(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

potbelly, crystalz> yeah yeah, agree every child is diff. some drink more, some drink less. some progress faster, some progress slower. de numbers all do not matters as long as they are healthy n happy

For my #1, I only let him wear shoes when he was able to walk pretty well. We have the same thought as you, i.e., to let the kids "feel the ground" without any shoes/socks.

For milk feed, yes, don't stress with the numbers. The page that I posted is solely for reference purpose only since a lot of mummies asked about that and I happened to come across that article. Some kids can eat very little but still chubby chubby, some kids eat a lot but still not very chubby. What you should do is to plot your gal's weight/height on the growth chart. She should be growing at about the same rate, i.e., if she is at about 25-50 percentile, you should be able to plot her weight/height around this range on the graph. Only if there is any sudden drop or increase, then you should seek PD advise.
hullo everyone! how're all the babies?

sam's pretty much recovered liao. appetitie also recovering. Think I need to start him back on solid meal for dinner again 2moro. He's been drinking milk n crying for more barely 3.5h later!
phew! kinda feel better now. a bit down with flu these days. not full blown yet, just a bit runny nose and very tired.

hehe so happy went pd ytd and found the source of jacob's prob. he got milk thrush! haha he was so active tt i also dunno to bring him see pd anot. went to the one at tiong bahru plaza. thumbs up for the pd! very patient and nice! when he was checking jacob's mouth, tt silly boy struggled and kicked the pd on this face with his feet lor! but now got so many meds to take. got so many to rem...

after tt we went to farms! went to greencircle, which is the one i ordered organic veg from. then also another one called fireflies. haha quite fun! bot lotsa organic veg! and kena a lot of mozzie bites too! brought jacob there to see see and he so heng no mozzie bite! and he pooed on his jumper... i finally got the purple sweet potato! just steamed it to eat. yummy! haha now got to find ways to psycho hubs to go to the farms to buy on a monthly basis! fresher and cheaper!

adeline! ur pix so nice! haha can jacob be his model?

milk feeds - my silly boy is like one of the skinnier babies leh. it does bother me sometimes but he is really very happy so i am ok. his cheeks are his fleshiest part! nice to bite! cos of the thrush, he is eating lesser but today seem better
we reckon no matter how much he eats/drinks, he drools, sweats and jumps so much all the food will be converted to saliva, sweat and energy, so he not fat haha!
just to share for mums with baby boys. this shop at vivo called camouflage selling boys (1yo-6yo) clothes having 50% discount. very nice tops. hehe. bought 2 shirts for my boy. so cute.
Went to see PD today. Ian is slightly feverish so must take med. Med supposed to make him drousy so wonder why he is still not sleeping :/

he lost 100g and grew 2cm since last month. So worried about his weight but PD assured me it's ok, Ian is simply very energetic and has high metibolic rate so just need to feed more.

He used to be always constipated but since I replaced HT cereal with enfapro fm with Happy Bellies with Similac fm, he poos better.
Sept playgroups!

How many mummies are interested in this for this coming sat? I'm extremely keen on this.. Same same, I volunteer my place ..

I guess as for food, maybe we can order pizza or IFC or anything along those lines..

So anyone?

ya... i'm interested if its still on. can cofirm if on or not by thurs? if not i can plan for other activities.
Baby biscuits: think Caden is addicted to baby biscuits he must have the biscuits at 7 plus at night before his bath or he will whin till his last feed at 9.30 ! Is it ok to have every day
do u know When sale end? My aunt told me there's a shop in vivo which sells v nice n stylish baby boys clothes... Hope is the shop tat u went cos she mentioned the clothes r expensive... I dun mind dressing up my boy handsomely once in a while besides his usual rompers... Heehee.

Wat biscuits u give?

Me! For the pediPed... Let me check out...
flower4> hehe. which number i dunno. but it's in btw gv n secret recipe. deir tops are cute. bought some xiao ah beng clothes. lol =x

melissa> ya. think shuld be the shop ur aunt mentioned. cos the shop only sell boys clothes n the clothes are very stylish. yaya. before tat i oso find the clothes very ex n bu se de to buy. cos 32.90 each ma. now 50% feels much better.

i nv ask vivo branch when de sale ends. but they apparently have another branch at jp n someone from aug mums asked. it ends 2nd of may, so shuld be this wkend. remember to drop by take a look. =p
Toys R Us Branded Toys Bazaar

Hi mummies, there is a toys r us sale in United square starting from today onwards until Friday -3 day sales. Today is open for Star Card and UOB Card member preview. Then tmr open for public. Luckily I brought along my UOB card. May drop by United Square after work today.

You can check out this website for more info
Sept playgroup is confirmed confirmed at my place!

Time: anytime after 1pm till 5pm
location: yishun st 81,blk 828

simply write " I want to attend the sept playgroup! " and I will pm you my address

No need to prepare any dishes, just comealong with your family and babies..

We shall have some home deliveries food..

