(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

i really really really very bek chek leh.... sigh! everyday i am like counting down... count to the day i can be with my hb.. every month and every week like counting down...

yah saw that on ur FB status.. i truly agree with it!!

I eat bananas to help me poo.. hehe cos i dont like papayas.. i do eat ice cream too, and cold drinks. Oh and cold milk everyday to get my daily dose of calcium.. haha
Aiyo, why is the little one so uncooperative today?
603grams! Almost doubled right? Will have my appt next tuesday. Hopefully the baby gained enough for me to say that my weight gain last month didn't all go to me! Hahaha..
your baby now weighs 603grams? How many weeks now? How come so fast 603g already... LOL! Mine was 319g when 21weeks1day leh. Don't even know if it's average or what. Totally no idea.

Hmmm... some people also say don't eat so much papayas cos of jaundice... but i eat papayas moderately...whenever i am back at mum's place... else how to poo! LOLS!

Me too.. i do talk cold milk.. at times cold sugar cane, cold barley.. LOL! too hot already.. wanna melt... hahaha... i never take milk every single day but i try to take at least once every 2-3 days... hahahaha....

Your little one should be making movements inside already right... how you describe the feelings and movements hur? Hahaha...
He will be officially back 2 weeks later. Then back to normal, evening can come home. Then later on 3 weeks in June, same thing. Affected my prenatal course on 2 of the saturdays too. Really kinda sian. Cos every time on one month, i tolerate... then later on halfway through, next month also like that... then reach next month, thought the end of the stay in... again same thing. Last year countdown until this year... jan countdown until jun.. really hope i dont count down anymore. i think next time my baby can do maths very well cos the mummy everyday count days!

yah.. initially it was 2 weeks max.. then now 3 weeks le.. last fri tell me its another 10 more days.. last night tell me maybe its 20 more days.. argh.. its like never ending lo. Everyday i pinned for him to come home.. then each time its like one extension aft another.. like that day dun when then come. just miss him so much..
Jenifur & all waiting to confirm the spree: Sorry! just got back from a loooong meeting.

Jenifur, I didn't receive your email - not sure why
But I saw your spreadsheet - it looks fine! I will transfer money to you. Thanks so much again!!
same like me. . . everytime pin high hopes won't be that busy... busy is really busy until cannot come home lor... dont even have the choice to come home... some people dont even know how hard we going through... only talk shit only... urgh!
oh! hmm... wonder if anyone of your little one also weigh around the same as mine when at wk 21... my gynae never say anything at all... totally dont know...
ya.. i agree..

so sian.. now i also dare hope for when he will be back.. disappointment is greater each time.. i just wished for the day he will tell me that he's on the plane n on his way home.. then i can start to countdown..

I am really confused about the jaundice causes... I love Papaya milk.. But I stopped drinking it when people said it is too " Liang " I don't take Pineapples at all even before pregnancy because I am prone to very very VERY bad menstrual cramps. Someone told me not to take barley AT ALL. And regarding sugarcane... After I read an email about how unhygienic the way the sugarcane is handled... I got irked and condemned it. I don't take tea and coffee at all now... >.< Though I'd LOVE a Caramel Latte!!!

I realised I still have some caps infront of my words... Will kick the habit. ^^

Maybe you can have milk every morning at least... I'm taking Similac now... I think it's good for the baby...

Baby is VERY hyperactive... ^^

Do you feel anything?

my bb weigh ard 447g last fri at 21 weeks plus.. dun worry la.. if ur gynae say bb is fine.. then dun have to worry le.. bb will pick up the weight real fast..
the problem is it wasn't my gynae who told me the weight.. i kept asking the sonographer the weight.. then she told me reluctantly. Haha. She merely tell me 319g and that's it. So i have no idea. Done the detailed scan already... but also no idea if everything is okay. TOtALLy don't know! MAdness! I dont even know if i am okay.. i am not taking any prenatal vitamins or whatever pills too cos the last time i puke so badly and i really have problem swallowing.. so no subsitute or wad is given to me. Making me really bek chek plus my hb always not with me.

i also saw that email on sugarcane. Make me feel so irritated too but i was tinking.. drink at times nevermind bah... hahaha... anyway i dont think in SG now they allow such things? LOL! i asked my mum if i can take barley.. she said why not... pineapple then dont take.. watermelon also dont take.. these 2 i dont really take even before pregnant....

i wasn't a MILK person.. now i take HL strawberry milk with cereals... at times i take Anlene chocolate milk.... hahahaha... if ask me to take formula... i think i will not like it... confirm PUKE. hahahahahaa......

i do feel movements. sometimes quite strong... but dont know how to differentiate the movements.. like something keep moving in my tummy... LOL! You can feel your baby moves very often and alot??? Mine still okay... at times really cannot feel then i told hb i think baby sleeping liao.... haha

Are you afraid the milk will taste weird?

