(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

miemie: same here.. maternity bottoms. i have some stretchable bottoms though. so i'm still wearing those. cos i dont have to wear formal for work.

actually i think for tops, doesnt have to be maternity.. as long as its not too tight it should do a pretty good job. some of those korean fashion tops are quite nice too..

xoxo: how about diving suits? haa.. sorry dunno of better idea for ur swimming session. just thought maybe diving suits can at least cover everything?

anyway, i was pretty impressed with hb yesterday. we were at a friend's place chilling out. and our friend as a 2+yo son. as they just bought him a new pair of barney sandals yesterday, he was quite excited about it and wanted to wear it at home.

then when he was supposed to keep the shoes, he didnt want to and insist on someone wearing the shoes for him. so my hb was there and he tried to get him to put the new shoes away. so happened thatthe boy has a pair of barney home slippers. so my hb too that pair of slippers and tried to distract the boy.

i was sitting on the other side observing. and to my horror/surprise, my hb was trying to explain y he should wear the slippers and not the shoes. so he told the boy "see.. the slippers not so slippery on the floor, but the shoes are..." and he showed the boy the difference between the two.

after about 10mins of explanation, the boy finally took in my hb's words and wore the slippers, with excitement!!

so y was i impressed? if i were my hb, i would be very stern and told the boy that shoes are to be worn outside of house, not inside. only can wear slippers inside. then take away the shoes, put in the cabinet and then get him excited to wear the slippers. short and sweet. haha.. at least this works on my neice and nephews lah. save a lot of trouble explaining. and not knowing whether they actually understand your cheem explanation about the science behind friction.

but my hb did it with him and it worked lah. so i was impressed. hahhaa....

what do u all think? my opinion is that its more effective to be straight forward with the child, rather than explaining so much cos he might not understand and he might not remember the explanation the next time. how do you mothers who already got at least one child do it?

Astro~ Hope you are on the road to recovery. Dont worry about missing class, tho your worry is inevitable, still, your health is much much much more important! if tomr still weak, shd just rest another day. Let that housefly take over lor, tekan her abit oso good! hah! ;p
btw, i typed the above post yesterday. as it was a long one, i didnt want to waste my effort. so i saved a copy of it and pasted in here today.

astro: so sorry to hear about your plight.. houseflies dont have very long lifespan.. so just ren yi ren! btw, i dun think teng will cry as badly as the first few times he goes to school.. maybe cry for a short while only.. meanwhile, please take care!!
Not that im experienced or what. But i think kids will surprise u with their ability to understand the adult world. Cos they r like a sponge now right? My observation is that kids who r surprisingly intelligent have parents who talk n teach them like adults, as if they were equals.
For me, i would like to use this method if possible.
great effort on ur HBs part. I prob wld've done the same as u tho.

OMG u poor thing. I hope u r ok?!?! Pls take mc if necessary. Worry abt the rest later.
hrd: i guess u r right.. think my personality and hb's personality is quite different, hence the different approach. i want my kid to be intelligent. so i must talk as if he/she is an adult.. hahha.. okk.. cant speak baby language now.
astro >> think we women tend to think too much sometimes. but understand how u feel. I was dead worry when my gal was having fever last wk for 2N1D. Hope u and teng are ok soon.

pu >> if this happends on my gal, she will not listen to you but ur hubby.:p My gal is someone 'weird', she will only listen if u explain to her (dun know she understand or not) then only she will follow the instruction. Otherwise, she might just (99%) throw the shoe away if u tell her what to do without any explaination....i always found her amazing. this is what the nanny observe too. she like that since 1 years++.....
Dear Astro

My sympathies to you. Must take good care of yourself. Was just watching "In the Womb" (first season) last night on DVD and it said that if the mother is stressed, it will affect the baby, possibly the development and learning abilities in the early years! I was pretty upset and felt guilty when I heard that, because I was having nervous breakdowns during the first trimester, and I am easily annoyed at work. But it's a good reminder that we should try and stay calm and happy. Take good care of yourself and I hope you recover soon!

Grace: Sounds like your gal is going to grow up to be a smart, questioning one. Good for her! Suppose it's typical new generation behaviour, like they say Gen Y also like to question.
Astro: I hope you get well soon. Whilst your hubby is away, perhaps you shd get someone, your mum or mil to stay with you? Can help look after you and poor teng too.

Fart Stories: Man, the fart stories here sure made me laugh. Remind me of my own fart story which I'd like to share here. I'm sure no one can top this one. When I was young, there's this very naughty cousin of mine, a year younger than me, who'd used to put his hands at his as***** when he was about to fart, 'cup' the fart in his hands and then release the atom bomb in our noses!! I used to want to kill him for that but that stinker can sure run!

