(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

seriously ah...... i really don't know how i tahan... i only know it's not EASY! And i simply HATE it....... but its work... no choice! SAD! one month after one month i thought no more.. end up 6 months for this year... the same! damn it!

Didn't know it would be that difficult to read text with so many caps
If it makes you feel better, then do avoid it at all means. I only use old wives' tales as excuses when I want to get out of doing things.. hahaha

I also heard about the horror movies thing. But I like to watch leh.. haha. They say you shouldn't get scared or shocked and must be very zen throughout the pregnancy. But I'm already so pek chek most of the time so I guess the horror shows can't do much more damage

Rock star baby series look cool hor. Something different from the pink and blue and cartoony stuff we see so often. Go take a look, they have really cool stuff! http://www.rockstarbaby.com/home.html
Imagine you and your hub with no hair (for some good cause of course
) and baby boy with no hair (cos still young) with the rock star pacifier.. cool! hahah
Haha! I think I roll my eyes unconciously..terrible of me. At least you are controlling!

You genie ah? Orh, so you are loitering around lah. That day you guys talked about durian, I dreamt of durian that night but I don't remember if I got to eat it in my dreams!! EH.. what blog? Show leh!
sigh. yah loh. how i wish i can be with my hb EVERY DAY. It's been years.... sometimes i see him once a week.. sometimes i see him after one month... sometimes i see him few days in one week.. sometimes i see him 2weeks in one month... on and on... complaint and complaint.. until i so sian of it... ): sob sob...

nope nt genie la, fairy can?? err..i mean fairy godmother can??

my blog in multiply.com bt haven't been updating for a while...http://queeneigna.multiply.com/
didn't log in for weeks till mamato6Js mentioned abt it. It reminds me that i am a bad mama la...

next time u dreamt of durians again, remind urself to eat it hor coz don't think u get to buy them in germany, heez...

by the way, if i wasn't pregnant, will go kyo liu lian with friends coz June is durians season! many durians will have rippened and fall to the ground, harvest time!! gonna be fun, too bad...
Fairy godmother sounds so lau kok kok like that. How about Tinkerbell? More youthful right?

Yeah lor, next time must dream about those maoshanwang durians you guys were talking about and must EAT before I wake up! Or else loogi man. I sound desperate hor.. wahhahah

Ok.. I go kaypoh your blog.
Hi Ladies

I am a Jan 09 mum.... sorry to interrupt... Just a quick note, I am selling my breast pump - Medela Freestyle, bought in Jan 09 from US, used for one month and stopped as my BM is low. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Princess,

No lah... I wanted to tell Hui Chern I've done spree from those sites so anything she can check w me. But if there's demand den I dun mind consolidating orders too
but not all 3 lah. Mus do 1 @ a time</font></font>
haha.. thought u so on! then if i wanna buy anything frm any can tap on u mah.. cos i wont buy much de.. never work cannot anyhow buy sia.. haha...

btw u g0t buy online maternity clothes?

those selling in SG... expensive + many not nice.. mostly i wear i look so auntie in it.. else too big for me....
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Princess,

No leh.. I didn't buy any maternity clothes.. Wat I did was to buy baby dolls &amp; wear with leggings. Find maternity wear overprice!!.</font></font>
hui chern,
i got mine for $89.90 ... have fun shopping on the sites that jenifur posted. i think you'll have more than enough choices for your diaper bag!

my husband "tattooed" my 2 year old son last night with a black pen. teacher drew two stars on son's palms last week, and he was so happy abt these stars that he kept bugging us to draw stars for him. yesterday when i was bathing, my husband drew three stars on his right palm, some illegible things on the left palm (i think it's a flower), a cat on left arm, a bird on right arm, two hippos on the legs. i was quite shocked when i saw everything! i have two very cheeky boys at home!

Oh my, your DH actually did that. The diaper you bought abit ex for me. I will go look at jenifur recommandation and see if she can help me hehe.

Pamelia &amp; Corsage

I too have occasional backache on my left. Think it due to the constipation. Sucks lor

Pamelia , so good don't have such problem.
Maybe you want to elevate your legs to see it reduce the water retention. Cause in the beginning of the week i felt my legs like swollen so now i try to drink as much water in the day as possible &amp; sleep with pillow under my feet at night. Think it has helps to reduce the swelling.

