(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

yah i think i gain too much too fast... cos my gynae says i'm supposed to gain abt 1-2kg a month starting from 2nd trim onwards leh.

btw i'm not skinny, i'm just average weight for my height..
all of your gynae tell u all so much. mine nothing. make me always feel so confuse. and i will read and read to try to find out. But still also not sure if applies to me or what cos everyone is different... ):

u eat alot? snack alot?
thanks mummies for the reply.

milkway> me also put on 3kgs in 4th to 5th month. Now i am alrdy 56kg!! imagine every month put on 3kgs meaning 15more kgs to go. So scarly.. haha.

Ya, gynae said my bb's weight ok juz nice. I told him my cousin's bb boy weight is 501grams in her 20weeks. He said its impossible by then she due bb will be 6kg le!
I've only put on 2.5kg so far - and 2kg is from the past week alone! So that's really bad compared to all of you =P

Princessxiaomei: The address is http://www.walmart.com/
Btw, you can always ask your gynae more questions if you are unsure - after all you are paying for the consultation. I always bring a list of questions, and go down the list asking each and every question. hee
But then when i asked, most of the time she said it's fine i don't have to know or else she just anyhow reply me in a rush. End up i ask her also in a rush cos she is rushing all the time.
i do snack in office but i'm not as hungry as in 1st trim. so my gynae suggest eating only plain crackers with no creams, and corn flakes which are non-sugarated. But i also noticed that i dont poo daily as before. don't know if that's the reason. So she suggests i drink more water and eat more fruits too. hope the next visit, i won't be gaining so much otherwise i sure freak out! now wondering how am i going to lose all those extra kilos after birth!

i'm already passed the 60 mark leh!
pricessxiaomei - no worries ... everybody grow at a diff time and weight... so now might on the lower side who knows when on the last trimster bb can out grow suddenly...

Give her a stern look and ask what is mean by fine... could the bb at risk if low weight?? But it true that at times u dun know much would be better then knowing too much ... I had a fren who also dun put much weight even when she is in her final month still dun seem to see her tummy but bb still come out nicely!!!
Yeah I agree with Kiddo.

Just stay put on your seat and clarify things clearly and firmly with her. If she seems to chase you out, then say, I'm sorry but I have X more questions to ask you. Please be patient with me. Then proceed to ask
* Burp * Just had a Big mac meal upsized for lunch. ( Excuse Me! ) =)

Afternoon Mummies!

I don't even know if I've gained how much weight. Because whenever I weigh myself at home and at the clinic. It is different. >.<

But judging from the scale at home, I think I've gained 4kg? But when I go to the clinic.. It says 3kg more? More or less... And I eat ALOT!!!

I have a history of high metabolism... Thus I never get fat... But I am unsure if it is supposed to be healthy...

i used to not take breakfast too, not really a breakfast person. but ever since i knew i was preggie, i try my best to take breakfast.

normally i take bread with either nutella, peanut butter or cheeze spread. and i'd take a glass of fresh milk (cold yes :p i dun really care actually) or sometimes warm Similac Mum (tried Anmum before too, i prefer the Similac Mum).

sometimes, i also take fresh milk with fruit loops, cocopops or Post cereals etc.

marks &amp; spencers also have a good variety of breakfast thingys u can try. their biscuits are really nice, my fav jam sandwich creams. also they have this cereal porridge thingy (tastes somewhat like oats but nicer coz inside got dried fruits, i like dried fruits.) it cooks easy, can microwave in 3-5 mins, or short while over the stove. (but for this, perhaps u got to wake up a wee bit earlier! hehe...)
Haha - burp back! Your lunch sounds yummy

Thanks for sharing! Sighs. I really should put in more effort with breakfast! Think I'll go to the supermarket later to get some cereals. Oh I also only drink cold drinks in general. hee The M&amp;S cereal porridge sounds interesting. I guess it is sweet rather than savoury, right? I love their dark chocolate digestives! hehe. Come to think of it - I haven't had them in yonks!

i think your baby's weight should be ok..not to worry too much. i juz went for my detailed scan this morning and everythings fine.. my bb's weight is now 395g and i'm at 21wks 4 days. juz 2 wks ago, the weight was 281g. so as long as the weight is progressing, it should be ok.

anyways, like what Kam mentioned, if theres any cause for concern, your gynae will surely tell u.
corsage - must have breakfast wor very important last round kenna scolded badly by gynae... he say busy is not an excuss.. even a glass of milk with a packet of biscuits/a slice of bread is enuff ... coz from last dinner till breakfast its very long hours so must eat but no need to eat alot... even lunch busy also must grab some food to eat .. so now i stock up biscuits breads, peanut spread on my table anytime juz grab can eat!! Dangerous to go HUnger.. although i often also goes on hunger strike...

no worries, happy to share.

the M&amp;S cereal porridge thingy is not really sweet. what i do is after it cooks, i add honey to make it sweet. :p

dunno why walmart site like always problematic for me. always disconnect when i try to surf it. anyone has the same problem?

btw, is your desitin cream spree still on? how much is it again?

