(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Kam> If u compare the shipping, Xman shipping is cheaper than the other one...
So if u can collate to $100 also good..
Else the other spree org is really earning alot...

I know their source and shipping costs...

I know Xman too.. Hehe..

Haha, too late Liao. I already ordered. Got different meh? I read and thought it's the same leh. Since the books are so cheap, I very happy already, never mind the small different lah. I am non fussy spreeist :)
Kam> u so fast hand fast leg... Lol...
Got diff...
We compared before...
Her shipping charges very high...compared to Xman... Hee...

The last check up, my boy weighs only 9kg , think that was 2months ago.. MIL also likes to comment his size but really try not to be affected too much by what other people says. They usually will either say fat or thin else nothing to say liao.
Just concentrate giving him nutritious food. My boy also wakes up sometimes ard 2 and 5 plus.. He is teething.. Then don't want to sleep. I'm going to be a panda mummy soon.
Don't worry. My boy only exceed 10kg after 2 yrs. He is now 12.5kg at 33 mths. My gal now is 9.2kg. Not sure M or S size but my boy abt 40% of standard height. Every round, pd will say can put on more weight, ba.ba.ba...

At one point, I was v stress about him not eating but now I have given up and switch his FM to Pediasure. 1 of the mommy told me it was just temp n they will out grown it. As long as they are happy n active, they are fine.

Y bother about what others comment? I usually ignore them. Last week just argue with MIL as she insist I go buy don't know wat medicine for my boy cos he is skinny n don eat much plus v slow in eating. SIL also keep asking to buy for the past 1 yr or more, I see her almost every week, she says till give up.

Kids are smart n once they see daddy at home, they will know. Occasionally sleep late should be fine. Their usually bed time is 9+ and when my hb is home can be after 12. I no longer persistent on the timing. I will push hb to help take care while I do other stuff. If he can't, I will leave them on the bed with toys n TV, lock the door n bath.

The cranky might be due to teething. It won't last long. My gal just had that last month and now the teeth is out.

TAking care of bb alone are tough job so v peifu those SAHM. Stay happy always and enjoy, don't take any of the comments to heart.
Rach/Kam> nah. No #2 yet. Planning for one sometime next yr instead!! Hoho. Hubby say I no need go japan for few years now that Earthquake have come. Cos gonna take awhile for them to settle down. So can only go Hk?
So proud of myself. Made chicken stock and cheese sauce to freeze tdy. Plus cooked pasta in ketchup n panfried chkn with cheese sauce for sam's dinner. If only he'd eat the pasta! Haha
My boy also loves to have both of us sleep with him. He will walk in walk out of the room, calling "Daad Daad!!". I usedto chase him, bring him back to sleep, but after a while no energy liao..So, I just let him be. Either he will walk until tired, and guai guai come and sleep; or his dad boh-pian give in to his calling,and sleep with him. Either way, it's between fathher and son liao ;)
oh..i always wanna get chinese bks fr dangdang but aiyo...i can't read the site n description of the books properly! my mandarin is just so very poor! do you know how to see which ones are board books?

How was pizza?


Oh i shd get some Chinese board books for sam too. Not that he reads but it's gd to let him have some exposure. Right now he doesn't respond to mandarin lol
Pizza was good! Not enough ah! cos I made 2 only, should have made more, haha. Can put any toppings that we like, and lots and lots of cheese, yummo! I esp liked the Haiwaian one! But I coudln't get it to be really round, not skilful lah...so I cheat, make a big piece, then cut around it, haha. Will make again soon
Hi! You finally on FB (I assume Jxxxx Chxx is you?)

When I was looking for children Chinese books in the library, there is very few boardbooks, like less than 5. While there are a few shelves of English books that are boardbooks. So I guess it's not common to find boardbooks for chinese books?