Though i'm not very young or very old mummy. I got funny looks &amp; stares from stranger when i go out. Especially the aunties , they look at me as if i'm an alien lor :p
SOMEone Please Tell me is my fault for getting SICK!!

Counting down each day to end the miserable day of life.... 77 days=15.4 weeks=3.8months to go haven't exlcude leaves ....
Thanks for the website. I like the walmart website. Aiyo so tempted, plus it not that ex.Hopefully you can organise a spree on this website haha. Do keep me updated ,thanks
Hello! I haven't received an email reply from you leh - did you send one? Am leaving now for a meeting and will only be back to the comp in the evening.
be positive ya. im sure if given a choice ur hubbies would wanna be home with you too. i spent 90% of my first preg alone too. u can do it too! moreover there was no forum chats during my time. now u can come here as and when to complain and pour out ur grumbles.

if u organising website for walmart i wanna get some dora stuffs for my gal!

i just came back from gynae this morn. lil fella was so uncooperative. gynae couldnt have a good scan today. he was hiding comfortably right beside my placenta. his weight doubled since last visit. now at 23weeks his efw is 603g.

yah.. im sure of that too.. Just had a good chat with him for half an hr last night. Talk until dun wana put down.. haha.. I guess the bills are going up the scale. Cant imagine how much it would be.. Dare not tink...
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Corsage,

U didn't get my email? I jus wana ask u to check yr order posted in my spreadsheet to see if everything is ok.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern/Mamato6Js,

Sure, let me settle e babymallonline spree den we will look @ walmart
. My DH said I'm poisoning all yr mind w online shopping.
hi jenifur,
just saw your post that you will close batch# 2 order for babymallonline spree once corsage confirmes her order.
You can ignore my order if order closed.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">mademoiselle80,

I'll see if I can put yrs under batch #2 if not batch #3 since I'm also waiting for lilac &amp; princess</font></font>
Hello Mummies...


I am used to typing with caps at the beginning of every word actually... It's a habit. But I'll try not to use them so as to make it easier... ^^


My backache is not due to constipation... I still Poop everyday... >.< That was why I was so lost.


Have you ordered my stuff already? Or I have to transfer to you the amt first? I tend to get forgetful now that I'm expecting and I keep forgetting to go to the atm to do the transfer...( Sigh.. I always said I have good memory ) I don't withdraw money you see... All comes from hubby... XD I applied for the DBS IB key but I don't know what to do with the letter they sent to activate it, and I think I have to Re-apply again... >.<
pamelia> i had "backaches" and also some abdomen pains a while ago during my 1st tri. went to doctor and they couldn't figure out whts wrong with me, it wasn't my stomach or intestines...I was also running a flu at tht time.

I took the medication for flu, and the "backaches" went away. along with the abdomen pains... for me i think it was a combination of Not pooing ENOUGH, and also infection.

My backaches came in spurts by the way. its not always there. so tht's why i figured it was false backaches, it just happened to be near the back. am i making sense?
ok. thanks

my ankle was pain for 2 days and when i try to turn it using my hand, i can hear sound .. complained to my husband and he try to massage for me yesterday night.but still don't see any improvement, he insist it is because i didn't consume calsium tablets as instructed by gynae.
Anybody having similar problem ?
Me too poo everyday but stool is different haha (sori too graphic) I'm someone that need to go loo everyday if not i will be uncomfortable. So drinking soya milk ,veg &amp; fruits to ease things abit hehe

I poo like once to twice a day... That's normal to me... Unless... I'm supposed to poo more?


