(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

When ikea on sat too. Saw the changing mat, but DH dun like so did not buy lor

Thanks ah.

Spring maternity got sell diaper bag ? i find their things overprice lor.

Hi Mummies,

Just came back from FA test (detailed scan). BB is growing well and weighing at 383g at 21weeks 2Days.


Can help me update my bb's gender. It's a Girl!Thanks!
I have sent you my order. Thanks again for organising this spree
Really appreciate it!

HUGS! I was in a long distance relationship for 3.5 yrs before marriage so I know how you feel. And you probably feel it even more now coz you are expecting. Am sure he will be back for you! What I used to console myself with was that at least I was in a loving and happy relationship. Some partners are in close proximity but the relationship is bad.

Oooh, nice work
What material did you use? Your silly painter =P

I got 0-3m. I figured if really gets too small then I'll give away! hehe

Oh! Yeah it is a very functional mat. I figured since $10 I'll just buy to try. Hee. My hubby wasn't with me. heh...

do take care...maybe get some mask from sg before u go for your trips, use them when u're in crowded places.
N95 mask! haha maybe just get the normal type..hehe Thanks Kiki, I will take extra care!
I guess another one/two months, we mummies will be so busy doing shopping for baby. =)


but i tink no matter how bz he can be, u still get to see him daily. I dun even see him or even hear from him de. At most is once a day for a couple of mins which we normally use to communicate the impt matters.
wow i see some of u mummies here are so creative in handicraft!! i love to cross-stitch but been ages since i touch it already due to lack of time.. mayb i should do some catching up. Bought a few designs but nv get down to work... other than cross-stitch, i really cannot make it for other handicraft so i guess i will be buying or paying someone to do it... hehe

glad to know that ur bb is well. Will update the details when i get home, ok? the spreadsheet is at home. now stayin with my mum. me just go over to my couz place a couple of blks away for my meals n to use com.

ya.. i know he will be back.. Glad to have him as my hubby but sometimes just wished he was right here with me. Just feel that i need him more now.. very clingy hor? he say i super glue..heez
ohh abt nappies,
my mum also ask me to buy them.. i even told her now where got places selling nappies so outdated. I can't imagine having to go thru the hassle of washing. Water + Detergent + additional work (hanging to dry, folding and keeping) = disposable diapers... wonder if the costs equate this way... hehe.

i've not really bought anything for bb except the spree. waiting for the next bb fair to get the big items and hopefully by then my house will b ready... just receive a sms from hb that we can collect our keys this sat!! so excited.. fnally something to keep a smile on my face after wat happen at work yesterday... cool!

yeah.. shopping for baby thingys, fun, but not fun for the wallet. ahahaha...


why dun ask hb to use skype? its free leh... can talk as long as u want.
think pregnancy does makes us more clingy... u r still staying with ur mum? u have recovered rite? ok lah at least there is own mum to take care of u even after u recovered. rem to eat more to bu hui k... i'm sure ur hb will want to pei u too just that he got to work hard for the family. So just endure and when times are better, he can find a better job that does not require him to travel so much so long.

i'm also trying to endure my work now... just happy to get the monthly pay and not aiming to perform but sometimes xiao ren is just out there to make things difficult for me. So i just have to tell myself that i have to be strong and fight off the xiao ren for the next 4 months. After one month confinement, i should start to look for a new job and hopefully will be able to change job after the maternity leave.
thanks...i even had silly tots of quitting my job on impulse, but that means i have to sell my place cos cannot survive with only hb's pay. So end up, i decide to just endure lor... hope i can tahan another 4 more months... i keep telling myself, for bb's sake i need to carry on... no matter how hard it may seems.

u mentioned u getting a place too rite? all the best to u k

yah.. i actually went home last fri but hubby chased me back here till he returns. he say at home no one to look aft me. At least at my mum's, tho' she's also working, there's my uncles' maid to cook for me.. my granny altho' very naggy is home too.

yah.. a part of me wants him to be with me, and the other part of me wants him to stay there to earn more cos back in sg no much job le. plus i not working le. cant help him financially i feel bad too.