Xoxo: Hopefully like Loke said, hopefully this ist the storm before the calm. Your MS peaking is signalling the last of its dominance!

Sorry can't help you with your hairy problem but the 1st solution that sprung to mind was the diving suit Loke suggested. Not exactly the full diving suit lah for you'd look wierder than just looking hairy I think. But the kind that kids wear these days, short sleeves and bottom. Dunno if can contain a bulging tummy or not though. Anyway, you got hairy problem I got hairless problem. Dunno why dropping hair like mad these days. but tummy hair getting more obvious. Like the hair from my head drop off and got stuck on the tummy like dat. Hahahahaha.

Fifidoog: Thanks for telling me there's a size XXL! Now I got hope liao! Will go buy some soon!
hahahaha... you're damn funny. hair from the head got stuck on tummy!
yes, there's XXL (which they call QL) but its only in Maxi and that's a bit too high waisted. unless u don't mind. i bought 1 Midi to try and that's already peeking out a bit. but when we wear full support maternity pants of course maxi also can't see lah! :p
i just might be able to top your fart story. my teenager cousin last nite was trying to capture his stupid fart into a chewing gum container to see if he can release it at someone else. but of course the moron had to try it on himself first. and it worked! teenagers... tsk tsk!
Astro, take care of yrself dear. I tink with a lot a food poisoining cases now, we must be really really really careful when eating food outside. Best is to eat at home. But sometimes the hassle of fulfilling yr craving can be so troublesome. So easier way out is to eat outside...confused confused..

I'm already wearing my maternity tops and bottoms. But my comfort wear are now mostly tights from cotton on. Undies,just got myself 8 pairs of L / XL G strings from La Sen Za from the last FJ benjamin sale. $1 each! At least can still 'feel' sexy while still pregnant mah. LOL!
Btw, I tink since I'm already in my 2T. Do you tink its safe already to go for Brazilian waxing? I hate to have to share every 2 days...the hair seems to be growing faster down there these days..
I want to always feel like a virgin...wahahah!!
nope, mine at Mt E.

hahahaha... still sexy. hmmm, thats how the factory can produce #4 now eh? ;)

u r so rite abt eatg out. u know i just realised i have not eaten at a hawker centre since the geylang serai food poisoning case? i was a bit paranoid abt being in 1T and hawker food. cos there was once i had pizza @ Spizza and after that stomach upset a bit. and that wasn't even a HAWKER CENTRE?! so nowadays i try to cook for myself or eat at my mum's. but also partly cos i got so much time dunno what to do with it. so trying to eat a bit healthier also lah.

i also took out some of my older g-strings b4 i bot the sorella ones. cos only the g-strings can fit!

i think i read somewhere MTBs go for brazilian waxing b4 they deliver cos the nurse will shave them anyways right? so someone said might as well she go for brazilian waxing herself. i havent done it b4 so i dunno. maybe u can ask them if its safe b4 u proceed? ;)
chiapatty: wow.. seems like we think alike! haha.. we have great minds!

grace: i dun mean dun explain at all.. but there are many different ways to explain a thing.. i would choose the shortest understandable explanation.. like "shoes only wear outside the house and cloth slippers in the house.." then prolly give examples of other shoes the child has that's worn outside, cos they'll look similar.. rather than "oh. shoes not suitable for house cos less friction.. slippers suit the floor of the house better.." and bring out cheem scientific terms. anyway, when necessary, i'll still explain.. but not the longwinded way. haha. my hb is the lorsor type lah. same as my mum..
hrd: the thing about eating out.. i also got to think twice before eating out. we dun have time to cook and cooking is not exactly the best thing to do to kill time for me.. though in 2T, i still feel nauseas at time when i smell certain food..

thought cravings should be more obvious in 2T... but then mine seems to be the opp.. i'm hungry all the time.. but i dunno what to eat most of the time.. hawker food def not appealing to me. only bread and prolly cakes. haha. i have a pastrified baby..1T only meat and potatoes.. now all the floury things.
HRD, ya lor...dats why I guess. I always want to appeal sexy. So kena 'rape' for the 4th time! LOL!

PU, I also everytime hungry but donno wat to eat.But I seem to like french fries very much now and fried chicken. Both of which I dont really fancy last time. And now I hate eggs and hot dogs which use to be my all time fav food before.

