(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

sianzz... bad weather, hope it will stop raining later. hard to push a stroller and take umbrella to shether me and K. =(

it will be home alone with K later... how i wish can full day cc for 1 day.. hahahaa... where shall we go later?? hmmm...

<font color="aa00aa">bernice</font>

so if i compare CM n CS Montessori, then Jaelle's CM is cheaper in a way cos its half day whereas CS is only 2 hours?
ok, im tryin to console myself... hurhur~
<font color="aa00aa">myfavchoco</font>

yea... weather is pretty bad today... wanted to go pay her school fees but see the rain, i sian liao... will go another day.. hurhur~

Kriden also attending half day cc right? whats the fees there like huh? Montessori?
Yup, half day montessori CC. is $450 after the $150 sub. Urs $600 is after sub???

must go down to pay sch fee? though can deduct from cda?
your K got so scary meh! you sound like you phobia to stay at home with him. i see he is very good boy leh, always so smiley! you nothing to do ah...can always bring K come my house and play. hee.... i'm also praying for good weather coz have been staying home for 3 days already! usually if we don't go out, i'd bring her downstairs to the playground or the park. i also got loads of laundry to dry! where is the sun?!!!

i don't dare to click your link. later i wanna buy clothes for kimmy again! now got gap/ON sale i also trying hard not to click n see the website! keke...
Ya.. I don't like home alone with him. Hard to entertain, nid my full attention. outside I don nid entertain him. He will find his own entertainment like looking at the aunties and ladies in e bus or train till they smile to him then he veri song... Then they can continue their smiling games. I can 100% Bochup him lor ;)
<font color="aa00aa">myfavchoco</font>

$450 is cheap!
ya. Jaelle's CC is $600 aft sub. but now they increase price le. $740 aft sub lo. count myself lucky or not i also duno lo...
fees can be paid by cash, cheque or deduct from cda.
of coz save $140 is a good thing! on a serious note, preschool education fees in sg is really quite scary. from $600 can increase to $740, thats more then 20% increase! our pay also doesn't increase that fast!

*fan fan* don't get angry...who bully u?!
Cindy and milkyway,
One angry with ABNNs (who is this huh?) the other with old ah pek, I am super pissed with my Technical Support Officer, assigned to me but never want to do anything, somemore bad attitude, always give black face, 28 year old but attitude like a 12 year old!
if I kena her again next semester I will complain to director and get her fired!
really? ok lor.. hee. is K torturing u at home already? my K still sleeping! hope she sleep longer...then i got more free time. =p
Abnn is ah bu neh neh lah.. We hv Indian frens here anot? : x sorry Ahh I not angry with sg ones I angry with overseas ones...
Milkyway, I say angry wan to take time off work.. Cannot 'dong le tai qi'
Later chaim la if my bb come out hot tempered...
Ren ren ren!!!!
School fees

My cousin just register his 3 year old son to a Montessori school in bedok. 3 hrs daily and the fees is $1k plus.. Got no govt subsidize . *faint*

Recently heard that chiltern house is one of the most expensive preschool in Singapore..

How come nobody wanna put your kid in sparkle tots?
Yes he is torturing me. Refused to sleep... Think not going over ur house today.. Meeting Cindy 5plus for dinner.. Keke ;p others day also can go ur house hor?? Hehehe
some preschool education really ex in sg hor? i think on avg, one will be spending abt 20K for preschool edu! if only govt take over n standardise like for primary schools!

i'm thinking of putting kimberly in kinderland next yr. the fees is 1.3K per term, also no subsidy as its a 3hr program. dunno next yr will increase or not?! i ask my hb, the fees abt the same as put in half day CC, but he still say he prefer we let her go a 3hr program. *sigh* sparkle tots is a childcare centre rite?
Ling - Money is always well spent if its on education, besides CM won some award last yr. Yea, CM is cheaper since its halfday CC.

kiki - There is a kinderland near my place, went down to see, not bad! Don't think the fees will increase, its already not cheap!! Actually CC, the children need to eat breakfast, lunch, bathe, nap..you minus all these, their learning time with those 3hr kindys are about the same.
I angry with the stupid system. Not sure y need to upgrade. So ma fan......

Knocking off soon......another 25 min

My gal so poor thing now. No energy at all.
haha... my shopping list keeps expanding! But the clothes from there are really very cheap, less than $10 per piece including shipping for a decent top / dress
ya, already not cheap! still got 'plus plus' this and that. what you say is exactly what my hb say too. but he never consider the opportunity cost to the mummy!
Sparkletots I strike off my list -Jurong west St 42 branch. Hahhaha just opp my block.. 5mins walking distance.

