(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

think cindy ask me to tell u bout k stuff, is refering to K shoes?? cindy m i right? haha
K start wearing shoes when he is 12 months old.. till now 19months, he got 13 pairs of shoes :p

i do not have any hand down stuff from frd or relative. all hve to buy ourselves... my SIL hand down all the stroller, rockers, clothes everything to her frd and cousin. nv leave some for us =( i buy alot of gaigai clothes.... but home clothes, can u believe K is still wearing his newborn shorts and few tops too.... hahaha.. maybe tat time buy too big tat y now still can wear. i told cindy bout it.. she say i kua zhang =P

my hubby always say looking at mine and kriden clothes is like his office email... too many don dare to see :p

*feeling pisssed* i stand outside the class today, the kids also can't see me...like that also distracting ah? why the teacher must chase me away? do u think they got something to hide?!

Have put A's name down on waiting list at Pat Schhouse and they called me up saying they got space for next year Jan PM session. But i still waiting for the christian church kindergarten to call if they got space for A next yr, the admin person said they are currently doing the sibling admission so can't advise me if got space anot. So how? If reject Pat then the church kindergarten also no space, then die liao. But if accept Pat, then the church kindy have space then really knock head coz hubby prefers the church one as it's cheaper.
kiki - ya i find it funny, you standing outside of class and not distracting them, its ok ley. From what i read your earlier posts, the teachers there maybe those kind that don't want people to watch them as they don't want complaints/feedback from parents and also scared that someone may complain if they saw them doing something wrong.
Haha, what your hub said is funny! He no eye see lah, some more using his money, keke. 13 pairs not that bad for a shopaholic (ops!) like you. The most I have seen of a mum is almost 30 pairs of shoes for her daughter of 1.5 years old! Her argument is becuase of the weather (they now live in HK), she has to get different types of shoes.

Oh, so defensive ah. But I have heard mummies sharing some cc are like that leh. If it's really bothering you, maybe you can talk to the principle and ask why?

Wah, Pat schoolhouse vs church kindy - the fee is HUGELY different leh :p

U know y anot cos I got load of clothes and I don like to use hanger one. So always fold fold fold stack stack stack. If u notice my house got a extra room, tat room is used to keep clothes one ;p the. Sometime I die die wan to wear tat top I dig n dig also cannot find. Then will start "throw temper" to myself. The. My hub will "volunteer" go find that load of clothes. =p

Cannot compare cos ur frd one is a princess !!!!!! Hahahaah... If mine is a girl sure lots more than now. Nid to buy many colors to match clothes ;pp

Thanks for the tip on handling older sibling's 'violence'. I must remember coz my turn will come soon!


That's a LOT of stuff! I think Sam has only had 7 pairs of shoes so far since 11 mths haha

But I'd prefer to buy my own stroller, cot etc big items. SIL passed me the cot & pram. Aiyoh so hard to use & no good! The Chicco carrier she gave me was also USELESS! Not to mention the scary 6-yr old car seat *faint* They have this thing for "cheap" stuff lor (no offense) but they have different viewpoints & values as us. What we find important is not what THEy find important. So I'd rather have bought my own.


Star Tots right? I think Star Tots is like that. That time, I asked if I can stand outside & observe the clas when I was thinking of putting Sam in their playgroup, they also say cannot, cannot, everything cannot!


Er... Other than the fees, do you have any other criteria to judge whether you like Pat's or church kindy better? Tally them & see which one 'wins'?
Ur sil and mine abit different.. My sil one all good stuff. Hahaha.. And the thing she have are also the ones we wan. Her combi stroller brand new lor.. Cos my bil prefer carry then stroller. So they gave away
end up recently they go buy a new stroller cos my niece lazy to walk..

