(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
yes still latching.. elsehow??
i dun pump.. lol.... actually she dun bite when she's really hungry and really drinking...
only when she's done..sometimes she plays with my nipple and bite.. then i will flick her lips with my thumb and middle finger.. if u know what i mean..

Ehh.. u give teething tablets for what?? he got cranky or not??? i only last resort then give de...
if carry up down left right, latch also cannot then i will give...then almost like miracle...
she falls asleep.... hahhaa.. :p


Bottlefeed during the day by other people is ok, but he drinks only 130-150ml. During his last healthcheck, doc say he is in 25th percentile for his weight n height. I total BF for 5mths plus, much longer time than my #1. So sim tiah *sigh*

Last night after waking up so many times, I decided not to latch him since it is only for comfort. Tried bottlefeed, reject, ok u r not hungry. I patted him, slept next to him (he sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to my bed), he sits up, rolled around etc etc.... In the end still come to me to latch. I insisted not to latch, finally cry &amp; cry and woke everyone up. When my maid carry him &amp; pat him to sleep, still cry loudly, almost gave in to latch. In the end, heck, I still need to work, so went to catch my last 2 hours of sleep.

Really a black eye panda these days.
rach, can SMS me the link on teething tablets?

U know I dun check on bp until I need the stuff. U have my hp right?

Going out, will check on the way.

Like rach, i also bobian then give the teething tablets. Haha and yes it does work better than the teething gel for cayden.

for me it last for about a month or more bah because he has four teeth out consecutively...i praying hard it stops for now...cannot tahan man...
<font color="ff0000">Paige</font> - Sorry to hear that Kate has been hospitalized. I was at Mt A earlier but didn't check thread for a few days already
if not I would have gone to see Kate..

Hope she's feeling better already?

<font color="0000ff">Silly and Forgetful me</font> - actually forgot about Jordan's Vaccination appointment today till the clinic called... I even asked her where's she's calling from... after she said she's from Kinderclinic, I still dun recall... hahah cause I only went there once for the last vaccine... then I even asked her what vaccine is it for.. hahah Anyway, cut the story short, I'm just super blur and forgetful.. hahah

So I immediately rush Jordan down to the clinic. After assessment, realised he only gained 600 grams for the past 2 months and now weigh 8.1kg, 71cm. Is that too little? He did grow by 3 cm lah... like a bit slow right..
but doc say its okie cause he seems well and can go on all fours, development okie.. but silly me still worried lah.. lol
i don't understand why my boy drools so much. he has been drooling since 2-3 months old, and now he crawls around the house, leaving lotsa saliva around! what's wrong?

and he seems to be less interested in milk nowadays. i keep pouring away my BM away as he does not finish... what's wrong? sometimes i wonder should i continue TBF, as i wonder is there something wrong with my BM that he does not like

Paige: hope Kate get well soon
her fever didnt went down?? it was 39.6 tat day rite?? tat day u should bring straight to pd, polyclinic alot of virus one esp that area u go.

hope little kate get well soon.. =)

who is your PD? When i bring my boy to kinder clinic at Mt A, they dun take his height leh. : (
hmm... I am worried abt my boy also because he has not been gaining much weight. He weighed abt 7kg on 9apr. He was 7.11kg on 31jan, lost weight after admission due to UTI, after that didn't put on much weight till now... : (
~Wai Wai~
my boy drink lesser milk after started him on semi solids, guess he's not a milk baby.
His time interval for drinking milk is stretched to abt 5hrs. Fed him cereal or puree in between.

Sometimes i also pour away my BM, there was a period of time when he prefer FM over BM ! -_-"
Then realised he dun like to drink FBM.. so mixed EBM with FBM and he was ok.

He's seeing Dr Terence Tan.. this time got take both height and weight leh. i also worried about this boy cause he drinks really little EBM one...
BBQ - Yah loh.. only 8.1++kg
he look so chubby with fat legs and etc but not very heavy.. sigh..

My mum keep saying baby too fat not good.. dun need to give him so much milk and etc...
very difficult loh.. I can't say that mum's not feeding enough but she can feed him a bit more loh..
Tiger Food Jars,
Has any mummies tried cooking porridge with the food jars yet? Can we really put rice into the jars and it will be cooked till very soft? From what I read, it just suppose to keep the food warm.

