(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I don't drink ALOT of water a day. Maybe less than 8 glasses a day. >.<

And I don't have water retention... Am I wierd? o_O

I think don't drink too much before sleep helps in no water retention? I have no idea. >.<

Just 2 nights ago, I slept placing my tummy on my DH's back. He felt vigorous movements. And asked me, Why BB is doing boxing. XD

i wen to the talk at singapore chinese girl school for the last lesson on prenatal class, the gynea say fingers cant closed or frozen is due to water retention leh? then i assume my hands &amp; fingers like tat is due to water retention lor..

WOW the more water we drink the less water retention we get AWWWWw din noe tat? sure?

btw, how to improve blood circulation ah? i cant take ginger drinks leh, will get sorethroad, i stop cordyceps lioa, i only take 3times, then i see like no effect, waste $$$$ i pay sgd1 for 1tael..Sigh..

exercise. i oso stop my swimming due to my arms pain....

how manz. if no exercise cannot wait during delviery very hard, but if exercise here ache there ache.... or sore...

so difficult hor...

me 6more weeeks to go!!!!

I just had a round of "Nerve shock " ( Like lightning bolts in my brain ) At the back of my head on the right side. *Sigh* I Clenched my fists so hard to control the pain and now I have nail marks in my palm...

I haven't had nerve shocks in a long time since I was pregnant. I hope it's not because BB is causing a strain on my back and pulling my nerves or anything. I really hate this pain... T^T
juz bought the playpen..set up to check for flaws. lazy to keep back into box after tat...so meanwhile using the mosquito net to keep away dust bt definitely will nt be using it...



i tink you mus relax , take some off day la. $$ cant earn enuf one la....

problematic staff is a headache too.. too nice to them they climb over ur head, not good to them, they think you are bad &amp; nasty...
<font color="ff6000">Pamelia</font>
No lah, not weird. Everyone just needs a different amount of water. For me, I stay in my living room all day, then do housework, plus nowadays so super warm, I sweat alot alot just sitting at the PC at home lor! That's why I drink alot of water de. More output (sweating) means I need more input mah. Otherwise sure dehydrated.

<font color="ff6000">flower4 / Re: water retention</font>
Can try simple massage to improve blood circulation, or better, go for antenatal massage! Relaxes the body, improves blood circulation, and improves general pregnancy well-being!!

Swollen fingers MAY be caused by water retention, but that is not the only reason that can cause it lah.

<font size="+1">For more reliable info on water retention, please read this webpage.</font>

You'll notice that it is mentioned that "drinking water helps flush the body and REDUCE WATER RETENTION". Really really really de. I cheat you all no $ to take hor.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">31st July (Friday) Gathering</font>

<font size="+1">Venue: Shokudo @ Heeren
Time: 6.30pm onwards</font>

Any alternative suggestions for location, please bring it up for our consideration/polling!

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Confirmed attendees:</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Collection:</font></TD><TD>TBC attendees: </TD></TR><TR><TD>rach (rayrachel)</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>kiddo (kidkiddy) </TD></TR><TR><TD>mama to 6Js</TD><TD>.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>hui chern (mybb)</TD><TD>.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>itsy (itsy)</TD><TD>.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jess (phengpheng) + DH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gerald + angel (26erithink) </TD><TD><font color="0000ff">donuts</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jul_04</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bbmall/donuts/pillow</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kiki (kiki6) </TD><TD><font color="0000ff">donuts</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina (ginack) </TD><TD><font color="0000ff">donuts/pillow</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shelled + DH + #1</TD><TD>.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline Lee (angielsw) + DH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bbmall /donuts x2</font></TD><TD></td></tr></table>

BBmall spree items (under shelled), donuts and infant pillows will be distributed at the gathering. So if you're coming to collect your items on the day itself, please let us know so we can bring them along. </font>

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Please holler if you'll be coming, so I can add your name to the attendees list!!</font></font>


<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Wei wei! No one else coming for gathering huh? Why no more ppl submitting names huh??</font></font></font>
haiz what a day! Complaints again! Spent 3hrs to teach replacement! Then on my way to school even one stop got pple give me sit which seldom happen! But the person sitting beside me terrible thrice long hair and BIG women i dun dare cristise but 2 big size pple sitting be more fair lar all sit slantly so occupy sme space never mind then the long hair sway here sway arghhh make my arm so itchy!! Tml worst the idiot boss would be here argh god i nid more engery and strength
Shelled, i will ensure from today onwards i wuupppp.. lot of water heeee...

tat time my tummy cramp cramp hor, u say lack of water i drink drink hor oso help leh, no more cramp cramp liao, think i need to start drinking water again, since now im sure tat drinking more water wil not cause water retention, heeee...

<font color="ff6000">floralim</font>
You're welcome!

By the way, donuts will be delivered to my place tmr morning, so I will be able to mail your BBmall+donuts to you very soon!! Watch out for my email ok?
Has everyone had dinner yet?

How come today never see Jul post anything?