Hahaha... Yes. Before we know the gender, we went to pumpkin patch to buy clothes. (bought yellow n green so boy girl also can wear) then I saw lots of nice pinky stuff. I Told him I wan this this this this and this if is a girl. And he say softly omg.. Hope is a boy =.=
Kam> yes!!! i can so understand what u say!!!!!!!!!!!
And i did JUST WHAT i shouldnt...
NO RY!!! Mei mei pain pain!!!!!! DONT DO THAT!!
(then i was thinking.. how can i tell her? cuz obviously she has GOOD INTENTIONS, but WRONG ACTIONS!)
okok... next time i try.... cuz i know she doesnt understand gentleness while handling meimei..
she wants to bao bao mei mei also...and she kisses mei mei too.. but she press her WHOLE FACE unto meimei face......... >.<"""

hahahha... she can do that to us we are fine...

OKAY..i need to keep in mind... she WONT hurt meimei by her actions physically...
as in..mei mei wont break a bone cuz of her actions... and RELAX...and be calm... okok... thanks!!!

oh.. I wouldn't mind your SIL's stuff then haha

Actually SIL's things aren't THAT lousy lah, but she didn't know how to appreciate good stuff. For eg, she'll never think of buying a manduca coz she'll just say "there's no use for it". No need to waste money.

Or buy pull up diapers coz her kids are the quiet type, not like sam, so she'll also say no need.

In the beginning I listened to her, thought everything also no need. Then I realsied I'm better off deciding on my own haha

I'll have a bigegr problem with Sam. Coz he's chor lor, but he's a LOT bigger &amp; stronger &amp; heavier than RY!!!!! Chiam, dunno whether he'll give The Bun an internal injury!
Haha, true also, sometimes we let XY wear nice nice dresses (her birthday present), but no matching shoes leh, the ones she has so cannot match. But oh well, who cares :) That day her daddy bought a new pair for her, her feet too fat loh, wore a month or so only, cannot wear liao. Actually she has quite a lot of shoes, from her birthday party, but hor, most of them she didn't even get to wear, cos her feet too fat, cannot fit in!

Hahahaha! That's a very common reaction from parents. I "educated" my parents the same thing also (they were here during my confinement), so HR loves to bond with his sis. Unless he beat meimei intentionally, eg, out of jealousy, that we deal with him differently. Yes, be relax, be calm, be positive, be encouraging.......
wow K has 13 pairs of shoes!? that is a lot.. hahaha S only has 3 pairs..

from ur feedback, the sch seems to be unfriendly as if something to hide?? why dont u secretly go back and peep??

wow! pat's schhouse! do u want to consider location of the sch too other than cost? i signed Shanis up for a church kindy near United Sq for next yr...
Wahahaha! I am your SIL!! I would never buy a manduca and I only used pull up when HR is 3yo, have not used on XY yet.
Hi Kaydenmom
welcome to the thread...

u r really gd.. always have things to learn from u... will take note of ur positive attention to #1 when #2 is out!

Church kindy near United Sqaure ah? issit Newton?


Haha yup you &amp; SIL can be buddies! But seriously, if there's no need, then don't buy. But I had the NEED, so I bought lor. Sam is a different breed from SIL's 2 daughters.

Anyway what irks us is that the ILs also think the SIL way, keeps thinking that we're wasting money.

Oh but now, they're slowly realising that we KNOW what we're doing. They've seen the good points abt the things that we bought, or the way we raise Sam etc. I find that they're less 'critical' these days.
i've not found a gd absorbent pull up diapers yet... tried drypers drypants, mamypoko pullups.. all no gd one! so i gave up.. back to normal diapers... still like fitti and mamy poko the best..
Pull up pants, k been using that since 1yr old? Forget Liao... So siong... K is using mamy poko pants when going out. At home he is using the cheaper mamy poki, friendly price. Then recently I find that I put 4 diaper in his sch bag then come back all no more. Like use so fast lor.. So yesterday I tried to put 3 instead, also use finish.( poo at 745 when we reach, 1.30 poo also, extra one more to change) 3 more "reasonable" la.

So now I thinking of buying those normal ones for him to bring to sch ;pp

I don't have a choice. it's hard to change diapers for Sam so I need to use pull-ups. The expensive Mamypoko is not bad. The cheap one is of course different lah
there is different types of pull-ups for mamypoko? i bought the pink for gal.. soft fit and supposedly more absorbent and it's expensive too.. but not absorbent for Shanis leh... not even 2hrs start to leak liao! mayb she drinks a lot of water too... sigh
True lah. We are all different individuals living different lifestyle. Cannot compare.

