(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Yes, I am saying Kriden got lots of shoes n gai gai clothes.
Farrell only have 4 pairs of gai gai shoes now compared to ahem 13 pairs. And still expanding I tell you.. If she happens to jalan jalan n saw another pair I am sure double confirm she will buy for K. Shoes already 13 pairs no need to count clothes liao.. His toys also can open cc kind okay...

Kam> double not cuz of 2 kids... Most of the stuffs I have double with just Rayanne..
And now with RL I'm gettig another one!!!
Like nursing poncho... The 2 I have is old and holey Liaoz...

Connie> I buy extra stroller not cuz of #2... but Capella too heavy for helper to manovure and too bulky...
That's why we gt another one...

So far we go out w 1 stroller & 1 pouch..
If RY sleeping inside stroller, I pupsik RL..
If RY awake, will put RL inside... But seems
Like RL dun like Capella.. Suspect too hot maybe...
RY also sleeps better and longer inside WTP stroller...
Hahahaa.. If K toys can open CC... then Chloe toys can open outlets of CC.. wahhahaaha..

Aiyohh.. After cny I cut down alot on clothes Liao cos I realize too Many and still got some haven wear. Better than hor ;) now my new love is sch bag and water bottle. His current one too gu niang ;p

Thaddeus also likes to saiyang his didi but in a chor lor manner. His pat pat didi is like piak piak him. So we usually hold his hand and guide him along. We also let him kiss him a few times and he is very happy.

So far the expensive items I bought for #1

LG floor mat
Play yard
Leap frog exesaucer
Mac clarren stroller
Mac claren sling & rocker chair

The only double item I have is the ameda pump & medela free style pump.

#2 so far I only got a tollijoy playpen . If wanna get ,it would be a lightweight stroller , but hope no need cos store room already pack with too many stuff.

my cousin put my nephew at pat's whitley. every sun night, he would be very stressed because he hated going to school on mon. so in the end, they switched him to another school and now he looks forward to going to school every day. you'd better check them out properly before enrolling. heard quite bad feedback from her.
Re childcare
My cousin's two kids are in Pat's schoolhouse whitley. SHe used to be educator herself and now into chinese book education biz and other biz also (super woman la). I trust her judgement in school. She has an older boy in primary school now. She mentioned to me that she believe in bilingual immersion school. Pat's chinese is very strong and their overall currculum is very robust. Well of coz the price also very very nice la. I can ask her to give a breakdown of preschool in singapore if anyone wants to know more of any school. She used to own a parenting forum so her network of frens is quite good and can get good and accurate infor.
there are 2 sessions. AM session is from 8-11am and PM session is from 11-2pm. 3hrs daily.

nah.. not going to put my gal in Pat's lah.. too expensive already. thanks for the feedback..
Re: Naughty corner

Yeah..I don't really know whether can work or not. Sigh...getting abit frustrated with the twins. No maid, no relatives and hubby always at work. And I am expecting again....argghhh...so quite desperate trying to tame them!
Woot sorry but I only can scan through some posts! Living Sanctuary caught my eye! It's a few bus stops away from my mum's place. Was intending to pop by to have a feel of the lessons after reading a bit on childcare in kiasu parents.. thinking of visiting during June holidays. Wait list very long huh? Then maybe when my maid contract is due got space le? hahaha..
<font color="aa00aa">rach</font>

well, mine is not big lor! B-cup big meh?

ya... now urban chic. my fairground with my fren le. long story...
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>

ya... im still using pupsik when i need to be handsfree and when jaelle refuses the stroller. but now cannot carry her in it for too long... can peng san! too heavy to be carrying her on just 1 shoulder now. Im having it with me everywhere i go even till now. Mines is well worth it la...
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

WHY THE TEACHERS CHASE U AWAY?!! not like as if ur interupting the lesson or what ma... even till now im allowed in Jaelle's class as long as i want... just that i choose not to.
<font color="aa00aa">myfavchoco</font>

Jaelle has loads of footwear too! up till date, i tink she has owned a total of abt 16 or more pairs (lost count)but only worn abt 10 or 12? current wearing is ard 5 pairs... still got 2 pairs under her cot which are still too huge for her. LOL! Same like u, I always want her shoes to match her clothes... so thats why she got so many!
nope...must be more than 6mth valid even if it's only to m'sia...

i tried once but that time was on sch trip...and got teacher and sch ...so can extend valid date(still old passport system)...

now with new passport dun think we can extend valid date...so definately must get new passport...
<font color="ff6000">kiki</font>
Can ask the teacher why you can't be there when you're not in children's view? I don't see why, unless they really feel uncomfortable about parents watching, which means "something".

<font color="ff6000">kaydenmom</font>
Congrats on your #3. Must be tough on you. Is there some sort of childcare option available to you over there? Must be fun for the kids to go to school together, how nice.
my boy's CC also dun allow viewing...especially the lower class like pg or N1...cos the kids will be distracted and if 1 of them cry and it will spell trouble...cos nearly the whole class will start to join in the crying...
Hello mummies!

