(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Thks very much for the feedback. It helps :p


All these is making headache even though now I know why these CC are so expensive .. hai.. I will never be able to let my mil take care of my bb as she insist on using her own method. Luckily, I have my trusty mum and maid at home. If its not because I'm going to give birth to my 2nd bb, I will not put my boy so soon. Probably wait till he is 24mths or 2.5yr old.


U know, sometimes not having a choice is good.

For eg, kam (sorry I hope u dun mind me mentioning). She has no parental support, so both her kids go off to CC/nanny. There's no need to think so much abt whether to go, shd she start at how many mths..??? Just go, coz she needs to work!

I think if I dun have my MIL, I will just have to pack Sam off to IFC, then CC. Since there's no other option available. I'm grateful to MIL for helping out, but at the same time, there are conflicts which drive me up the wall at times

Actually PCF Sparkletots is quite affordable. Something like $300/mth for full day CC after subsidy.

Sparkle tots is just under my block and its very new . Open in 2009 but no more vacancy. That's my first choice too. I like it very much. Only then when I start to search for other CC (too many option in the market) and the price differ by so much, then let me start thinking more.
Kaira / jul,
Yes, totally agree! Sometimes not having a choice is good!

When is your #2 due? For mine, my girl was born when my elder one was 18 months. I purposedly stopped him from cc for 2 months, so he got to stay home to enjoy the special bonding with his little sister and me. If your have enough hands at home when your #2 is born, you might want to consider sending him to cc after your confinement or a few months after #2 is born. I felt that those period is really important for the siblings to bond, and also your boy is becoming more and more sensitive and he might feel he is not loved if he has to be sent to cc while his little sis can have mummy for the whole day.

Eh, the way your described your MIL, wah, can see you have a hard time compromising with her methods. But then, if Sam is putting on weight steadily and if he is happy to be with the grandma, then why not let this arrangement to continue till Sam is older, say at least 2 years old? Unless Sam is not putting on weight (might indicate he is not being fed well), or if he is not happy with the grandma (might indicating there is not much activities for him or he gets too much limitations exploring), then only you should start considering sending him to cc. When you have a choice, it can be a good thing too :)

yes I'm already in their waiting list but it's a long list.. So 2011 chance very slim .


That's a Very impt factor to consider too .. My bb due in April.

I don't know if it's a coincidence with slowing down of weight gain, or lack of nutrients in his diet, but Sam has hardly put on any weight since he was 9 mths old. I think he was 9.1kg at close to 9 mths, & he's still 10.4kg at 15 mths.

Actually the main thing that is disturbing me is that Sam is very very bad-tempered. He screams & throws things at people when he's not happy. When you stop him from playing with something dangerous/forbidden, he throws a tantrum by arching his head back & kicking his feet. He is very very strong. I can barely 'subdue' him. He often tries to hit people too.

He staretd showing 'signs' at 9 mths+ & I wanted to discipline him but my ILs kept intefering & said we shdn't let him cry else he'll become bad-tempered. Now he is bad-tempered, & MIL will make comments like we need to discipline him now. Or.. she'll say that we let him cry so it's become a habit. Excuse me? He's at her place all day & she thinks I dared let him cry?

Then there's my well-meaning but interfering SIL. She will do things like tell MIL what she shd feed Sam, when he shd nap etc. Her kids are aws ill yet she'll bring them to play with him. She'll insist her kids aren't sick and that they are very strong (???) Just the other day, she insisted on carrying Sam & putting him for a nap even tho it was 1130am & 12pm was lunchtime & that Sam has been napping quite consistently at 1pm for a few days. Ended up, he cried all the way home in the car & was super unmanageable coz he was sooo tied by 730pm. Who suffers? Me!

Sorry, just needed to let off some steam before my pressure valve blows :p

I'm really very frustrated
Their weight gain is really slow this age. My gal has been gaining about the same kg like Sam. She was 10kg at 9 months, now about 11.5kg at 15 months, so only gained 1.5kg for the past 6 months, and that considered very good already. Guess he is getting enough nutriets since he still drinks milk? Else if you really worry, can ask your PD for multi-vit supplement.

My gal screams and throws things when she is not happy too. They will only stop doing this when they start to talk better. Now screaming is their language. The other part of arching his head and kicking his feet are kinda strong expression, my gal does that too, but only when she is very angry. It's all normal for toddler this age. But of course, how the main carer takes on their "wayang" and how the main carer guides/helps them along is very important. I don't use the words discipline cos I don't believe in disciplining young kids, not until they can communicate very well and express themselves very well. We haven't started disciplining our #1 yet.