If i'm still working also good la.. addtional income plus got maternity leave n benefits. but what to do? took too many mc's le.. co. dun wan renew my contract.

yah.. the current flat can only sell next yr.. hope to move out next yr if possible too. Thanks!

Me same as you. Hopefully will find a new job after maternity. If not for the pregnancy , i long gone change liao
hui chern,
i just got myself a diaper bag from the mums&babes shop at tampines one. it's from the okiedog brand, you can go and google it. for number #1, i tried a couple of diaper bag from allerhand and george (you can find quite a few brands of diaper bags from target/walmart websites, then tag on a spree to purchase them). but i found them too heavy, even when there are not many items inside. saw this okiedog bag at the last taka bb fair, very light, so decided to get it last week. as for changing mat, i got mine from tom & stephanie's. can't remember if it's still around, so might have to buy a new one again.
gd to have someone to take care too and at ur mum's place at least there are other family members around, then won't have to keep coping in ur room, may tend to hu si luan xiang and not so gd.

hui chern,
let's jia you together.

yah.. tts why hubby insisted that i move back here. He say he will come here pick me when he is back.. still waiting for tt day to come.
Hello Mummies...

Regarding Nappies... During Confinement We Cannot Touch Water Right? Then Who Will Wash It? Hubby?

I Have A Question... Any Of You Mummies Believe In No Drilling, Hammering etc In Areas We Are At While We're Expecting BB? Or At Home Only?
Oh... And Another Thing...

I Have REALLY BAD BACKACHE At The Lower Left Side Of My Back!

Why Is That So? I've Only Been Walking Quite Alot In Our Attempt To Look For A Location To Relocate Our Salon.

I've Just Bought A Hot Water Bag And Am Using It Placed Behind Me As I Speak. Is It Okay?
Pamelia > For both your questions, depend on how "pantang" (superstitious) you are lor.

I showered & washed my hair daily during confinement, and only ate confinement food for 2 weeks. As for drilling/hammering, it is pure superstition lah. See if you wanna play safe or not and just avoid the areas lor.

They also say pregnant woman cannot use scissors or needles in bed, otherwise will m/c. The list of old wives' tales never end!

I don't think the hot water bottle will help much with your backache. I also have pain on my lower right side, and a massage sorted that out way better than anything else.
Hi Kiki,
Your wall looks really great! You make me inspired! Now looking for wall decals online too.

the rockstar baby series is Bon Jovi inspired. Take a look at the accessories


Drug, sex and rock and roll

No drilling, hammering or moving are just old wives' tales. Depends on how pantan you are I guess. I moved about 3 months ago and was also hammering and drilling furnitures and walls. Will need to move again probably next month! Grr! My mum told me to sweep the wall with a small brush 3 times before drilling. Pooh-poohed at her suggestion but told my hub about it. What was funny, especially him being non-Chinese... he made me do it! We had a good laugh throughout the whole thing though
And so far, all's well... fingers crossed!
True about how pantang one is. Maybe it's my hormones but it really pisses me off when friends tell me all these old wives' tales. One for example, don't go too close to and not to see too many animals! I think I almost flipped out cos I have a dog. Hahah.. don't know why I get so worked up cos I guess when I hear about these tales, there is some weird compulsion to comply
though they are completely unfounded! Then I'd rather not know..hehheh
think it really depends on urself, like wat delfine and shelled said, i think it's just old wives' tales and never-ending.

like for my new place, my mum says i should not be there during renovation, my mil says i should not even start renovation at all, cannot move in... and i should not even be at the house for key collection this sat!! but me and hubby just decide to dismiss all these. have discussed with him that reasonable ones we will just follow. So we decide i will not be at the new place during renovation period, that's all. the rest such such no moving in, cannot be at the house during key collection, etc will be ignored.

so i think it depends on how comfortable you are and if you are not, then just stay away.
Delfine & Shelled,

The Banging And Hammering... I Will Just Stay Put When They Are Tearing The Shop Apart Then...