Similac tastes like normal milk I assure you! I had the thought that formula milk will have a taste. But surprisingly.. It tastes normal! Just don't think it's formula...

The movements... I think if little vibrations it's burp I think... And if very powerful ones is kick or maybe punch? XD

Sometimes I put my hands on my tummy... And I can actually feel her moving!
Not mine lah. Mamato6Js's baby! You read until blur already! Hub also leaving for business trips tomorrow and in July. If he goes off in mid-August, I will chop off his legs.. haha.. joking lah. Anyway, maybe I'm bian tai but I also enjoy some time without him. But of course he doesn't travel so much like your hub! Then I'd probably be pek chek like you!

That really sucks. It's like playing the waiting game. Try to keep yourself in good spirits cos I guess the baby also feels your moods.
Hahaha. Yah loh. i really very blur. Before pregnant blur, pregnant even more blur. -.- Sigh. I also dont know why govt always want everyone to have more babies but then leh.... make people work and slog so hard.. hard until cannot really come back home to be with wife!

I was really heng to be able to have this baby. And that's why i know when i concieve too. Cos he is soooooo busy until xmas eve that night he came home... then after new year eve... busy all the way......

i trying my best not to get bek chek... so best is i dont open my mouth to talk! And avoid meeting anyone... hahaha...

Hmm.. initially i don't drink milk... not even fresh milk.. thats why i try to take strawberry and chocolate.. at least still got calcium...

hmm.... yaya.. abit like vibrations like that.. sometimes powerful but not often.... strong movements i no need put my hands there.. hahahaa... interesting right!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">mademoiselle80/princess,

I've rec'd both yr order. Will slot it into batch #2 &amp; order tonight.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern / Mamato6Js,

Get ready yr order from walmart.com
I will do the spree before I get busy.</font>

<font color="0000ff">pamelia,

I've got yr transfer, Tks.

I seriously dun tink food causes Jaundice lah. It's just those old wives tales. U know hor for my #1, my DH almost forbid to eat anything tt's orange/yellow in colour except for durain. End up my DD also got Jaundice.

Jaundice is actually caused by high levels of bilirubin, a yellow pigment that's created in the body during the normal recycling of old red blood cells. The liver processes bilirubin in the blood so that it can be removed from the body in the stool. But at birth, our BB have relatively immature liver function hence will take longer time to process. The increased bilirubin cause BB's skin and whites of the eyes to look yellow.

Another reason for prolong jaundice is Blood incompatibility. It happens when our BB's bld grp is different from ours. The most common group incompatibility is when the baby's blood type is "A", "B", or "AB" and the mother's blood type is "O". In serious case, BB will need a bld transfusion from Daddy</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Princess/Mamato6Js,

My DD loves Dora too!!! She can watch e DVD daily also not sian</font></font>
Hi Jenifur,

Are you able to let me join the purchase? really interested but have not bought anything here before, my 1st time trying. Hope I am not too late to buy =)
morn gals!

dun be mad with hub ok. i know u miss him lor and gets upset when he keeps delaying his return. but im sure he also hates to be away from u so long but no choice right. gotta work to buy baby's clothes / toys/ nappies etcc... so that u can shop more online hehe....

urs in SAF right? lagi worst lor. really not enirely his choice when to go and when to come back. sometimes we made the hardest decisions to be away from our loved ones cos of work. hang it there ok. keep urself occupied instead of counting down. time will pass faster!

wah u got motto to encourage urself. well done!!

i gotta send my boys to school now first. ccontinue later!

i dont take papaya even b4 i was preggie, just dont like it for the taste.. not sure of the jaundice part. But i take banana so it helps me to poo better. haha

yah yah i can feel bb already, getting more and more prominent!! bb is like moving all day round.. i got a very active little gal!! how to describe the feelings ar... hmm like got wind in the tummy at times, or sudden push, sudden fluttering or even continuous fluttering. i also dont really know how to describe it leh... it's just amazing!! and i love it!! haha...

think girly and mamato6js described b4, mayb u try and search previous posts lor... quite some time back though
Morning everyone!

hope you got the transfer! I was so blur last night man. I copied your account number wrongly, then drove all the way to an ATM to do the transfer. Luckily the number wasn't belonging to anyone else so I kept getting rejected like 5-6 times! I was so annoyed and tried to call DBS hotline to find out what happened, then my phone died! *Faint* Eventually got my sis to help do the transfer when I got home and realised my mistake =P

Hey Mummies:
Can I ask what do you all have for breakfast? I don't have breakfast before pregnancy - now I feel I should - but never have any ideas. So I usually just have yoghurt or milo or milk. This morning I just had a glass of prune juice then rushed to work. Sigh. I am so NOT a morning person! Any ideas for quick, easy and healthy breakfasts?
Would love to hear what you eat!
now no more backaches already. it was only tht time.

