(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

rach , which tiger u talking about? the big thermal pot that can cook by itself? do u see aby la gourmat thermal food jar around?

rach, dont tell me thats you with 10 food jars early mroning like 8.30am. YOu will your baby your super nice leh
hello think the phillip blender n steamer, at robinson is $199. if got 20% discount then quite cheap too...but if u need avent products then $50 voucher is good too!
The medela bottles at the Taka fair is for storage only. no teats 1.
It's $6.90 each if you bring 1 old bottle to donate to charity. any brand will do. even the brandless type also can. just bring 1 and can buy as many of the storage bottles you want
catching up on post again...have been mulling over work arrangements.... sigh...

<font color="119911">rach</font>
yup, my hb at home that day cos we were on leave.
I dun quite understand how you are FTWM, but haven't gone back to work yet? On NPL?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Kris...</font>

if u still manage to see this, can help me check actual sale price for the FP jumperoo?

Thanks in advance! =)</font>
<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
ya lor, if don't work, cannot claim relief which is wasted, right... I was thinking of converting to part-time if I can. Unfortunately, my company don't have part-time positions.

<font color="119911">kiki</font>
Yup, I took 1 month no-pay leave right after maternity leave. But the days flew by like nobody's business! before I know it, I had to get back to work already. I can't say I like or dislike the experience, cos it was like a "holiday" and bb was stil young - only latch &amp; many friends told me he's easy to take care compared to theirs. *touchwood* but he hardly cries and fusses unless he's hungry or feeling hot, so he's quite fun to be with. I'm sure going forward, there'll be lots more to do. But I sure am looking forward to making the freshest puree for him
But will of course, hate the washing, especially if his poo stain the clothes. So, half work and half home will be the best for me. Provides a sense of time for me also - everyday stay home, I kinda lose track of which day, haha. Unfortunately, my company is all or nothing.

<font color="119911">Kam</font>
Thx for your encouragement. I wana be tai tai too, haha. You're lucky you're with your kids and saw all their milestones. I know many moms who miss the first times as they were at work.

Ya. stress-free job is good. I should go look for one too. But nowadays, do they still exist??

I also don't think I am SAHM-material. I don't even cook before I had kid, so what more in the future? I was so dead-sure that I'll NEVER be SAHM cos like you all say, 24/7 can ki-xiao. But now, he so cute and maybe it's time for me to start learning how to cook my favourite dishes from my mom!

<font color="119911">bbq98</font>
yup yup, VERY difficult decision!
Michelle> mattel confirm better.. BBQUeen bought shop n learn walker for me $50.
RP $129.
isetan exact model 30% only off all fisherprice.

Tiger jars> all qualify for free delivery liaoz!! Cuz I bought >$300. yayy!!

Haha... So no need additional cab fare!!

off to taka fair now!! My poor girl only get to feed once at 1pm since we left home... Haha...
<font color="119911">milkyway</font>
Why should bonus be pro-rated? Is like being penalized for having a baby. Wonder if can complain to MCYS. Maybe that's what the govt should do and really look at these things that affect our careers.
hai milky way, ur bonus reduced too har?
same for me leh...my bonus this year also drop alot...boss say cos i took maternity leave, so never complete the work i suppose to do..sob sob...guess no choice lor wat to do...seems fair in someways too la..since work lesss 4mth in the year. so the drop seem like pro ration.
had wanted to raise to HR to ask them...but guess forget it la
jshopper> any mums still wanna get things from jshopper? need abt 5000yen more to get free shipping. let me know k? thx

rach> got any pic of this shop n learn walker?

zzz. u still dun wan go feed ur gal? faint =x

jolimmilk, milkyway> think de pro-rated bonus thing can be complained to mom. cos u r wking, and the leave is an entitlement, from the govt to be exact the 2mths.
jeni> my bonus affected is cos my appraisal dropped one grade den usual. but than not pro rated to so extreme like 1/3 of de usual?

in the end I didn't get to go to either of the sales!! My meetings were packed back to back! Sob sob. Had to bring all my milk bottles home again. Sian.
Potbelly> ya now my back n legs are breaking!!!
Isetan frm 12-5pm.
Then Taka baby fair...
Finally I'm back at Yishun mrt.. :p

think tonite can slp very well!!! Haha...

