(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Maelyn> congrats!!!

U ask in forum oh..... Shhh shhh... Then SMS and ask... Lol...
Retail is $988..
Now first few years and motherworks (I think) sellig promotion $688.
US selling US$299.
confirm buy in US... but warranty not recognized in spore...
So pray no spoil... So far never yet la..

Just Need to use universal plug to use it..
No need special adaptor or what...

Thanks for the info. I got my chicken pox in poly life, very terrible, felt like alien having something growing/forcing out of the skin. Very bad feeling but lucky face not a lot but a few permanent mark. Lucky got it in poly else I won't pass that year. haha.
I think I better let them take to reduce the pain if kanna. 90% a lot lei. Will opt for separate jab although pd recommend MMRV.

I better try the Jurong Park first. So near yet never went before. So far only went to the pools. I like CCK swimming complex as they have the playground in the pool and is less crowd but kids can only play but cannot swim since water not deep enough.
Hi mommies,
Would like to share this restaurant. Food are fantastic but not cheap. Just went as company dinner yesterday. Approx $100/head. Need to make reservation as the restaurant is small and the table are limited. yesterday was full house.

Thanks for the recommendation! I love (authentic) Italian food, I will sure go and try, maybe this weekend :)

Oh the CCK swimming complex. We went there a couple of time on weekends, then stopped going cos we find it very crowded leh, so many people, though it's big and pretty good. Luckily I found out that I am eligible to sign up as a member of the Civil Service Club at Bukit Batok. The swimming pool at CSC is so much better than the CCK one. Really clean and nice and very well maintain!
I work at a statuary board. Actually PR also can get government jobs one leh, only those involve more confidentiality only open to citizens.

i should be joining if cayden is feeling okay. He is having fever and it seems to be due to teething and super cranky at nite.seeing the PD later to confirm.. if is only..teething then i can join u gals..if not..haiz..i got to MISS this gathering again..It always happen when i wanna meet you mummies up...grrr....

Maelyn - Congrats too and when are you due? Im due next year april


My fren had both Avent Isis & Medela freestyle & she said the Avent sucked. Less milk.

I personally used Ameda Lactaline & Medela PISA. PISA is super fantastic! I used it till Sam hit one yr. Without it, I wudn't have been able to exclusive pump for 10 months! Bad thing is, the weight lah
i recommended the brand to a fren but she find dual sided pump too exp so she bought a cheaper single sided electric pump..
now she regretted cos she needed dual pump to save time...

I agree the one-sided is useless! I already have to pump 30min every time on dual-sided pump. Imagine if I use single-sided? No need to eat/sleep/go toilet liao
**quietly** Congrats Maelyn! Yes Duo is big and bulky like a bomb... lol I used to have one but I sold it off cause couldn't get used to it. I used to use Isis Single last time but cause it was battery operated, I found that it wastes lots of batt...

Love Freestyle and I recommend to many of my friends...

Rach, if you sterilise the breastshield, you will realise that the plastic turns yellow very very quickly and spoils very easily..
Actually I personally find Isis good.. I like the petal cushion and feel that it can help to boost milk supply. But like what everyone say, Single waste too much time and the other side will leak... lol So I changed to Freestyle. And thanks to Freestyle, I was able to feed my baby for so long
Congrats Maelyn and xmasc!

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> would like to join the gathering now that doc has cleared kate of HFMD, I dunno why Kate always get mis-diagnosed of HFMD!
But it depends whether hubs mind staying at home while the part-time maid comes and clean the house tmrw...no need to prepare food for me, i will sms u if I'm dropping by.

On second thoughts, so many preggie mums and not sure whether the virus is latent or what, as this KAte often gets this mis-diagnosis; maybe I should stay away!

<font color="0000ff">steph, itsy</font> how's the warehouse sale?
Thank you all for your best wishes!

Wow.. looks like Medela Freestyle is the popular one here. I think I am going to get that. I see from the picture its really handy and portable.