The Backache... When I Put Pressure On That Area.. I Feel Sick... Don't Know Why... Nauseous Kind Of Sick... That Was Why I Never Thought About Massaging... On Top Of That.. I Am VERY VERY VERY Sensitive To Tickles... To The Extent When People Touch My Back.. I Will Jump!
yah my mum told me not to go to the zoo, bird park and even watch movies that shows animals or horror scenes.. but i just luff it off lah..
The Old Wives Tale...

I'm A Hairstylist, They Said... No Sharp Objects, No Sewing Bla Bla...

But Due To My Profession.. I Don't have A Choice Do I? XD

I Even Sewed Clothes For My Stitch And Angel Plush!
milkyway > I dunno why, but everytime I am pregnant I get a strong urge to watch horror films.
But my hubs has banned me from watching them, and also playing horror games like Resident Evil. Not so much pantang, but just worried I get nightmares cos I already dream alot when I am preggy.

delfine > OMG the rockstar baby stuff damn nice lah! Very tempted to buy lor!
So sickening
My ex accountant say co got give childcare leave. Now this new accountant say must ask boss again. Wah lau, this co sucks lor. Really one kind. Aiyah i think because now i'm the only one left who is married with kids. So not happy i got more leave than them. Stupid :p

Anyone got any idea, childcare leave not compulosory right
I'm just like you! I have to really control rolling my eyes when people tell me I should or should not do stuff - esp when those stuff are pure superstitions.

My lower backache is also mainly on my lower back!
Do you get constipation? My gynae told me that constipation can cause a bit of pain on the left abdomen, so I'm wondering if that's why my lower left back hurts too. Swimming helps me. And yah, I'm also planning to sew stuff =P

hui chern:
Do you have anything written in black and white from the previous accountant that you can show?

*TINK* girly appeared!

yes yes my delfine what can i do for u??

I am always around. not beezy...juz tat someday girly wants to 'talk', someday she juz want to 'listen'...

I Have No Constipation...

No Idea Why... Maybe Because I Drink Milk And Eat Lots Of Fibre And Have Ample Of Fluids?

Last Week My MIL Got A Shock When She Saw Me...

She Said That I Looked Very Bloated.. I Drank Alot Of Fluids The Night Before.. XD

So I've Got Water Retention Instead. My Lips Are REALLY Dry.... No Matter How Much I Drink.. It Doesn't Seem To Get Better.
how to tell if water retention??

i shld b able to send u my few orders by tml.. nth much cos nth very nice for boyboy... sad...
i dont get to see my hb at all too. I dun really get to hear him or recieve any sms from him. ): outfield outfield outfield nite duty nite duty nite duty on course on course on course.

he's not in sg too? it must be really hard right? i can understand.. i tink if i dun receive a call from him today i sure call him.. cannot tahan liao...
i also no idea.. i just randomly get some here and there and then will sort out what sizes i hav.. cos at the moment i have some tops given to me... all the plain ones... so i dont know what i really need... never buy much too cos nevr really see nice ones fr boys...
he is in Sg already.. that time he went to USA for 1 mth.. just that he often stay in... cannot choose one lor... from last year until now.. continuously.. i am always back at mum's place... feel so emo and lonely wout hb...sigh... i call also no use... sms also no use.. cos he cannot reply... if he can.. he sure will call me sms me one...
*mama to 6Js*
Ooooo....so i've a reader arh...tot no one reading my blog...coz girly was so 'sad' to see the ultrasound picture. have been feeling so much better and happier nowadays, scared seeing the ultrasound pic again when i update my blog wld trigger tears again...haizz...why i sooo bad one arh....

sori arh, girly never encounter water retention b4...so not very sure...any mommies out there can help??? juz in case i kena this time round also...