Does anyone know where I can find green curry?? Seriously craving for it now lor.

not a good news for me... i develop preeclampsia and bb might need to be out anytime. Sigh... so sad. just took a jab to mature the bb lungs.. tomoro another jab. Hopefully can wait till bb is 36weeks old... really pray hard...
Yes, shelled is right - drink more water to prevent water retention.

Shelled, I don't think I will be going for the gathering because I don't like to go Orchard road now :p we arrange for some other form of pick up, ok?

Someone mentioned about sore on the underside of the tummy. I experienced this - something like open wound abrasion kind of soreness on the underside of the tummy. I don't know what that is also.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Michelle

Replied your inquires on FTG here - FTG-1200S Mini-Fridge has a shoulder strap whereas FTG-1199S Pack N Go don't have.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><u>Water Retention</u>

Shelled is right. To prevent water retention, you must drink more water.</font></font>
yes tat the pain i got too... i have to keep calm whenever the pain start...then its will subside but will come again... &amp; go away...
i got the cooler bag from pigeon during taka fair , its cost ard SGD40-sg50 , i cant remember..

isit so call mini-fridge to go?

How are you Jenifur?
<font color="ff6000">Crystalz</font>
So sorry to hear that. But I'm sure your bb will be fine. Just have faith in yourself, your bb and your gynae ok? *hugs* I'm sure all of us mommies will pray for you and your bb's safety and health.

Every pregnancy is different lah. And your current health may not be the same as when you had #1. Just keep positive and I'm sure you and your bb will tide through it.

<font color="ff6000">flower4</font>
But any of them will be open NOW? I wanna eat now leh.

<font color="ff6000">bbq98</font>
Eh, I thought I already said I'll bring yours to you? You are in no condition to go Orchard Rd also lor! I was the one who mentioned about sore lower belly. I must remember to mention to my gynae during my next visit.

I was still hoping I would be able to go mah :p

I keep asking my hubby to check if there is any abrasion but he said no. So I thought maybe tummy expanding...anyway, it's not unbearable so it's ok.
<font color="0000ff">princess></font>
hahahha..yah.. i know its u can liaoz.. hahahahha.. but i've changed liaoz... hehehe....

<font color="0000ff">girly></font>
wah...how nice...can see that u are really taking ur time to set up ur bb's room... hehehe..

<font color="0000ff">floralim></font>
can provide ur contact number and address for ur donuts??
PM me can? thanks..

<font color="0000ff">shelled></font>
can we go to the Shokudo at Raffles City instead????????
<font color="ff0000">Baby Cot></font>

Is there anyone who's not yet gotten a baby cot??
My fren is giving me hers....
and hence the one we ordered... i wanna sell away to anyone who's interested??

Paid in full and ordered at Mums &amp; Babes.
Nina Cot with full bedding set and mattress with holes...

Original Price: $389
We paid $365.66 for it...

Anyone interested??

Can just take over and ask for the delivery to be make to ur home...
<font color="0077aa">Crystalz</font>
is there any other alternatives given by doc? rest well okay, dun be stress out too.. and dun worry too much too! bb can feel ur worry..

<font color="0077aa">Little Dreamers sale</font>
Dear Rach, Jul, Gina, Huishan
Please transfer ur order paymt amount to me by 12 noon tmr so i can order and make full paymt to Lil Dreamers by tmr. Will pass u all the items during outing on 31jul. =)
My a/c POSB savings 175-30008-2
Oh, gimme ur email too so i can update you on the purchase =)
Gina=> do u still opt for self-collect on sat?
Rach=> i will buy ur dispo. undies x 1 on sat too.
<font color="0000ff">joopz></font>
I dun think i'll pass by Sengkang le...

is there anywhere else u can collect ur donut???

<font color="0000ff">Jess></font>
I no need the disposabble panty le...
milkyway says NTUC selling at $3.50. thats cheaper than MIM... ehhehe.. i'll get from NTUC myself.. thanks....

Jul transfered me her amt previously.. i'll transfer both mine and hers to u together...
Date: 25th July 2009 (Sat's Opening)
Time: 2pm (1-hour session)
Venue: MIM Loft at 40 Jln Pemimpin, #04-10C, Tat Ann Building, S'p 577185.
Pre-natal Topic: Gentle Birth
Facilitator: Pat Chong (Childbirth Educator from BirthRight!) www.birthright.com.sg

*Don't miss this talk!*
To Register, sms Pam at: 92713335 or email: thebirthshop@ gmail.com

I also not sure what is gentle birth then i went to this to check it out:

Hui chern: Found this regarding milkstorage. Not sure if it is outdated :p

crystalz: jia you! *hugs* Talk to your bb yar? Guai guai stay inside, no hurry to come out yet :D

Jess: sorry was having lessons when you msn me... you wanted to talk to me abt??? or u can email me if u don't see me online XD haha..

shelled: wah green curry craving ah... found this: http://singapore.angloinfo.com.sg/af/629/singapore-thai-restaurants.html
hahaa not sure nice or not hor.. but you can try little bali if got car :p (@ alexandra road :X ) the original Bali Seafood zi char (煮 炒).. food quite nice! haha
<font color="ff6000">Gina</font>
Will be open now meh? I want to eat now leh.