As if MIL is not enough, give you another well-meaning SIL :-( Aiyoh, she is way too helpful lah. She's your MIL's daughter?

Hope you can decide on the best solution for Sam :)
Just to share on food, my boy now gets porridge like the consistency slightly softer than our normal rice mix soup. The soup used is either what helper cooks for the household minus salt or ikan bilis soup. Then will definately have chopped veg with fish (either salmon or cod) and mince pork or sometimes chicken.

He will normally finish it in 15 mins unless the porridge really don't taste good.. hehehe
<font color="119911">Rice</font>
No good to feed them rice now? Ian takes 2 meal of rice a day leh. I wish he'll continue to take porridge but he'd rather go hungry then eat porridge/cereal/yogurt/papaya... anything that's soft =.="
So hao lian wanna eat solid adult food when he has only 6 teeth now. Luckily I bought the food shear so cut cut cut into small small pieces lor.. more work for me only.

<font color="119911">JUL</font>
Ian will beat people too... erm a few mummies here can testify this :p I also dunno what to do, not like I set example by beating people, dunno why he's like this. I'll beat his palm when he is naughty, maybe due to this he learnt to beat people? I've also tot of putting him in CC so there'll be teachers to 'discipline' him and he can learn to interact with other children properly. CC will also expose them to more activities. I find that he's most naughty when with his grandparent. Like he knows he can get away with anything, maybe it's the same case with Sam. Sam at 10.4kg is very good weight! U dun have to worry about his weight lor, maybe just his temper. One of my mum's friend has a very bad temper son, he's already in school, and cos he's big and strong, his mum doesn't dare to discipline him. In fact when he gets angry, his mum got to 'hide' cos he will beat her!
i think my girl takes abt 15-20mins to finish her food, depending on what she's eating. like cereal eat very fast, porridge abit slower coz requires chewing. i regret letting her watch tv while feeding to make my life 'easier'...coz now without tv, she won't eat! *sigh*

recently, i'm having problems with feeding milk again! everyday throw away a good amt of milk..machiam like milk v cheap. she's not keen to drink milk leh. why???!!! sian.... anyone having the same problem? how many times are u mummies feeding your baby now each day?
ex CC may not be good CC. It is the teachers that make a difference. Gotta sign up early. I'm sending my #1 to CC in dec, registered in June, was already on waiting list

Sam at 10.4 kg is very good weight! Haohao is only 9.5 kg! Your SIL is at least trying to help with good intent, not like my hubby's stupid sis who tried to act smart and nearly dropped Haohao when he was 4-month old

Well i'm not really worried abt his weight coz he's not a skinny baby. I'm lucky in that way i guess? Just wonder sometimes why he only gains 100g a month? Surely it can't be THAT slow?


Erm u mean i just let sam beat pple? It seems like very violent n antisocial behaviour to me. I nvr thought much abt when to discipline kids. I thought if they're naughty, they need to be taught ti behave? Food for thought...


Very worrisome right? I think i have the same thoughts as u abt CC. On one hand i shdn't be leaving my kid's 'teaching' to others, but it's more of taking him away from 'negative' forces? N yes sam behaves worse, throws more tantrums n is more violent at mil's.

What can we do? I dun wanna be one of those mummies in thr news whose son beat her up


Yes sil is mil's daughter

It's very scary when sam does the arch back, throw head back n kick legs thing. He's very very strong. I'm afraid he might damage himself or someone else permanently!


Sam drinks milk 3x a day, altho the fm tin says twice. But recently he's been leaving 10 - 80ml behind. But sometimes he finishes the 250ml. Guess he's teething? It seems to be a phase that he goes thru periodically. I've been thinking whether to drop his pm milk feed
same here, feeding Haohao milk is getting my nerves! Have to stand by many toys at my side, keep changing toys while feeding 180ml of milk. sighz. This happened to my #1 when she was around this age. Not until Haohao arrived then she learnt to hold the bottle herself and finishes her milk in 5 min. Of course I'm not thinking of having #3 to make Haohao drink milk lah :p

Just grumbling a bit coz sam's weight din up much for the past 6 mths lah

Wow 6 mths waiting list! Is it a famous cc?

Yeah but well meaning pple but clueless still make mistakes. Worse is when they try to impose the benefit of their superior experience on u. Sharing is fine but dun take over!
<font color="119911">shampoo</font>
How do u keep him in his seat? Wun he wanna get out, and start crying, and therefore unable to eat and prolong the mealtime instead?

