(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

huh? MMRV got 2 doses? Kimmy took MMR in polyclinic but the nurse nv say anything abt a 2nd dose leh! can i chk how much u pay for the 18mth booster at your PD? u're going to SBCC rite?

<font color="aa00aa">Joli</font>

u go source ard first ba... then must make sure u bring him to visit the centre. I brought Jaelle to quite a few before deciding on CM. When I brought her to MMI, she screamed n wanted to get out! had to ask my sis to take her out while i hear the mgr explain. Let him go when u are ready ba... u have to be comfortable with it lo. Im comfortable with the school but its just to part of being away from her for half a day that is haunting me now. But I guess its really all a matter of gettin used to it lo... *I hope I can do it!* haha~
<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>

Jaelle took her booster jab last week n was told her 2nd MMRV jab will be taken ard her 2nd birthday. how come urs nxt mth huh?! hmm...
then aft the 2nd mmrv jab, no need take mmr in pri 1 not 6 leh... hmm...
Yunze took his 5-in-1 booster yesterday. But doc didn't mention anything abt not needing to take during P6 though. I better ask him next month when he goes for his MMRV 2nd dose.

Is there a need to bring our todds to visit daily playgroups that we wished to enrolled in? Are we allowed to visit in the first place. If I want Yunze to start nursery in 2012, I will have to register this coming june?
now i'm really confused! i thought 2nd booster for MMR is at pri 1. how come itsy's one is pri 6? and yours is 2nd bday? is there a difference when the schedule coz u gals took MMRV? but logically speaking, shouldn't be rite?
I love my brightstarkids label! And the best thing is, you can recycle the name labels! I tried peeling if off from her old bottle and put it on the new ones and it still stick VERY WELL!!
I find it a very very good investment.

Yes, no joke, liquid comes outs forward, back, everywhere! and they kidwill eb soooo lethargic, everything that enters, will come out, up till she can vomit just bile salts!

Kam, Itsy, Joli
Yes, i am boiling that nanxin beixin for her
thanks for your suggestion!
<font color="119911">kiki n Ling</font>
ok ok sorry, I checked, It's Pri 1 booster.

Kiki, the jab is $128.40.
<font color="119911">joopz</font>
doc told me its a new thing.

What do mummies think? Better to get it all done and over with or let him take booster at Pri 1?
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

i was confused too! haha~
ok. so now, i tink the diff is ian's 2nd mmrv next mth n jaelle's ard her 2nd birthday which I tink maybe diff practice? i also duno... but few mths gap i tink shouldnt be an issue ba... the one that confused me was the pri 1 n pri 6.
<font color="aa00aa">paige</font>

where did u get ur brightstarkids labels? order direct from the web? Im tinking to get some for Jaelle as she's gonna start sch soon.
i'd choose to take at pri 1! i'm just super kiasi! unless its been done for a few yrs already, tried n tested with no side effects, i don't dare to try! when it comes to vaccines, i don't like to try 'new things'. =p
i tried something really 'cruel' today. i put kimberly to sleep without her pacifier. the poor thing roll and roll and roll restlessly for almost half hr before falling asleep but heng never cry! tomorrow i try again!
Rotavirus vaccine - that time they found something in it. But from the newsarticle, it is ok liao. more info: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1057633/1/.html

Playgroup - Have enrolled A in Talentplus playgroup starting May. Hope she likes it and can socialise because now she is shy and scared of strangers when they are in my hse eg my aunts come to visit, she would refuse to go down to walk and talk, just stand, observe them.

Joopz - I would think it is better to visit the playgroups so that you know what to expect and feel more 'an xin' that YZ is well taken care of. You can call them up to arrange an appointment that you wish to visit. I've called a couple of them and they all are ok with parents visiting.

kiki - a good start to pacifier-less days!

Brightstarkids labels - Yep! i'm interested to buy them too. Those label machines that are sold in Popular, do their labels last? the brand of machine is "Brother".
ok thanks will check out brightstarkids label in the bp section.

Shanis has diarrhea a few times already.. once was so serious lasted almost a wk! aiyah... too late for the rotavirus... now i regret not giving her... just hope her immunity builds up lor
Thanks for the link! Didn't know anything about this.

Diarrhea can be serious in young children. Must monitor carefully, esp that to make sure fluid intake should not be affected. My gal has loose stool very often, like once every 2-3 weeks. But her appetite remains the same, drinks lots of water, remains active and usually she is okay after 1-2 days. There was a time when she caught stomach flu that she had diarrhea for about a week too.
speedy recovery to your kids! ya, maybe can try supplements if they always fall sick.

why not start in april instead of may? coz june is holidays and no classes for that mth too rite? talentplus shd be same like startots? 2hr daily program?
Milkyway and Ling,
Yes, i got it through that BP, sandwich was the one who recommended them to me

AT that time of order, I think I had 10% off. I find the pencil stickers are good for my teat collars (that time I need to supply 3 bottles at IFC, all parts must label!)

Those Labels from machine labels does not stay for long, at least for me because the last time her teacher used that (and after sterilisation a few times), it came off! And it came off sooo ugly with those yellow stuff still sticking on the bottle!