You are welcome. I was being very careful of #1's feeling esp in the first month. I tried not to reject any of his (reasonable) request. Ended up playing puzzles with him while latching XY, everyone's happy :)

For school use, Petpet can liao lah. They usually change 1 after bath, 1 after nap, then 1-2 when he poos.

Oh Thomson Baptist ok ok.

Actually there's pink for gal, blue for boy, gren for unisex &amp; the cheap yellow one for short duration use.

I think Shanis drinks a lot of water lah haha


Yup, one of the hard lessons I learned in motherhood is that there's no 'textbook' solution. I have to decide for myself which is the best way.

I hated Petpet! Coz the tabs are those plasticky ones &amp; the sides are aws 'frilling'. But the improved version is not bad. The tabs are now the paper kind &amp; the "frilling' sides are better quality too.

I alternate between Petpet &amp; Drypantz for Sam at home now. Nite time, use Mamy Poko. Gog out, use Drypantz.
bernice, kam
ya, maybe they scared get complaint. but they shd be more understanding. kam this one is like a playgroup not a CC so got no principle... who to direct 'issues' too i also don't know lor. maybe i shd direct these questions to our minister since this is an RC playgroup hor?!

yes, startots. i should ask the minister why they built a class room with a glass partition window but then end up the teachers paste paper all over to cover!! is the startots at your place also like this?

cannot go back n peep already coz they chased me out and locked the main door. =( i still can hear thru the outside closed window lah, but not as clear as if i was inside.

so far, kim seems ok, but i think today she cried longer then the past 3 days. she was actually quite happy this morning and when i told her we're going to school, she run to get her schoolbag. all was ok until she walk thru the classroom door and i said 'mummy come back and get you later ok?' then start to cry liao. =/ when i went to pick her, i can hear her crying thru the outside window but cannot see anything. hopefully is not cry the whole session! *heartpain* when she saw me, she cry abit then stop. she usually stops crying v fast when i carry her. at home, seems ok...like normal self. but aiyo, didn't wanna eat her lunch! made me so stressed n tired!! i told the teacher give her drink SOME water when she cry, i think the teacher literally let her hold her bottle thru the whole session coz it was almost empty! also, i noticed the straw is broken, so she must have been biting on it for a while! =/

Abit same like my K. every morning he wake up at 715 or 730 then go knock my door ask me wake up n bathe him. Aftee change will go take school bag and shoes... Everyday like tat lor.... But reach sch will still cry, short one for attention. Fetch him also lor, mouth tu tu and cry when c me. Once I carry then stop Liao. Now already 1mth still like tat. He jus veri yang ohhh.. The teacher today told me Kriden veri cute and smile in class... Only morning not cute.. Cos cry. HahahHa...

U monitor awhile lor, c this sch suitable for Kim anot..
Not sure what is the max weight pupsik can be used but I'm currently using it for my kids when going out. If they refuse to walk, my hand will break if I don't have that. Why only keen on a few months?

Wow, 13 pairs. Does he wear all or only 1-2 pairs frequently?

Startots paste a paper outside the RC stating to call them directly for any issue/registration. You can try calling them to ask but I guess might not have any answer. Not only Startots prevent people to peep in, most of the playgroup close the blinds too so all quite secretive. Unlike CC.

Pat school house
Are they very good?
Kam - Yes, different on the price ;p

milkway - The church kindy is at Hougang, Living Sanctuary Kindy, so quite near my place. PatSchhouse also that area. You old girl, means confirm can get in ah? not sure if the old gal scheme also applies to Kindys?

Jul - Hmm, both quite ok ley, i juz scared the church kindy said no space after i reject Pats. Hubby prefers the church kindy though. But i'm thinking when got No. 2 then really quite shiong to have 2 at Pats.

Connie - My cousin went to Pats, my aunt is raving about Pats coz she could see that my cousin learnt alot from there, she became more self confident etc. She previously enrolled my cousin at other kindys and said when she went to Pats, she could see the diff.

