash is recommended. So, I think this will save my problem of handwashing if I choose cloth diapers.

A newborn baby is supposed to go through about 12 nappies a day, so 2 dozens are required.
glass: yes she is and this has got me worrying the last few days. she keeps wanting to get this and that and making plans and all! She even went out to buy the red dates and logans already when I told her I be moving to my mom's during confinement and she'll take care of all these. :S

cloth diapers: hmm should go to the shop and take a look at it hor. Wonder if its cheaper in Australia? My sis is there, maybe I get her to check it out.
Shugar: i think red dates and longans can drink now. My MIL makes that for me, but I lazy to drink when it's kept in the fridge. Anyway, she can make and bring to your mum's during that time too.

This appears to be a local store, but you can find in Canberra, Queensland and somewhere else. Think you can save on shipping if you just buy from Singapore.
glass: hmm yes, i guess so. just that sometimes she gets so kan cheong that it scares me a bit. hahhhaa

saw the website, think the shop is at novena. wondering if can use it with those disposable nappy liners instead when using outdoors hor?
yah we hv so much in common! hahaha

agreed tt baby absolutely hates hawker ctrs! at times i literally walk across pinching my nose! its so rude but i really cant help it. holding my breath isnt as effective as pinching my nose. we're such fast food junkies! haahahaha... but once i start gaining weight, i gotta stop eating like tt. I hope to maintain a single digit weight gain for this pregnancy as my last.

hahaha, treat as passing inconvenience? on good days, my MS is down to alt days, which i will b thankful and can finish 3 meals. i take this chance to eat well coz it means there will b a merlion session the next day. I hope to hv more energy to play wif my son. he's been really sweet all these while tt i am unable to play wif him but i hope to make up for it soon. darn placenta still low leh

i heard tt once gender is scanned ard 16 wks+, it shld b quite cfm coz can see rather clearly. yah i'm waiting for the confirmation at detailed scanning oso.
keeping fingers crossed too.

happy hippo
check-up showed its a girl yest and my gynae seemed very sure. she even printed out the scan tt was showing the 2 legs and told me "see, nothing in b/w leh!" but i remain skeptical coz i am alrdy all psych tt i am hvg another son, so i kept telling her its impossible yest. hahaha

hey i am a durian lover but i loathe it now! even during 1st preg, i love it!!!! had it everyday! but this one, baby hates it. my poor hb & son gotta make do w/o durians and my son has been asking for it when he smells it.

haha, we r the fast food gang! shld give us a loyalty card for visiting the various fast food! i think i will win!

oh if u using cloth nappies (as in regular using during the day), u need more than a dozen! i think a ready stock of at least 3 dozens seems sufficient. dun 4get the soiled ones need to be washed, air dried and folded. i dunno how much i hv now and still got new unopened ones fr 1st preg, plus the hands-me-down so i will hv enuff for this baby. will stick to letting baby wear cloth diapers in the daytime for air circulation.

if i am not wrong, kiddy palace sells them at a pack of $12+ per dozen? works out to be ard $1.20+/pc.

the ones u mentioned issit bumwear? those r v exp.... they r much nicer looking & fanciful though. i'll stick to the gd old cloth diapers.
anyone heard the saying tat we can start drinking papaya soup in 3rd trim to boost our milk ss? wonder how true it is ..
mylvera: i dunno about 3rd trimester, but after giving birth definitely. i drank a lot, and i had heaps of milk which came easy, in fact, i actually donated excess bmilk as no space.
PAPAYA SOUP and OATS are good
Hello mummies
I am trying to find the older posts where this girl was posting about the massage lady. Think her name is Ida. Cant seem to find the archives. Does anyone here have her num?
Wanna get a pre natal massage desperately..my back hurts to the max...
thanks in advance.

Mos burger nuggets are yummyyilous. Hee they are very fresh so no wonder we crave for that.

Wa donated extra milk?? yOu super la. Ate alot of cod fish right?...Can also use it to bathe your kiddo..milk bathe..how pampering!
Re: Food
I love MOS fries, actually everything from there i like heehee. Mac i don like, BK i like, Carls Jnr too, KFC is out, to my baby, the place stinks.

ya i ate a lot of fish. oohh, i did not think of bathing baby in it, i wonder if it is really a good idea, sounds like it may be!
i think cos i overpumped, as i read so much about the pain of engorgement, i had excess milk.
but once i went back to work when leon 8mths, milk really dropped. so i stopped just around his 1 year, tho i planned for 2 years

I have a massage lady pretty good, Mona, she was recommended by the mommies on my aug2006 MTB, let me know if you are keen. i'm v vain type so i had massage lady, binder, kept breastfeeding, and exercise too. bcos i was bfeeding, i was constantly hungry so did not cut down food intake.
hello pupsncups
Plsss gimi her num..arent you mummies urging for a backrub now? Ive been to some spas but they wun take me cuz very strict, must wait till 6mths. So depends if Mona wana help also..
Im hoping to have a full massage from head to toe. I can feel my lethargic kicking in...even while im doing something I love to do.