<font color="119911">itsy</font>
My boy too. He's only got 2 teeth, another 2 top one juz popping out,but he prefers rice to porridge. In fact, he hasn't had porridge for quite a while now. It's either rice or cereals, sometimes noodles if we eat out. I was a little surprised that he wants to eat rice, cos I thot at this age, they shd still be taking porridge and what more with his slow teething. But then I thot it's d new generation as a few mommies mentioned their babies r already taking soupy rice. And I think I also read somewhere that gumming is good for speech development. Now I wonder if I shd try porridge again, since he seems to take double the time most babies here eat in 15minutes!
I started since he very young like 4th month when he sits the walker. If I feed him something, be it food/fruits/snacks I 'brake' the walker with my legs. So he stay put at a corner, if he want to crawl out/up, I put him in again hahaha! Of cus he screams n kick but after a few tries he knows it's useless he give up, so I win lor...so now, he just sit there diam diam open his mouth. I cannot stand it if 1 day I should run around him n feed him leh, very tiring n xinku...
Kam , Jul,

i tot at their age now they suppose to take rice lor, so i give rice as adult kind. oh no i make mistake again haiz.

I will put Sam in his high chair to feed since 7 mths old. Before that, I used the bumbo.

But after he could crawl &amp; stand, he will aws try to stand up in his chair. He will squeeze himself out of th seat belt &amp; stand up. Gave me heart attack all the time. So I gave up &amp; will on Hi5 for him to watch while eating. Better than chasing all over the hse which my MIL likes to do with fruits. Luckily she still seats Sam in his high chair for lunch &amp; dinner.
Morning mommies. Came accross this website while searching for Hort Park that Kam wrote on her blog. SO now other than those that Kam went, I have more venue.....


I was still wondering to put my #1 to 3 hrs prenursery or continue at CC. After 6 months, he still getting cough occassionally.
If you opt for CC, must be prepared that they will fall sick very frequent for the 1st 6 months. My son went cc for 2-3 weeks almost every month for the 1st 6 months.
Not expensive = good. You need to visit and check the fall out rate. My current CC fall out rate not low as I find the place not very clean thus most drop due to falling sick. The teachers are nice to us but they hardly wrote anything in the comm book. If you want 1 that very prompt in updating, you can ask to view a sample of the comm book. So visit them before queue.

Any idea wat I can give kids age between 1 to 10 yrs other than choco n sweet?

Erm.. firstly, NEVER say u r wrong ALL THE TIME! All of us are learning &amp; all of us make silly mistakes. Just say "oops" &amp; move on with life, lesson learned.

Secondly, every baby is different. If ur boy likes rice, it's good. Gumming is good for sppech devt. Bad DIL here aws likes to think that SIL's 2nd daughter can't talk properly &amp; stammers coz MIL fed her soft porridge till dunno how old *muahaha* Unless u try changing to porridge &amp; he happily eats his meal in 15min.. then maybe he's not quite ready for rice. Remember, all the things we share here are just our experience &amp; we just absorb &amp; try try again till we sort of get it "right'?

What is "fall out rate"? Meaning no. of kids who withdraw?

But a sample of the comms book may not mean anything right? They may have a lovely comms book that is nvr used? Hmm...
Yes Fall out rate = kids withdraw

I think u can request to view wat they wrote in the comm book. Mine either wrote nonthing or "Nonthing to report". A few round, son fall down n hit against something, bruises on leg/hand, kanna bitten by others also nonthing to report. Since he enjoy the school so I'm stuck as it is not good keep changing the kids growing environment.
Yah.... my boy too.. have to sit there and have his meals. I see parents bringing kids downstairs for meal @@ and that's a super no no for me... Too tiring.
That is not a famous CC, but super convenient, just a few min walk from my house.

How about stationery as gifts? Daiso sells $2 for a few cute pens in a pack
Morning mummies!

Thanks for sharing the link. The "Playground On a Cruise" is so cool! But wonder where it is cos it's mentioned in the blog. Other places we have more or less been to/heard of.

No worries. Since your son is taking rice okay, didn't cause him any tummy upset or indigestion (bloated tummy etc), then it's okay what. It's only the time taken for a meal is too long right, then you can consider to cook the rice till very soft, or give soupy rice and see how well he takes it, if he can take these or porridge faster than rice, maybe it's an indication that he is not quite ready for rice? If he still takes the same timing, then it's not the food, it's something else.

