(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Wah-lau! Machine rusty when you turn 30???? I gave birth to my #1 at the age of 34, #2 at 35, and still thinking of having #3 leh. Thank goodness my machine is not rusty yet, not at all :) Age should not be a factor that you should take into consideration. Seriously, I think that it's more important for the husband and wife to have a mutual understanding and agreement on how many child to have and when to have it.

You don't hate his friends lah. It's all about himself mah. If he doesn't want to go out with them, who can force him to. Even if he goes out with them, it's all tight down to how discipline he is to leave the fun promptly and don't have to leave at 4am. 牛不喝水按不到牛头低 :)

A friend of mine is also the only child in her family. She told me she loves being the only child, never in her life feels lonely, and she is very happy to have all the attention from her parents. When she became a mum, she enjoys it so much, that she gave birth to 3 kids in 3 year (and still wants more!).

Haha, so you start TTC already because of the strong hint from your mum ;-) When you have 2 kids, it's gonna be a lot of different from having 1 kid. I don't think the close age gap will help. You need to put in much more time and to have more energy for 2 (or more) kids, regardless of their age gap, kids want attention and they would fight for attention. If there is really "benefit" of having kids of close age, I can only say it's the closer bonding between the two of them.


I had my #1 at age 33 and now #2 at age 35. I aiming for #3 in dragon year. Ai yo, u just try for #3 , no need to think. Things will eventually work out fine
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
No no, not TTC. My life just got a bit easier. Hubby also v scare when he remembers the 1st few months. Haha Can wait for a while first.
You certainly look younger than your age! Bravo!! You have such a positive mindset!

For us, it's still undecided. I am going to change job in these few months, and hub too. Since we don't want a live in maid, sending 3 kids to cc can really kill us! Cannot don't think about it lah, 3 young kids to cc will be at least (assuming the fees won't increase) $2400 per month!!! See how our next job is bah. My mum keeps telling me to stop, she said should spend quality time with the two, rather than make myself siao looking after 3.

Don't wait too long :) Enjoy your easier life for a while then should start liao :) First few months actually for me it's the easiest, cos #2 was just drink and sleep. Only when she was older, then it's more challenging.
aiyo, you definately don't look like you're in your 40s lah! i sure hope after 30 will not get rusty coz i'm still thinking if i wanna have another one maybe in a yrs time. i already 36 hor! u still look like a 'xiaomei' lah =) still look young n pretty! so don't worry abt looking 40s! hmm...your hb still sounds like wanna 'play' and i can understand why you're not happy when his friends jio him go out drinking and comes back in the wee hrs! i guess this is something you guys got to discuss and compromise on.

*pat pat* ya, maybe that hse is not meant to be. nvm lah...slowly lor. buying hse is big investment, take your time. best when you buy the hse is that you must see the owners too. i think thats impt. then see for yourself and go by your gut feel if they're 'reliable' or not. usually totally vacant hse will feel more airy and give a 'good' feel. if you wanna do total reno, then the hse new or not is not impt. don't pay for the 'move-in condition' then after that do total reno...not worth.
self defence
just outta curiousity, if another tod hits your child, will u teach your child to hit back? if not...what will u do/teach? last wk, a tod hit kimberly and daddy is now teaching her how to hit ppl! i don't really agree with this... i told him if nextime she hits ppl and principle call us up, he's going coz i'm not! =p
I told HR hitting people is wrong, that boy who hit him had just did something very wrong and he shouldn't learn from him. If that boy hits him again, come look for Mama/baba, mama/baba will protect you. No matter what, you cannot hit back.

For XY (hasn't happened yet), I will tell her about the same thing, and will probably bring her to another space to avoid the bully altogether.

Self defence is not how to hit people back but how to react or what you should do when you get bullied.
Harlow everyone!

I've been busy on leave last week, so no time to log in. Any exciting news? Anyone preggie? haha

Book Depository

Just spent abt US$25 buying books from book depository. I told myself I'll just buy 1 book to try out the delivery service, quality etc, but ended up buying 4! I wanted to add on a couple of Montessori books too but I MADE myself stop. let's hope my willpower lasts for a while hehe

Oops.. Sam was a 'victim' last Fri at Polliwogs. There was a gal his age at the todds' ball pit and I think she may have gotten jealous abt the attention her mum paid to Sam or something. Coz she staretd pushing Sam a few times. I shd have carried him away but I was kinda careless. And I think after she pushed him 3 or 4 times, she finally 'swiped' his face &amp; left a scratch mark near his eye. he bawled for quite q while &amp; refused to play after that. And whenever he saw the gal &amp; her mum, he'd start crying again. Hiaz.. my gentle giant. Big sized, fierce at home, but really quite mousy outside.
ya, i agree..although my hb sort of jokingly taught her to hit (hit him somemore!), i was shocked and i told him to be careful of what he teaches her! coz somethings once they learn quite hard to correct! the other tod's mom was quite apologetic abt it and really fierce! she was grabbing her girl by the back of the neck forcing her to say 'sorry'!
aw...sayang your gentle giant. hope the scratch mark isn't too bad! hmm, yeah...if the 'bullying' is a bit too much, i think shd carry our tods away. but usually i leave it be and let kimberly figure out for herself unless i feel its getting outta hand as in she would really get hurt.
okie! wanna plan something? i long time nv see YZ! itsy &amp; ling, how abt u gals? free on wed?

yep, 30th kim got jab at 3pm, i think abit late to go for playdate coz by the time done maybe 4pm already. but see where u all going on that day, if i can make it, i will come join u!
Haven't posted anything for a long time... but still come in and read at times..