I reali envy that you can manage a whopping 9mths for bf!!!! I stopped at 1month cuz I was sooo tired. Maybe having a boy made it tiring cuz hes constantly wailing for milk. Now another boy..i surely gona get milked ALOT.haaha.But I will try my very best to sustain for at least 6 mths. Any advice or support...
Other then the saving money part..of cuz that itself is a huge factor already.
jRt>> my baby also don like hawker stall smell, but like quite a few hawker food. my office is close to lau pa sat, and the small is JIALAT!!
wa single digit weight gain the last round, lucky you! i gained 12kg n gave birth early n my baby was small. doc said my placenta was huge tho haha! i lost all the weight in < 3 mths as im excessively hiao :p
mona's number is 90260085, sorry i a bit tech spastic dunno how to PM .. gimme your email addy? she will only massage after 5 mths .. sian right. i have found some places that will do massage, but u know it is v soft one cos everyone so scared, so a bit sian la.

support/advice for breastfeeding>> initially is v tiring, but what all the books say is true, just let baby latch on as much as possible. i was sleepless n dying for first month, but worth it if u wanna bfeed for long.
apart from papaya soup and oats, if u really low milk take fenugreek pills from GNC
Hi All, my detail csan will be on 29 May 10.30am. I remember someone did mentioned we have to go early for TMC. If i appointment is on 10.30am, wat time shld i rch there? Anyone also same date with me, maybe we can meet up there
joanne>> my appointment is at 11 am!! maybe will get to see you there! heehee.. but after the DS, i have to report back to my gynae..
hahaha thes day i been eating lot of burger, rich in iron... i am gaing 6kg now. Last mth still scare gain not enough, now worry gain too much, hahaha
thses days having backache too, think bb is growing rapidly nwsaday, making my back acvhe, thinking of buying the oto back massager haha, now persude HB to buy, $289 i think
baby glendon,
u might wanna think twice abt using a handheld massager on your body. the reason why spas are so sticky about pre-natal massage is because there are certain acupoints which are to be avoided when we are pregnant. my fren who owns a spa told me that. she said customers who go in and do not declare themselves pregnant always give them a heart attack cos some places are out of bounds.

forgot to pay you for the chocolates. my lil princess says thanks aunty! :p

ww (aka cookie monster)
hey you know you had a big wide smile when you were eating the cookies? i think it was great to see you smile like that. so maybe you should satisfy all your daily cravings and you'll be happy like happy hippo!
hopefully our silliness and chirpiness will rub off on you eventually. dont get too caught up worrying about things ok?

did u ask me what's for dinner? i think i may have bak kut mee sua or duck rice. sigh... this bb cant eat enough RED MEAT. i visualize her running out of my womb with a club a la tarzan and jane kind of cavewoman. hehehehe...
u know i think i shouldnt have had that ice cream. feeling like i ate too much and ruined the beautiful fillet mignon that i ate.
the remaining durians gotta wait til after dinner time. hehe...
thanks a ton. I msged her a while ago..hope she will agree. My backache is killing me. Sitting now is such a pain already, imagine me have to play with my kiddo. Come to think of it, I should stop carrying him. That pankster is 10kg..
but sometimes just cant say NO to them..at this age they really cute la..lol
Have you tried Mona before, any feedback to share?

Ya.hippo is right. Why dun you engage an experienced masseur. Very shiok one after you tried once, you want it everyday. =)
ya mona massaged me for 2 weeks after giving birth. i like her strong hands. she prolly busy. gimme your email and i can provide u more detail to give her on me as she may ask who recommended u.
my son 12kg i also end up carrying, tho i should not.
She replied already, should I post her costs here? Anyway my email addy is [email protected]
Was wondering what does she cover during pre-natal. Purely just hands on massaging? Her price is reasonable too. happi shes okay with 5mths..will fix an appt with her next week. thanks heapss.

