(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="dc143c">Prettymums</font>

Can add cereal with milk or water, but not to be given with bottle.
I add EBM to cereal and feed with spoon.

I think somone mentioned something to do with letting them learn to eat... thats why we introduce semi solids and puree...

cant rem the exact reason also...

<font color="dc143c">Tiger Food Jar</font>

yes its $39.90.. I bought 10..and all sold out lioaz... i havent got anymore left..
6 sent for delivery and i'm waiting for them to arrive on tue... cant wait to use my own Tiger too. heheh.. :p

<font color="119911">prettymums</font>
Yes, I remember being advised by a few mums here not to put the cereal in the milk, as the whole idea of introducing semi-solids is to get our babies used to eating from the spoon, and learn how to take the food in with the mouth, instead of sucking through bottle. This will also help them to slowly learn how to take thicker purees as they very slowly progress and learn how to eat solids like us. The intro of purees is to help them get acquainted with different food flavours and textures and not become fussy eaters. This is what I learnt.
jolimilk, rach, Kam
Thanks. Will do that.

Just a quick question. For the cereal, do you follow the instruction? Cos I bought the Nestle Brown Rice Cereal, it stated as 5 tablespoon for 150ml milk. But if I follow that, the cereal will be super watery. Wondering if this is ok?
sweet potato puree

need some help..

i bot sweet potatoes n tried to make puree. there're lots of buds on them. can these be eaten? i cut them away.

also, the sweet potatoes turn brown/blackish very fast. is it still safe to eat?

lastly, it was very dry when i tried to blend. so i added a little water. but it's still so pasty. shd i add more water to make the consistency more like cereal?

lastly, how long does it take to thaw in the fridge? n how long to warm in the pigeon warmer before feeding?

thanks much!

thks 4 the advice on the tiger food jar., sounds really useful!

oh 1 more qn.. does the rice have to be ground first into small bits or just the same rice that we eat?

I don't follow the instructions leh.. I just kept adding boiled warm water till the consisency that I want. Ya, cause I find 150ml a little too much. My pd told me to add water for the Nestle Brown Rice cereal cause there's already milk content inside.
I am using Nestle cereal also. I don't follow the instructions. Just add water until the consistency you want. Start with watery, then thicker and thicker.

i bot sweet potatoes n tried to make puree. there're lots of buds on them. can these be eaten? i cut them away.
>> Same as potatoes, don't choose those with buds on thme. Try to get from wet market, fresher, I think.

also, the sweet potatoes turn brown/blackish very fast. is it still safe to eat?
>> Yes, they turn blackish very fast. For me, I put all into steaming. After steaming, if it's still blackish, I don't eat them, throw them away. Cos those good ones would never turn black. So I am guessing turning black is not so good?

lastly, it was very dry when i tried to blend. so i added a little water. but it's still so pasty. shd i add more water to make the consistency more like cereal?
>> I don't add water. I freeze them as it is. Only add water before I heat it in the microwave. Or if I give the puree to my girl right after blending, I will add water to that particular portion only to make it less sticky.

lastly, how long does it take to thaw in the fridge? n how long to warm in the pigeon warmer before feeding?
>> Can't help with this. I thaw/heat using a microwave.


Erm.. but i already blended in the sweet ptotaoes with the buds cut away n the blackish ones. It's not POISONOUS or anything right?

How did u blend when it was so dry n sticky? My blender kept getting stuck, I'm also using the braun handheld
Yes. Just like the way we cook our own rice. Wash and put into the jar. Then add boiling hot water. Close it tight. After 15mins, it's ready. If you want the porridge to be softer, then leave it longer.

kam, enxuan
Hmm... I will go home and try to make it thicker. Cos it's too watery... seems to be very difficult to consume.
Any mummies can advise me on how to stop breastfeeding? Im facing some difficulties.
Now, I started introducing her to formula feeds.. So the schedule is like that..

11AM - FM
2PM - Cereals
5PM - Breastfeed, latch on
9PM - FM
Sometimes, she fusses in the middle of the night, then I just latch on cause too lazy to prepare FM.

How can I make her sleep through the night without latching on? I think she takes me as a human pacifier and it seems to be more of a habit to be wanting to sleep next to me.

I;m working and I dun have quality sleep when this happens. So really wanna train her to sleep in her cot. Any suggestions?
<font color="119911">Jul</font>
Tot we are not suppose to blend potato? I steam, then mash with a fork, add water to consistency I want. Didn't turn brown. I uploaded the photo in my FB, you can take a look.

I'll transfer it from freezer to chiller in the morning and afternoon, pop the half-defrozed cube into a bowl in the pigeon warmer for abt 15min.
Mine okay leh. If you really can't blend, add a bit of cold-boiled water will help. Guess it's not poisonous, but it didn't look good to me, so I throw it away.

It's okay to mash with a fork. Just to be careful you mash it thoroughly and no lump to be fed to your bb.

