(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

thanks for the info on the taka fair. think i'll go change a couple of bottles. was at taka and wanted to go to the fair just now but it was soooooo crowded that i couldn't squeeze in. was ergo-ing my older boy and he was napping, so not very conducive to visit the fair. in the end i went to kino to get books instead. maybe next weekend i try again it might be less crowded.

did the doctor say if your family members can help to stimulate your granddad so that he regains at least part of his memory?

jeni, michelle and milkyway,
for my company, performance grade/bonus will not be affected if you can prove sufficiently to your bosses that you can complete 12 months worth of tasks in the 9 months that you're in the office. otherwise, its only legitimate for the grade and bonus to drop.

hope all is well on your 2nd day w/out your helper.
<font color="ff0000">blessedcyn</font>

walk and shop walker is selling $50 at Martel sale at Lok Yang way.
Address is posted by bbqueen is previous archive.

<font color="ff0000">My little seat</font>
I already ordered n collected today..
Unless there's another min 8pcs order then I can order again..

<font color="119911">Gerald</font>

The Big Mattel Toy Moving Out Sale
11 March to 28 March @ 1 Lok Yang Way, S(628623)
Brands include Fisher Price, Barbie, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, etc.
Mon to Thu - 11 am to 5 pm
Fri to Sun - 11 am to 6 pm
Mummies who bought the tiger food jar, it was advertised as a porridge maker and food jar but on the box and instruction booklet, i don't see any mention of the jar being a porridge maker. has anyone tried cooking porridge in it?

my babies went for jab today. cranky and kept crying. they weren't like this for the last 2 jabs. maybe they were poked real hard today. i nearly went crazy and was so tempted to just throw them on the floor. bad mummy. good thing they have a patient daddy.
<font color="0000ff">bbq</font>

the jabs get stronger every time. My girl just had hers a few days back. After the 1st jab, she was in perfect condition. After the 2nd jab, she had fever for one afternoon, one dose of panadol took care of that. After the 3rd one a few days ago, she had fever for 1 day and 1 night. needed a few cooling patches and 2 doses of panadol. She kept crying during the night... so ke lian...
Potbelly burp, yes, they were crying like being abandoned. so big tears and till eyes swollen. best is they took turns to cry. pacify one and then other start. thank god, tis is the last one, till end of the year.
Bbq98 &amp; portbelly,
I brought my girl for 2 jabs on friday, 6-in-1 and pneumococcal. She is such a brave girl, didn't cry at all! And no fever at all. I was all ready for the fever cos took 2 jabs together. Like sandwIch said long time ago, I like to think that is because of BFing.

But my poor girl cried so pitifully when I brought her for the blood test (for her thyroid). She was very tired already and they can't find her vein. She cried and cried and cried. Finally needle went in, drew 3ml of blood, she cried the loudest! My heart is so pain. Quickly popped her onto my breast, stopped crying almost immediately. Luckily no other people in the clinic cos I just lifted up my shirt and exposed my breast for latching without thinking.
I'm like a mad woman with the 2 gals. So tired now
#2 refuses to be put down, must carry all the way, be it sleeping or play time..arghhh
she's not like that with my maid leh...really bully mummy
sandwich> for my i heard tat as long as we go for maternity leave, grade affected no matter wat. cos dey will assign u wk even days before u leave on ur maternity leave. n it is know that the wk will require a mth or so to complete. n once u leave, they will penalise us saying we left without completing the wk. thus we'll be penalised for unreasonable reasons.

n seriously, if we manage to really complete the wk they give u, dey will give u more wk upon completion, so in other words, u will still be penalised no matter wat. but luckily is, one grade diff dun affect our bonus much. but i missed out on proj bonus for last yr too -_-

bbq98> my boy oso went for jab yesterday. keke. he cried de moment the needle went in, n stopped immediately once de needle was pulled out. so funny.

after tat he was ok, this time no high temperature oso. in fact this time is the best jab =p wonder if it was the rotavirus oral injection tat causes the fever the previous two times instead =p

my girl is also on bm. Still kena fever. She went for thyroid blood test 2x. That was even more jialat than the injection but after both times tested normal doc discontinued the blood tests. Trick is as they draw the blood you hold her other hand and press down hard. And talk to her. She'll be distracted and forget abt the blood drawing.
hi everyone

have not logged in for a week. so busy n tired. sam's been waking up once/twice a nite
dunno what's wrong


so how to use the tiger food jar to cook porridge? sounds fascinating
I tried searchin for this miracle food jar at taka but I didn't see it!!!

Anyone with pics of it?