My hubby not interested to discuss with me about putting her at Pats. Sigh.
no lah i dont think there is those old gal scheme for kindys.. i just lazy to source around.. nothing much near my mum's place except marymount kindy. i just take the easy way.. haha.. ohh i keep thinking of the pat's at whitley road. that branch seems more famous :p pats is more CC sort rite?
Guess it's up to individual bah. I knew a mummy of HR's age, her daughter attended Pat for about 1 year, she as in the daughter didn't quite like it there. So when they switched her to a church kindy when she was 3yo, she goes to school happily everyday, and according to the mum, she learns quite a lot at the kindy, on par if not better than Pat's (but then she was younger when she was at Pat's lah).

Star Tots has only a central admin. So you have to call that hp number for any 'issues'. As for the Star Tots in Toa Payoh (near ILs' place), I didn't check it out coz they had no vacancy then.

As for it being an RC playgroup, it ISN't! It just uses the facilities.


Think max weight is 20kg? Coz I have a Manduca which I can supposedly use from newborn, but I'm not comfortable with putting a newborn upright, so the pupsik is like temporary measure.


Hmm.. Living Santuary is quite popular &amp; has very small intake right? aN aUG THREAD MUMMY SAID SHE'S ON WAITING LIST TOO, &amp; THE LIST IS long! oOPS... sorry capslock. It sounds very risky. but to have2 kids in pats' schoolhse is not cheap! Are there other alternatives?
Maternity Clothes

Argh.. I'm surfing the Net looking for cute maternity clothes &amp; it's hard to find many. Any recommendations?
wah, morning is your son wake u up not u wake him up? u bery ho mia leh!

thanks for the tip. but nah...won't contact them. if really buay song, will juz w/d.

why is your hb not interested to discuss putting arielle in pats? whats the diff in fees?

oh is it? it just uses its facilities ah? but i thought its REALLY an RC playgroup leh. recently they gave out some 'minister day' coupon for free to the kids parents whereas other ppl have to pay coz i saw the coupon says '$3'! =p anyways, i was juz kidding abt directing my issues to the minister. but i do feel a little moody today....i've mixed feelings abt the school. hopefully i get it sorted out soon! hate this feeling.

Yeah they're not "affliliated' or what lah. If you go to their website, nowhere does it mention right? besides, PAP has its PCF kindys &amp; Sparkletots CC leh. They can't have another brand under their umbrella lah. Guess there's the coupon coz they're tenants lor?

Yeah lah, I can understand. I also had a HUGE headache before I finally settled on MFC for Sam. I ddin't like any of the CCs or PGs near MIL's. Even now, she's still grumbling why we have to place Sam so far away, why not just put in the downstairs PAP... etc etc
Think full day at Pat's can be easily $1400, half day may be near to $1000? While church kindy a few hundreds, like $300. That's what I learned from other parents lah. Oh no, actually I called a Pat's near my work place before, that's why I remember the figures, very roughly.

For #1, I didn't use anything, sling or pouch or whatever. But because HR has no problem sitting, sleeping in the stroller and >90% of the time, we went out with my hub together. When #2 came, I received a MIM sling as a gift. Used it for a brief few months till XY refused to be put in, have been very useful, I would say, esp that we have 2 kids to take care of, sling one close to me, can have both hands free.

I have the same thinking.. that's why I thought I may need a pouch for a while, then switch to manduca. Coz I found my Manduca very very useful.
Just buy it! Keep it clean and sell it asap when you can transfer him/her to your manduca!

Would you tell/discuss with your hub on such buy? My hub would call me siao if I think about buying or not buying something for this long :p
milkyway - Yep, Pats is a full/half day CC. The branch nearby is at Lim Ah Pin Rd, upper serangoon road (kovan)

Kam - yep, i agree its individual..Very long waiting list.

The price u mentioned it's before working mother subsidy but can *faint* already...

