(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

hi5 cindy & jul...

i always try to stuff the "necessity" into a "medium" sized bag when possible.. i never know when my boy needs it.. esp when he needs it, i din bring...

have to bring his pacifier, and "smelly" pillow as well so he can nap when we r still outside...

extra sets of clothing, hanky, pillow case, diapers, diaper cream & tiny hand sanitizer, wet wipes (din buy small size as whole family can use it esp aft food when toilets are full), FM dispenser, baby spoons, 1 milk bott, small hot flask, sippy cup, extra small water bottle for cooled water (refill sippy cup/ another milk feed), teether toy, snacks, if bring out porridge... the "food" bag will be BIG, all food stuff will be in a bag itself..

end up have to stuff smthings into hubb bag's so the bag im carrying wont be so heavy..

kam, i envy you...


we sit him in the high chair, with playhouse disney on the tv, then have to feed quickly.. my mom is the best, made him finish within 10 to 15mins.. feed real fast..

but when it me feeding him, it seems like my boy tends to bully me, but i still mash the food to smaller or mashy state then feed him so it takes me slower.. NO Skill at all ...

& my boy tends to climb out of high chair after 5 to 10 mins of feed time..
We have a new winner :-0

My gal very poor thing, I don't bring her pacifier out. But she can still fall asleep outside, cos too tired liao, keke. I have stopped using diaper cream for a long time liao, only apply when her butt is a bit reddish. Hand sanitizer we never used. If they need to have an extra milk feed, we just use bottled mineral water.

U must be like me. Mash everything properly then feed!

During feeding, it'll be a mad rush of feeding, mashing food, scooping hot food from the pot, cooling the hot food,... Very stressed leh
if need to have food bag, then it only 2 bags, main bag n food bag.. food bag hubby will carry..

i din buy any foogo or tiger jar, was using those olden ugly plain looking "almost large" thermal container for his porridge when we need to bring it out.. so the hot thermal container have to be in a bag by itself, then i just throw all the food n water stuff inside...
Envy lei. I usually bring 2-3 sets of cloths for my boy n 1 set for gal till recently she kept splitting out water when drinking so now have to bring 2 sets. 2 diapers for each n a napkin just incase they play water. I even put 2 diapers each in hb car.
<font color="119911">jul</font>
Haha...I also on TV already, othwise can't even last 2 minutes. At least with TV he can sit for 5 minutes before he wants to get out. We've been doing trial&amp;error. Yesterday switch off TV, seems like he eat a little fast but after a few spoonful also don't wanna eat already. So, back to switch on TV, can last longer. Sometimes, I wish I could just chuck it and say "Don't wanna eat, done". But he's getting kinda skinny, and I don't want to have to plump him up later. I'm hoping it's just the teething phase...
<font color="0000ff">Aquadoodle</font>
Anybody here has this? Is it good? My nephew drew all over his room wall. And I'm wondering if dooling on this will lead him to misunderstand that all inks will disappear on its own.
My son has just been toilet trained, so only need to bring 1 diaper for standby only.

He could be teething. Yes, some kids don't eat well due to teething uncomfort.

The aquadoodle. My boy has one. But he neave got interested in this. I felt that it's kinda bored, cos only 1 dull colour appearing only. My son much prefers to draw with the colour pencils or crayon or do painting on paper. My gal likes to bite the pen for the aquadoodle, so she is banned from it. She started to colour using colour pencils on paper. Cannot give crayon still cos she eats them.

How old is your nephew? Can get the washable crayon?
<font color="119911">JUL</font>
Ya lor, I threw a few S and Y teats away! So wasted. Ok ok will go look for this puncher. Thanks!

<font color="119911">Jolimilk, Jul and Jess</font>.. 3 Js :p
I turn on the TV when Ian eats too. Ok lah. I figure, hubby and I (actually includes my whole family), all eats in front of the TV, so OK lah. Haha keeping up with 'family traditions' :p
same lo.. hehe.. but im trying to downsize as i can..!!
unless i really forget to bring smthing... then the bag will be "just right"

Ian is so cute i saw last sat! hee.. luv to tease him for a hug!