So funny how pregnancy can make you change yr taste bud.
VP: i come in only. i see ur yellow joke! gena raped a fourth time.. kaoz.. a good one.. you make urself sound like one of the feline family leh.. a tigeress? coz hor.. they need some rough sex before they can get preggy wor! ha.. siam :p:p

i went to the gynae.. turns out.. she said i had gastric flu instead of food poisoning?? hmm. coz i had high fever.. GP also said could be viral infection.. oh well.. so be it.. and ..

guess what? i know the gender liao!!
and it is a BOY!
wah.. ehh.. miser's y sperm too powerful.. i did everything' to 'prevent' it..fated i cannot close shop yet! ha..

xoxo: uheard me.. i am 'down'.. no more ting.. for this time. i chant for u then. hahahaha

catch up with archives later..

i haven't told anyone else i having boy.. except teng.. i whispered into his ears.. 'teng teng u going to have a didi , dun tell others yet ah'.. he went 'hmmmnnn...' with a very serious look.. ha..
hey VP, i booked for brazilian wax then google, saw that our skin will be more sensitive, so more painful plus might have rashes.. so call to cancel again.. alas, u rite, for those used to doing it regularly, it's so irritating.. haha!
Wow Astro, BOY huh...Teng must be very happy to hv a didi. Like me last time my eldest son always wan to hv a didi, so when he heard that it a BOY he so happy. Nw he say dun wan another didi liao coz didi very noti, mei mei better....hahahaha....but i hv a feeling that it gng to be a BOY again....*faint*...anyway BOY or GAL also ok la as long they are healthy. Waiting for my amnio test next tues, hope everytin will turn out fine...
i think i will try to tune out all the baby talk too. cos my HB's family all talk to my brother-in-law's kids baby talk. even when they're around 6 & 7 now. i think they're slow. compared to some of my colleague's kids around like 3 & 4. but in any case i'm biased cos i don't like them. they're spoilt and ill-mannered. so whatever i see of them, i will avoid for my bb in future.

i haven't dared to indulge myself in the past fortnight or so since gynae's warning. have been only snacking on fruits, salads and yoghurt. but i think its partly to do with over-indulging in 1T. so i dont feel like eating oily fried things now. even sweets and desserts which i used to always love, i have no craving for. only once in awhile.

hahaha... you're no doubt the VP of yellow club!
and of course astro also must prove she's the P with her contribution!!! my fren said of her pregnancy "one hot night equal to one hot soup" *gesture hand over tummy* hehehehe... ah VP, you tigeress you...

so gastric flu is better than food poisoning in terms of risk? if so, then good. hey get lots of rest k? so its baby boy for you huh? well, i know how we all wish to have 1 of each gender. but frens who have 2 of the same swear its much easier and the two siblings are closer cos can play the same things wor.
my fren who goes to same gynae just told me today that when she did the NT scan, can tell the gender already. that's getting me anxious abt mine next week, on 27th. *tap fingers nervously*
Hey ladies. Good morning!
I went for my check up yest evening. Dr said could be a girl! Cos nothing sticking out. But then she quickly qualified tt by saying could also be too early hence nothing sticking out yet. Will wait for next appt on 18th may to confirm again i guess. Tt's when i go in for detailed screening. But still rather excited to hear her say tt
can see pics and read more at my blog yah? Http://famela.me

Am checking in via my mobile. Will try catch up wif previous posts later ok? See ya! Take care girls!
hey all mommies, anyone feeling the sensation of quickening yet? mine started a few days ago, and today is pretty intense...

The first natural sensation of quickening may feel like a light tapping, or the fluttering of a butterfly
Fifidoog: Wah, your fart story can beat mine lah. Careful next time your naughty cousin approaches you with a container!

m..m.. wonder what 'Q' stands for in 'QL'. Too bad it's maxi coz I don't think i can stand the pressure (of the undie) against my bulging tummy leh. I will go hunt down some QL low waisted undies by other brand (Wacoal, Triumph, etc) Will share research results with you guys when I have them.

Loke: Yeah...great minds we have! heh heh heh

Astro: Sheesh, gastric flu is hard to tahan lah. Take care man. I think all of us should really be extra careful when eating out what with the recent bout of food poisoning cases.

Famela: Your bb's head is very nice and round! I hope mine will be like that too. Many of us Chinese have flat heads lah. It's not terrible or anything but flat head don't look so good spotting short hair lor. My head lagi flat, sometimes when wearing hairband, the hairband will "shoop" up and off my head! hahahahaha.. Thank goodness hubby got nice round head so 1st bb's head also nice n round. Wish I'd be 2nd time lucky.