About hitting back, my hub also advised my #1 when he was young, that he should hit back. He's logic is our kiddo should not be bullied by others.. if someone hits you, then hit back so next time he won't dare to hit you again...
*faint* I nearly died just listening to that... then I had to educate the "2 boys" that #1 should go tell the teacher instead. But hubby say like that then my boy bai bai hit by someone... haiyo... I guess the daddies think differently.

I stood firm and told him that I won't allow my kids to be bullied and will never allow my kids to bully others.

Waiwai, hope your kids get well soon

I agree with what you say. More children means more sacrifices. But we also gain in other areas too.


Your hubby very cute. If I were you, don't know whether to laugh or angry.

There was once when my nephew doesn't want to let him play his toy and pushes him away. My boy actually scream at him angrily and pull his shirt. I think thay know how to self defence in their own way bah. Its the first time I see this side of him. But I still tell him cannot and carry him away.
lol..maybe the guys are more into 'fists'!

ya lor, thats how i felt. he even said nextime wanna let her learn tekwando!
Need not worry about the quality of the books from Bookdepository. Very good quality, from the original publishers. We have ordered quite a lot from them.

LOL on how you have educate your "2 boys" :)

Hmm.. I think maybe my hubs is the odd one out. I think he doesn't teach Sam to hit back or to fight. I'm the one who'd rather he hit back, although I DON'T teach Sam that haha.


Oh any idea how long delivery'll take? I forgot to check on time frame. Just too excited clicking &amp; paying haha
Thanks, u so smart. Haiz,I jailbreak 3GS. So when I told him that I cannot download application, he ask me to see to ensure it was downloaded without error and those I want all have error. Can only download common games FOC. So wasted the $$ and time.

Sound like ur hb just started his happy time. What u have gone thru are not the worst. If partner have strong opposition against 2nd one, better wait till both are ready. I have seem someone having despresssion gg thru all these, not a good endings.

I was thinking of wushu instead of tekwando. But they can only accept after 4 yrs old ba.
If I remember correctly, about 2-3 weeks. Don't think they state the delivery time frame on their website. They don't post in batch, usually one book at a time.
I don't have any plans yet. Any ideas?

Seems like most Daddies are like that huh? My hubby also feels that his son needs to learn how to protect himself. When I told him how his son hit the other kid back when bullied. He went "That's my boy!" -_-

When playing toys together with another kid, Yunze's toy got snatched and he tried hard to hold on to the toy and kept repeating "Share! Share!". In the end, he 'lost'. I told him it's ok, play with other toys. So now when he's in the mall's kiddy ride and another kid approached, he will sternly say "Share!" with a reprimanding action. Gosh, gotta remind him that sharing means to share the ride with other kids.
Talking about bullying. My girl bullies her gorgor ALL THE TIME! She must fight/cry/whine/scream for that particular toy or that particular book! When she was outside, she would stare at the kid (who wants to get into whatever she's playing, e.g. sldie, kiddy ride, etc) and said no, no, no and try to use her hand to push the kid away. She is a big bully herself, I don't know how to teach her to be gentler.

Oh! Ok it's good that I'm not in a BIG hurry for the book then. But that means I have to wait for 2-3 weeks before I can order more hahaha

It seems to me that most of the 'bullies' are the younger ones hor? I guess they have to learn to 'protect themselves' or assert their against their gorgor or jiejie huh?
I'm free on wed.

usually it's Ian hitting others =.=".
I'm like JUL, outwardly teach him it's wrong to hit back and should come tell mama but inside I hope he'll hit back and win the fight :p haha


Does this mean that when Sam &amp; Ian 'fight', it may end up being their mummies scratching each other's eyes out coz they wanna avenge their sweeties?