"family tradition"! yup!

straying from the topic.....
remember an incident when we dun want to buy dining table all at once to save up while moving into our new hse. But In laws insisted move hse must have fully furnished n all furnitures. so i said the reason + we have a coffee table, so me n my hubb will eat in front of tv lo.
SHE SAY CANNOT. Eat things cannot watch tv. -_-"

So only our dining table was the odd furniture out of the whole "design" cos we rush in to buy one.

End up i realise my in laws oso eat with TV on and they all "eyed" at the tv while eating.

MIL during my confinement period also sit at coffee table to eat meal while watching TV... such BS from them!
<font color="119911">Jess</font>
LOL If I'm u hor, when MIL is around, I'll turn off TV and all have meals at the dining table :p

Then again, I've a counsin who didn't have TV in the house till children are abt 10 years old. They have meals at the dining table, after dining, children reads! Then after they're asleep, parents have a drink and chat! In the end, they got a TV set cos grandma came to stay. Aren't they amazing.
haha..our little monsters! cute but sometimes make mummy wanna vomit blood.

u buy milk from supermkt if u're outside? aren't they all chilled? i wanna try fresh milk too... how much shd i try for a start? shd i intro slowly juz in case she get the runs or something?

but she's already using the biggest size hole leh! hmm... maybe i can give it a shot and try to make the hole bigger and see if she'd drink up. but i don't think thats the problem. *sigh*

jul, kam
thanks for the puncher recommendation. but actually i don't really think its due to the flow. if she wants to drink, she can drink very fast! but if she doesn't want means doesn't want and she will REALLY show it by grabbing the bottle and throw it or she will push it away with strength.
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> yes, she drinks it cold
I heat it up for morning and night feeds, other time during wkends she has it cold. Her IFC teacher warms it up though...you can try to add it in her cereal first?

Why do you allow your son to hit you when he wants to vent his frustration? Won't he grow up thinking that it's okay to hit someone when he is angry?

When my sons hit me, for fun or not, I will tell them mummy is angry. I have seen kids hitting parents or grandparents or maid when they get angry and I will never allow them to do that.
that's gd behavior for Ian to learn! esp with elders.

wow.. that's great family time &amp; bonding.. good table manners &amp; save electricity bills!!! dun think i ever see such a family...

with my inlaws::
TV is good cos there is no common topic to talk with them during meals. they dun really talk to me... always awkward atmosphere unless they have their own relatives over. i can "eyed" the TV a bit and quickly finish my food then leave the dining table...
haha... just want to save the trouble looking stuff that we bought a lot at hm..
hot water is gd to have so i dun have to purposely stop at a cafe and Q up for hot water...

i did it 1 time at IMM and it took them so long to bring me a small teaspoon, a cup of hot water &amp; small plate.. end up the food for baby is getting cold ...
so i learnt my lesson...
Healthy Times Cereal
any mummies know where to get HT cereal?
I have roamed a few places where I usually can get HT cereal but the cereal are off the shelf!! I went to J8 ntuc, AMK hub ntuc, suntec carrefour, plaza Sg carrefour.. All dun have leh..
i can see food jars, arrow root cookies, Hugga bears , but no cereal at all! Anyone heard any news whether are they stopping to produce or dun want to sell on the shelf any more? Does not look like out of stock leh coz the shelves are full of other products.. Hmm.. Does this mean I need to get from online??
7-11 ar.. erm.. can meh? nv notice :p
but i dun see 7-11 around most of the time. if not it not near where i am.. so i havent thot abt it... :p

tried before. but have to Q during "peak hrs"
quite a hassle lo... :p
7-11 is the hot water dispenser where they cook cup noodles!!! Or u go to those atas shopping ctr, they hv dispenser in baby care room.. Haha
Aiya if u wanna get anything from restaurants, u hv to walk to the counter lo den they give u wat u wan immediately.. Tats my experience lah...
Morning mummies!