Oh another thing is, 60 is A LOT of labels!! I stick on every bottle and parts (she currently uses 8 bottles, 2 water bottles, her milkbag, all her barang barang i bring to school and my I haven't even finish 20 of the small sticker and about 20 of the pencil sticker!
coz for me you can reuse and reuse), not sure whether you can ask to share the labels?
kiki - Hubby said start in May coz Apr we going overseas with MIL so no one to take her to school lo. Yep Jun no classes. Talentplus quite similar to startots, also 2hrs daily sessions. Did you have to pay for Jun classes even though you're gonna start in Apr?

Paige - icic, thanks for the review. Pay more can last longer ;p
yep, had to pay for jun in advance too even though she starts in apr. is it the same for talentplus? but i think dec fees don't have to pay. how abt at talentplus?
kiki - Actually supposed to pay for Jun as well, but the lady said since i'm starting in May, don't need to pay. Dec fees still need to be paid. For you, Dec fees don't need to pay huh?
oh. do mean u don't have to pay for june or don't have to pay june fees in advance? yeah, i think i heard her quite clearly she said dec fees not payable. how much is the fees for talentplus plus its misc fees?
kiki - They are not charging me for Jun as i'm joining in May. So, i saved $$

Talentplus monthly fees is $160, misc is half yearly - erm but i can't recall how much, less than $50?.
oh...lucky u then! they're quite nice to hold the vacancy for you till May. initially i did ask if i can start in May but they said they can't guarantee me the spot coz the waiting list is very long and i have to 'queue' again! talentplus is cheaper then startots! i'm paying $175 and misc is $80.
misc $80 need to pay once or every quarter?

I park at beach carpark and take the express train. 1 - 2 stop only. Entry $6 and carpark $3 (for 3 hrs) Didn't go into USS cause was raining.

Is now the Diarrhea wind? Y come to my house liao. MIL kept calling and say my gal vomit n boy Diarrhea. wan me to go back immediately. Boss approved my time off but no pt cos no doc now. Is many pple having Diarrhea at this time of the yr? Hopes not due to yesterday outing.
Think at RWS, first hour is $6, then subsequent hour is $2, cap at $26. So for 3 hours, would be $10 in total. Slightly more ex than sentosa side.

Sounds like your kids have caught a stomach flu. It's very contagious. Adults may catch it too, so be careful.
Most likely is. Sil family just recover, told hb not to bring them there, he insist ok. Now really ok.

Last fri her son came to my house, I was shock. They say he nvr kanna but sat kanna.
Yeah, will have to bring him. Sekali he doesn't like the place, then I cham rite?
I think I'm ready (serious mess at home), but don't think he is. He's so timid, and that's why I need to send him out.

I'll also choose to take booster at P1 lor. I thought the older they are the better their ability to fight virus...
How's the nanxing beixing thingy working out?
My boy is starting to cough again leh! The cycle macam cannot break. Then runny nose start again. Xianz...

Wondering which type of pear is suitable. You have any idea... *totally clueless* haha
<font color="119911">Kiki and Joli</font>
I am thinking if he takes booster now, he won't have to take injection when he's more aware of the pain in Pri 1. Mmm.. now I'm reconsidering.

<font color="119911">bernice</font>
Talentplus have branches in Hougang! Whee! I go check them out. Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">Itsy</font>

I'll just let Jaelle take it at her 2nd Birthday as "prescribed" by her PD. hmm... sounds "bo chap", but i just wana get it over n done with earlier? Reason is also partly same as to why I wana pierce her ear so early lo. Since PD recommended and say its safe, I go ahead with it lo... =P
<font color="aa00aa">Preschool Fees</font>

U all comparing fees ah?! Then I think Jaelle's is super exp @ $600/mth! We'll just let her start and monitor first... Then see if wana change school later not. =P
itsy - Yep, they have many branches islandwide =)

Ling - Montessori schools are usually more ex. I enquired at CS Montessori at Nex and its $1,500 for 1 term(10 weeks)..
I enquired at cs montesori at nex too. Other than sch fee, still have lots of other fees to add in. Total really ex!
Haha, I took the brochure when I walked past CS Montessori the other time, and didn't even look at it yet. I think now, can give it a miss liao. Haha....
yours more ex coz its a half day CC also mah, so you're not just paying for preschool fees! hee... i was asking bernice abt her fees coz our chosen school 'same standard', so its more 'apple-apple' comparison. =p so jaelle start next mth?

CS montessori at nex $1.5K for 1 term is for 3 hrs N1 or playgroup?
kiki - It is for 2hrs daily playgroup, actually if count it monthly, it is $600 so it's same as Ling's CM. The facilities at CS Branch at Nex is new, clean and bright, toys are new and well kept. They have this video cam in each room whereby parents at the reception counter can see on the tv screen the class in progress.

oh, so its for this yr playgroup? wah, quite ex then coz only 2 hrs! is CS very established? so did u observe how they conduct the classes? good or not? can outsiders also see?
