(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Hmm, isit time to change teats already? The current teats i've been using it for almost 6months already. They seem ok, so i continued to use them.

I went to the taka fair today. The layout is similar to last year's. Even the items that are being sold there. I just bought toys only. Bumbo chair is selling for $49.90. The Avent steamer and blender is $199 + get free $50 avent voucher.

Bernice, I have already changed 4 sets of teats!! from s to m to l. Don't you need to change to a bigger hole teat for you baby?

The medela teat i'm still using S size (since 1 month old). She didn't fuss on the milk flow, so i continued to use them. Think must change huh?

How often must change teat? 3 months?
The teats i'm using are more than 3 months but they still looked fine to me so i didn't change them. For Avent, i'm using size 2 and 3.
I am using pigeon ones which will change to more opaque after prolong usage. So I will change them regularly. I think max is 3 mths. Have u tried using m or l size teat? Maybe she will drinlk faster.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">MY LITTLE SEAT!!!!</font></font>

HAHAHAHAHHA.... settled... i got another source...

and MOQ is lowered!!!!!!!!!

Now i need 2 more....
same price...

So who's interested??

ANYTIME can go collect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PM me please!!!
xmasc> keke. ur little one so cute =p

cookiezz> erms. tink is 39.9 at isetan sale? not alot cheaper oso

babiesmeme> not too long ago, ntuc have promo den i juz stock up wor.

melissa> keke. den maybe u all wanna start flashing card. but i remember last time really can't. cos if can, member can just keep passing their card to another person, and the person can keep entering
no lah..take taxi loh...
the furthest i've gone so far alone on bus with #2 is lot 1..heh..go any further than that i confirm will take taxi 1

me!! i wanna go both taka fair and the mattel toy sale..hee
taka confirm going around 1pm. mattel will have to see if my hubby free to send me later in the afternoon
today taking half day leave to do my own stuff before maid goes back
Kris, me 2 me 2!! But I go toy sale first then taka after that. Hope there is lots to buy at toy fair to make my trip worth it because I going all the way from the west.
No teats how?Can change?
Is the teats cheaper there?
My bottle is 4oz, can change for bigger bottle?

I gg taka this afternoon, my MIL want to tag along, so have to bring my son.
michelle, itsy, kiki
thanks for your compliments kekeke.
Time past darn fast rite

Hang Cai aka round spinach
Yes you can get it in supermarket such as NTUC. The display reflects round spinach. Btw i think it is different from normal spinach.

medela storage bottles. Are these the ones with yellow lids? Can they be fixed to the medela freestyle pump? I bought my freestyle set 2nd hand. The bottles look old. Was thinking if buying new ones. So happy to hear of this lobang!!
Good morning mummies guess everyone is at isetan I was there Just now I saw one mummy with baby reserved about 10 tiger porridge maker she is so nice! now still ok the crowd .. Later don't know still got stocks not..I think they allow buy more with one coupon cos I ask him he even ask me how many I wan.. Better act fast!
mattel toy sale is near my office. think i'll go during lunch time later.

if any of you wants me to check anything or buy anything, let me know before noon.
hi the milk bottle exchange is at taka fair??
i went yesterday bu didn't notice.
taka sale things not cheap leh...if robinson or else where has 20%, i think will be cheaper than taka fair e.g. those toys.
lots of strollers on display though....

so in the end i didnt' get anything....
bbq98> update on ur interesting buys k? i still thinking whether to go down. not sure whether to buy more toys for my boy when he got no time to play at hm

xmasc> ya lo. time pass very fast. so fast it's 6mth+ liao =p

babiesmeme> lol. 1coupon buy many. hehe. shuldn't have gone to pass the coupon to donkeymami. juz use hers will do =x
jeni> ya. agree taka sale other than their star buy. other things not really cheap. but this time round. the medela freestyle pump on promo. 700+ nia =p
ohh...i wanna go the mattel toy sale! i thought it would be middle of the yr leh, this yr its earlier! maybe i go this one and skip taka sale.
oh man, i wanna buy the porridge maker at isetan! but i dun have the car today. Hubby needes it. Aiyo so annoying..go after office hours sure super packed de.
<font color="ff0000">meetup at orchard?</font>

hi mummies.. Many of us going down orchard ya??
Im on my way to isetan n then to taka.. Lol..