I posted here sometime back asking on advice how to encourage my baby to walk. He started to walk few weeks after i posted at forum and now it's like he's trying to make up for lost time, he's walking non-stop, it's hard to get him to sit still now! =)

Briefly read through the posts - congrats to Kaydenmum and Jul =)
Hi mummies, need a favor..

Anyone uses Foogo food jar &amp; have Pigeon wide neck bottles??

Can help me test test see if the pigeon can go into the food jar?
Just want to see if the food jar is wide enough to be used to warm up EBM in Pigeon bottle...
Anyone uses tommee tippee bottle and have the food jar as well? Can help me test test?? Thanks!!!
Hi joli, may and Connie,
Really have no idea how to manage. Jus found out I am pregnant. My hubby is here pursuing his phd. I hope to fly my mom over but very tough. I think I will jus have to manage. My twins are heavy sleeper so it's ok la. Might move them to cot. See how.seriously never really plan for this. Must sue the condom company. Used condom still can get pregnant. And guess what? Only did like once a month with condom!! Thank God my hubby never suspect baby not his!!
Oh yes, my gynae say condom has high failure rate. If really no one kids, use iud or abstinence lo. Dun rely on condom.
Any mummies here trying for another one?
I am pretty happy with twins so this one abit of shock. My hubby happy though. I dunno without is it his ploy to get me pregnant!! Haha...


Condom did not work??? Oh... I'm planning for ligation, but hubby not supportive. But I am satisfied with my 2 monkeys, don't intend to have another one...

Glad that you babe's started walking already


Wow really cannot imagine handling 3! Hmm.. now that you mention it, I was thinking of IUD, yet my colleague was telling me horror story abt it. But ligation sounds so... painful &amp; permanent!
Car Seats

Wanna ask mummies who have 2 kids on what arrangement do you do for car seats?

<font color="0000ff">Option 1</font>
I was thinking of getting an infant car seat that can take up to abt 9 mths, then upgrade Sam to a booster seat &amp; let The Bun take over Sam's present car seat. But not sure if Sam can manage to grow enough in time to be upgraded. And what if The Bun is another big baby &amp; outgrows the infant seat ahead of schedule?

<font color="0000ff">Option 2</font>
The other alternative is to get another car seat like Sam's for The Bun. Then when Sam is old enough, upgrade him to the booster seat &amp; thrash the car seat. But this would be more expensive than Option 1 right?

What's the min for booster seat - weight or age? And max for infant seat - weight or age?

And how do we disable the airbag for the front passenger seat? Just send to the agent?
You are scaring me!!!! Condom doesn't work????? I think your hub poked holes in it lah :p

If I were you, I won't go for Option 1, cos to buy a big ticket item and only use it for a few months is not something that I would do. I would go for option 2, actually safer for the both of them to be buckle up probably in the car seat.

RE the boaster car seat. HR started to sit on his boaster since he was about 2 yo, he just barely reached the min weight and height. But different boaster recommends different weight and height limits. The one we have is those with the back support one, so it's more suitable for younger children. And my boy was bigger in size too. The disadvantage of using a boaster is they can't sleep well in it. We let him take the front seat (didn't deactivate airbag, I know, I know, there is risk associated), so can lower the seat when he needs to nap in the car. Personally I think if your kid have no problem with the car seat, I would think to let them travel in the car seat is the safest way, as long as they are willing to be buckle in.
that time i was asking if anyone want my infant seat...cos i wanna give away bcos ah boy outgrow it...
but no one reply so we throw it away...(aiyo...otherwise could have given it to you if u dun mind.. hahaha)

it's still in very good condition for the bb altho it's a 2nd hand item given my hub's friend...
kam, bernice,
oh...pats expensive hor? but i have to say pats is very established. pats is only CC is it? do they have those 3hrs kindy?

congrats on #3! which part of au are u at? =)

myfavchoco, ling
i think both your kids can win 'award' for most footwear! keke.. kimberly only has 3 pairs and now only actively wearing 2. the 3rd one is still a little too big!

ling, joli
i also don't know why they don't allow me to stand outside and peek. but today i stand outside for abt 5mins lah before i left myself without being 'chased' off. anyways, i don't wanna think abt it so much liao, i realised the more i think think think the more paranoid i get! nothing happen yet i get all paranoid already! today is her 6th day and i think she improved today, she still cried when i try to put her down in her classroom but she stopped quite quickly today. i've got my thoughts sorted out and i think i should trust that i did a good job the past 18 mths and that my girl is a good girl and she won't give teacher any trouble so in turn the teacher won't give her any 'trouble' =p i made some 'efforts' to establish some good relations during the first 3 days and now she got 2 little friends looking out for her. there's this indian girl (the oldest in class) and another very sweet looking malay girl always hanging around her. today, the indian girl so sweet, came up to me and took kimberly's schoolbag and helped her put it on the table. the malay girl so cute also, when kimmy cries, she keep passing the toys to her!
y so wasteful? Throw $$ away.

I put the car seat in front so if the air bag is activated, should be quite safe.