I just recently found out this preggy thing and my first gynae visit will be next Friday. Based on my calculation and EDD prediction online, I will be due next year early July.
Quite a no. of mummies are preggie! Congrats to maelyn and xmasc! Just congrat someone on FB too... keke

I used Medela PISA, very efficient in pumping, just a but bulky to bring to work

I will sms u if i can join u all tomorrow
Just went to infantino sale..
I would say dun waste time unless u wanna get stroller or car seat.. Even then.... Nothing much... The sales area is like size of my living room....

Got munchkin stuffs though...
If u have something in mind to buy la....
Else I look at the mess I dunno how to dig n dun wanna dirty my hands.. Very hot also..

The fan blows hot wind.....
Infantino Sale - Yah.. I agree... unless you want to get stroller, car seat or cot... else a bit waste time to come down specially. Cot deal at $399, comes with bedding, stroller, and lots of other stuffs..

Its not as many things as last year... like half lesser loh... not much stuffs.. Last year got a lot more baby stuffs

I got water bottles for my kids... last year bought some but since this year also sale so I bought 3 to change. Then I bought the English Spanish flashcards $5 for my unborn godson (hahah) then bought a bath toy for Jordan which is brand new so only 10% off. And a $5 Munchkin microwave sterilising bag for my girlfriend, which is cheap....

They have safety gates also but not worth to specially come down to buy lah.. Lindam gate at $48 I think... not super cheap also
myfavchoco - I think so... never confirm with the sales guy but Rach help me see on the box one... but hor Lindam also have different model leh.. so dunno if its your model or not...

Yours swing single direction or double? Sometimes price difference cause of that.
Hello Mummies,

Just wonder ,how long does your child meal time last?

my hor.. 1.5hr to complete one bowl now!! gosh..isit becos of rice hard to chew ? usualy i will on some kids video for him to watch.. at times he watch the video he forget to chew,but if dun watch , i worry he might not sit for long.. relli duno how.
Flower.. Mine take bout 15 mins at the most. It's not good for the stomach if they eat hot food turns cold.... I think will hv lots of wind leh...
<font color="119911">shampoo</font>
Wah, yours can finish in 15minutes?? That's very good leh. Mine will take at least 1/2. Usually after that, he doesn't wanna eat anymore, but if snacks or fruits he'll want.
Hmmm he is not allowed to move here n there lo. Must sit there finish the food before he can crawl away. I very stern to him when it's meal time.
Shampoo, im soo envy, wat u usually feed?

i read from web say babies meals shld not be more then 20mins and dun give them toys during meals.
<font color="119911">Flower4</font>
Takes about 15-20min to feed Ian. Also depends on whether I'm only feeding him or if I'm feeding him during mealtime with whole family. Faster if I'm just feeding him. I don't like to feed for too long cos food turns cold and I also no patience. Furthermore, 1st 10 min, he'll eat fast cos hungry then will reject once full. Difficult to force him to continue eating.

Maybe your baby is already full, thus take so long to finish a bowl.
My gal takes about 15min to finish her meal. When she is slow/distracted, I limit her to 30min, more than that, no more food.

I have no choice but to turn on the TV while feeding my son dinner (cos I handle 2 of them alone). He eats very slow but again I limit to 30min, after that, no more food.

It takes me ard 10min to feed Sam. Sometimes 15min if he's not cooperative.

I just let him play with toys or watch TV. Yup, it's theoretically not good. But I don't have the patience or the energy to keep battling him coz he will wanna stand up in his high chair all the time! If I'm outside, it's easier, coz there'll be things &amp; pple for him to look at &amp; distract him while he's eating.

Disclaimer : Sam only eats porridge. Nothing chewy like pasta or rice, so it's definitely lot easier to feed.
thanks kam,jul&amp;itsy.

think im way too much time taken
.. ya food cold already and he dun like to eat cold food...

maybe too much for him to chew too.

wat you babies usually take? wat kind of meals?

my is rice, potatoes or fish ball or chicken or beef and oso carrot.. so far..

but always rice lor.