Jul - Living Sanctuary is popular, they won some award thingy from MOE last year, i went there for a visit and hub &amp; I were impressed, they have innovative ways of teaching children which the teachers themselves come up with, children are engaged and happy playing/listening, school is clean and tidy, they have an area where they have done up a airport coupled with check-in counters; plane seats, and also mockups of a supermarket, clinic, i even saw the principal teaching a class! I myself don't mind going to school, it sounds really fun!
Sigh, the waitlist long, so duno can get in eventually. Catholic Kindy near my area but i found the school not good because the teachers not really interested in teaching, i went to see a Pre-N class and the teacher (young one) was teaching a girl art &amp; craft and the rest of the children were on the floor playing with toys, i saw one girl at the corner crying and no one went to comfort her, it was very messy, the compound and facilities were kinda old too.

kiki - Hub very much prefers A to be in the church kindy, he was impressed with the school visit. Once he is set on something, it is hard to change his thinking. Also its cheaper, on the long run it is easier. I think their school fees 1 term is $750, Pats is $1k per month. Alot of diff hor..
Jul - I'm still using the pupsik pouch now and then to carry her, 12.1kg gotta tahan. I find it useful. Good to invest in one. Can buy la since now rach's spree can get cheaper rite?
yah initially hubby was also considering pat's and other branded ones as influence by his colleagues... but when i told him it's 1k or more per month, he was kinda shocked! haha... so we decided on thomson baptist instead of marymount as the thomson was newly renovated... went to check it out and it seems quite ok. Per term abt 800 i think. Can drop shanis along the way to work lor so i choose the 8am session! now i think it seems quite early for her. ermm call up living sanctuary and pester them for a reply? or check how long the waiting list is at least u have a gauge.
milkway - How many sessions do they have? She have to wakeup early 7am to follow you to ur mum place so she is already used to gettin up early? its 3 hrs session huh? Have called them up and they said they still doing the siblings one so can't confirm yet. haiz have to wait lo

Can try maternity clothes dresses from http://www.maternityexchange.com.sg/

I don't discuss with Hubs if I don't feel like it, or if it's very cheap. But for the pouch, it happens that Hubs saw someone using it in NTUC last week &amp; suggested I get one coz the MIM sling is so hopeless haha


Oh I quite liked Marymount Kindy but it's kinda far from you hor?

Agree on the school fees. The kindy I chose is $800/mth compared to Marymount which is $800+ per term. Thinking of the fees gives me a headache, so I dun think abt it.

Yeah lor, quite cheap, so it's not such a massive investment. But the Pupsik will only be for me, coz there's sizing, so Hubs can't use haha


I dun like maternity dresses. I look like a tank in them! I look better in separates.
Read finish al the posts and forgot who/what I wanted to reply Liaoz... Lol....

Jul> yes just buy la.... Not like a $300 purchase need to think so long... Lol...
Btw, when I had both pupsik &amp; manduca... I sometimes prefer to just pupsik when it's nearer/shorter trips... Cuz manduca too leceh to strap strap here &amp; there for a short trip downstairs or to Northpoint...
So I'll just pouch and go...

But if I'm going further then I'll use manduca definitely else back break ah.. Hehe...

Anyway,haven't used pupsik / manduca on RY for 6-7mos...
Was still manduca-ing her when I was 1-2mos expecting and then it got too uncomfy on the tummy... Then I switched to stroller...
Till my helper came... We got a 2nd stroller...
Man... Seems like I got double of many things leh...
So Lang fei Lo... If only they are used for 5-6kids so worth it...
Hahaha... Sometimes feel like having more kids to utilize my purchases... Lol!!!!
Cos I don't have any subsidy mah, so all this up-market cc no go for me.

Then just buy buy buy!

Haha! Have more children then! We don't double everything leh, though my kids' gap are quite similar to your kids' gap. Stroller we only bring one, see who wants to be put in stroller. Car seat also only have 1, HR has been upgraded to a boaster seat since XY was born. Cot bed only have 1. I can hardly think of anything we need to double leh.

I agree with them, just go for it.
My boy 12.5kg, I'm still using it. Worth for $$.

R u planning to bring 2 stroller out at the same time?

Y must it rains at this time of the day.