Teachers wear berms n slippers, children all very naughty looking.. Teachers always gossip behind peoples back... Cannot cannot..
what happen to your girl???

my girl got at least 10 pcs of brandnew dresses which are still too big for her. so cannot lah...i cannot buy anymore!!
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

yea lo! i was shocked at the increase when the teacher called me... If im not wrong, the increase is thruout all the centres, n not just the pasir ris branch lo. scary~!

btw, i just bought some of those puzzles from toy'rus. Buy 2 get 1 free! Better than KP's 10% off for members... hehe~

Im also very tempted by ON's 30%! but NO! NO! NO! CANNOT BUY!!! MUST CONTROL~! haha~
oh..u mean like the ones kimmy is doing in my fb? ok! thanks for the info! when free, i'd go see if got anymore suitable ones to buy. so far i only bought 2 sets coz i feel the rest not so suitable yet. which did u get?

ya lor..ON n GAP 30% off super tempting! but cannot lah..that time daddy came back fr london n bought her even more clothes! so i must must must RESIST!
Sigh...went out a after dinner to buy the nanxing beixing thing, and they were locking their doors as I arrived. Must go again tomorrow.

I agree with bernice . No need to console yourself la...any money put into education is worth it. And very lucky you called before price increase too! Save money leh!

Whatever it is, I think so long as can "buy" some me-time, then is well spent ba. Hahaha... me waiting for my turn =P
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

i got the same shapes one that kim has, the numbers n the alphabets(altho this is stated to be for 3yrs+) I think the colours one also quite good but i got 3 liao... hurhur~

I let Jaelle try the shapes one just now. Am surprise she was able to fix them back slowly n accurately... some very fast! n some are more like "tikam tikam" type la... haha~

yea~ im tryin my best to resist too! dont see! dont see! haha~
<font color="aa00aa">Joli</font>

haha~ thanks! I really hope its money well spent!

ya, was lucky to have gone down to enquire bef the fees increased. But really la, $600 per month alr very ex lo. And I took quite some time to decide on it. The plus point was cos I felt that Jaelle liked the school. She initiated for the teacher to carry her n didnt want to leave the school when we were there the 1st time. The teachers were nice n friendly. Unlike some others which I have enquired, she screamed! There was another which I think she also like but I felt it was too cramped! Fees aft sub n if u pay by giro is $550; no giro is $600. Plus its under HDB block and not montessori based de. So I thought CM still more recognised n worth ba... hurhur~

Anyway, if I enquire aft the increase, I would have said "bye-bye" le... $740 aft sub per mth for half day CC is NO JOKE leh~!
kiki - my hubby also dowan to put A in CC. Because my mil can take care of her and also on his off days on weekdays, he can spend time with her, if put full day, he got not much time to spend with her. Perhaps your hubby was thinking along this line as well?

ling - ON full of summer clothings! very very tempting!

Joli - What is nanxing beixing?
Kiki - me! Me! I bought a laminating machine before. Brand is smth Peach if I'm not wrong! I bought it at least 5-6 yrs ago! Hehe

Preschools - these few days I cAlled up few schs to enquire too. 

Apple tree : 1.5-2hrs/day $130-$160/mth depending on locations *may-June start to apply fr 2012* cannot use cda

PCF pre nursery : 2hrs/day $160/mth cannot use cda

so these 2 I might not want to enrol Z liao.. Lolx

then I went to call Cherie hearts and my first skool..

My first skool : mostly all fullday no longer have flexi care or halfday??? Sch fees around $600+onwards before subsidy. If I go work there, Z sch fees got special rates.

Cherie hearts : sch fees very expensive! +.+ but if I work There and is a confirmed staff, Z sch fees free. Woah sounds good! 

Initially i was planning to send Z to appletree or PCF pre nursery which cost $100+ a mth fr just 2hrs.. Send him to sch is to let him be a little independent.. Then when I know cannot use cda, I told hb don't want go le. Lolx *.* nvm then nx day I call childcare... Ask ask ask until some of them ask me come for interview instead. -.- sigh! To send or not to send Z to sch nx yr is not much problem.. It's smth else bothering me.

My thinking is...
If hb and I plan to have more than one, and I would prefer to have their age gap not more than 4yrs apart.. Max is actually 3. Because........ (1) look after z and a newborn by myself = no need pay any nanny $$ (2) first 2 yrs of a baby sure v v v tiring cos of e routine like what we doing now and ESP fr z, who often tk long time to zz n always wake up n cry at nite thou nw better le, SO i don't want can zz thru when z 4,5,6yrs old then I got to get up again n again w all e night feeding w a newborn n send Z fr classes!!!! I tink I will collapse! Lolx (3) I wan to go bk n work n study when e youngest is abt 2-3 yrs old! So wanna faster have babies n close shop!!  (4) I don't really tink it's very ok fr me if I work n get pregnant cos it's v dangerous n shiong fr me to be pregnant as a presch teacher n hv to handle z and my hsework n cooking cos my hb is always v v v bz at work! Plus, I don't want to be away frm my students fr many mths!! 

I've been trying to find a nice relaxing day or night to discuss w my hb abt babies for mths and till now haven't got the chance! Either he's too tired or bad mood.. Sian! 