Speaking of behaviorial aspects, I'm trying to get Sam to replace things into the cupnoard or drawers after he's donw 'thrashing' them. It takes AGES &amp; I have to repeat, "Keep the things back into the cupboard" like 50 times &amp; catch him if he tries tio leave the room. But I seem to be succeeding! Hopefully MIL &amp; maid don't undo the good work now that Sam's back in their care *hiaz*
Itsy and Jul,
That's si-bei funny!!! Can't wait to see the two of you scrathing each other :=)

Keeping the toys is another thing we don't enforce at home. But we keep the toys before they go to bed, so that they don't think toys go back to the shelves automatically, it's their parents who keep the toys. We will spare them till they are older.
Aiyo u all should see how F n Kriden behave during Playdate lo. The 2 of them always snatch things.
Toys/cars.. Etc
The mummies just 'laugh it off' n said dun snatch gals can already.
1.) When you JB your phone, you need to have an app called AppSync to enable you to sync back with iTunes.
2.) There is another JB app which is called "installous". It has alot of apps which are JB by ppl all over the world. So-called JB App store. Are you using that to search fo what you want?
Since you already JB your phone, you should make full use of it leh.. hmm..
joopz, itsy
hmm..me no suggestions at the moment...anywhere u gals wanna go?

u're very comical. reading what you posted i was picturing u n itsy cat fighting. lol!

keeping toys
well, i try to ask kimberly to keep her toys, most times she will listen but sometimes she keep halfway then runs off!

Haha sadist leh you. Wanna watch me &amp; itsy cat fight?

I have to start somewhere with Sam. But actually I don't make him keep his toys all the time lah. Maybe 2 out of 10 times? I just wanna give him some 'idea' that he cannot make a huge mess &amp; walk away anytime he likes.


Erm.. so who won in your imagination? haha
Ohhh.... my tummy is sooo big! Major water retention prob leh. I look like 4 mths preggie! Drat! What to wear for the next few days???
your mandarin is very good rite? how do u teach XY chinese at home? any good mandarin dvds or books to recommend? thinking of how to expose kimberly to more mandarin.
Ya, I so want to watch you and Itsy fight, cos I have never watched women fighting, kakaka!

My mandarin is not very good lah, good enough to "pian jiak". I don't teach them chinese. We speak in Chinese and that's about it :) No teaching done at home.

So PC leh you haha


Er.. ok.. at least you don't give the kind of reason my hubs will give for wanting to watch us cat fight *rolls eyes*
Mayb u wan to start by calling kym her Chinese name? I always call 'didi' or 'farrell' den suddenly I scare he d
un even know he got a Chinese name.. So now I call his Chinese name.. But it always slipped off my mind or worse I call him by surname + name.. Like he made a mistake n u call him full name..
kam, cindy
but at home we rarely 讲华语 thats the problem! i keep telling hb to speak to her in mandarin and i'd speak in english but he keeps forgetting! grrr... come to think of it, we have never called her by her chinese name. i think if i call her chinese name i won't get any response! oh dear... jialat!

what is PC?
no lah, we won't fight but will stand beside the 2 boys shouting "give him a punch!! Use ur leg!! Kick kick!! Aiyo, quickly stand up!!" hahhaha

keeping toys
He was playing with his shape sorters and when he heard me calling him to come drink his milk, he auto kept all the shapes into the shapes container. I was thinking "wow, not bad." Then after he kept all the shapes, he waved and said Byeee to the container b4 he walked off to drink his milk. Hahah so cute.
Disclamer: in case u guys think I have a well trained boy. He keeps his toys only once in a blue moon.
ok..wed your place sounds good. ling also msg me just now to ask. aiyo...bu gan dang! play play can lah..dun call me teacher though! =p so what time wed?
Thanks for the advice

guess it was very tough for u to take care of Z all by yourself when he was sick

Thanks all for your concern. Pei Pei has recovered, but occasionally still has cough. Hao Hao is also recovering, last night he started to eat some solid food - his favourite fishball noodles, and today he is more or less back to normal self.

But for myself, due to lack of sleep, I feel so terrible at work @.@
<font color="aa00aa">Playdate</font>

Sorry, Im late here... Didnt log in till now...
yea! We're gonna have teacher Michelle(kiki) on WED! Heez... Shall I bring the new puzzles I bought? So we can have teacher Michelle to conduct the class! =D

If possible, maybe I can fry some bee hoon over as well? But must pardon my cooking ok? =P

Anyway, what time huh? late afternoon aft their nap?

Princessxiaomei- Keen to join us?
<font color="aa00aa">Chinese Name</font>

Come to think abt it... I also haven called Jaelle by her chinese name! Maybe should start liao... Im also hoping that her Chinese teacher can help when she starts school... =P

<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

Have alr 看开 abt the flat being sold le... Its prob not meant to be altho its such a HOT unit!Just hoping to get a better unit ba...

Whats taunting? Its the MIL getting involved in the decision on whether can buy or not that is really pissing me off! Can imagine also if it comes to the deco... wait we want something n she say cannot.. cos blah blah blah... =(

Hitting back

My hub is sure to support this lor! As long as his 宝贝 daughter dont get bullied. Even if she does, she must know how to retaliate!

I dun really support this cos what difference does this make her from the person hitting? However, on the other hand, I also want her to know how to protect herself... dilemma ya? =S