No no, I don't mean to let him continue to beat people. But kids this age don't know that beating people is not a right thing to do, and I am sure they don't do it on purpose. They thought he is playing with you, like he is doing it for fun? What I mean by not disciplining is that I don't scold/beat my kids when they do it, but rather, I would distract them to do something else. And when they beat again (or do whatever thing they are not suppose to do), don't react, stay cool and distract them to something else. The more you react, the more he can remember that this trick works on mummy, so he does it again. If he beats people when he is angry, then to me it's okay, cos kids need to let off their emotion also, so quickly give him a big hug, stroke him a bit, talk to him, and distract him with something else. For my #1, every though he now understands that beating people is not right, he still beats us occasionally when he is really angry with us (luckily never do it for fun, thankfully), but that's the way he let off his emotion, we have to acknowledge his anger and soothe him down immediately. Just to share :)

RE: Childcare
Oh yes, falling sick is something you really really really need to consider. It's really no joke. Almost all kids would fall sick frequently, like 1-2 times a month for the first few months, when they start attending cc. It's those common flu and cough thingy. It's inevitable. For my #1 peers, a few of the mummies withdrew their kids after 2-3 months they started attending cc when they were 18 months, cos their kids became very ill, like coughing very badly for a long term period. If you have a choice, maybe keep your kids at home till he/she is 2 years old, or when you feel he/she is strong enough to fight the bugs (I don't know how to tell). They younger they are, the more susceptible they are to the bugs flying around in the cc.
Wow u know so many places. By the way, where is the Hort Park?

Is the marina barrage near place where there is a lot of makan place?

My son got the brochotis,running nose, stomach virus from CC very frequently over the 1st few months and the family members will also kanna especially the kids. My gal started her first anti-biotic since she is 2-3 months old due to his brother.
Hort Park is near to IKEA alexander road, oh well, not really near, but that's the closest landmark I can think of.

Marina Barrage is a secluded place. Within the marina barrage compound, there are 1 chinese restaurant and 1 cafe. We dined at the chinese one a few times, not bad, specialised at Hainanese food, have steamboat also, they are quiet famous, previous located at Bugis I think. The cafe we have never tried.
i'm also thinking if i can cut down her milk feed to twice a day or not. at the rate she goes, its as good as juz drinking twice a day also!sam drinks 250ml sometimes, thats a lot! kim never got pass 200ml. i'd be happy if she can even finish her 180ml!

ya...frustrating hor? sometimes it seems like i'm feeding her poison instead of milk. she sucks so much of my energy feeding her milk! i have to hold my ipod to show her video then sometimes she will finish her milk, but most of the time also drinks like 150ml then doesn't want anymore.
<font color="0000ff">connie</font> oh dear, not reporting bruise or bites is bad! You can go and tell the teachers...MCYS checks the comm book, you can write it in the comm book if you want to!

Mine is kiasu until 1 mosquito bite also must tell me!

I'm also still deciding which childcare to send K to; stay at the same one or move to the one at work..*sigh*

I'm lucky mine is very well trained by infant care, eat very fast, eat until super clean! And eat A LOT! last night she can eat 1 big bowl of porridge, plus 1 whole big banana, 1/4 of dragon fruit and 150ml milk!
BUT when she goes out with us, she will REFUSE to eat her porridge and ONLY wants to eat what we eat...so now I gave up bringing porridge out, she eats what we eat!
To me, I don't think the flu jab helps. Cos there are so many different virus strains that cause flu, how many jabs can a child take? Flu jabs are hardly effective.

HR's teacher hardly wrote anything on the comm book too. But she talks to me everyday when I pick up my son. And I become very lazy to write something in the comm book liao. Maybe I should start again.

That reminds me of HR when he was younger. He ate like Kate! At that age, he took almost 8 meals a day!!!

We don't bring porridge out for XY. We gave her a little of our food for her to play only. When we are out, she gets feed on milk mainly. Lazy mum :)

Thanks for sharing. You've definitely given me some food for thought


Actually sometimes Sam also needs to be coaxed. Then he's very chao kuan one! If I make 225ml (end up being 250ml after adding FM), he'll leave 100ml behind. Then when I try to feed him 15min later, sometiems he'll empty it &amp; scream when the bottle's empty. Or.. I'll make only 180ml then he'll scream for more. After making more, he'll refuse to drink. Sometimes, I'll keep the leftover 80ml, &amp; he still won't drink!

