(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I will be switching to part time after my ML. Will only work 3 days a week , still with the same company. But its a huge pay cut. Sob sob.. How abt being a relief teacher ?


So happy for you. My boy calls me meh meh less than 5 times ..

28 days is A LOT of AL already! Kids get stronger as they grow.

Congrates! Enjoy!

That's good that your co allows you to convert to part time.
And yes it halfway for the first 3 days and fullday after. Got a new born and when I go back to work I don't think my maid can cope, no choice
<font color="aa00aa">ITSY</font>

WELCOME BACK! Are u rejuvenated now? hehehe~

Well, how to plan when my hubby is always away?!
He came back last fri aft being away for over a month and he's flying off again tonight! How to plan? Its a "Dream on!" for me lor...hurhurhur~
<font color="aa00aa">Preschool</font>

I just enrolled Jaelle into Character Montessori this morning! Made hubby visit the school with me this time cos I also want him to be comfy with the school before I actually enrol her in.

She will most likely be starting on 1st April but I still can change if I decide to start later.

After filling up all the forms, my heart started to feel so heavy too! Those total mixed up feelings kept pouring in... =S
<font color="aa00aa">M</font>

MMR- Some may develop low grade fever a few days aft the jab. I believe some of the bubs here had it as well. Jaelle took the MMRV and develop slight fever abt 4 or 5 days after the jab for abt a day... Maybe u can start her later aft 1 or 2 weeks?
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

i do use bleach on Jaelle clothes when they are stained. But i made sure they are wash thoroughly aft soaking... so far, ok leh... maybe u wana try?
I used Vanish on his clothes before, to remove some old milk stains. They came off, and he was alright. Hm....actually I din think of the skin irritation part..oops..
Dun forget to claim childcare leave, 3 days better than nothing la I guess. If your office provides for childcare MC, even better

Ya, my boss quite flexible.
No choice, my mum quite old ler, its time I take more responsibility. Don't wanna stress them with a hyper active toddler and a baby.
doesn't your hb apply leave to help look after katey too? how is the little one? better or not?

my girl took MMR only, no fever. for me, i think it's better to take all the jabs before admission to preschool. after MMR got 1 more booster 1 mth later.

so halfday CC for jaelle? happy lah u! soon u'd have more me time! i feel envious! =p

ling, joli,
see if the dynamo works 1st or not. thanks for the washing tips! hee...
for my case even best... hubby just brought S to trial and come back saying he has signed her up.. i was like O.O" not prepared to send her so early lah... but he says need to... then when i heard she cried.. heart just sank! but jsut hope she gets used to it soon lor. Then it's holiday break now.. so i think it's another adjustment back to sch next wk. T.T
I used to get 42 days
Then they chopped our leave and said will give pay-rise, which was all nonsense, more like work-rise rather than pay-rise! Yours should be 28 also, right? I also had 28 days when I was in research.

Yes, he does, so quite lucky lah, with 1 kid we have 12 days shared between us...2 kids quite boh-hua as they only give 10 days for 2 kids :p

Katey's fine, no more fever and i have a meeting this morning, so I packed her into childcare already! I just hope the teacher practises some hygiene and wipes her greenish snort when she sneezes! One bad (or good) thing about this current childcare is that the health screening is rather laxed!

Ling, Marie,
yeah, there will always be that feeling but if the teachers allow you to accompany her for the first few days, you will get to see what she will learn/eat/play and I'm sure you will feel more at ease because both Jaelle and Ry will be interacting with friends her age, learning interesting stuff and doing all the activities which, at times, is rarely done at home
you both will be fine!
S starts to call me Ma-miii or Meee instead of mama now
i'm so happy... she only learnt mama or papa as we tot it's easier to teach her those instead of Mummy or Daddy. But over the wkends, i realised she calls me Ma-mi instead of mama! And we didnt teach her to change.
Wah, you have 28 days when you were a researcher??? Where were you huh? so good! Ya, I heard from friends of mine in your line saying leaves had been cut to 28 days. Me don't have leh, last time and now, 18 days only. And I don't get to enjoy unconditional childcare leave loh. Lucky can still claim childcare sick leave. And lucky my kids rarely fall sick (touch wood!). But still have to save some leaves for the cc closure, think it's 4-5 days per year.

