(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Thks for the compliments!

Hello Mommies, the May Issue of the Mother & Baby magazine is out! Give some support to our September Baby Terrin Lee by grabbing a copy of this issue ya! Thank U so much!!



Hi there, Im also one of this September thread mommy. Used to post often until I delivered my 4th gal Terrin coz was so busy with my children and online biz. I am nt a model la, haha..

I submitted my gal pics to participate in the Mother & Baby Cover Baby Contest 2010. My gal was shortlisted for the semi-final at Singapore Expo and thereafter the Final and emerged as the 1st prize winner. So my gal gt to be featured in the cover with 2 pages of write-out abt her. Mommy is juz the calafare, haha..the winner's mommy may or may nt need to pose with her bb in the cover. But they requested me to, thats y I ended up in the cover as well.
I'm feeding Ian brown rice cereal too. Looks ok but still feels weird lor. Maybe I'll stop and feed Happy Bellies instead. Reminds me of the time it was reported worms in rocher ferrero chocolate. I stopped eating that for a long time.

thank you for sharing the thread with us..

my hb says.. when opening a new pack stir n stir to see if theres worms.. if dun hv then stl ok to feed..

gosh Im so going to stop buying HT Cereals from now on..


you stl left alot of cereals? Go read go read~ I so scared now.. Imagine my Chloe & ur Jaelle & so many Sept Babies hving HT Cereals for the past dunno how many mths.. OMG~
<font color="dc143c">Healthy Times</font>
OMG..actually my another fren told me before got problem.. i still tell her no leh.. we all eating and still ok...
now i think twice...
i haven go check which batch we bought from..later i go see...

Ling, the orders u placed...sent liaoz??
else can cancel?
Worse is I threw away the box so I dunno if it's the same Batch as the problematic one. Stir stir can tell if there is worms? Should be able to see if there's worms or eggs right? But then hor, Better be safe than sorry.
cookiezz> wah. u very strong than. haha. i've been having sore throat every 1mth. think bf itself is taking a toll on my health -_-"

jul> haha. i dun use ma. hubby carry one. i think he find babybjorn nice ba =p

girlygirly> hehe. both so pretty =p

itsy> ewww. spoils my day juz by looking at the pic with worms

rach> open n c if got worms or not lo. but will it spoil ur day if there is?
HT cereals

order have been placed n delivered. ive got 2 boxes of barley cereals with the same expiry sep 2011, 1 box multigrain dated aug 2010 and 1 brown rice nov 2011. This is wat ive received in my recent order. Shit! What should i do? Not forgetin the 1.5 cartons or baby jars..

Jaelle just finished a pack of barley cereal I got from ntuc, exp 12 mar 2011. So far ok... I no see worms... But am now afraid cos the ones that just came in are exactly of the same batch..

Now how? Throw all away? Think will just open both boxes to store in tupperware n also to check for worms if any... I do try jaelles' food most of the times bef givin her.. If it taste weird then will throw ba...now will taste each n everytime ba..

I think just stir and check before feeding.

Healthy times

my hubby said aiya worms only. Extra protein. I was wa Lau we are adults so if we accidentally eat them it's not so bad. What if my baby who's allergic to fm protein eats it. Then major!!! Then he said ok ok change brand. Provided it's not inconvenient.
Ah duh!!!

Which other organic brand can we switch to?
Just checked with hubby... Will just take video while i open the boxes to check later. If suay suay got worms, at least i got real proof...Will then write in to complain lo. If all ok, then will just keep but will check again each time i give jaelle..

For those who ordered thru me, please do keep a lookout ya?
wah... very gross indeed.... but i think it may not just be HT leh. cos from wad i have seen/read, quite a lot of brands of baby food get recall once in a while, usually due to packaging prob but worms eeks! Happy baby and Heinz also got some of their jar food/ food pouches recalled. but really worms really another level leh! sometimes when i eat stuff bot frm supermkt, i just dig my hand in the box and eat without looking!
<font color="ff6000">jul</font>

no ah? cos he had runny nose for a day without reason haha! din go pd in the end cos hub's wasnt home to fetch us and sat pd work half day wor! tmr see how. hubs on leave! but also not sure who pass the virus to who cos jacob and i got it ard the same time!

<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

actually i dun usually fall sick one. then preggie tt time also so heng not even sick, excl morning sickness! until now lor! i was reading jul's post the other time mah, she mentioned she also din fall sick. now both of us kena liao!
Potbelly> u can get happy bellies or organic..
I'm ordering batch 4 happy bellies tonite..
Can check out my spree thread or email me ur orders..
healthy times

scary.. itsy just tole me abt it


me also no morning sickness. only kena cough once in my 3rd mth of pregnancy. now this.. but i caught mine from sam
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times</font>

I've opened the 2 boxes of Barley Cereal which have been delivered to me in my recent order. 1st box, all looks ok. As for the 2nd box, no worms but the pack of cereal actually wasnt sealed tight. There is a small opening at the "supposed to be sealed" area. This is probably the cause of the worms??

Hmm... what should I do now? I've video'd down the whole process of me opening that pack. should I ask for a exchange or refund? hmm... or should I just cont with that pack which I doubt I would....</font>
Maybe blocked nose that’s why not feeding well. Amber used to have that problem too. Try nasal drops &amp; the nasal cleaner from Pigeon. The nasal cleaner is really good, you can clear all the mucus very effectively. Hope Sam gets well sooon.

Jul/ Cookiezzz,
Amber gets running/ blocked nose when her gums are sore. So instead of fever, she gets flu. Touch wood so far no fever whenever she is cranky over teething. The flu comes &amp; goes very quickly together with the sore gums. So I reckon they are co-related.