I have only seen Endo food containers which can actually cook the food cos my mum has something like that. She boils the soup in the morning and the soup will be done at night. She just needs to warm it up again before we eat.
Steph, mine are the opposite. they are 8. something kg but are not chubby and big at all. I wonder where the wt comes from.

There are no fat babies so ask your mum to give him as much as he wants.
mine one precribed by the PD. the brand is Dentinox teething gel. Just apply a little bit (enough to coat the gum thinly) on the gum, or apply on pacifier and let her suck. I saw teething gel in watson's and guardian before but not sure about the brand though.
BBQ - No way to "argue" with my mum one

She say baby cannot fat fat then say she babies eat half a small bowl of solids can already.. is a lot already..

And she's the one at home looking after him, how I argue also no use.
kam> hehe. i dunno leh. i seldom bathe him. n suan le. since i trust him with the ifc, i let them do wat they do with all de other babies.

rach> erms. good good. cos i oso thinking of continue latching even when my boy got teeth. else wkend shiong. n how to go out long hrs if need to pump. easier to have my boy with me than a pump with me rite =p

i give teething tablet cos he cranky. oso last resort. sometimes it wks sometimes it doesnt. not immediate. i oso dunno why he juz gets cranky suddenly -_-

wifey> dun care how many percetile. i think all babies grow at a different rate. juz like most babies here can stand, mine cant. cant even sit unsupported by himself for long. cos he is so easily distracted n wans to take everything. cannot sit still, so will fall. but it's ok. my boy oso small size. only 7.2kg or so n he is coming 8mths on the 3rd of nxt mth. but i c as long as he looks happy, i'm fine with it

xmasc> yaya. i oso bobian den give one. but i dun even know if he's really teething. sometimes de tablet dun wk n he's still cranky

melissa> everytime i go kinderclinic, de queue so long, i'll go take his height n weight myself =x

steph> haha. nvm la. since u ask ur mum to take care, den let them take care in deir own way ba. since everyone take care of baby have their own method =p

How do u determine the size if u order now? Are u letting ur bb wearing the shoe now or after 1 yr old? I remember I read somewhere saying give them shoe after they can walk but I deleted the article.

The table is for estimation only. My boy 22 months already wearing size 15.

RE: teething gel...
should be that one i saw at watsons/guardian is the one Kam's PD prescribe...

sorry kam...type too fast liao and end up putting your name...
My boy's PD oso Dr Terence Tan... I Kept telling him that my boy dun drink much milk, never put on much weight, then he tell me to give him more solid, start him on porridge with chicken, followed by fish and then pork. I said my boy v skinny, no fats, he said to give fish like salmon n cod fish which are fatty fish... N tell me to bring him to the clinic to weigh him every 2wks as the scale there is v accurate.

I didn't know can measure height myself.. Cos usually I go, the staff there juz take weight, never take height... Blur mummy here! Next time I shall take his height myself!
mine is the same la...prefer to latch...worse til now, is day time i go work, he refuse to drink from bottle too, both BM and FM also drink little bit only....think lost some weight as a result..hai.

night time has been waking up 2hrly or so since 4m onwards after i go back to work n latch him at night....tried give bottle , he also takes sometimes, dun take sometimes...recently, he latch half way n dun wan liao, then roll here n there..then i got to carry him to sleep for 30mins lor..bo bian..i also duno what to do liao.

sometimes after 4am, will wake up hourly lor til 7am lor..so i also as zzz as u la...sama sama...at least u know u are not alone..haha....
think cos we latch so like that ba..thinking want to stop too, but duno how it will be like if do so...then got to pump, v mafan as well.

n i dun like to give all these teeth gel n stuff cos got chemicals inside..so no choice, got to tong lor. i suspect there is some sedative inside, otherwise why will the baby sleep so fast after applying it..just a tot that's all..

I'm using the thermos thermal cooker. Got tired of standing at the stove to stir for 30 mins.

