(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

MMR at poly clinic is FOC..
any mummies considering taking MMR at polyclinic and then take chicken pox at PD?
or is chicken pox available at polyclinic??

How much huh???

PD charge $70 for chicken pox alone....

Btw, I always Tot pneumococal after 12mos is 2 doses until my PD says so...

I checked the SPORE SCHEDULE FOR BABIES and realized it states only 1dose for 12-59months...

Any feedback???

I am not 100% sure, but I think it's got to do with which Pneumococcal vaccine that your kids are receiving. There are 2 in the markets now, the Prevenar and the newer product Synflorix. For children >1-2 years old, they would need 1 dose of Prevenar but 2 doses of Synflorix. You may want to read out more or ask your PD to clarify this.
Kam> ohhh.. Okok... Will ask her when I go for MMR maybe...
Now considerig to take MMR at poly or not...
What's the cons???


Dunno my PD will hate me or not...

Paige> Kate takes her jabs at polyclinic rite?? Why u choose that???

Was almost going to take MMRV Liao until I saw the link Kam posted..
I know chicken pox not compulsory... But it's like everyone else taking it... If everyone else Nv Tio then our kids Tio then um dui Lo.....

Anyway, ive never had chicken pox all my life..
Any implications???
Does my body have natural vaccine??lol...
iPhone> anyone using iPhone to check emails and encounter:
I had this problem with my 3GS and Tot iPhone 4.0 will be better..
But apparently, once the email gets beyond a certain size, I'll always get this message..
And I'll receive empty emails... Have to manually log on to SingNet via Internet EXPLORER on iphone to read and go back inbox to reply...

Dunno issit cuz I sync my new iPhone to 3GS data... All my previous faults now exist in iPhone 4.

If I dun sync, how to copy contacts frm iPhone 3GS to 4.0??

Anyone knows??
Think there is only 1 pharma producing MMR. So it's polyclinic is free, why not! You worry for your PD? He/she earns so much, why worry for him/her?

If you haven't had chicken pox till now, it is either you have a very strong immunity or you have never had close contact with those who carries the virus or both. We CANNOT develop natural immunity against virus, one must get infected to build up the immunity.
Kam> when my cousin had chicken pox like 20yrs ago, my mum purposely bring me there to get infected.. Cuz it was the hols season... But nothing happened... Lol...

But it's said that everyone MUST have it at least once??
I've classmates in sch who kena and I was close to them few days before...still nothing....

So I got strong immunity?? Wahahahah....
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> yes, all my jabs are at BB polyclinic. So am taking my MMR at polyclinic as well. They also have MRRV

Make sure your babies are ok with whole eggs before you take the MMR vaccine.

My PD knows I take jabs at polyclinic and she's fine with that. She still treats Kate really well when I need to see her

myfavchoco she is the one at railmall
You didn't read my blog obviously :) No, it's not true that everyone must have it at least once, that's a myth. Yes, you have strong immunity. But if you finally, ever, get it, it would usually be full blown, cos it's either the virus is very strong (only the strong one can fight through your strong immunity) or when you are very weak (eg, when you are sick).

I just called my PD clinic, and the nurse said MMR alone is $35. The nurse didn't sound friendly, so I didn't ask about the price for chicken pox and MMRV.

Oh, Kate goes to the one at Railmall. Is the PD good?
<font color="0000ff">kam</font> Dr. Liew is very thorough, but her charges are not cheap. I go to her for "difficult" cases.
If its a low grade fever and sniffles, I'll just to to our GP (Actually, there is no need to go to a GP as it normally clears off but her IFC needs certification, so no choice!)
<font color="0000ff">kam</font> another reason why i go to Dr. Liew is because she has night clinics, so its more convenient for me to go after work.

I'm quite sure for pneumococcol after 12 months is just 1 jab. Because my girl had her final pneumococcol jab when she is 12 months plus. Previously, she took Pneu jab at 3 or isit 5 months, then another time at 7 and 9 months.

This MMRV is quite new, for me, i would go for the old one MMR plus chicken pox as a separate jab. MMR has been around for so long and no issues about it so far, so i feel more anxin la. Like the rotavirus issue, no update about the vaccine if its safe to take anot. Somemore its a new vaccine. My girl already kenna chicken pox so will just be going for MMR only at 15 months.
Oh she has night clinics, that's great to know! Yes, good for us FTWM. Okay, I will check that out, thanks!