Amber sama sama as Joseph, no teeth sprouting out yet but every now and then get fussy &amp; don’t feed well. Though can see whitish teeth on the gum.

Amber is not crawling yet, any Sept babies not crawling too ?? Wonder why ?? Ummmm......
hi mummies

sorry to disturb the thread.

Have a few new items to let go off...




thanks n nice day. pls pm me for more details
thanks for posting the link cos i'm a big fan of HT and now i know i have to be more vigilant when i use the HT cereal for my baby. i've checked the expiry dates on my cereal boxes, and they are nov 2011, so luckily not the same batch. i just went to count and since feb till now, my boys have consumed 7 boxes brown rice cereal, 1 box oatmeal cereal, 2 boxes teddy puffs, 2 boxes hugga bear cookies, 4 boxes arrowroot cookies, 1 baby jar. i'm actually quite hesitant to change brand, because i really like their products and my boys are eating them quite well. hmm, i see how this worm saga unfolds. and meanwhile i will have to just keep a lookout for other brands of baby products when i next visit the organic section of my usual supermarket.

such a nice cover! you certainly don't look like a mummy of four. love the dress that terrin is wearing. a bit out of point, but the story abt the 6 week old baby having cancer sounds really really sad even though i've not read the article.
Thks U *Michelle* and *Sandwich*

Oh abt the story, no worries for the bb coz its a happy ending. The bb is nw 15mths old and haf fully recovered. Or shld say a 90% chance that it wld nt relapse
Healthy Times...

Not sleeping well tonite, kept thinking about the "geli" worms. I have also recently bought 3 packs of HT cereals and a couple of baby jars. Haiz.. I was actually so excited wanting to let my boy try it, but now I may not even want to touch them leh... Urhh hurrr... :_(. anyway we have not started the HT cereals, may fall back on the Nestle cereals..
just read abt the HT 'worms'. by the way, i think they're weevils...a kind of beetle. the photo posted by the mummy in the thread, looks like the larvae of a weevil. actually its very common in cereal, oats, barley, dry dog food, even your rice! thats why i always make it a point to pour out slowly the baby cereal i'm feeding my girl and store in clear airtight containers so that i can see if there's any weevils in it. once they become adults, its of course very obvious coz they're blackish or browish in colour. i do the same for my dog's food as well! coz i tell u... once they become adults hor...1 can hatch up to hundreds of eggs i think and our hot singapore weather just speeds up the whole process and soon your kitchen or house can become infested then u may need to call in pest control. yikes!
cookiezz> hehe. nvm la. still better than me. really sick almost 1/2 the month. recover, den sick agn within 2wks. so taxing on my health. so young but feel so old
<font color="119911">Sandwich peanutbutter..yum!</font>
No prob. I was browsing the forum and got a shock when I saw the thread. Even bigger shock when I saw the photo of the maggots. I know lot of us are feeding our babies with HT cereal so must share the news. Wah, your boys ate quite a bit of HT products. Dun worry too much, I'm sure it's a standalone case. I stopped feeding my baby HT cereal, tho' I'm sure it's not "worm infested" but when I see the cereal pack, the image of the maggots come to mind! LOL Still feeding him baby jars and the cookies, like what u said, just be more careful and check the food b4 feeding bb.

<font color="119911">girlygirly</font>
Hi mummies,

I had a great time last weekend. It has been 3 weeks since I last visited my son. I left him with my mother in m'sia so that she could look after him since I am still renting a flat here.

Anyway, this time round he has not grown much physically, but then I find that he start to know more about things. He was able to sit unsupported, so we started to introduce him to a walker and dining high chair. Feeding time was great because he is just so " tam chiak" ! Before u can scoop the feeding, his mouth already wide open waiting for you! Haha.. He starts to drink more water now, maybe becoz he started on solids and likes to be spoon fed.

His tooth is not spouting yet.. Have not seen any teething symptoms on him yet, but he is drooling like nobody's business too..

Lina> my son is also not crawling yet.. Though recently he could do the " upward cobra " pose, and at times he tend to lift up his buttock abit..I think he is still figuring how to use his legs to push his body front . He could turn around 360 degrees, but then all in the same position. Lol!

Cos you said "1 can hatch up to hundreds of eggs ... and end up with pest control" Hahhaa I think my hubby will go mad. He hates insects in the house.

yes yes Im a mother of 4. Bt Mamato6Js wins hands down, haha..


No worries...Terrin still nt crawling yet too! Other than my dd2, the rest as babies don't know hw to crawl as well. And they are later walkers at 17mths old...

By the way, the <font color="ff0000">healthy times</font> that u gals haf bought are from the local shops/supermarket or 'parallel import' one??

oh.. hehe.. dun worry too much abt that lah. just make sure from time to time check the shelves lor. and stuff like boxes/packets of flour, rice, cereals etc, if kept for months, must see properly for any damage on the boxes etc.
rach - For me, if i take po chai pills, i won't bf because dunno exactly what are the ingredients... That time i was down with diarrohoea, i pump and threw away my milk.
<font color="dc143c">bernice</font>
hahah.i dun pump..and i dun have spare...
Rayanne will have no milk if i pump and throw.........
Alrite..shall drink more water then...no medication...
<font color="dc143c">Card Organisers</font>
Anyone else mummies?
I've received abt 300 orders liaoz...
gonna place order soon and have it shipped soon...
Better don. Go see doc. BF cannot anyhow take medi.

Think is the packing issue regardless of the expiry date. If it is not properly seal, air can enter. So better check eventhough not from same batch.