Catherine: You're so lucky. All I can feel in my tummy is gas.
Hi Mummies,

Tried to post yesterday evening and written a nong nong post, skali its under maintainence...eerrgghh!

Astro, lucky only gastric flu. Hope you are doing better now. The risk is lower than food poisoning rite. I really feel for the woman who last her baby from the rojak saga.

Jo, looks like i got to tahan for a couple more months before I can get my virgin look again down there..haiz..

Catherine, I've been feeling it since last 2 weeks also.

A sponsored message from the RYC club.

Btw I have entered myself shamelessly into the Beautifully Imperfect contest.
So please vote for me by clicking the 'like' on this pic link ya!


Thanks yous!!!
VP:whahaha.. ur sponsered message lifts my spirit!
i dun wear g-strings! coz to fit me.. that G will be darn big and the string very long! (straight face)
hey. can't 'like' ur photo if not ur facebook fren right?
Hi all mummies,

I'm so sick, on a lot of medications from doctor.. Asthma/ flu/ cough..

Can i ask e mummies, do u take e medicines "claim to be safe"?

I asked e doc, he says it's should be safe.. but they never really do clinical trial on pregnant mummies for obvious reason, no mother will put themselves up for clinical trial.. so how do they know??

I on nasal spray/ asthma spray - GP says got to continue for LT. Gynae says it's steroid.. if dun need, dun use.. then I dun use, SICK again..

Then all e cough syrup/ anti-histamine/ anti-inflammation meds.. i even tried chinese sensei.. - e chinese sensei also damm honest.. says should be safe.. i HUH? should be SAFE? he says He TRY.. then i Huh again? TRY????

How to ask gynae, also dun know wat is inside e chinese meds???? HOW?? dun eat, dun get well.. Eat also bad for bb..

Anyone got e same problem?
JO: i am also having gastrics flu.. hmm. but i heard from the GP that when preg.. cannot use nasal spray leh.. hmm.. u paid a visit to ur gynae liao? did u ask her what is safe and recommeneded instead? ask her to prescribe u some drugs for ur condition?

btw for my flu the other time. i was given puriton.. was told by my gyane this is very safe anti histamine.. then for cough. given rithaniol (spelling might be wrong).. safe for infants also.. that's what my boy take for cough too! :S
hmm. might take longer to recover coz the medcine is mild.. but i gather that is what concerns u right?

erm.. asthma spray.. hmm. this one tricky .. must ask gynae.. i am sure she has handle asthmatic patients mtbs before mah..
Jo: I think the best thing to do is see your gynae. He will be able to give you safe medicines. Usually they are mild and may not be effective but at least the mild med will ease your symptoms somewhat. As for Chinese med, unless you go to a really good one who also specialises in obs n gynae, I think better not take their med.
vp: can't even find u :p i think ur settings are like mine.. ultra scretive kind :p
alamak..can't even pm u my facebook email so that u can add me!
u pm-ed me.? and let me know when it is done?
hi ladies:

been ill for the past few days. The sore throat has gotten worse and swallowing anything is torture. Worse still, I got a dry cough to make the pain even worse. haiz

Astro: Hope you're recovering well from your gastric flu! Rest more yah! Hahhaha, your Teng very cute, hehehe, got serious look some more.

Catherine: I've had some light tapping on my tummy few days ago! Tapped back but no reply. :p

Jo: I got my cough mixture and lozenges from my Gynae, so I know that at least they are safe to take. Maybe you can try to get from yours too?
just saw your blog. WOW! you're so young, so pretty, so hip. you and HB are a gorgeous couple! of course adil gets the nice looking genes.
oh and SO SLIM!!! i dont wanna stand next to you.

can one lah. motomoto also can find very long string to make G. bwahahahahaha...

you also another pretty chick. erm, not chick. tigeress. i love the sponsored message... bwahahahahaha...

my head quite "kiau" behind one leh. my mum says only kuai lan then have this shape. hhahahaha... ;)
funzee >> errr... probably my gal is more stubborn towards smart...
pu >> understand! i m not the lo-so type either but my gal makes me...
vp >> G-string! i always found it is not comfortable leh.. coz i m having a big fat butt..it always 'sink deep' in the centre!!
Jo >> better listen to gynae. Westen docs are not encourage to take chinese med.. at least those docs i met.
fifidog >> you really big size?? then can i stand besides you?? :p

company block blog* web site.. can't see famela's blog..sigh.
catherine: I felt flutterings once when I was in bed, around 3 or 4 am. But I haven't felt it since.

