(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Hi all,
Just to share. I am so happy that my son, Cedric can finally crawl quite well and able to sit unsupportedly for minutes. Also want to share some of his recent photos here.

Most importantly, he cleared all his Urinary Tract Infection tests and only will have to go back for his final checkup when he is 1 year old. I am glad that he is healthy and happy as always.


<font color="119911">Adeline</font>
Healthy baby=happy mummy

The cropping of the photo very well done. Hahaha
adeline> so cute. hehe =p

lina> my boy oso cannot crawl yet. sit oso keep falling. cos he so kpo. touch this touch there. =x but nvm la. babies development is all diff. cannot compare. more impt that they are happy n healthy
Lina &amp; michelle,

I think cannot compare la. My col'son only can crawl when he is about 10 month plus because he is on his walker most of the time. Thus, he was not given chance to crawl.

So, I think more on their interest and their exposure to crawling activities ba.
omg.. the worms has now grown to be bugs?? so damn gross!!! now i wonder if i should open a new box of HT Brown rice to see... yucks!!! must really thanks itsy for highlighting the link.. cos i'm so busy that only check this thread on the go... no time to check other threads lah...

no worries lah.. my gal is not crawling either. my mum also says 七座八爬. So mayb ard 8 months?
my girl on similac too, but she seems to be ok. could it be other food u give baby? has she started on solids?

your boy so photogenic! are these professional shots? i like the bottom 2nd photo...so cute and yes, nicely censored! haha...

sept babies playgroup
ya ya... is this still on? how come no news? so how? do we have to prepare food?

baby crawling
my girl can sort of crawl i think, she on her belly and she can push and drag herself forward using her elbows, face and legs. but she sometimes keep pressing down her face then push forward, so scared she become flat nose! surprisingly can go quite fast like this when she's motivated to get something she likes.
the worms surely eventually grow to be bugs mah. keke.. yeah, kinda gross. well, if u're worried can open then if nothing wrong just keep in an airtight container lor.
Hi adeline, can PM me... U dun accept PM. want to ask u some things on UTI bcos my son kanna UTI n his PD said he has to be on antibiotics for 1 yr... Thanks!
I bought nestle cereal w mixed vege for him to try yday, he likes it but he got rashes ard his mouth after eating.. Guess got to stop. He's ok w happy bellies cereal, look likes he really know how to eat the good n premium stuff!

I bgt healthy times teething biscuit (maple flavour) last sat.. After reading abt the worms issue, feel so yucky n gross tat feel like throwing the teething biscuit away..
mine also hvnt crawl yet! actually normal age for babies to crawl is abt 8 mths la so our babies r not late, just many sept babies r early crawlers! hehe.. so dun worry!
nice to hear that the baby is now 15month old and fine =) i have a colleague who's baby was diagnosed with leukemia at a couple of months old. but has since been treated and is in primary school now. for parents like her, every extra day is counted as a blessing.

my #2 can't crawl yet. though i vaguely remember that #1 started lifting his butt and inching forward slightly before 6 months. like what most mummies shared here, all babies develop differently.

healthy times jar food,
my boy's running out of his healthy times jar food, if there are mummies here who want to let go of their jar food at a cheap price because they don't want to consume healthy times products anymore, please PM me. i can only collect in the west though. flavours that i am interested in are the veg ones like pumpkin pie, sweetpotato apple, sweetpotato.
Girly, u hot mama!!!!! now i recall u ever advise me to apply alot of cream.. i guess i fail u, now my skin like benjamin button

Health is so impt. It's a great blessing to have a healthy and happy bb. It's something which money cannot buy.


haha..pardon me for my ignorant bt what's a benjamin button? haha..

I have dry skin mah. So I slap on lots of cream one.

So much abt the <font color="ff0000">healthy times</font> that I can't help bt check the nestle oats with prunes cereal when I was preparing it. So scared to find 'extra protein' in it!!
adeline> yeah yeah. cannot compare =p

mamato6js> ya lo. i think alot of sept baby are fast. cos even pd will recommend to worry only when bb is bigger. he say now cannot nvm. let baby take his time. initially i was so kancheong. cos all de babies here can do this do tat. my baby still cannot. den i went pd, pd say nvm. still early. so now i juz leave my boy to develop slowly himself =p
Thanks for the compliments.


My husband took those picture and he is planning to do freelance photography. So, my son becomes his model of the day. Haha...If you are interested, PM me. Can give you some trial shots for free.