He only started holding his bottle at 14mths!!! Even so, he'll shake the bottle &amp; milk will spray all over his face n bedding! When he finishes drinking, he MUST flip n rub his dirty mout on his pillow! Sometiems he takes the bottl out, then screams as if I deprived him of his milk!

*puke blood*
I went to the cafe at Hort park b4, nothing much. But good place to enjoy air-con after walking around the park.
<font color="0000ff">kam</font> yes, i used to bring her porridge out in her foogo, FM powder, hot water flask, milk bottle, water bottle,..man! my bag like super BIG and HEAVY!!

now i can't be bothered anymore! I don't bring anything out, just her snacks and occasionally, if going to a park, her water, if she wants milk i buy from supermarket
Am glad that she is not soooo dependent on pura, she took meiji and magnolia very well

<font color="0000ff">jul</font> all that, minus milk, in one sitting, plus about 60mls of water....then 30mins later the 150ml milk
her teacher also says she eats A LOT at infant care!
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Maybe the hole in the teat is too small. Ian used to take long to drink and also can't finish his milk. Then I poke the hole with a knife and now he can gulp his milk very quickly. I'm not sure if there's a better way to enlarge the hole tho'.
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Me too! No more porridge in Foogo and also I'll just order a glass of milk for him during mealtime.

How heavy is K? She can surely eat!
I didn't give flu jab. Last time many people go for the H1N1 jab but the clinic I went, the nurse say no point taking. Too many types of gems and kept changing. How to follow the trend....So never give.

Even when I wrote something on the comm book, they might only read it 1-2 days later. What I wrote on last Friday monday only get reply yesterday. My maid is the one who fetch my son so I didn't talk to the teacher only thru comm book. Only once the teaCher very gancheong n called cos my son fall n bleed v jia lat.

We tried not to bring porridge out unless bobian. But I'm a KS mommy so 1 big bag of cloths &amp; diapers + biscuit &amp; sweet + 1 small bag to put the flask, bottles n milk powder.

Fresh milk
Just bought 2 bottle today, will try whether my kids drink or not. If they do, then I can lighten my load.
Itsy/ Kam,
Will try to google the location again.
HB not in tmr so might bring kids to either swimming or west coast park. Very long never went west coast park. Last time always bring dogs now can only bring kids. Poor dogs, no more outing to sentosa n west coast.

Thinking of giving stuff they can play too.
Last time my sis give my son story book and now the book become 2 pcs and crayon become my dogs treats. 1 box become < 1/3.
Wahhh suddenly I feel like a 'proud' mummy! I still cook porridge for Farrell, put in foogo pack fm + hot water flask + water bottle + snacks + diapers + clothes + this n that .. Put in big bag den can bring him out in peace.... I tried not to take so many things but in the end, he needs them.. When I pack full bag, he dun need them.... Haiz e.g tat day at bouncing kids, he eats Jaelle's porridge as well because I didn't cook for him... See lah.... This boy mafan lo.

I also bring a lot of stuff! Porridge, water flask, hot water flask, spoons, bowls, spoon for feeding water, snacks, diapers, wet wipes, extra set of clothes, set of long sleeved &amp; pants, nappy, bibs...

kiki, itsy

Can buy this Farlin brand teat puncher. Cost abt $7+. I use it to enlarge the holes for Sam coz the L teat is still too slow for him.

It's very useful coz we aws get stupid S or Y sized teats with feeding bottles. I used to throw them away till I bot this puncher. Now no more wastage.
Wah, you win liao!!!

If I were to bring so much things out, my hub would say let's stay at home xuan le :)

We put stuff for both kids in one small (kids size) backpack. That include a small hot water flask, 2 milk bottles, milk powder dispenser, 2 diapers for XY and 1 for HR, 1 small pack of wet wipe, 1 set of clothes for each (sometimes don't bring depending on where we go), and 1 or 2 water bottles (sometimes they drink from the same bottle when I am lazy to bring 2). If I remember or if I have it in the fridge, will pack some snack.

My kids are using Avent. I have never made the hole bigger leh. They both finish their 240ml milk very fast. And lucky me, they have never on milk strike except when they were not well.
A lot of you very good...I started losing "control" when he started to climb out of his high chair, and my mom started to feed him on the floor. It was a no return from then onwards. Now I try to put him in a chair to designate his eating place, he eat a while, also climbed out.

Does teething make them don't wanna eat? I see two big teeth coming out at the top, looks painful...


Yeah, if I go out for a long while, I need TWO diaper bags for all the barang *blush*

I think I'm just FUSSY


Er.. I on the TV lor. Not that "controlled"