To everyone else, Hi! I've been gone for some days. Too lazy and busy to log on to computer. Will slowly read through and post. Now going to get my next meal. Hungry monster!!
All, thanks for your advise..

Yap, I asked e Gynae abt e spray n meds.. he just say if not necessary dun use.. so i trying not to use.. then GP says if dun use.. Asthma aggravate worse.. Then all e elderly says must eat chinese meds.. i dun dare to ask my gynae on e chinese meds.. he dun like, last time i ask during my first one, he says never got clinical trial on chinese meds, how to know if it works or not..

thinking back, my first one, i super good girl, never eat any meds unless from gynae.. but this cough has been forever.. i can't sleep at nite from e cough.. n breathless from asthma.. till i so frustrated.. so sick of being sick..

Think i'll just give e spray a few days to try.. think everything in moderation will be fine.. more impt for me to be in good health n good spirit.. i sick for so long, till i think i'm in slight depression.. even cry at work.. tragic!
Hello all,

I'm back from the long MC break.... and now my MC is also start to running out..... Initally I thought when I entered to 2T, my body condition will turn better.... but seem like getting bad to worse.... and worse still my bleeding come back again...
joyce: mindme asking.. how many days of mc are u left with? and ur bleeding sounds recurrent..do u have a low lying placenta?
how ? must bed rest or not? sian seah...

hrd: xxl nia ah? stand one side pls

chiam. i am bored at home.. but i dun want to go to school!!!
thursday.. RO of Housefly wants to meet me for a 'little chat'.. like i got things to talk to her.. used to like her.. till now.. chey.. then she is going to invite housefly along.. wah. i scared leh ..*shudder* chey..
i wonder what they going to tell me.. must be 'astro, u angered housefly (my pet).. off u go!'.. boo *stick tongue at them*..
then i thought her i might extend the mc.. and asked her what is it about.. dun want to tell me leh.. wah.. so secretive.. chey!
jo: it is not my health that i am 'depressed' over. it is my current situation.. at work.. unless i find peace within myself and gain nirvana.. i think forever i will feel i am in the slums! haiz.. miser said i am going into pre-natel depression. ithink so too leh! :S
Hello Astro, I only left with 5 days of MC. My entitlement is 14 days. As for the bleeding, it is due to the placenta starting to tear... But my gynae is not serious if the bb is growing well and healthy. I will be going to my detail scan in May 20, hope everything is okay.
My gynae said I should be bed rest as much as possible. Now I am planning to talk to my manager to let me work from home for 1 month so that I can rest more at home and I dun need to exhaust my MC and annual leave. Hope she is agreeable to this arangement.
woah... seems like after the MS-ing.. people getting sick leh... please all take care ah.. hydrate urself cos the weather is really hot... dun care about the thing about cold stuff lah. just have some ice cream once a day if necessary.. better to keep cool than to be heated up too much.. plus i think someone here posted about us getting more 'heaty' during 2T.. so all the more must cool ourselves down.

anyway... never tried g-string before. maybe i should one of these days before i get too big. haha..

vp: u r the best.. sponsored msg?? haha..

astro: bring along baygon for the meeting. spray at the housefly if necessary.

actually i think i got those butterfly feelings also leh. but i'm not too sure.. usually occurs around 9-10pm. and the feelings only on one side. not painful like stretching or cramps.. jst bubbly feeling.. i thought 1st time mum wont experience baby's movements until about 18 or 20wks?
aiyoh finally found the meaning of rayner.. hahaha.. it is germanic in orgin.. meaning wise warrior! huh? who? teng? warrior?! ROFL!
Astro, thanks for the vote!

Joyce, hope things get better soon. My prayers goes out to you and your bb ok..

Ladies, The G strings I bought are also damn big XL. I tink Lasenza caters for big size lah. So if not worn, it doesnt look sexy, looks like Big mama's Gs but when worn, oklah. I feel sexy. haha!
orh. i stand behind u then. hehe... i'm feeling like tum tum getting "harder" by the day. also feel like skin is stretching more and more. better keep putting cream man. already have some stretch marks on my thunder thighs.
hmm... donch slip into that lousy depression thing k? i give u my msn. if i'm on-line, and forum is down u can chat me? if u feel like lah.
[email protected]

i know what u mean abt the g-string. i dont like the "stuck up your butt crack" feeling. hahahaha... but i was desperate lah.

eh, you very well-endowed eh? i just saw your pic on FB. so cute.
i think i better donch wear the Gs. i dont wanna get "raped" 4 times. at most i can only tahan 2 times. hehehehehe