Duno what to eat later..thinking of butter crabs. lol...Leaving my office soon. Chat tomorrow~
hippooo: oooo.. duck rice!!!! u just kind of solved my problem!! haha... my baby is a picky one manz... sometimes i'm SOOOO HUNGRY but i dun seem to crave for anything... so far my weight gain is quite controlled because of that.. about 4kg gain. hope i can keep to my target of 10kg atthe end!! haha. easier to shed off the kgs after delivery..

oh.. but bb like chee cheong fun for breakfast.. haha..
jrt: i shall follow ur advice and check out the kiddy palace diapers.. so much cheaper. then maybe get a few pieces of the bumwear one.. cos very nice.. hehe...

i think for the first few months i'll try out nappies.. after that switch to diapers.. cos i can see that i need to go back to work ad hoc within two months. cant take the full 4 mths.. though my boss insist that i should.. haha..
Cloth Diaper

I only used them on my girl for the 1st mth. After coming back to my own house after confinement, i used lesser and lesser of the cloth diaper. I feel troublesome leh. Sometimes when the poo stained the cloth disper, still got to wash and scrub. I hate that part... Me lazy... Haa...


I breastfed my Glynnis for 14 mths. After 2nd mths, i exclusively pumped out the milk. I have problem latching her on. This time round, i hope i can successfully breastfeed via direct latch. I love the feeling of direct latching.

For me, i ate a lot of fish and drank tons of water and red dates tea. Massaging the breast also do help. And for the initial period, must be very diligent in pumping and latching the baby.
not sure if drinking papaya milk during 3rd tri boosts supply but i'll share my experience here. During my 1st preg, appetite did not even fully resume though i was alrdy at 3rd tri. thus tt explained the single digit weight gain for entire preg. i din even managed to drink preg milk powder and was really worried abt low ss when i hv to bf. who knows immed aft i delivered, i ate wif vengence. i'm hungry all the time and i need to eat every 2 hourly. and i am not talkg about single portion each time. i need 2 shares per meal. i eat up to 5 meals a day during confinement. guess it was to make up all tt i've lost during preg!
i did not even drink a drop of the papaya soup but drank alot of hot soup and v often, CL cooked black beans soup. i juz drank tt and my ss was very gd all the way. i oso drank alot of enfamama milk during confinement. i cld easily finish 2 big tins of tt within a mth. think i was drinking at least 3 cups a day. i really had a huge appetite. and oh yes, FISH! I ate LOTS and lots of fish! my MIL is v generous when she buys fish... machiam like free! i finished everything served.

the main thing abt ss is there is no short cut. i believe in frequent latching during confinement so tt brains r stimulated to produce &amp; produce. thereafter when u r building ss, u need to b diligent to pump every 3 hourly, then drag to 4 hrly, 5 and 6 so on when u eventually need to go to work. i even woke up in the middle of the night to pump so as to keep a steady ss! i was tt hardwkg then lah... dunno if i will be for #2.

eeeekkkkssss! opp LPS only!!! scary! i'll die if i hv to smell tt everyday!!!
i ate so much tt my ss was bountiful then and i donated too. i BF till my son was 14 mths and stopped coz i wanna replenish my body for #2... who knows #2 came soooo late! hahaha...
this time i am hoping to BF at least 2 yrs coz i dun intend to hv #3 so no need to replenish body liao. i missed bfg soooo much! love it!
but muz admit its hard work to keep pumping... i was using manual pump ALL the way man!
excessively hiao? so wat did u do? i lost all the weight in 2 wks aft delivery coz i only gained 8.5 kg and i was tbfg... then when i went back to work, i lost another 5kg off my weight... i was v scared then coz i was eating 5 big meals a day and i am still losing weight. think i was losing body mass then. scary.

Joanne (baby_glendon)
I worried abt losing weight last wk but hv gained 2kg over the past wk. now i am beginning to worry if i will gain alot!

if u can get ppl to buy fr JB's supermkts, the cloth nappies are cheaper. but i find the ones at KP reasonable alrdy. plus they r hvg 15%-20% sales now. quickly go check it out.
i forgot her costs, but ya she is v reasonably priced. she is a dark skinned v thin lady, wat i like about her is her hands r strong!!

ya man i guarantee all you mommies LPS (lau pa sat) smell is terrible. actually a lot of my colleagues complained that is v unhygienic too and i feel that way about the place when im there.
wa MANUAL pump, peifu peifu, i used ameda pump which i find is good. i think i may need to re-service it b4 i start bfeeding agn. i love letting my son latch on, the feeling is nice right .. and initially u can feel slight cramp in tummy, it means uterus is shrinking.
are u v small sized? i think i know what pattern body type u are. i hv a friend, thin n gain little weight n baby not small n bfeed easily too, figure is those athletic type.