Good that K has no more fever, yay! So you still boil that nanxing beixing thingy for her or not? I let HR drink that for a consecutive of 3 days, fill up his bottle and let him bring to cc to drink.

Thought Kim is going to start playground soon?
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

ya... half day CC for Jaelle. Can put her there anytime from 7am till 12.30pm lo. After i fetch her home, shower her then nap liao... but i pretty much predict she will just fall aslp in the car on her way home. hurhur~

but u know la... Im staying in bedok currently and moving to tampines when we find the ONE(still searching)lo. So it doesnt make sense to just put her for 2 hours unless i find somewhere really nearby. Hubby prefers half day too. so Half day it is! but the time to drive her to n fro also eat up my ME time quite a bit liao.. so... no need envy la! heez~
Rylen calls me mummy cos she calls my MIL mama ( as requested) annoying.

I'll speak to the doctor later, maybe will start her in school in april then. But I need rest, between nursing a gassy, spit up baby and spending time with rylen, if I'm lucky if I get one hour nap and four hours sleep at night. Need to start going to the gym too, argh, faint.
waterproof labels
errm where can i get waterproof labels where i can also customise the name on it?? I need it for S's waterbottle and mini-lunchbox. The old one I had long time ago is not sticky anymore and seems like the tape is OOS now... so i'm resorting to using scotch tape now but it keeps falling off.
<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>

ya... its a matter of gettin used to it... but for my case, jaelle has been with me every single day n time ever since she's born. Somehow to let her start sch soon makes me feel... i duno how to describe.. hurhur~

wah! Shanis is so smart! am overwhelmed with her speech progress lo!
hubby initially wanted to wait till jaelle knows how to talk before we put her in CC. but I feel its better to let her start early ba. some kids dun talk till much later then they dun have to go sch till then? I want jaelle to learn n interact with other bubs her age. sometimes i really duno what to do with her at home n seeing her play alone also like very kelian. so perhaps sch now is good? =P
ya, she start next mth. but hers is only 2hrs playgroup daily.

haha..but definately will have more ME time then me! sigh...i think my hb like not v supportive of CC leh. don't know why he feels that put in CC like very ke lian. then the mommy not ke lian?!

i think paige has one!
<font color="aa00aa">paige</font>

ya...I will have to get used to it...
CM allows us to gradually intro the sch to Jaelle; not just the first few days... so when she starts, i'd prob go with her for 2 hrs everyday for a week? then gradually increase her time spent at the centre alone ba... see how she progress lo.
I park at the basement carpark at RWS. There is a cap charges of $2x a day, so if you plan to be there full day, it's okay. When you enter Sentosa, use the lane for RWS, so that you won't be charge the island entrance fee of $6 or $7. If you use other lanes, you will be charge the island entrance fee, but the parking fee is cheaper at the other side, not sure if there is a cap for that. End up about the same bah.

You can drop her off then spend your ME time around the centre, rather than driving home and come back again.

My gal has MMR. No fever after that. I am guessing that if you gal are more prone to fever after jab, she would very likely to develop a fever after MMR/MMRV. You can plan for the jab on Friday, so if she does develop fever, it'll the next Friday, so just skip class one day and then it's weekend already. If you seriously need some rest, I think it's okay to let her start next week.
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

if u compare lidat.. then ok lo.. I got more ME time... heez... =)

my hubby n I both feel that 2 hours cant really learn much? n full day is just too much for their age ba. and since we tentatively also got no intentions to let her take other enrichment courses cos we feel she's still very young. we dun want to put so much pressure on her with so many classes at this age. so half day was just wat we wanted for Jaelle. she will get to learn n play with her peers n hopefully enjoy her childhood.

We mommies need our break too! time is said to be our ME time... but will we actually rest at home while they are in sch? no lor! its more of she go sch to play n learn. then mommy can have a peace of mind to do chores at home... hurhur~

Jaelle will tentatively attend sch there. We'll see how she progress first ba... if all goes well then good lo.. else, we'll prob look for another when we do move out.
<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>

for a start, ya, I will be ard somewhere nearby rather than goin home... but gradually, i will go home... cos by then, when i get my flat in tamp, driving to n fro will prob take approx. 15 mins each trip ba. I can go home to do cleaning or whatever without Jaelle gettin in my way! then when its time to pick her up, just go pick her, come home bathe then nap.. when she wakes up then i play n spend time with her lo.
<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>

thanks! ard the centre got nothing much la.. just the pasir ris park right in front of the sch lo. i cant be spending my ME time at the park for hours everyday. I'd rather go home... if no chores(which is pretty unlikely) then i can rest or do whatever i please.