My s*** is " solid... =3 I take milk, veg, fruits but no Soya.. I hate Soya products.. >.< Tau hu and plain tofu like stuff to me taste funny and some even smell! ( Whoops )


I asked my hubby to walk to the atm to transfer to you since now I remember. XD

Please check! =)

Oh oh, Yesterday I tried to eat the Ma Ya Tang I bought from fairprice... Those 1 tub kinds... And it wasn't as sweet as I thought... it was actually a little bit sour... Is it spoilt? Anyone knows? It was pretty S***ty when I was craving Ma Ya Tang to have it sour... >.<
hahaha.... yah loh.. if given a choice, i think my hb would want to spend more time with me... it's really hard... mid jan-early mar i never see my hb... hardly hear him.. mar-apr i hardly see him everyday... may i dun see him 2wks+.. jun no need see him 3 weeks... imagine how bad temper i will get... cos i am soooooo LONELY without him! and some unpleasant tings happening.. make me even more bek chek! sigh..

your girl loves DORA? i also like DORA leh....... hahaha.....

i will send u my list soon!
u buy ur babydolls frm here??? i always wanna buy something but i have no idea how to go abt doing it... lazy but stupid.. LOL! >_< if u getting something too,i can join u? :) is it cheap? the quality gd mah? got once my sis help me to buy.. the quality no gd n i nv even wear it. end up dnw go where also. How to get the amt in SGD?
Ling> dun get it leh... u had ur wedding in April last year? and u had #1???
now u are with #2???? how can that be???

jenifur> haha. yeah.. it was a nice dinner... coz only us!! hahaha.. :p
Food's pretty good too.. and its value for money with the price we paid.. $52 for 2 persons.. hehhe.. :p
yah.. nice decor.. :p
simple la.. but nice enough..

thanks for the recommendation!

Chern> child care leave is compulsory.. my coll also checked it out... its compulsory..

Check MOM website..

HB not ard> HB went reservist.. sent him to Pasir Ris Camp this morning.. sob sob.. but he's checking out later... but will be outfield the next whole week..
man... i was like crying buckets past few days just thinking that he'll be away...sadz.....

Imagine the nites sleeping alone.. sianz......

hahha.. i think the pregnancy hormones making it worse la.. hahaha.. ;P
slightly awake now after going for tea break with colleague... had teh c to keep myself awake.. just came back lor..

weather is super hot outside.. now back in office got aircon so much better.. i've been switching on aircon at home.. think utilities bills going to be very high these months lor.. haha
It's really very lonely and sad to sleep without hubby right... sigh.. yours is reservist.. mine is regular... bobian!! sigh!

pregnancy hormones really make me feel worse about it.. partly also cos he busy is really much much worse than last year... sob sob!

HARD life man!

hahaha... can drink tea hur? LOLS!

btw, we can eat bananas right????? but not those Delmonte ones right?
technically it's not good to drink caffeine drinks lah. BEST to avoid but it's ok to drink 1-2 cups a day. I already cut down from drinking everyday to drinking occasionally but now in the 2nd trim, i started to drink more often again.. but of cos i didnt let my hubby knows lah, he sure scold me.. hehe

bananas - can eat lah.. but i think i just a quite big size banana over the wkend (not sure if it's Delmonte). now 2nd trim should be ok tot take abit of liang stuff ba. anyway i think 1 of it won't do much harm ba. i'm not so strict abt food lah.. as lot as we don't overeat. MODERATION is key!!
milkyway - my motto that helo me survive is "If u stop thinking how miserable ur life is, u will not be miserable"
After that i feel much relieve and heck care abt the rest although i do get upset...
my FIL everytime see me tell me CANNOT EAT bananas but EVERYDAY i see bananas in the house. SIGH.

i everything also eat in moderation. LOLS! Only those really cannot eat then i never eat.

Hmm... how about ice cream??? I super long never eat one whole ice cream by myself loh.... that time only ate few mouthfuls of Ben&amp;Jerry... miss the taste leh... hahaa

Wahhahahaha.. so funny your two boys! Luckily your hub didn't draw tigers and dragons on his thighs! Then you would have wondered when your son joined the secret society!
There are 'real' tattoo sets available at Toysrus. There are templates and a pen, erasable ink of course, that really vibrates. Hub got it for his godson and I think he had fun tattooing the neighbourhood..haha. Think your two 'boys' would probably be fascinated too

Cute hor the series! Probably your on-and-off backache is due to the baby lying on the nerves at the back of your spine?

Cheer up! Your hub will be back soon
Think the hormones can really drive us nuts! Yesterday I was so pissed, I couldn't sleep!

Ling and Princess,
Hang in there ok? Can imagine how lonely it must be.

Woah.. so much easier to read! Thanks! I would have problems to type so many caps.. heehee