I change gynae. But i am still seeing the one at KKH cos kinda subsidized. I will be going the last check up at KKH when i am in wk24. After that i just go to ESH already. :) Any idea when we have to book bed or what? Around week what??

If i don't poo one day, i get so BLOATED and uncomfortable. Very frustrated also. I tell you.. if you really cannot poo.. early in the morning, before you brush your teeth, drink a cup of room temperature water. It works for me. :) You can try...

i eat every 2-3 hrs. But every meal i cannot finish my meal. I get so full easily. Then get hungry easily. I think it's because i keep drinking water tha's why. But if i don't drink water, i get so thirsty! I also scared i drink TOO much. Afraid of getting water retention cos i have no idea how to differentiate and how to avoid getting it.

Hmmm.. quite true also but i am one curious person... hahahahaa.... :) i like to know more. That's why i keep reading... hahaha.... and to pass time also... LOL!

Most people still don't know i am pregnant until i tell them. Or else i wear those clothes that can be seen. Even my FIL and relatives find me too small size. I will keep telling them, don't worry. Doctor say i am AVERAGE size not SMALL size not underweight. They kept asking me to eat more so baby can grow. They very ignorant... they think i eat DOUBLE means baby will grow MORE.

me too! i often eat cereals with milk. Cold milk definitely. Where got people eat the cereals with warm milk... spoil my appetite only! LOLS! i love eating cereals with strawberry milk.. taste so yummy! hehee...

dunno why walmart site like always problematic for me. always disconnect when i try to surf it. anyone has the same problem?

btw, is your desitin cream spree still on? how much is it again?

i'm also keen in the thermometer spree, you'd be conducting that sometime soon?

oops! sorry for the duplicated post, not sure how come like that.


hehe yeah, cereal with cold milk definately more shiok.
But you look HOT! That's what matters
Heee You were probably slimmer than me pre-pregnancy.

Your gynae scolded you? Oh dear, then I deserve scolding too =P I will try my best to put in more effort!!

Oh I was having trouble with the Walmart site at first too - but it seems ok now but very SLOW
Why do the women have to wear anti-radiation vests? Think I irradiated the baby when I took a flight at 4weeks..hehheh. Anyway, what can the vests do against air pollution and contaminated foods.. which seem to be bigger problems

was never a breakfast person too. But I'm always hungry in the mornings since I got pregnant! I have a sweet tooth and also do like cereals but I guess the nice-tasting ones are chock full of sugar. So I try to eat wholemeal bread with lettuce and tomatoes with slices of chicken breast. Doesn't take that long to make!
Yeah I guess you are right. I'm just lazy and not a morning person =P Let me tell you how my typical morning goes though. My alarm clock rings, I turn it off. My husband gets up/washes up/etc then kisses me goodbye (I'm still in bed). Then I will wake up later, panic that I am late, rush to wash up, figure out what to wear (then more often than not realise nothing is ironed so I rush to pull out something that is fine un-ironed or quickly iron something), then stumble out of the door. Haha.
my hubby birthday coming. any suggestion wat to buy?

is also our 1 year anniversary. Also totally no idea what to do. Hmmm buy from online got sufficient time??
the new gynae's assistant(if he has) will book for u...just tell them that u want how many bedder...

my gynae's assistant already asked my when i had my 5mth checkup...i am taking 2 bedder...
will be having confinment menu during the stay..kekeke...

heng now ESH no need to bring bb clothings during the hospital stay...as ESH will provide...
but must bring a nice set of clothing for bb on discharge...
i was also not a breakfast person till after i started work... not sure if it's stress from work that causes gastric problems, then i started having bf. My mum will prepare bf for me to bring to office (this was b4 i got married). Can be just simple bread with kaya and butter, or buy off shelf breads from bakeries. So after i got married, either i buy the breads from bakeries the day b4 or i will eat out with hb lor. Now preggie, all the more i think it's impt to take bf, even if it's just biscuits. Just make it a point to wake up a little early to buy bf or buy the day b4 to bring to office lor.
Don't feel bad about it. I don't work, so I have got the whole day to 'laze' around and then decide at a leisurely pace what I want to eat. When I was working, I was a chronic snooze button presser..hehheh and also never ate breakfast!