I just hope this plan will work well lo... not just for me but for Jaelle too! =)
<font color="119911">Ling</font>
Envy!! I'm still ding donging in my head if I wanna put Ian in school. Ian didn't get his rotavirus immunity, dunno if I should delay putting him in school because of this?
Paige's K was hospitalise due to rotavirus!!! Don't play play. Send her for the jab quick quick. Can be done now, no need to delay. And pneumococcal too!
errmmm i didnt give shanis rotavirus too leh... i think our todds passed the stage to take it already.... if not wrong, the golden period is about 3-6months.
Huh? Really? I think any age can take leh. Just that if a child gets it (touch wood) when she/he is older, he/she may not suffer too much from it, and it's not that dangerous. Basically just very bad diarrhea.
Kam - I recalled there are 3 doses to be taken. A took i think 1 dose then the notice on the vaccine came out so we stopped. Dunno what was the conclusion. I'll ask PD when we bring her for 18months assessment at the end of Mar.
<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>

i was also hesitating for quite some time whether to enrol jaelle into sch or not. Plus, cos the fees not cheap also. They have recently increased their fees by a whooping additional $140 per month but cos i enquired earlier, they gave me the earlier fee price. Phew~!
Then the "want" got stronger than the "don't want". haha~ so I made hubby visit the school first, he ok, we enrol liao lo.

Jaelle took all the necessary jabs liao... incl the rotavirus. So ok la... She shud be safe! =P
I did a quick search. Looks like you are right. Usually the 3 jabs completed before a kid turns 8 months old.

Oh well, NVM, just be very careful when a kid has diarrhea bah.

Ya, ask your PD if the jab can be given to a older child.
rotavirus is oral vaccine and not a jab. ya, i think milkyway is rite, there is a certain period to take this vaccine. pneumococcal vaccine she completed already. but did u read abt the recent case where a few toddlers died after taking this jab in japan? though it is not conclusive if it was due to the jab but soooo scary when u read news like this! everytime kimberly is gonna take a jab, i always pray nothing bad happen!
Yes, it's given orally. Oh, I have forgotten pneumococcal has been made compulsory.

It's always debated about the use of vaccine. Like how MMR was linked to autism. Though now it's been proven that it's not a valid claim, lots of people are still very concern about the MMR jab. I would wait and see how true the claim for the Japanese kids is. There is always a risk, but very low risk. Either takes this risk or risk a kid being infected by the potent virus.
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

HOT?! its been raining almost the whole day except a couple of hours in the afternoon? i just changed her into another outfit which is not so easy to undress de.
I dunno what's wrong, but my 2 kids keep falling sick. Brought them to see doc last night, both down with fever and soar throat again, Haohao has running nose and Peipei has cough.

Am really exhausted by all these...
when gov gave green light for this, Ian already over 6 months old so pd says no use taking 2nd dosage. I read that rotavirus can cause such bad Lao sai that it can be fatal for small children. Then again, I may be worrying too much.

As I'm typing this laying on my stomach on the bed. Ian is rolling his toy train on my back.. Feels like having a massage. haha
your hb best! I wished my hb would do that too, then I don't have to so shang-nao-jing.

water-proof labels - I thought BP have a lot. I think rach also have. Not sure if you're refering to the same ones though.

Glad to know Kate's fever is gone.

I was also looking at putting MY in half-day CC, just to let him play and socialize. Then friends advise me to put him in playgroup instead, but so difficult to find nearby daily ones. So.... The idea of being free from him for several hours a days is SO tempting! Then, of course I gotta deal with the "him-having-been-with-me-every-single-day" reluctance. And if he'll be able to cope. My guess - confirm cry one lor.
Ian just went for his 18mth booster jabs. Clinic told me if he take another mmrv next month (he took 1st dose in dec), he can skip the jab when he is in pri 6.

yes, rota may cos very bad lao sai that it can be fatal! But if it's detected and get treated, then it's okay.

Wonder why my PD never said cannot take rota huh? What's the warning back then?