Now I just throw the ground rice grains in put water put it over stove for 10 mins. Then pop it into the thermal casing. After 1-2 hrs ta da porridge!!

ops.. i quite agree with ur mum by not overfeeding a child.. their stomach quite small only... dun really need to let it have more work to do. hahaz thats my opinion though. :p
Kate will be discharged! but still have fever, phlegmy cough and she is a terror when it comes to oral med, i dunno whether i can cope at home when it comes to giving her medication....but go home also good lah, have been here since tuessday and still in a queue for a one bedder!!! our "neighbour" has pneumonia, cough like crazy! (actually initially Kate didnt cough then stay here 2 night she started to cough!!)

<font color="0000ff">my favchoco</font> yalor, how come they ask me go to that section? all along i go upstairs room 39 leh....that day went home, fever went up to 40.6degC, gave paracet supp and sponging still didn;t go down, so went to see PD. I wanted to go see her new PD but the queue was sooo long, I gave up, i went polyclinic lor....*sigh* wrong choice! but nice seeing you there!
Drinking Water

Any tips on making BB drink water?

Sam has been off his milk feeds coz he's sick. And he refuses to drink water!

His diapers are quite dry, not heavy like theu used to be. After a whole nite, his diaper seems to have only 1 urine amount. Tot I saw pinkish stain on his diaper last nite but I wasn't sure. Just now I saw a really pinkish stain on his relatively dry diaper again.

Am quite worried. It's not UTI or anything like that? My guess is that it's dehydration but he desn't wanna drink water! He barely drinks 20ml a day. How???
<font color="ff0000">cloudme,</font>
No problem. Yes, I went to check at Guardian just now, it's the same brand.

<font color="ff0000">Jeni,</font>
I have the same thought as you, i.e., avoid using any teething gel/tablet on my kids. For my #1, no problem at all, he didn't need any, not even for molars, his just teethed and I didn't even realised his molars were out!

But hor, for my #2, very poor thing. She can't sleep well! She slept so poorly that I was worried that she won't gain any weight (luckily, she is). Once I started to apply the teething gel for her (after the PD reassured me there will be no side effect), she sleeps so much better and I feel so relief and happy.

Of course if we can avoid the use of these stuff, that will be good. But if this really helps my gal to sleep better, I think minimal use of it won't do any harm to her body, as her immune system can definitely filter out those not-good stuff if it's only in small quantity. We adults will be okay to have not enough sleep, but for baby, if they can't sleep well, have a lot of impact on thier health lah. You gonna weigh between these.
what happened to sam? aiyo till now hv not passed jen ur stuffs. couldnt seem to arrange the perfect timing to bump into her. will try to pass her this sunday.

XY teeth out already? wah mine also teething quite cham leh! everydday open mouth drool like nobody business then keeep chewing on own fingers and go "ayayayaya" then the worst is he seems to be on a diet! not eatg n drinking much lately. my maid who is looking aft him when im not ard is so worried and keep complaining he losing weight and so skinny now and everyday go on and on abt his tummy now v flat, leg v small etcccc until i told her to stop. not like as if she nag and nag the problem will go away. so lets just not worry, as long as he is eatg something and hopefully this phase will go off soon. like ur #1, all my other kids never had teething problems, so this one puzzles me! he is so grumpy and doesnt nap as much too. thank God he sleeps quite ok at nite. arrrgh! i hate teething!!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Jul,</font></font>
That's dehydration!!! You gonna do something. Have you tried feeding him water using spoon or syringe or straw or whatever ingenious way you can think of. Add a bit of gripe water, so it's nicer to drink? Go to pharmacy, they have those thingy (I don't know what it's called, sorry) which can help to ease dehydration in kids, something like ice-ball or something. Make barley water or made some fruit juice for him? If everything fails, send him to A&amp;E for drip. Dehydration is no joke. Take it very seriously.

Ya lor, very cham leh, my poor gal. Only 1 upeer tooth came out a bit only, the rest can feel the gum very hard, but not out yet, or rather, she doens't allow me to take a good look, so I can only use my finger to feel. She is opposite than J. She naps well but not at night. Luckily she is still feeding well, in fact, more than before. So she is still fat fat looking. Yes, drools sooooo much, and bites on everything. Her favourite is those wooden toys, nicer taste than the plastic, perhaps :)
Sam is not drinking any milk? and on top of that no water too? ya be careful of dehydration.

mine teeth not even out yet! aiyo dunno how long this phase gonna last. he was actually ok till 2 days ago.
Thanks for the concern &amp; suggstions. I made an appt with PD 2moro just in case matters dun improve.