In short, my idea was if I do plan have another baby in 2012, I will not be working yet and will stay at hm n look after kids till the younger one is 2 then I will be back to preschool industry. I will just bring both to work w me. If I don't plan have another baby in 2012, I will be back to work in 2012. I would prefer to faster have baby and then close shop so that few yrs later I can work "properly"!  Don't like the idea of work liao then v enjoy teaching then awhile ltr I pregnant then this cannot that cannot cos I always play w my students even at playground gg down slides etc! Ltr maternity leave etc then parents principals all not happy give me problem at work I v sian one.. Hais! Maybe I sound selfish n demanding to my hb but I felt that he also must b fair fr me.. I'm e one pregnant I'm e one gg to deliver I'm e one looking after I'm e one teaching while he's e one playing w them! Hais I dnw hw also.. I got so mad cos he no time to have discussion w me properly I just tell him off.. Nvm la.. Z can stay at hm w me.. I can sing songs do art go playground w him teach him etc like what I do in sch cos I got my teaching aids! Then we will just remain like that forever... The brain Forever stress w financial lor! Nw z still on bm n no need go sch so no need pay sch fees buy milk powder... He alr v v stress up since need to pay hse car bills groceries etc... Nx time z older need go sch buy uniform buy books etc.. Yet I can't go work yet see that time
More stress or not.. Dnw whether u girls understand what I'm trying to say not..
sigh! I feel damn stress cos I dnw hw to mk my hb understand wad I wanna tell him n he keep saying he's tired he's busy!! Urgh!!

Dnw if I'm suffering frm anything now! Night time cannot sleep day time cannot wake up! Every day busy or tired tired tired... Hais! Feels so damn stress and unhappy yet dnw wad to do! Hais! 
errmm... i dont know wat to say... just tot of some suggestions to help u get some ME time... not sure if it is wat u want...

Maybe u wanna try real hard to wean off Z first? Put him in a playgroup now for 2hrs daily so at least u have time to do some stuff without him interfering? but u wanan pay with CDA? think most playgroup cant pay using CDA. Guess Z has become too dependent on you as u and him have been almost like "相依为命" all along... so might be go to let him out of sight for that short 2hrs... for a start both of u will have difficulty adjusting but i tot have to start somewhere lah. Hopefully u will relax, feels less stress having to handle him 24/7... helps u to conceive faster too in a relax mood. Hope u find a chance to talk to ur hubby this wkend ba... and come to a solution. Take care!

I can exactly understand how you feel as I am a SAHM too and my son is super active and don't like to sleep too. And i also thinkin of when to have 2nd child and when to start work. YOur problems all v similar to mine and I used to be a child care teacher too.

Most of the times i enjoyed my times with my son but I have my bad days too and will feel tired and frustrated at times. And he like to latch for comfort and to sleep. I noe my milk supply is very low but he insist to latch for the above reasons. Cracking my brain on how to wean him off as he has a pretty strong and bad temper. Really hope he can auto wean off by 2.

I will most probably put him in a playgrp so that he can have chances to interact with more people. Think everyday face me he oso sian haha. Will go see Apple Tree near my place soon.

But right now I guess I wun have 2nd one till my son older. I am not ready yet haha.
U r saying yr Hubby veri stress over financial? Then y not jus stick to 1 kid? Else 2nd one he will be even more stress? My Hubby was telling me k school fees so ex as compare to those Neighbourhood ones. He say IF one day we really have #2 then both of them got to go cheap school Liao... No more Montessori... Too siong.. :p till now I think he feel so lucky that we got a son instead of daughter... He feel tat a son I can already buy this buy tat (lots of shoes and clothes) If daughter he had gone broke long ago :pp

Alot of people were saying 1 kid very lonely.. Is that wat parents really think?? Does the kid really wan a sibling?? Of. Cos having a sibling is also good la, I nv say not good. I am a only child myself.. I don find myself being lonely... I am veri happy with jus myself. Till now my thinking still haven change.. :p
i will wait till next wk and see how by then.. not in a hurry to send him off to school but more of "getting" a place ready for him when "it's time"..

the Bright kids is just near my place &amp; my mom's too, convenient for her to help me to fetch to &amp; fro!

there's a My first skool near me too but it open this year and ended up the waiting list is so long that they are nt taking anymore names... (&amp; it only mid-march) so it added to my kancheong-ness

talking abt pre-school fever... lol

u r super power mommy, all along being taking care of Zander alone and so for long.. still can cook, go shopping, play and even holidays.. (from ur fb photos) :p

hang on... =) im sure it can be work out..

talking about having #2.. was on my mind too.. but a lot of issues... sigh

im changing a new coy soon... mon to thurs 9-7 &amp; then fri is half day! so looking forward to ME time on fri afternoon! :p
not true that u only get to mingle with othr races only in PAP. Shanis's current playgroup has Indian kids and her teacher is an Indian too. Initially my mum was worried she will cry as she seems to be more scared with pple on the darker coloured skin.. not just other races.. even chinese who have dark skin too... she's scared of my uncle who has darker skin tone as well.