What Rach meant was because R didn't receive any pneumo jab before 1yo, then R only need to receive 1 jab only in total!! For our kids who have received the 1st jab before turning 1yo, they have to take a total of 3-4 jabs, and with only 1 jab left after 1yo.
kam> hahah.. i read certain articles... think u posted one recently.. but too many posts and too busy... i didnt click that.. ahahahha...
i read the 2nd link abt the MMRV... hahahah....

ermmm... my PD charges $30 for MMR... $120 for MMRV.... :S

Paige> Rayanne has no problems with eggs...the nurse at the PD did ask...has she eaten egg? i said yah..she said egg yolk?? i said yah....
i wonder why she ask...
so its cuz of MMR...??
Cos the MMR vaccine contains albumin (egg white) thingy, so some doctors said have to make sure the kids don't have allergy to egg white (since it's a high risk allergen) before taking MMR jab, while some doctor said this claim is unfounded for. I am at the 2nd camp though :)
Inflight Service
Hmmm... i dunno if it's right for me to comment la. In any case, I think the cabin crew should do their best to pacify the passengers. However, they too have limitations that sometimes are beyond them.

I remember telling one stewardess that I have a 6 mth kid and after the flt, she had prepared a bag of 'goodies' for my son even though he was nowhere on the flight! That said, I've had the other end of the stick as well.

I guess everyone is human afterall. There'll always be limitations from catering, other more difficult passengers and even management that will cut operating budgets to the min so as to compete with other carriers.

To those who have had to endure the bad service, do fill in the feedback forms! And to those who experience the friendly crew, do give them a pat on the back for everyone needs one to spur them on.

Cheers from Sunny Singapore.
MMR &amp; MMRV
oh dear.. reading all ur comments... scare me leh...

was planning to let my Z take it nex mth aft the 15th mth old...

should take it together or separately? =(
My son took MMRV. During administration of the jab, what we were considering was to let my son suffer less. Becoz each time he gets vaccination, he will get fever and that reduces his appetite. It may take about a week or so to recover his normal milk intake and all that.. So we decided to let him take less jab, therefore chose the MMRV for him. Well, after the MMRV there was no adverse side effects except for a low grade fever on the 4th day after the jab. This week he is going for another jab, penumococcal again....

Kam, Rach,
Btw, I am also the lucky 10% who have not kena chicken pox before. But I KS abit, went to take the vaccine recently so that I will avoid getting it if preggy with #2. The older you get the chicken pox, the worst the situation can get.
since u're pregnant, your PD might advise u not to take the MMRv or chicken pox jab. did your PD not ask u if u or anyone at home is pregnant? thought the % is very small and unlikely to be contagious. but there is a small chance that it can still spread to the person handling baby the most. pregnant and chicken pox is not good. thats why i told u i better skip the playdate at your hse on sat to play safe!
i hope i didn't start a 'scare' regarding the MMRv jab. that was not my intention. =p i think its a personal choice whether to take it separately or combined.
its not that it is unsafe or what... since like some have mentioned, it is in the mkt for 1 yr or so already and this is singapore not timbaktu. whether the child will have mild or more reaction to the jab also depends on indiv. child.
Kiki> nope PD didn't mention anything abt which To take.. She leaves it entirely to my choice.. And yes she knows an can see that I'm preggy.. She even ask me when due and arrangment for Raylynn when she's born.. As in the jabs and all that with her... Cuz I asked if she goes to hospital...