Potato don't turn black. Sweet Potato (esp Japanese sweet potato) turns black quite easily.
<font color="dc143c">warming up puree</font>
i'll remove frm the freezer n put the cube directly into the Pigeon warmer.

i dun time..i put in then i prepare water to bathe Rayanne... after bathing Rayanne on the way back to room, i unplug n leave it inside...

by the time i clothed her, and prepare the cereal, squeezed the milk then i take it out... its already thawed and a bit warm... so mix with the cereal just nice temperature...
a bit lukewarm.. but not very warm...

i use 70degrees to thawed it...

But i supposed its inside for abt 15min also la...but i put the cube in directly, not into the green bowl provided...
<font color="ff6000">paige</font>
haha the sale is addictive hor? we spent quite a bit there also. now my hse is so cluttered! how's ur girl taking the infantcare? update us ok? anyway let me know if u wan my hubs to pass urs the cereal today.
<font color="ff6000">kam</font>

yeah was fri at abt 10+ haha! then ur hubs called back!!! no worries! hehe i juz realised the carrot puree is a bit lumpy! cos it was so late when i blended (11+pm!) so hubs say i very noisy, bad neighbour, so i blended and thot was quite mashy already. juz now when i fed, i put the carrot on e bowl w some leftover too watery cereal which jacob did not want and e consistency was much better n he took! then i tried making more and he din want. oh he had green poo!! haha!
<font color="ff6000">nice weather</font>

ohh nice weather these days! luckily i am recuperating from all the shopping. kill me to get me outta the hse with the rain pouring!
<font color="119911">jul</font>
I read that it's not good to blend potatoes or sweet potatoes, as it breaks down the starches and produces a sticky, glutinous pulp. It advised to use a mouli instead. I haven't tried, been just reading up a lot to prepare to feed my boy.
So far, nvr blend puree before. All steam n mashed. What is the diff between mash and blend? Any texture diff? Just bought a blender at the isetan sales. Yet to try.
am down with fever, think its due to brwast engorgement, then duct got blocked...grit my teeth and massaged it this morning,super painful but now boob feels better but still have fever and hheadache. Am so glad i brought kate to infant care early,spent whole day shivering under my duvet coz of the fever

i think tmrw then u ask ur hubs bring the cereal, today i need hubs at home,so he has to skip class tonite.
Mashing - take longer time, texture a bit coarse, easy to clean up.

Blending - take shorter time (esp for a large batch), texture smoother, more cleaning to do.

Oh you poor thing. If fever persists, go see a GP or go see a LC to clear the lump.
am down with fever, think its due to brwast engorgement, then duct got blocked...grit my teeth and massaged it this morning,super painful but now boob feels better but still have fever and hheadache. Am so glad i brought kate to infant care early,spent whole day shivering under my duvet coz of the fever

i think tmrw then u ask ur hubs bring the cereal, today i need hubs at home,so he has to skip class tonite.
hi mummies,
I got this avent warmer. I just wonder it works if we striped the apple into small pieces and put in the avent special food container and put into our avent warmer for like 15min, will it be mash? hahah i lazy to mash with fork
I prepared Jap sweet potato by steaming then meshing with fork, didn't turn black or changed colour at all lei. Anyway, can I ask u, the sweet potato iI bought r pale yellowish type. Where to buy those orange type? They should be cheaper rite? The jap sweet potato I bought r $4.90for 6 small small ones. so ex and not so sweet too.
I don't understand. How can warming help to mash up the food???

That means yours is all good lor, good buy. It will turn black even before steaming, and get even blacker after steaming :-(

I saw those local sweet potato at wet market and NTUC also. The jap sweet potato that I bought was not that ex leh. You get organic one is it?


will be useful when sam starts porridge


so ur sweet potatoes din have any buds either?

how long did u steam them?

mine was ard $1.50 for 3 jap sweet potatoes. enough to fill 8 baby cubes, tho not totally packed to the brim.

itsy, jolimilk

what's a mouli?

poor thing! better take care over the next few days n make sure u dun get blocked duct again. i had once. super painful. i had to pump n massaged like siao
If I'm not wrong, mouli is those old school stone mortar.. Those that baba use to 'hammer' and mesh chili padi.

I also dunno if it's organic, maybe lor since they re so ex. No buds, v smooth and nice. But .I am looking for those orange type. Can't find in market too.
forgot how long I steam them.. Maybe 15-20min. U can use fork to poke them. If can piece thru then they're cooked.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">OLD NAVY &amp; GAP 30%, 18-21st March ONLY!!</font></font>

Anyone interested????