BTW, Thanks for the help with the Mattel Fair. I'll be going tmr I think. Super tired after one day with the boy. Whew! *Salutes the mummies*
<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>

no prob! juz realised my supply of bottles are now like 4??!! so needa buy more. hubs' dun like e pigeon ones! ><

<font color="ff6000">gerald</font>

haha dun hv high expectations k? it looks really ordinary. juz ask the auntie which jar can cook porridge n they will show u. tt was wad i did at taka! ur cereal how? when u wanna collect? juz let me know
mattel sale

only bot the superstar walker n a shape sorter toy. the shopping cart walker was $80! din wanna buy at that price. n jumperoo also too expensive.. already got rocker... so bothing much to buy unless i wanted to splurge on car n basketball
<font color="0000ff">mattel sale</font>
went on sat...bought a giraffe thing where you can put a ball and it slides down and play some music, some cool band toy which i really like (a keyboard, tambourine, drum and trumpert and you can actually assemble it into a tower and it comes with so many different kind of sounds &amp; a turtle shape sorter, all these only cost $55!!!!
Hubby was quite suprised as we thought the giraffe was already $40....anyway, the lady at the checkout was saying that they are giving extra discount.
So, went back again today coz hubs thought that it was such a good bargain and didnt have enough time to look through the stuff as we had to rush for another appointment...
Today no "additional" discount...bought a little people house toy which is pretty cool and a caterpillar toy, spent $75!!!
Not as good as sat...a lot of stuff they didn't restock, i wante a grand piano on sat but it was like super dirty, today there was none in sight!
Jul, the shopping cart walker was $50 when I bought it on Friday, u mean the price will fluctuate?

I wonder if they will have new items daily.
The grand piano went fast, when I first arrived, there were a few. After a while, as I went back to check there was only 1 new set left. We were deciding between that and the musical table. In the end chose the latter.
<b>Mattel Sale<\b>
Hmmm... then any point in going down tmr? Afterall most of the bargains gone already eh?

Or you gals reckon to go and try luck?
mattel sale

went on Last Friday and spend around $160 :p
bought a shopping cart walker , little people house toy ,shape sorter toy and same with Paige, bought the giraffe and the cool band toy.
Reach home and found the shopping cart walker missing 1 roller !!
So we went on Sun to try to exchange the toy, lucky the staff there give us 1 roller and offer more spare parts for us hehee

i start to mix stage 1 &amp; stage 2 milk powder for my gal since last Monday, and last Fri she start to poo three times per day and Sat four times, ytd also three times, the poo is normal, not watery, is it consider diarrhoe ?
my neighbour told me it might because of teething ?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"> Tiger food jar</font></font>

I knew 4extras are not enough..
Sorry mummies all 4 have been taken up.. I shld have bought 20 man.. Sigh... Since can sent for delivery...

But if anyone wants foogo can still add in..
Let me know fast..

We saw someone using the foogo last fri. It looks big leh.. Not as small as we thought..
Tiger Food Jar
For veg/meat, it would be advisable to pre-cook a little before putting it into the jar. Though I was advised by the promoter that it's possible to put raw meat in. But since our baby still very young, it would be very impt to ensure that the food is fully cook.

FYI, I heard from my friend that she went for Istean private sale, it only cost $30+.
<font color="ff6000">Tiger food jar</font>
The auntie at taka told me can put meat/fish/veg also, juz tt if u r afraid tt the fish is too fishy, cook first before putting in

went to the mattel fair again on sat! carted home more toys! i din see any band toys!!! i may go back again cos one of my toy is spoilt

went it fair ytd. finally sign up for broadband! been surviving on 1 mbps mobile broadband since moving into my hse! gg crazy soon if i dun hv home broadband! bot new hp also. wad a broke wkend! spent a lot of $$$!

<font color="ff6000">puree</font>
kam and sandwich paiseh called u late on fri night cos i was trying to make my first puree! was a bit lost so called u all for help. haha but i managed somehow and made carrot puree! but hor, tt silly boy dun really seem to like it! its so yummyly sweet! i always finish off for him!
tiger> keke. i haven collected my food jar from one of the aug mum. cos i've been coming hm n going out at wierd hrs. dun wanna trouble the mum =p
WAt is the diff between tiger food jar n foogo? Both use to store food?

Thought only the big one can cook food. Food jar also can? Amazing. Will try. Put uncooked rice and pour in hot water. Close and it will cook? Need to do other things?

MAttel fair
Down with diahhorea so didn't go. My friend told me that mattel fair always on de. not sure how true it is.
No need to do anything. But for meat/fish, it would be better to pre-cook a little first. Veg should be ok.

I tried giving my son brown rice cereal on Sat and Sun. He doesn't seem to be ready for it. Cried when I tried to feed him. Today will try to add into his milk and bottle feed him.
<font color="ff6000">connie/mattel fair</font>

yes its a yearly affair. according to the staff its usually at year end but this year's earlier cos they are moving their warehouse soon, hence the "warehouse moving sale"! hehe! not sure if this yr end will have anot
Pai-seh, didn't answer your call cos I didn't bring my hp out for dinner. Was it Friday night? I was soooooo tired that I can't pull myself out of the bed after putting my bb to sleep. Only saw your missed call on Sat afternoon. Had fun making puree? Yes, I like to eat the puree also, that's why I love making puree :)

Not advisable to mix cereal into milk. My gal didn't take puree well the week before last. Wah, but last few days ah, she so excited with all the food, happily eating everything I gave her. No need to rush, it takes time.

Why cannot add into the milk? If we look at the cereal tin, it mentioned to be added with milk or water right?

Tiger Food Jar
FYI, I just checked with my friend. It's selling @ $39.90.