Do note that this is confirm as I have a personal friend, baby born in Jan this year, she will be joining us this sat too.. But of course, the more people we have, the merrier it is!
milk feed

thanks for all the suggestions. I was just worried that she's not drinking enough milk... Well, she's actually in the 10th percentile. Trying to fatten her up. She dropped from 90th percentile at birth to 10th percentile.. haiz..
<font color="119911">Enxuan</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">I want to attend the sept playgroup!</font></font>

Will be there with hubby and Ian. We will be having lunch b4 coming over.
growth percentile

It is the first time I heard about this percentile since I join this thread. Anyone care to explain what this percentile means and how to calculate it? When I go to my pd, she didnt mention about this percentile thing. She just say, "OK, your baby is growing well." After she do all the measurement and thats it. Must ask her the next time I visit her. Haha..
Am at the sale. Discounts not bad but not what I'm looking for.
hee hee
I'm buying Thomas and train sleeves tee set. Here got lots of baby dolls...
Hi need advice. Should I start my 7.5 mth old baby on porridge? Think the texture is still too rough for baby? When did you introduce meat to you babies? Thanks!
My gal only drinking 120ml per feed but active lor.

Haiz, not sure can cont. this cereal or not. My gal don really like Happy bellies lei. 2 days complaining liao n the pear puree don mixed well with happy bellies. It was v smooth when mix with HT lor.
maelyn> it's ok. my pd oso dun tell me abt the percentile thingy. instead it was my gp who olways tell me my boy's percentile. i think it's ok one. no need bother too mcuh abt it. btw, u can juz see de health booklet, from ur boy's height n weight, u'll be able to c ur boy's percentile

I started my gal on porridge when she was 6.5 mths. Meat almost around that time too. If you find the texture not suitable then grind the grains first or blend after cooking.
yah was there just now too. nothing much leh. and discounts not v fantastic to me also. i only had 1.5 hrs before i had to go pick up boys so when i saw the long Q at the cashier i decided to just skip.
Corrine> get the 10% discount card frm mummies here...

Enxuan> il be there this sat...

pediped spree>
batch 1 shipped out liao..
So fast yest order only...
I wanna order!! Mine in batch 2...
Who else??? Faster faster!!!
some of the carriers you cant find elsewhere. For instance i finally got my manduca last friday haha and im happy with the purchase.

those carriers they carry are not cheap.

rach, itsy, bernice
I finally got my manduca yeah yeah...and so far baby is rather happy in it.

itsy, thanks for collecting my magic cube and teething tablest from rach. But hor, my baby not very keen on the cube leh...he play with it for a while and walk away liao hahahaha

how is ur wrist? you know what? i got swelling and it hurts so much i wanna go to a chiropractor immediately. However the GP dun suggest me to go seems like the chiropractor are not very recognisehd by clinic. Dun noe why thou. He prescribe me with so antiswell and im so much better now. Btw my hubby got me a wrist guard (with metal piece) and it helps a lot. You may want to consider getting it.
<font color="ff0000">Maelyn Re: Growth chart</font>

Refer to this website, http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growth/growth_charts.html, which explains very well and in details why we need to monitor (not to compare with others, but to monitor your baby) the growth of our kids.

For growth chart, you have a few options (I compared all three sources, the graphs are very similar):

1. The one in the health book (I don't remember if they state where the source is, and not sure if it is based on our local population).

2. From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website from the U.S., here http://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/

3. From the WHO website,http://www.who.int/childgrowth/standards/en/ which claimed that this charts are plotted based on the survey on BREASTFEED babies.

My take with growth chart is we have to monitor, as this is one of the best statistical method to know how your baby is growing. And raise your concern to your PD when necessary. But we should never compare with others, as in why my baby is 10th percentile, while hers is at 90th percentile, does that mean my baby is growing not so well, the chart doesn't work this way.

Most PD won't "automatically" go through the growth chart with you (though I knew some PD do). It's part of the duties as a parent to monitor the growth. I will plot the graph every month, and show the graph to the PD every quarterly or so. And the PD will interprete the graph for me, and ask if I have any concern. I personally think this is the best way, both parents and PD work hand in hand for the best healthy of our kids.

Hope this helps :)
Hi kam ,

Thanks for your reply. After drinking the sugar syrup, my baby pass motion 5 times, goodness.

Any mummies staying in tampines wish to join our tampines mummies club, do pm me
hi corinne,
my manduca is 225 after discount (thanks to the mummies that pass me the card). You can have mine, is a one time discount for the next carrier that we purchase.

Pm me if you wants to get from me. Im staying in Sengkang.

mailing you a bit tough leh because i need the card for warranty purpose and if lose, then ma fan liao. If not, you can try asking other mummies around ur area see whether any one has?

regarding the price of the carrier, depend which brand ur baby is comfortable in bah. for instance somepeople is fine with bjorn basic which i think is ard 100 plus but is only up to 12kg and some mummies commented is not comfortable to use. So up to individual

aiyo...the wrist guard is so inconvenient at time lor. ma chiam like a pro bowler..hahahaha.but i guess bo bian