Jenifur pass me contact for this Thai Smile Cafe near Boat Quay area. 24hrs de!! Will be going there soon to satisfy my green curry craving.
<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
oh okie okie!
thk u!! let me know when u transfer lo..

<font color="0077aa">gina</font>
it okie.. i saw u online tat y i "knock knock"

<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
fwah.. ur cravings very untimely.. now 11pm liao.. i just realised :p
<font color="0000ff">Jess</font> why no reply me via MSN??
Can u sms me the total amt for Jul &amp; myself??
I transfer to u tmr at ATM...
i cannot make it..wanna zzzzz liaoz..
super tired.......

together with ur accct number please...

thanks alot!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................
<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
sorry sorry.. jus now never notice.. my msn window very very small... lol
go sleep go sleep :p

got ur transfer liao!! thanks!!
Hey mummies,

came across this, not sure if it is cheap but do take a look, its DIY handsewed beansprout pillow. Starting from $10.. http://mumobaby.blogspot.com/

Let me know if you all interested.. I might be getting... if a lot of u interested, maybe i can try get discount :p

Oh and the case only have a few designs i THINK... have requested the mummy to upload onto blog.. :p

preeclampsia is actually blood pressure during pregnancy. I had blood pressure before i'm preggy. And this preeclampsia will develop during 2nd or 3rd trimster for some mummies. So on top of my own blood pressure, down i got additional this problem. My BP measure 170/100. And its affecting me and my baby.

Ya... the nurse oso says that... different pregnancy different problem. My #1 really a breeze and smooth pregnancy.

I'm a SAHM ler... my gyne never ask me to bedrest.. so i guess its not due to over tireness.

actually what my gyne say is this problem if serious, will cause kidney, liver failure and even stroke to the mummy. For baby is lack of oxygen and food to the bb which will cause low birth wt etc. So my gyne next week going to take some test for my organs. if not good, i guess i gotta deliver at 34weeks (by that time, bb weight should be enuff).

hehe i oso hope she can stay longer... just hope that preeclampsia is coming in slowly. As was told some develop quickly and some slowly...
Good Morning Mommies

Eclispe day...rainy day...feel like sleeping...if only can nua in bed now

Have a wonderful day ahead everyone
morning mummies,

can someone describe the feeling of braxton hicks? izzit pain? pain at where?

yesterday i gt a sudden pain at the side of my tummy. the pain was veri sharp, the pain like machaim "leg cramp". the pain last bout 1 min? then no more le. anyone experience that?
I also confused abt BH coz some told me it's like tightening of the tummy while some said it's pain. I have never experienced contraction pain so don't know what type of pain it is, so I gave up trying to figure out if what I am experiencing is BH.

Crystalz, how about diet? cut down on salt? medication?
Morning mummies!!

Hugs to u, i know it not easy, try to stay positive. I believe your gyn will do what is the best for both and bb.

The playpen colour so sweet, how much did you pay for it ?

Sleeplessness &amp; walking
Another sleepless night. I got 6-7weeks to go. Aiyoh then i will end up having panda eyes lor

My #1 is having running nose,pray that it's just her sinus acting up &amp; nothing else...

I look like a whale &amp; walking like a penguin

Such a nice weather to nua in bed,too bad got to work....


Can add me in your facebook or not ? My email is [email protected]
<font color="ff6000">morning all</font>
arrgg... i feel so sore below my belly near the joint to my legs, just walking makes me looks so clumsy like waddling like a duck!!! Y like that ar??

i should be in bed at this time for such a weather...
preeclampsia is quite dangerous. what's your bb's projected weight now? if > 2kg, i think your gyn will definitely force you to have an early c-section to ensure that you and bb are both safe.

i'm jane lim on FB!

i used the fridge-to-go bag for #1 (the second design in your BP). it's a very good product! i am quite kiasu when it comes to chilling BM, so i will add one additional blue ice block inside. that way, BM will definitely stay chilled for up to 12 hours (tested on a long haul flight before). the new bag designs mentioned in your BP - those with the detachable blocks - it's so much more hygienic than the current design. cos sometimes when i dump the entire bag in the freezer overnight, i find that it reeks of frozen food (esp fish) the next day. more convenient to just freeze the blocks w/out the entire bag.
yah i've been interested to get this since the motherhood fair but hubby thinks it's too early to get since i only need it after i return to work... but seems like got new products and special offer now... very interested to get it... waiting for Jenifur to update further lor...
Good morning!

<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
how was ur green curry yesterday?? :p

<font color="0077aa">Crystalz</font>
im sure ur doc will do his/ her best to make sure both u and bb will be okie! do update us! =)
anybody want to buy something from Little Dreamers today? last day of discount sale prices... =)
cut off time today, 12 noon, if u r interested!

Milkyway: I m experiencing the pain in the same area as u. It doesn't only affect me when I walk, even when I m lying down, when I hv to turn to my sides gradually...otherwise, it's very painful. Gynae told me such pelvic pain is normal as bb is growing and putting more pressure on the pelvic area.