Tiger food jar> bought n left 3 extras.. Anyone want let mr know else I'll sell on my site... :p
<font color="dc143c">babiesmeme</font>
i sling Rayanne inside Manduca..
she tired she just fall asleep..
wake up then look see look see...
tired will fall asleep again... hehe..

then when hungry then feed lo... kekee...
michelle &amp; jeni
most of the toys there are less than or equal to $50 with the exception of those totally new toys or the bigger ticket items like jumperoo
but alot of toys don't seem to be working..or maybe run out of battery. won't know for sure until bring home and try
the grand pianos i saw were all display set and no sound, din see any sets in boxes. display set about $15
same for the laugh &amp; learn chair, only saw display set.
but then they refresh the stock on certain days
for walker, got a few to choose from, costing either $50 or less
Eh where is this Mattel fair?!?! Need to stock up a bit on breastpads again. By the way, anyone interested to go Babycare expo? Wanna go on Saturday for the talks and maybe on Sunday even! =X hahaha.. want go taka fair also hur

FINALLY IT'S THE MARCH HOLS!!! MUAHAHAHA!! Got meeting, CCA, courses though. Argh.
ai...maid has gone to the airport..and 1st time in many many months since #2 slept with me...she juz fell asleep..fingers cross she can sleep all the way till tomorrow morning
ahhhhh cannot admit not getting young anymore... freaking tired from shopping today and ytd....

been very gd not not going out for a few wks so ytd n today were super siong!

went taka early at 10 am to shop. hate it when it gets crowded and will be difficult to choose and walk ard, esp clothes! made the right choice man!

medela bottles
quite worth it if use for storage only cos u either got to buy the teats and caps locally if want to use as drinking bottle but a lot of the newer freestyle we got from us are the latest version, so not compatible. can bring all old bottles down cos they will donate $1 to comm chest for every bottle so can clear space as well as do charity!

the 50% off is while stock last for their bpa free btls and must exchange one for one!

then meet rach to get the jug then shake shake to isetan. so many ppl!!! got stuff and left to meet kris liao. had lunch finally! sigh my poor boy these 2 days suffer w me. also like rach's one, nv drink haha! then made way home to unload all loots (heng i brought stroller so i really pei fu rach!), feed jacob cereal n puree and went out again! so shag the both of us ko on the train to boon lay to go mattel sale. luckily the feeder bus journey to the warehouse is quite short. walk a bit reach liao. and its very hot there! jacob fussed a bit cos he is overly tired/hungry/hot! but hor, all buy for him!!!

got a grand piana display set for $15, a telephone for $15, display infant to toddler rocker $40 and a "car"? for $30. super worth it man!

for the grand piano, got 1 or 2 keys a bit spoilt and there's a missing caterpillar but for $15 i dun mind lor, cos its quite cute. the staff was so nice, wanted to help me change batteries to try to see if other sets are working since the one i took was e only one tt got sound but i told them nvm lar, cos they are closing also. haha lucky my son's face is "heavy" enuf, my fil came to fetch us cos he works quite nearby! yeah! finally i can rest in the comfort of the car! haha he bot one more toy for jacob n tt alone cost $100 liao, same price as my 4 items! he super dote jacob lor... had wanted to pay for my stuff also but i told him nvm. then off to pick hubs and do dinner. now home, cleared some of the loots and i am super tired! gonna zzz soon...

mattel sale update
jumperoo $200 for brand new. got display also i think, will be cheaper
the rockers are pretty cheap if u get the display set and there are sets which are still quite ok one.
got big big items like slides and tables
booster seat at $35 i think
oh yah, do treat the staff there nice cos they were really nice and helpful! even though they were tired and were closing, they still helped me to carry all the stuff to the car. one of the uncle even brought out a toy for me cos he said it was a very sellable toy and he managed to find one cos tt's the only pc left. haha luckily bbq bot for me le. gg to zzzzzz now!
nothing much at the taka sale but good for those who wants to buy pram or car seat.

fp sale - love it but the place is one of the hottest and dustiest place i have ever been to. i could have just brought along my passport and pop by jb (so far for me)! pls refrain from bringing your baby.

i went imm too. the place quite impressive, considering the last time i went was more than 10 yrs back. there were only best denki, some miserable misc shops, some bridal boutique and reno companies.
Thanks for the jar. Sorry, didn't see that kids easy seat. My boy making noise and once put him down, I will go crazy. Sling him already having to put many things back to self.

Bought quite a no of things at Isetan too. Wonder how u tahan for so many hrs. My back is aging after carrying my boy for 3 hrs.

MIL kept saying Stephanie boy v pretty, handsome boy lor. Yours got so much hair. Envy. Mine now botak.

Mattel sales
Going down this weekend too. Hope can get something. Last round, didn't buy much.

King factory sales (12 - 14 MAr)
Those gg to mattel sales can dropby to buy if u take King ice cream. 51 Quality road, Jurong. 11am to 6 pm on sat and 11 to 4pm on Sun.

so the medela storage bottles can't be screwed onto the freestyle pumps to replace the bottles for milk collection? Thinking of replacing those bottles leh. Cos look quite old already.

so tired that while settling Rayanne to slp, I latched till I fell asleep frm 1020pm to 12am!!

Just woke up to finish the last bit of Taiwan show n now watching Bruce lee..