Erm.. Sam only eats porridge. So dun really need to chew. I wanna give him rice &amp; soup but MIL refuses, so no choice.

Just some suggestions : Maybe u can try chopping up the meat into small small pcs so ur boy takes a shorter time to chew? Maybe u can soak the rice in water or soup till it's softer too?
You mean just rice as in how we adult eat it? Transition from semi solid (porridge) to solid should be slow. I let my girl eat a bit of rice, but for fun and for the feel of it, never for a full meal. Though she is taking the rice pretty okay, I would delay giving her rice as full meal till after she turns 18months. She mainly gets fed on porridge of all sort, usually a combination of a veg and a pork/fish/chicken, and sometimes an egg. She sometimes gets to eat ABC pasta, mee sua, soupy rice too, but porridge is the main.

You mean you gave your boy fish ball as in those bought from the market? That is not fish ball per say, it's lots of flour with lots of salt and other stuff. I am just curious why you choose to give your boy fish ball out of so many types of food?

I agree with Jul. Till now, we still chop/mash all them meat and veg till small pieces.

Mine is even more pampered!

The meat n veg gets blended with a bit of water with the trusty Braun handheld before it gets poured into the porridge.
Halow mummies,

Like to check with you all regards to Child care . Do u think its really good to put your kids in those expensive CC . Meaning Expensive = Good ?? Cheap = no good ??

These few days been doing research on cc and kind of have a shock. Its so expensive. Some after subsidy is $1 K plus eg mindchamps. All along, I thought PAP or sparkle tots is already very good. Feel like following my heart to just let him enrol in these schools but thinking will he lost out to his peers. Kiasu mummy here !

Coincidentally I'm also looking at either playgroup or childcare for Sam.

I was also shocked at the prices! Those branded atas schools are definitely out : Etonhouse, Pat's Schoolhse, Mindchamps.. Too much lah. I dun wanna put all my salary towards childcare!

Anyway I can't make up my mind on whether to put Sam in those 2-h daily playgroups or those half day childcare or even full day childcare.

I also have second thoughts on enrolling him to those half day programme, not necessary cc.. But my area don't have . The MMI at my place - full &amp; half only difference by $60 so no point .
But you gonna switch him from blended food to cube food somehow, right? I usually cook the meat/veg till soft that they can be easily mashed using the feeding spoon. I mash them to tiny pieces but not totally mash, if you know what I mean.

If you ask me, of course not true. Those ex cc usually are franchise, so they have to pay a hefty sum for getting the franchising. Also, if you realise, these ex cc usually are at prime location or at a nice building, so they pay for a high rental. And they stress on very low teacher to children ratio. All of these charges get charge to parents. In addition, they usually include "extras" like kindermusic, gyms classes to their normal classes.

I find this blogger daddy wrote this article "Choosing a Pre-school" pretty well, you may want to take a look at http://www.edunloaded.com/parenting/choosing-a-pre-school/


Yeah normally half day CC is not very value for money. But I have MIL &amp; maid at home, so it's not necessary to 'abandon' him the whole day, u know?

I've been thinkijg abt it for almost 2 weeks. Starting from knowing nothing abt CC, I slowly surfed &amp; looked thru. Gosh there certainly are very branded CCs out there. But I really feel the pinch. besides, I dun want him exposed to too many rich kids coz we're not rich &amp; we dun want him to start comparing.


I know. But I'm leaving Sam with MIL now. She cooks his veg for 45min coz she says it can't be digested. She gives hi only banana &amp; pear coz everything else, incl apple, is sour. She insists on no veg with his dinner porridge coz it'll make him cough. Everything must be mashed into one big mess coz she's lazy to separate out the fish from the porridge so she mashes everything together. Sa only eats pork &amp; fish coz chicken has hormones, beef is too heaty, mutton is toxic..

Part of the reason why I feel like putting Sam into CC. I'm so afraid she's turning him into a useless pampered prince who will one day be unable to survive in the outside world *headache*