Hope you all have had a great mid-week break :)

<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
Oh no, you got me wrong. I don't mean that I let my son to hit me to vent his frustration. What I meant was at his age (34 months old), when he hits us (never for fun though), he would also tell us that he is angry. We don't use disciplining methods, so he didn't get to go to the naugthy corner or would be beaten on his hands or get a cane. So what we do is hold his hands tightly, don't let him do the beating any more, and calmly tell him something like, "yes mama knows you are angry, mama knows you beat me because you are angry, but beating people is never a right thing to do. Why are you angry? Can you tell mama why are you angry? Since you can talk so well, you should tell us why you are angry and not to beat people. Do you understand?". And a young kid being a young kid, something he takes it well and says yes he understands. Sometimes that would turn into a tantrum throwing, and we would take the next 5-10 minutes to do more talking, hugging and pacifying to calm him down and make him say yes he understands. We acknowledge his anger and help him to get over it. I won't tell him you hit me, I am angry so you should not hit me again.
I have Aquadoodle, think it is a good toy for 1-2 years old, and good for me as there is no "masterpiece" on my wall and furniture haha

wah so many barang barang to bring along!

Things in my bag: camera (must bring!), diaper x4(2 for each kid), baby wipe travel packet, water bottle x2, jacket x2. If go out longer then I bring milk powder sachets, milk bottles, thermal flask, Haohao's porridge in tiger food jar
jess and jul,
wow you gals pack a lot when you go out. i pack really really light. if have to pack so much, i think i'll be same with kam's husband ... might as well not go out, hee. usually if it's a short 1-2 hours outing to the playground/library i'll just bring along waterbottle and camera, that's all.

itsy and jess,
i don't have a television at home. but my children get to watch youtube sometimes. like when they're sick or when they're ready to go to bed but it's still too early to sleep. weekends they go crazy and watch a lot of dvds and youtube clips at my mum's house. my parents feel that my children are deprived so they overcompensate by even devoting a special small tv plus dvd player for them to watch barney, sesame street etc. the number of children dvds that my mum owns is staggering.

I also have the same problem with Yihui drinking milk from her bottle. She refuses to drink from her milk bottle, I'm not sure if it's due to her sprouting her top 2 teeth.

Now I have given up on bottles totally. Am feeding her with spoon from her bowl. It takes forever to feed her because she will turn her head here and there and it's hard to aim with liquid in the spoon. Sigh...

She knows how to drink water from the cup, but once she tastes the milk, she will return the cup to me... or simply drop it on the floor! o_O
who is this d-duchess? spamming the whole forum??

my boy also has problem drinking milk. he refuses to hold the bottle himeself, and pushes away when I make him hold the bottle. sighz
wow! u feed by spoon?! i salute u! i don't have such patience!!

i tried cutting the hole bigger using a small knife to poke thru to make a bigger slit...no use leh. *sigh* still not drinking!!
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
You are right. I bought the puncher Jul mentioned and made the hole bigger. The outcome is.. when he wants to drink, now he drinks faster cos of the bigger hole but when he doesn't want to drink, even with the bigger hole, he didn't drink any!
Ladies u wanna try add some cereals to the milk? I added healthy times cereal to F milk in avent milk bottle, he suck well. But then it's not tat he is on milk strike, it's just tat I bought the cereal without realising tat he outgrown that stage le. So I tot dun waste n add to his milk, it taste better, more aroma... Try try lor?

So how do you get your boy to drink milk??


What to do?? Or else she won't drink any. I let her eat more tofu n cheese. I'll feed for 15 mins then give up. My mom n hub are more patient. :p. I'm trying straws next.
one day i cook pasta into soup with dice potatoes &amp; carrot &amp; scallop. he eat within 20mins completed..

next day i put rice into soup with dice potatoes &amp; carrot &amp; dice chicken, he refuse to eat .

relli duno wat is wrong with him? these days he keep digging his mouth, duno isit teething...?

he now total have 8 teeth.