Shall try the fruit juice, barley, etc methods tonite. Am so frustrated.

I sprained my wrist almost 1 mth ago, n it's not recovered. Gotta pack Sam to MIL's in the am with Hubs b4 he leaves for work, then go home after dinner. After that gotta do some basic hsework like laundry &amp; cleaning.

Things weren't so bad till Sam got sick. it takes forever to settle Sam to sleep coz need to coax him to drink milk. He wakes several times at nite so we can't sleep well. And he whines at everything - not giving him something to play, not letting him crawl into the kitchen, if we try to make him drink water, if he wants to be carried - he wants his way all the time!

Tdy I've been carrying him so much that my wrist hurts like mad! And Sam's real strong! He struggles n pushes everytime he needs a break to breathe when drinking milk. Or when we make him drink water.. he'll push away n arch his back n my wrist feels like snapping! Think it'll nvr recover. And on top of everything, I'm sick now. Sore &amp; itchy throat, cough, a bit of running nose.. I'm so tired &amp; frustrated I wanna go back to work!
hi maelyn: guess his hair is not much since we shave him when he is two months old. I will hop to get the Anakku hair shampoo. this can get from kiddy palace or where?
hi maelyn: guess his hair is not much since we shave him when he is two months old. I will hop to get the Anakku hair shampoo. this can get from kiddy palace or where?
sleeping patterns: hahaa my boi also like that he got stuck in the middle and head sometimes piak onto the rail. He now like to sleep sideways we so scare he cannot breath, we transfer him to our bed hahahhaha
can totally understand how u feel because cayden is so hard to pacify a few weeks back.. btw erm i would not suggest juices because he is having phlegm rite better not.

Cayden also having blocked nose so they get very frustrated when drinking liquid. remember the vicks i told u..i tried doing that and raise his head whenhe sleep. It helps and i stop all night bathing. Hope it helps.

the tricky part is that when we as mum starts to get sick, we start to spread to our kid haiz and vice versa because we lack of sleep. Furthermore you are taking care by urself! worse than me.

Make sure you keep him warm and well barley etc..try not to take in the nite bah bset taken during noon time

hang in there!
any idea after the 4 front teeth are all out? what is next? I tot i would have some peace at nite after all four front teethcame out.

After two peaceful nite, he is back fussing again...sob sob!!!!
Hang in there! Baby is very clingy to mummy when he is sick. This is their normal instinct. I can understand your frustration though. Get your hub to take leave and help out if possible? Take good care and all the best!

Fruit juice WON'T cause phlegm. That is a myth! Avoid citrus though it's he is coughing.

I don't remember the interval for the next teeth to pop, it can be very different from baby to baby.
hi wifey my bb also been waking up in the middle of the night. I guess he drink very early in the evening like 5.30pm at my nanny place and he will make noise around 8.00pm which will not last through the night for him. He used to drink at 9.45-10.00pm and can last till next morning 6am. I did a trial yesterday. I gave him baby biscuits at about 7pm and he never ask for milk at 8.00pm. think he feel full and sleep till 9.30pm then ask for fm. he sleep through the night, only wake up once to look for his pacificer. Trying again tonight and see whether it works

melissa> tat time i bring my boy see pd like 4times within 2wks, dey din even take his weight. i went to take de weigh n height myself. cos i kancheong. de first time dey take his weight, he lose 0.4kg

paige> glad to hear tat kate is going hm.
btw, my boy loves oral medicine leh. everytime he cry, i show him de syringe, he'll be so happy. so hubby now refers medicine = tian tian shui to him -_-"

jul> my boy if i try to give him solid at nite, he'll grab de water n drink himself, so i wun stuff de spoon into his mouth -_-"

de pink stain most likely is concentrated urine. not enugh water. my boy got it previously too. dr terrence tan say is concentrated urine. must give him more water lo. one other way my boy drink water is thru de syringe.