Condom still got 0.0001% risk. You so heng
but you are not the first case. Maybe really is a plot
i don't think sam can use booster seat until abt at least 4yrs old? he must be tall enough. booster is just to elevated him and he will be using your car seatbelt if i'm not wrong. so if not tall enough, then the seatbelt cannot properly restraint him. u can consider get those car seat that can last from birth till 4yrs old kind. don't buy those that last till 9mths lah! u mean like the maxicosi? very fast will outgrow one! child must be in proper restraint from birth (carseat) till 8yrs old (booster seat). hope this helps.
cos hub keep harping on how messy the storeroom is and he said if no one reply to my msg, he will proceed to throw away...

so he throw away lor...
ideas for cooking kuey teow
mummies, can seek your advise? what other ways can i cook kuey teow for a toddler besides with soup stock that i've made? if i fried it, what shd i use? can i use alittle bit of soya sauce? how much shd i use?

So sweet lor, Kim two little friend !!!! So fast got friend Liao. Wonder K got friend in school anot. Everyday I ask him, do u wan to go sch?? He will shake his head. Do u wan to go and play with ur little frd? Then he think think think..

The ichib** really like bird cage leh. Everyday lock in the house. somemore inside no aircon, no fresh air. Morning 7plus I walk pass no kids playing... 5plus 6 I walk pass, no kids playing also. So many cars and little playground for wat? Wonder when is the kids playing time..
Car Seats

Thanks for the info. Argh still so confused. Think I'll thrash the idea of the infant car seat unless I can borrow one? hm..

There're the smaller car seats from birth-4 yrs old, then another type from 1/2-6/7 yrs old issit? If there is, then maybe I have to let The Bun have Sam's car seat &amp; upgrade Sam to the older car seat. Dunno if he'll feel The Bun is usurping his throne tho. Ah.. dilemma...
hahaha... my 2nd preg also considered "accident"

yeah we are on the same topic now.. carseats! my plan is first 3months.. carry #2 in arms still.. then hopefully after 3mths, Shanis will be big enuff to upgrade to booster seat. then #2 will use Shanis's current carseat. The carseat belt can no longer tie her down. she can free her arms easily by sliding out of the belt. Seems so dangerous in this manner. i think she will fly off if there is an accident.

And hubby is thinking of 'upgrading' the car! -.-"
Don't have to put soya sauce if you don't want to. Just fried the kuey teow lightly with an egg and some veg, and then put a bit of your soup stock to simmer it for a while to make it softer for Kim?

Exactly!!! That's what I told my hub! Like you never see children there loh. If without the signboard and the toy cars that line up nicely in front of the house, you never think that's a cc loh.

You can change him to a new car seat NOW, don't have to wait till The Bun is here. So that Sam won't feel like he has to give away things to his sibling. He would probably forget that he sat in that car seat when he is younger.
My dilemma is no more liao! Living Sanctuary called and said they have a place for A next year!! so happy! no more sang nao jin!

potbelly - i signed her up for the branch at Lim Ah Pin Road

kaydenmom - Hello &amp; welcome! Congrats on your #3, hee am trying for No. 2.

kiki - Pats don't have 3hrs kindy. Only have half-day or full day type. How is Kim in school now that it's the 5th day and how is mummy :p
Bernice, so which slot u got for Living sanctuary? they also call me too..i got PM, cos earlier i indicated PM...need go register next wed/thurs right?

Gina, they told me now left with waiting list abt 16 or more and is by balloting basis liao, but can always try your luck since it's balloting.

Sam tries the slipping arms out stunt too. But I scared him by saying that he'll fall down when Papa turns, so he'll guaiguai stick his arms back in again haha

I think not safe to carry baby in arms leh. I'm a firm believer in car seats. I think maybe my best option is to get those bigger car seats from 6 mths - 6/7 yrs. Then like kam
Says, upgrade Sam to it in my 2nd trimester, then hopefully he'll forget that the seat was HIS &amp; not The Bun's? Hopefully will have a same on Britax car seat again soon.
Jeni - oh! i got the 11.45-2.45pm, how about you? ya go down next wk, am going down on 13th PM to register. They told me bring birth cert, $50 deposit, bring the child and thats all. That's it huh?
Actually hor, when I told HR that he used to sit in meimei's car seat, he said no, he didn't cos that's for baby only, when I told him yes, you sat in there when you were baby, he got angry and said, no I don't sit in there, I am not a baby anymore. They don't have long memory span, they actually can't remember/imagine themselves as a baby, so don't have to worry. When you change him, tell him he is a big boy already, that's why gonna change to a bigger car seat meant for boy (but never tell him his current one will be used by his younger sibling).

I think I've made up my mind. I'll get the 6mths-6yrs car seat, upgrade Sam, &amp; let The Bun have his birth-4 yrs car seat. Then I just have to buy another booster seat in time, &amp; the 2 of them can keep upgrading till they graduate. All in all, 1 more car seat &amp; 1 booster seat.

At which mth of your pregnancy did you upgrade HR?

Itsy> u mean the pigeon wide neck bottles can fit into foogo huh?? all I need is to warm the bottle up..
So means I can put hot water inside... And put in the bottle to be warmed???