So I guess I can either delay till 18mos which some mummies here are doing... And that's when Raylynn's out.. Or after Raylynn's full month or do it before shes out... Mmm...
strange why your PD never highlight this to u. i think its quite impt information! which PD do u go to?

no, don't delay till 18 mths. coz 18 mths got another jab, the booster for 5-in-1. think better if do it ard 16-17mths. at least 30 days before the next jab.
No lah, didn't scare by you. It's definitely a personal choice. As long as the MOH approves the vaccine, it's safe (else can claim the damage from the government, keke). But it's more for learning and knowing what's good and what's not for our toddlers. I was planning to let XY receive the MMRV jab early next month cos her PD suggested MMRV. I didn't think about it and would have just gone ahead with his recommendation cos I trust him a lot. Now it gets me thinking. But at the end, I may end up giving her MMRV. For my hub, he is all for MMRV, he doesn't care much about the possible side effect, etc, he just doesn't want her princess being poked too many times.
There is 2 exit at birdpark carpark. E gantry near e restaurant is always up but I not sure they deduct ur cash card when u enter or exit. There is a water playing area, u might wan to bring extra clothings for ur bab just incase.
myfavchoco, oh no, i din notice its diff :p.. too excited to find out its cheaper hehee.. maybe Health from the sun have diff packing?
Any mommy tried Oragnic manuka honey from new zealand? There is offer from my son CC. 500g 15+ &amp; 250g 20+ as 1 set at S$62. Is it worth to buy?

Oh thanks! I didn't know abt the water play area. I think I shd bring along a towel in case Sam wants to go 'play water'.

I went last year and bought Dora water bottle at $1 or $2, can't rem... cheap cheap... lol

And I love Munchkin products... Read that they have Lindam products too.. wondering if they have safety gates... hmmm... I want to go leh...

Today.... tomorrow.... Itsy, u want to go today? hehehe I haven't had lunch... can take late lunch time go.. hahah then eat bread.. hahah
<font color="0000ff">itsy</font> Thanks for the sale info! Aiyah, just bought my munchkin bowls last week!!

<font color="0000ff">steph</font> yes, yes, post up the good buys, ok?
Itsy, Sure... what time? I was thinking of after 1pm? Maybe after lunch time not so many ppl... I can have late lunch time tomorrow...

I think will be dusty... messy not too sure.. the place is not big one so it really depends on the number of ppl there...
hi mummies,

I know its a bit weird to ask this question at this time.. Would like to have some feedback from the mummies here on breast pump. Any mummies using Avent isis duo or Medela breast pumps here? How do you find your breast pump?Which brand is better ar?
Maelyn, Are you preg? hehehhe Congratulations if you are!

Medela Freestyle is definately my choice.. Avent Duo is a bomb... dun buy.. hahahha

Only down side of Medela Freestyle is that the breast shield cannot be sterilised and will wear and tear after use...
Freestyle is super portable and dun need to worry waste battery cause it has inbuild rechargeable battery. My No 1 choice!
Stephanie> carry along arrived liaoz...

Are u going infantino sale with Jordan??
Issit very dusty kind???
I can meet u all too...
I'm like living in isolation frm the sept mummies... Haven't seen anyone since before the sept bash...
Can't wait to meet up with u all man...
Missing all the outings(cuz didn't know of most...) and can only drool at the photos....Rayanne has long since recovered and is healthy and wont spread any virus to any baby.. And I'm pregnant only... Not handicapped.. Still very much mobile...

Whatsapp me the time okie...
Medela freestyle> breast shield cannot sterilize???? I sterilize them all the time when I was using leh... Like 2-3 times a day??????
Hi mommies
Wat ur view for chicken pox vaccine? Nephew had e vaccine at 1 yr old n kanna chicken pox at 6 yrs old. Sil said tt jab is no news can forget it.
Gathering at my place this sat: 13Nov
Open to all who can make it okie..
Just let me know if arE coming...
So far confirmed:
1. Melissa &amp; Lucas
2. Itsy &amp; Ian
Gosh... Suddenly I can't rem who else....
A few others told me still pending...
Waiting for confirmation from u all k...

Just ordering some pizza and chill out and catch up...
I'm not preparing any food on my own..
Connie> that's why my PD says need to get 2 dose of chix pox vaccine... She mentioned some ppl who took only 1 dose wil have it still.. So need 2 doses to be safe...
2nd dose at wat age?

Thanks for sharing the outing location. Checking the location n planning the trip for them. CAn only have outing on sun since hubby only back on sat evening.
Rach, Step,

How much is the retail price for medela freestyle in SG? HB is in US now, so was thinking whether is it cheaper for him to buy there so that I can save some shipping cost.. IF almost the same price in SG, then my as well buy in SG..

Btw, shh shh... dun talk so loud.. BB "xiao qi" leh.. pantang pantang! LOL!