currently my overall weight gain is only 2kg at most i think. but im actually nov1 EDD.
i think the best tip for bfeeding, is let baby latch on as much as possible, and feel confident, if u think u hv lotsa milk, u will have lotsa milk.
i quite sad i stopped at 12mths. my previous company, when i went for intvw said they will arrange room for pumping. who knows the 'room' is the bloody toilet. until now i think about it im pissed off. sitting on top of toilet bowl, doing a balancing act with the pump on my thighs, and relying on batteries. how to pump in peace when people are pooping in the next cubicle?
hippo: Hehhe do i look happy? I feel guilty because dinner &amp; supper is a glass of milk. Coz cant stuff in anymore.

Usually i take very heavy breakfast. I start my day at about 6am
jRt>> excessively vain meaning im those irritating kind always asking my hubby am i fat hahaha. well i the type quite conscious of what i eat, keen on exercise ran half marathon in dec, and take excessive care of my skin etc .. hiao lah!@ :p
mylvera>> i doubt i can have single digit weight gain for this preg. my last was 12kg ... but hope to jus lose all the weight lor. preg cannot compromise on eating
YES you have a wide grin, smiling from ear to ear. i think i'd like to see that in you more often. that's what a pregnant woman should look like. should've taken a picture so you can see. next time i see it, i'll take a pic and show you. hahaha...

hey, why dun u try and split your 1 heavy breakfast into 2 meals? so say maybe eat of portion at 7am, then the remainder at around 10am? maybe then you can digest better and dont feel so bloated?

ww, xoxo, sotong,
tonight is our LUCKY NIGHT! hahahaha... what time is result coming out? 7pm?

HALF MARATHON??? *kow tow* someone was just saying i may over-exert exercising. hahaha... i think you surely take top spot lor. *XOXOLIGHT* this one lagi on leh. i lose already. hahahahaha...
hippo>> hahaha is it v on? i finished my 21km in 2hr15min, my first half mara and quite proud of myself heeheehee when im running, and i wake up at 6am to run cos i have my son right? (of cos HB thinks im mad) no other time to do so, i will think about the weight loss, the lean legs and it inspires me to go and go. of cos i like running as a sport, cos the feel good after is awesome.
mummies.. my placenta is low, I'm wondering if there is anything we shld avoid? Anyone with similar problems? My water retention seems bad too... leg already swollen.. stretch marks start to appear already.. OMG!!! already have difficulties in walking liao.. anyone of u facing the same as me??
hi lynn,
read in the pregger books that normally around this time placenta can be a bit low. but in most cases, it will adjust itself over time. unless you have spotting/bleeding *choi, touchwood* there shouldnt be much cause for concern at this point in time.

isit because you're carrying twins thats why heavier already?

u didn't use stretch mark cream? but if u already have them, i dunno if its worthwhile to use now?

well, i cant say i know many mothers who can run a half marathon. especially for someone like me, who's a flat-footed swimmer, i can never understand how pple can run like that. but then again, i'm married to a runner, who completed his 1st marathon @ 13, still has a couple national age group records in his name, so i know what its like and what it takes. just that he's on land and i'm in the water. hahahaha...

i'm normally on pretty high intensity exercise regime, but i like to eat more than i care about looking great. so that's why i'm a hippo. but a pretty fit hippo lah i have to say. hehehehe...
happy hippo
ya a fit and happy hippo is most important! i like swimming too. actually my target is to complete a triathlon, but im a normal cyclist, can cycle but don even have a bike .. maybe biathlon someday.

u having twins right? u know the 2 people i report to at work are both parents of twins! i hear my lady boss say carrying twins was tiring so is normal.
low placenta not unusual, probably really hv to avoid carrying heavy stuff
hahaha... i used to tell HB maybe we can take part in some mixed biathlon relay. then good chance of winning. he run then i swim. hehehe... the fella just roll his eyes at me. duh! hmmm... once u get a bike, that's it already man. all my swimmates hooked on triathlon. i think its the competitive streak. those guys cant get enough.

i think you're one of those disgusting pple who look nice and slim and cant tell u ever given birth one right? hehe.... just kidding ah. i have frens like that. eekkk! :p

your question about buoyancy in the water. ok, i went swimming this morning. i dont feel any heavier in the water, but i was swimming at my usual pace, but panting a lot. so not sure if its cos i'm heavier or cos i stopped swimming for a couple of weeks and fitness level has gone down a bit.