Corsage> i eat a sandwich (with cheese or sometimes bak kua, and i add cucumber). OR i take Post Cereal- high in folic acid and fibre. Must eat breakfast, so i can take DHA after.

Anyway, cannot beat china in terms of the can and cannot dos...
1. Cannot make up cos got lead content. (can u imagine no make up? I'll look like crap for 9 months)
2. No manicures. Cos the nailpolish got some chemicals, u may accidentally inhale.
3. No white sugar, this one baffled me. Some told me tht white sugar crosses the placenta and may cause brain damage.
4. No cold water.

And all pregnant china women wear this anti-radiation vest tht prevents cosmic radiation/electromagnetic waves from reaching the child.

I do none of the above. I am so frowned upon it's not funny.
Oh, so that is what it is! An anti-radiation vest. I was wondering why the pregnant women I saw in China seemed to have something worn in front of them under their clothes! They looked a bit boxy if you know what I mean.

I'm terrible - I only eat my Vits after lunch =P since I don't do enough breakfasts.
corsage> yeah tht's wht it is. it's so ugly and apparently u cannot wash it for the entire 9 months! how can.

anyway i eat my prenatal vitamins at night. and i don't eat calcium everyday. i think it doesn't matter when u eat right? problem is, i try not to mix the DHA with the other pills so i have to eat one in the morning and one at night.
regarding jaundice, i always thot tht babies may not have fully functioning liver at time of birth, therefore cannot break down the bile, therefore becomes yellowish... it's "normal".
*Looking for Felibaba*
We are going to the same obstetrician, wanna ask you a question.

What's the add again? is it http://www.walmart.com?

Baby movement
Very obvious movements and frequent for me.. esp when I'm lying down or watching TV.

Seriously, Im not mad at hubby. Just mad at the circumstances we're in. I'm sure he wants to be home with me too. Im shopping online cos i find it cheaper in a sense? Those stuffs at shopping malls really cost alot lo..

I also got a tin of similac mum when I signed the FBI card. Haven started on it yet. I still got half a tin of enfamama which i stopped for quite some time le. Guess i should start soon ba. heez
Hello all:

Long time didn't post here. Just came back from my gynae checkup. My girl is now 597gm. My gynae said she grows very well, and my waterbag is BIG, she is like now living inside a swimming pool, gynae said very good, means lots of space for my girl to move and to grow :) Maybe that's explained my weight gain, gained 2kg over the past 1 month, and for the first time, my gynae didn't scold me for the weight gain cos she said all go to the waterbag.

And hoho, have the whole day to laze at home, cos ask for mc mah :)
Hi Kam,

May i ask how many weeks are you now? As i went for my detailed scan on tues. Gynae told me my girl is 383g at 21 weeks/2days. Am worried is my baby is too light cos some friends were telling me my Baby is very light.

Any mummies can advise me? thanks..
my gynae say my bb's weight is okie leh.. my bb weigh 391g at 21 wks.. also a gal..

think should be fine? but i've gained 4kg in a single month!!
i am not sure what's the weight for baby around that week... if yours is light, then my prince even lighter! LOL! I also no idea... trying to find out too....

total weight gain is ??
i look so dumbo like that.. dont know many things... sobsob!
my appointment wil be end of the month. no need to check with gynae one.. cos she will tell me ... we will check the baby's weight when u're 8mths. -.-
Hi Squirrel,

I am at 23+ week. Nah, no need to worry, this is just estimated weight, and it's highly dependant on the position of your baby while gynae does the scanning. Really don't worry, if anything, your gynae would have alerady prompted you. If your gynae didn't mention anything, take it as good news, don't think of the necessary. Be happy while you are pregnant :)
total weight gain from start of pregnancy is 7kg... but i was really shocked to gain 4kg in a single in my 4-5th month lor... still trying to get over it.. haha now watching wat i've been eating lor.. make sure i don't stuff myself with junks and junks... haha
Hoho. yah loh. but it's like 30 days in a month, on the average i see hb like abt 10 days in a month. sometimes not even once a month. horrible. terrible. roar!
okie sure. when u want me to tsf let me know ok. haha. :)

DORA very cute mah... i like it loh. haha.. i even have dora tattoo leh... wahahahahahaa......

Up to date you gain 7kg liao le? I tink u also skinny skinny one right... then ur EDD about the same as me right... like that am i not putting on enough? cos i think i gain abt 4kg.