For those who are concern about their babies crawling,

I think soon or later they will learn and master the crawling skill and every baby achieve each milestone at different timing. I hate ppl who likes to compare especially those old ppl like my in laws. She always said how come my daughter so slow in learning. At this stage, my niece already can recognise letters and numbers. How come she couldn't. She repeated that so many times until I also feel stressed and go tekan my girl to learn letters/numbers and I really feel guilty at times because I can see and feel that my daughter also stressed out while I was teaching her. I don't k anymore because I believe childhood should be happy and enjoyable one. We shouldn't give them stress. Same to ourselves because babies can feel our stress. So, don't worry and dont feel stressed. Just let them learn and master the skill naturally.
Nice photos! I like the one when he's drooling :)

Yes, agree with you. Really shouldn't compare. All the kgs, how much milk/food a bb takes, what a bb can/cannot do. Think the purpose of this forum is for sharing information and learning from each other. But not to stress up with all the numbers and can/cannot do when comparing the babies. Can use as a reference but not to feel stress about. But one thing though, is that we should understand our bb very well, we should monitor the development and all the numbers of our bb. Intervene when necessary, if not, just let him/her grows at his/her own pace. Yes, I totally agree, I think a kid should grow up happily and healthily, that's our philosophy when comes to raising our kids!
<font color="dc143c">Pediped Spree</font>
Anyone else??
Placed Batch 1, ordering Batch 2...

Got sales price.. from US$17-$23 already very nice.. no need to go for the $50++ la...
oh... your hb is good at it...nicely taken. yeah, i won't mind let my girl be a model for your hb to take some shots! if looking for one, let me know ya! ;)

baby crawling
yes... don't get too stressed over this...every baby achieve their milestones differently. while my girl can sort of push and crawl forward, she still can't really sit unassisted. so all different!

was there ever a overseas spree for HT? i think u got confused with HB is it? i think all mummies either bought from distributor or from supermarkets in sg only.

HT saga
yeah, seems like the forum has removed the thread. anyways, i think the whole thing kinda blew out of proportion. i guess its understandable that as mums we're definately very concern if there're creepy crawlies in our little darling's food. but to be fair, its very hard to say how come that mummy's cereal had worms, cld be from varies sources. i have no problems with mine so far, then again, i didn't not purchase many boxes, only two and she's finishing it already. after this, i probably won't be feeding HT cereals not because of this whole worm saga but more so as i've mentioned before sometime back that i dislike the flakes, it flies all over the place when i'm in a rush to prepare her food.
Haha, not sure where it is from. I get from Rach.
MIL ask me to buy cos my gal like to eat but I told her got worms and she yuke......
Still got 1 box not opened yet.
Happy Childhood..
Adeline > I support this. Quote " I believe childhood should be happy and enjoyable one. We shouldn't give them stress. Same to ourselves because babies can feel our stress. So, don't worry and dont feel stressed. Just let them learn and master the skill naturally." hehe...

HT threads..
Connie Lim > I took a look at the HT thread last night. The thread caused a stir into some legal issues in between HT personnel and the consumer. So I guess that was the reason why the thread was being taken out.
meetup for gelare causeway point today
i n rach going for waffles here today, any mummies wanna come join us?
say... around 3pm?
think pumpkin n carrots shd be ok. just try not to feed citrus foods until not coughing already. get well soon!
Sigh... bringing Ian to PD later. His dad had slight flu, recovered in 2 days but in those 2 days, he passed the virus to Ian. !$@%$*

Not very bad but tot should bring him to see PD b4 it gets worse.

If not I can have Gelare today!! So angry with his dad!
oh no..poor ian. don't get angry with your hb lah...he didn't mean to pass the flu to ian. get well soon ian so can come out and play with kimberly!
<font color="dc143c">cloudme</font>
hahaha... u cute leh.. u sms me &amp; post on thread...
can PM me or email me ma... this is sept thread leh...
hahaha.. :p
If my boy is 100% on stage 1 milk , he don't have constipation problem. Yup , he starts on solid already, taking porridge. Yesterday bought him to pd. Take the sugar syrup and manage to pass motion. PD suggest let him take stage 1 milk to 1 year but I'm worried if he will have sufficient nutrients. He is only 7.3 kg now, so small size. Maybe will consider change milk.

My bb has to take 3 in 1 flu jab next month. Wonder if it is compulsory.
Stage 1 and stage 2 don't differ so much in nutritional value (hence only marginal differnece in price). If you are worry, compare the content of the 2 formula, and supplement whatever is lacking in stage 1 through the solid food.

when should the babies start wearing shoes? I thought it's better to let them be barefooted so that they can "feel" the ground while learning to crawl or walk?

Milk feeds
my gal always finishes half a bottle of milk whether it's a 40ml or 160 ml bottle. Wasting all my limited ss of breast milk.
anyone experienced this? She's prob drinking only about 550-600 ml a day. Kam's website's recommended amount is 750 ml. Any idea how to make her drink more?
Hi Potbelly,

Is ur gal taking solids? Just want to share with you, my boy is only taking about 240ml milk + 2 latch ons a day with a bit of cereal and just started on fish porridge yesterday.

So milk intake I think less than 500ml only... My only worry is my mum feed too little cereal or porridge... milk wise I feel that if he's taking enough solids, can be lesser nvm. just my thoughts

So if ur gal is taking solids, I guess dun need to worry too much?
my boy is taking like 170ml*3+210ml+2latches. hehe. 2meal of solid. 1/2bowl porridge for lunch n 100ml of cereal+puree for dinner


every child milk intake is different.. dun be too stress by the numbers hehehe. as long as ur girl is growing, happy, active... shouldn't be a problem.

my #1 oso drinks and eat little since young.. she only in the 20percentile.. haha PD says its ok.. not to worry.