By the way, do you have a take on cord blood banking? Have been doing some reading on this topic and am leaning towards donating the cord blood instead of banking it privately. I know that quite a number of parents are doing it but I don't see the reason for jumping onto the bandwagon just for the sake of it.
i juz ate up a chocolate eclaire, choco croissant and mixed fruit tart which i got from TMC earlier this morning. gosh! feel so guilty after that :p keke.. oh but it was so yummy! shared with bb, so not so bad lah hor? :p
CLOUDME - WAH!!!!!! how nice...
i think my MS is back man it so sucks.... I can't eat much again But if i break down into tiny bits = almost eating every alt hour *FAINT* i be fine....now gobbling my curry puff!!

Corsage - heehee my gynae always love to scold me... too much also scold too little also scold cry also cannot will kenna scolded!!! hahahah Seems like bad gyane but hor i still trust his skills..

Princess - no worries any problems can drop here .. many experiences mummies from 6kids to 3 kids.... whahahahaha...
ur MS is back?
good at least u r eating...curry puff sound nice to me...

but hor...my co canteen sell those with egg and expensive...
i still prefer those normal small ones...

me just eat when i feel like it...
..today my coll went out so ask them to pack a burger on the way back...
i in office nothing much to eat...
all food in canteen eat until i very sian liao...
diaoz. How come so fast must book?? Then how much u paid? I will book the one-bedder cos i am really afraid of being ALONE and DARK.

Hmm... what will ESH give??? :) that time heard ESH give nothing.. we must bring EVERYTHING on our own. LOLS!

hahaha... yah loh.. here we have all the very experienced mummies... hahahahaha.....

anyone likes tuna mah??? how often we can take tuna hur?

I don't know if my retriever knows I am pregnant...

But she is still rough when playing with me at times.. XD

She doesn't smell my tummy though.

About doggies... Are we supposed to keep baby away from our doggies when they are born?
cloudme - i think so it aren't to return so fast.. but lately i been feeling not very good... totaly can't eat...
juz 2 pc f small curry puff.. now i feel bloated and nauase juz no puking... maybe due to indegestion bah... scary so fast return ....

Can prepare some dry food to put at ur desk standby!!

is it quite normal for MS to come back in 2nd or 3rd trimester? :/ poor you...
i hope mine doesn't come back... so happy when it stopped, and i could finally enjoy whatever i ate.

MS... Mine is not MS... I think it is TFS- TOO FULL SICKNESS...

Because whenever I eat till I can't eat no more..

I feel VERY nauseous... XD

I keep sweets in my bag just in case I wanna barf...
Princess - hmmm u afraid of being alone then still book 1 bedder???
actually two bedder is good enuff lar.. no need scare of dark coz u will keep waking up to BF... almost every 3 to 4hrs... u will treasure the peacefulness u have while alone there when u return home it be a DISASTER!!
Wah! You think your dog knows? I have him on a 10m line instead of allowing him to run freely since it's hunting season. He has been quite good not to pull me off my feet since I got pregnant. He used to run at full-speed and jerk me along when the line ran out. He walks quite nicely on a short leash now. Don't know if it's the dog school or that he has a 6th sense.. ahahha.. I doubt it though. Has your dog been showing some peculiar behaviour? Well, some dogs can sniff cancerous cells, so why not babies hor?!
I feel terrible now..... haizzzz but can't help it got to eat otherwise gastric pain would be worst then now...

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not much mummies in here play RC hor!!


try asking her to smell your tummy. maybe she might be able to smell baby u know. lately my gal (the dog) has been smelling my belly... i thnk she knows! she's getting more manja too.

well...the old folks will tell u and also nag u to keep baby away from the doggies. but for us, i guess perhaps for starters (like the first 3 mths) dun let bb get toooo close to the doggies, thereafter we feel it should be ok. but be sure to prepare your doggy for the baby's arrival. i read that its good to let hubby bring back a set of clothing that baby has worn before the baby comes home to let the dog sniff sniff and get familiar with the new family member.