Meeting prinzess n Bernice n Stephanie too.. Anyone wanna come along SMS me ok?? Can pm me also.. Cuz I can check iPhone..

maybe we can have dinner together at swensen or something..
I went to collect coupon frm mummy A pass to mummy B to buy for me n then pass to fren C so I can go collect frm fren C now Lo... Hahah...
porridge jar> some mums in aug saying carefour selling the same model at 45bucks now. den with 5% rebate from everyday card. not much savings le =p
i have the isetan coupon, not gettg the food jar as im using thermos. mommy who wants the coupon can pick up from me. sorry never inform u gals earlier cos i just saw the newsletter on my table!
I wanna go to the mattel sale but how to with Ian stuck to me??!? Boo hoo.. carry him shiong enuff, no strength to buy toys. Hubby gonna work late today.. no dinner also.. What a day!
feel so sad now.. *tear and tear*

my grandpa was hospitalise on monday cos of breathing problem.
got discharged yesterday..
WHY??? life is so unpredictable !!!
oh man, tough lah especially with the crowd! moody rite

sorry to hear that. that's why we must treasure our life every second! Be brave and Cheer up okay
Was at Isetan this morning too! Grabbed 5 tiger food jars, buying for rach, myself n rest. the promo aunty oso said got 1 mummy took 11 food jars!

Isetan super crowded.. Doors were open b4 830am.. Singaporeans can really wake up early to shop shop shop!! Tis shopping trip is my most efficient n shortest one... Grab n go.. By the time I reach office, tired n sweaty.

Found out no need coupons to buy the food jar...

Guess rules were changed ba..tis morning I flashed my card, they didn't even bother to look, hand signalled just go.. : )
Think u were asking abt the kids easy seat yday.. I bgt tat fr Isetan tis morning, hopefully is not impulse buy cos I didn't think much. Need to strap the little seat to wooden chair n the wooden chair need to columns backing. If use on its own, find it not sturdy. It has a lock system at the base, which I presume is for steady the seat b4 strapping to the chair... Hope tis info helps. : )
Melissa I was there about 8.30 grab and go never really check should be ok I guess.. Ya one mummy with a baby think she is the one with11 jabs so nice of her!
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Taka Baby Fair...</font>

Was there yesterday. I would say if u've been to the previous fair, its more or less da same lo.. Some things are not cheap also lo.. I walk to n fro but didnt get anything in the end.. wasted parking fees instead.. hurhur~

unless we are still expecting or our babies are still v small then got things to buy ba.. else, besides toys.. not much actually.. IMO la

okay.. if u wana get the pigeon breastpads which are selling at $18.90 for a big box a kiddy palace apparently(this was the price i saw last week).. Taka has the same offer given previously. $13.90. A $5 savings! Can go stock up if u need..

Fisherprice Jumperoo is at $259.. But i ever saw KP selling on offer at $238/$239 (not sure if offer still on or not)

Fisherprice High Chair is at $239.

Bumbo is da same as previous at $49.90 w/o tray

Pigeon Magmag Step 2 - $8.72 (not sure how much it is retailin outside tho)

Oh.. n the Avent Blender if u intend to get one.. its $199 with free $50 Avent voucher if im not wrong

i just came back from Mattel Toy Sale

bought $102 worth of toys. super good deal if you ask me. at original price, i probably can only get 1 or 2 items with $102. but i managed to leave with like 7 or 8 toys.

they are selling bigger items like the fisherprice jumperoo, take along swing, high chairs etc as well. think the jumperoo was like $200. rest of the toys are from $2 onwards. most of the smaller items are like $2, $5, $10, $20, $50. most are more than half price. think such discounts cannot get at departmental sales. robinsons 20% or taka don't think can't match.

if you want to get more toys for your baby, it is worth a visit.

not recommended to go with your baby though. it is pretty dusty and hot.
<font color="0000ff">medela bottles @ taka fair</font>
Regarding the 'bring old bottle to buy new bottle' promo at Taka baby fair - may i know whether its feeding bottle or storage bottle we could exchange with? as in does it come with teats?
Dunno whether to go or not to go....
wow!!! <font color="0000ff">baeyby</font> thanks for update on mattel sales....will definitely go this sunday
Kate needs more musical toys...i realised she loves her peek-a-boo piano A LOT....other non-musical ones she doesnt really like, so must go get more musical toys for her
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font>
wah!! this TIGER jar sooo popular? how come?
what's the diff btwn TIGER and the FOOGO one which we are getting from you?
paige> tiger jar can cook porridge. as in put super hot water n rice, hr later become porridge. i m oso getting one. one of de aug mums get for me. but not much cheaper. i heard carefour selling 40++ now oso. promo this wk

i oso thinking of going to mattel sale liaos. when is it till?
Melissa> yah... Power hor?? Now I'm waiting for steph shop 2nd round.. Since have to take cab liaoz.. See got anything else to buy or not.. Bought chopping board also.. Lol!!!

salute you leh..indeed superwoman. me with my baby i already buay tahan liao. Hahahah gambate and enjoy ur shopping!