PM me ur orders..
<font color="119911">jul</font>
A mouli is a hand-grinder. So far, I've seen the Munchkin one. I think there are probably other brands as well.
My gal nowadays only poo poo once every 8 - 11 days. just now she poo poo very very sticky and she kept crying the whole time..see until my heart ache.
the poo poo is not hard thou..just super sticky
any suggestions for remedy?? don't think it's the solids i'm feeding her coz she was already like this even before starting solids
<font color="dc143c">Foogo</font>
Orders placed.. will be delivered to me tmr..

<font color="dc143c">Happy Bellies</font>
Paid vpost last week.. expecting them tmr/wed ba..

<font color="dc143c">Healthy Times</font>
Will be delivered tonite by 9pm...

<font color="dc143c">Cloth Books</font>
Expecting them by end of the week latest....
U better see a doc and take some medicine and rest.According to the Parentcraft, if fever arise when u have block duct means u do not have sufficient rest. You must be v tired lor. I kanna before but I turn to parentcraft cos at that time, I do not know how to clear, NOw experience liao after so many times.

Kam , pretty muns,
oh. Does it matter whether I mashed or blend for bb? our bb now can take rough texture food already? MIL feed her our porridge. she say got mash but I saw still 1 pc 1 pc lor. think my son porridge is more safer since is slow cooker cook for 3 hrs. Last time I don know puree so son only get to eat plain cereal. Now my gal more lucky lor.

What other stuff can make puree other than apple, avocado, sweet potato, pear, potato, pumpkim, carrot.
U can try stoke her back. from waist down to the buttock line. stroke about 50-100 times.. this is wat I learn from the tuina course.
prettymums> nope. i nv follow the cereal instructions. i just add water till i think the texture is nice, for the happy bellies oatmeal, i add 1:1 for cereal:water, the texture is abt same as happy bellies brown rice 1:2.5 or so wor.

enxuan> ur schedule very good le wor. 9pm till 11am? mine last feed is still 1am n only last time abt 630am? n i m glad enugh =p

cookiezz> toking abt cereal, i forget to trf the money to u. gees. i trf on thurs k? cos i'm on leave n i let my ib device in office =x

blender> ah.. i m waiting for philips blender sale. wanna get a blender that can make smoothie. but it's 150bucks. grrs

potbelly> my boy is carried in de babybjorn one. he loves it, but seems like not many here likes it =p
Kam : I was thinking putting the stripped apple into the avent special container and use the warmer to warm the apple.. With high temp it might help I guess .. Bt then it should be soft .. Don't know it works or not
the tiger food jar seems so miraculous, haha maybe if cooking porridge really is so easy, i should try to convince myself to start to cook for my baby.

seen a doctor already? is it because you didn't express enough now that kate went off to infantcare? how's her first day there?

mine outgrew his pupsik pouch already. i 'upgraded' him to an ergo carrier about one month ago. if cost is not a consideration, the ergo is a really good investment. a couple of mummies on the thread are using the manduca carrier and they like it too.
itsy, jolimilk

hehe then i too late liao. already blended the sweet potato into puree n froze them. but gd news is, sam seems to like it.

why do i say that? well for apple, pear n carrot, i have to spend more effort coaxing him to eat n he eats less of them b4 he starts pursing his lips or fussing a lot.he can eat 7 spoons of sweet potato. not sure if he can take more, coz i only warmed that amt hehe
oh no!!!!! just realised i've been thawing n warming purees at 40deg instead of 70deg! no wonder they take so long to warm! is sam gonna get sick from it?????
<font color="dc143c">Jul</font>
hehe...welcome to Manduca club...think all Manduca mummies loves their carriers...

do they have a new design/color??

oooh...good... u received the online store code as well?

Dun think Sam will be sick..just that takes longer to warm.. :p
sandwich> yaya. de pot so miraculous hor? when my mgr told me abt it few mths back, i was like wow. haha. so it actually really exist =p

now i've gotten one to try to cook porridge too. cos it sounds too good to be true =x

jolimilk> ya lo. some pple say boy sit inside front facing crotch area pain, but my boy ok leh. still look so happy smiling n kicking away, den all the gal gal will play with him =p
<font color="119911">Michelle</font>
ya hor...but I never thought of that... Hmm...wouldn't the diapers protect him?
But my boy likes that carrier leh...if I put him facing me, he CONFIRM sleep very long in it one!

I was thinking the "haversack" Ergo type quite good leh, then at least my front is free. Only problem is cannot see what's happening behind me. Maybe when he grows older la...is that very ex?

<font color="119911">Jul</font>
So long as Sam likes it, I guess it doesn't really matter la. What's most important is that he gets the nutrients in, right ;P


i just looked at basic design. din wanna tempt myself with the more expensive stuff. bot the brown one in the end, coz hubs din like the turquoise one. he liked the red one but i was vored coz stroller also red.

yup i got the online code.


the carrier shop said not good as bb gets heavier to face front. strain on crotch plus spine. the ergo's ard $160 from bp, i think.

haha maybe i 'broke down' the nutrients with my steaming n blending liao :p