BTw, wat puncher you refering to? my son same like yours kam, associate milk to sleep.

he still using L teats pigeon brand.
and Yesterday i jus give plain rice he eat but not much. aiyo. headache hor.. i see him getting skinny each day by refusing food, very hard pain seh..
I stand by many toys next to me and keep changing toys while feeding milk. sighz. bought hole puncher to punch bigger hole also no use, he still drinks super slow
that what im doing.. but a lot of mommies here dun practice... lol
the milk seems smell n taste better... :p though i dun drink it!
there's a few times where things r needed and not on hand immediately!

and my boy likes to poo during meal time and esp when we r outside! sometimes he had overflowing output that stains his clothing, we need to change him, wipe his butt with extra hankie cos we wash him whenever possible in the changing room.
&amp; he like to puff out his food when he refused to swallow them.. holding them in the mouth for so long but still dun wan to swallow..

becos of him that why i bring out a lot of stuff :p
yesterday was on leave and brought him out for lunch at Ichiban sushi!!
fed him with little bits of inari sushi skin and bits of sushi rice and potato croquet filling &amp; chanwamushi! and a small bite of watermelon! &amp; custard cream from the rolled pastry (forgot the name!)

and then eat half way, he pooed... -_-"
<font color="0000ff">flower4,</font>
Continue to try out with different things/food and see what he likes? I know your son likes potatoes, but you don't have to include potatoes in every meal? Potato is already a stable food, so if you give lots of potato, then not necessary to give rice?

I am a FTWM so I don't get to stress on how much my baby eats. She is under the care of a very capable nanny. Very lucky me :) During the weekend, I cook porridge for my gal only. Things to I put into the porridge vary everyday. Can be any combination. Any veg and meat (cut into small pieces) that I have in my fridge.

For example,
snow pea + carrot + minced pork
broccoli + chicken + quial egg
green leafy veg + minced pork
sweet corn + carrot + minced beef
tomato + minced pork
porridge cooked with soup stocks

Really anything. Usually the veg didn't get to be repeated for at least 2-3 weeks (cos I only cook 2 times a week). And if she doesn't eat (luckily she usually eats), she gets a milk feed instead.

Be confident of what you do, k!

<font color="0000ff">Jess,</font>
Wah, you have a poo baby too! Mine too. But luckily usually they do the business after meal and not during meal :) My #1 has just been toilet trained so that save us lots of effort! My #2 is being trained now by her nanny and she doesn't put on any diaper/nappy at nanny's anymore, but at home, we are very lazy, so still let her put on diaper.

My #1 also likes to poo during meal time at around 1 year old! She can poo 5 times a day, not LS, just she poos bit by bit (-_-")
Then Haohao poos every 2-3 days. 2 extremes
recently mine did not poo for 2 days.. then the 3rd day came out 3 times but diff timing...

before 1 yr old, he used to poo everyday once and it about the same time each day.

if he did poo during meal time, we will have to quicken to feed him cos once disrupted he did not want to eat at all or the food will get cold and i cant feed with cold food ...

hehe.. ur 2 little baobeis really extreme...

can Haohao walk already? i missed seeing u and ur kiddos last sat. reached rach place quite late..
mine still refused to take his 2nd steps..
Thank U kam,

for all your example,tat already started off with abit of my confident to try...

wow u reli can see me lack of confident to try new food :p...

thanks so much. i give a try again...
well, at least now he drinks faster! yeah, i think she does drink faster too after making the hole bigger but once she thinks she has had enough, she will not want to drink. AND she always 'cheats' me by just holding the teat in her mouth without drinking any while she watch video on my ipod!

mummies, can i ask...if baby's cough has stopped already but still has phlegm in the chest, will this go away by itself over time? shd still continue to take the medication or not?
Haohao can walk already, think after he saw all kiddos walking at Rach's house last week, he is more willing to walk more often!