Sssoooooo tired!!!!!! Really old liaoz...

Isetan sale> bought lots Tigers, chopping boards, mop with pail, peeler, shredder, container... So much that I eventually qualify for free delivery.. >$300..

Taka sale quite similar to last year's.. More for preggy woman to get for unborn child..

Two more baby showers to attend in the west tmr...
Feeling sooooooo tired.... Hur hur hur...
kris> huh. dun seems to be working toys ah? sian..

gina> u still in need of breastpads ah? keke. tot all our breast will be so immmune to long hrs n never leak liaos =x

think u can stock up on ur breastpads at the taka baby fair instead?

cookiezz> y u buy all display set??

bbq98> lol. imm is like my 2nd hm -_-" cos free parking, me n hubby will drop by there to have meals, and when we wanna bring baby out for short trips =p
Been running ard today and I ko fr 10+ till now!! Yet I only made a fast short trip to get a car sear at taka! Met rach, Steph n Jess there..
Rach, u power leh.. I didn't do much shopping and already so tired!!!

thanks for checking the seat.. Saw a similar seat in th OG sale brochure today, wonder if it's the same.. But more ex lor.. Showed hubby the pic and he says can't fixed to out dining chairs and also seems unstable to use on its own.. Hmm.. Wanna go down to see leh!

jolimilk and jeni
yes yes bonus reduced.. 08 n 09 not a fantastic yr and had pay freeze.. I don't think I undeperformed and even finished my work b4 I take leave one wk b4 my edd.. So by right I expect same amt but when I got it.. It seems to b prorated lor so I suspect I'm penalize for taking 4mths? I see no pt complaining lah as hubby says I was away for 4mths so I shld b lucky already.. And since appraisal period was end of the yr.. I was out of sight, so naturally out of mind too?! Bohoo...

saw the evenflo exersaucer selling for 199 at taka.. Anyone see any exersuacer at the mattel sale?? Wonder how much is it??

Mattel sale mostly display sets?? Then wonder still worth going anot... Didn't hve time to see more toys at taka today.. So crowded! But manage to say hi to rach, Steph n Jess b4 I zao.. Hee..

Steph, my mum keeps saying ur boy handsome and nice eyes! When I told her he's ur 4th, she shocked! Hahaha

rach, She also keeps saying ur gal lotsa of hair lor.. Then my gal still botak.. If only my gal has as much hair as urs at birth! Btw I have yet to tt the money to u.. Will do it tmr.. :p thanks k
I think gotta see heng suai one. because all the toys are stacked on top of each other, so you gotta slowly check through everyone to find the best working one. don't go if you don't have the luxury of time.

ya, $200 is for brand new set. i didn't see any display set for jumperoo

no, din see any exersaucer at mattel sale
actually, only a few display set lah. the rest of the toys are in boxes. but then hor, the boxes are super dirty and some are torn and dented. so don't expect too much. really gotta bring home and clean well if you buy toys from there
<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>
can can! can screw to freestyle just that for some of us here, we got the new US sets, which comes with the 2009 teats which are wider than those sold in sg. hence our caps are transparent and those sold here are solid yellow ones. haha paiseh ah, so bad in explaining!!! sg model freestyle uses the old teat which are not very wide so for me i cant use tgt with my teats, so use purely for storage.

<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>
not all, only the grand piano and rocker. cos the rocker only $40 for the display and $120 for the new one and most prob cant use for very long liao so chin chai buy lor. got vibration one mah. now at tan chong servicing car and he sitting on it entertaining himself. haha better than stroller leh, lighter also! can bring out to friends/relatives' hse lor. i saw my sil buy the maclaren one for my niece and tot it was a gd idea, give them their own chair lor

<font color="ff6000">milkyway</font>
yah like wad kris said lor but the newer ones like jumperoo and high chairs, their boxes are new and in gd condition, so price also higher if u compare to the older model toys

Thanks for explaining! Not sure if I can stealsome time to go down to taka. Sigh.

I think I saw a Bp selling that. Not sure if it's the same one.
Wah mattel sale is good! Bought a few toys, new pieces somemore, much cheaper then retail price but the plce is so dusty and warm. If u guys r going, bring a bot of water so that u can wash ur hands, more convenient then going to toilet.
<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>
welcome! i may be gg taka to get some more pigeon ones, so if u r not in a hurry let me know i get for u? any mummies collecting happy baby stuff frm me wants the medela bottles can pm me also. the baby fair there is for quite some time anyway! shld be gg on mon or tue bah

the bp ones come with teat and cap? so more ex lor. see if u need. for me tt time i stocked up a lot when i spreed!

Dusty, my hands were black after rummaging thru the toys. It's v good buy tho, I bought a toy car set @ $50, later saw at mall selling at $149.90. Wahahaha so happy!