I am not 100%. But I ordered those from the category 精装图画书 (http://list.dangdang.com/book/01.41.41_Z25.html?filter=0_0_0&ref=book-02-C) rather than 平装图画书. Hoping the former would be, at least, of better quality.
chinese books,
must come and vent. i have been having so many grouses with children chinese books. i generally love to buy books for my two boys but its very very very difficult to find good chinese books. if i go to a bookshop, i find that the chinese books sold here ... either the quality is not good (easy to fall out pages, thin paper), colours and illustrations are not attractive (cannot sustain children's interest), messages are stereotypical (father always working, mother always doing housework), not culture specific (vocabulary not useful for singapore context). if i go online and try to order, i also face the same problem like kiki of not being able to order correctly because my chinese is not very good. so whenever i look for chinese books, i also need them to come with a bit of hanyu pinyin. recently i purchased quite a good set from my boy's child care. it's printed by pelangibooks. luckily the chinese teacher helped during the purchasing, else if i just go to the website, i won't be able to find anything to buy!

Wanna purchase air tickets from air Asia. Expect me to finish 5 person details in 9min. Ok after I m too slow, everything restart.. Ok fine type faster... After everything is payment.. Enter credit card details, waiting for the otp password?? Didn received any.. So call up the stupid bank.. Press 1. 2 3.. Cannot find one tat can speak to the bank.. Finally I choose update of particular..

Me : I wanna check whether my phone no is updated. My no xxxxxxxx
Bank : is not
Me : can u update for me
Bank : for update we will SMS to the old no
Me : old no not in use u send to who?? (pek cheek)
Bank : if not u can feed up the form and will take 3-5 working days
Me : hello???? I nid to buy airtickets now. U wan me wait 3-5working days???? (super pek chek)

Walau... Update a number can't immediate de meh?????
Yup. But I see until baat chiu kok kok...so many things, really blur!!

Ok, will check in a while. Dunno who is who also
so, don't really know how to find people also, haha...

I was gonna say Pelangi! I was given some, and they have hypy, good for me!

ATM can do, it's immediate. Why d girl din tell u that, aiyoh!
feedback when u get the books? how abt how much is the shopping? is it expensive?

lol..we're in the same boat! so do u read mandarin books to your boys? i need to get books with pinyin else sometimes even simple words i must see the pinyin. it slows down n makes my 'storytelling' not as exciting n good as when i read english books. kimberly will tend to lose interest when i read mandarin books to her. not sure if she dislikes mandarin or is it mommy's mandrin so koyak until she lost interest! =p

oh dear...maybe u tell them u need this done urgently. they shd be able to help u bah!
toilet training
anyone started on this yet? i'm so dreading this part.... am wondering if they can just 'self' train when they're ready! is it possible? =p this morning i gave it a shot n put her out of diapers...OMG, nitemare! within 1 hr, she pee twice (not in the potty!). when i put her on potty, she won't pee. but she understands when i ask her to sit on the potty though and will guai guai sit for a while but then nothing comes out!!
I don't believe in supplement. But I have heard from doctors that if needs be, give multivit rather than give a specific pill (eg vit C) cos these are mostly over dose. ONE multivit should be enough. If you have a specific concern, better refer to your PD before starting R on this.

See if I have time, I send you a list of who's who in FB, okay :)

Sure. Will feedback after I receive the books, don't think so soon, about 1month waiting time. If I understand the spree organiser correctly, shipping is about 20% of the purchase price.

I heart you!! I faced the same stupid thing before. But forgot what service was that. Something to do with updating something but my hp no was not updated. Then the person said will send to my hp, so I said hp no is not my current no, you send to who? She keeps quiet for a while and said will have to refer to her manager. Then I forgot the story liao.

Yes, like I shared, my boy was semi-auto toilet trained for day time, and auto trained for night time. Don't rush. Wait till they are older, at least when she can tell you clearly she wants to pee/poo.

My girl is already trained by her nanny, I only did it once last Sat, it's true, she can hold her pee and tell me she wants to pee, and even can nap without diaper for 1.5 hours. Her nanny puts in a lot of hard work, I did nothing :)
Kam> thanks... but its kindda interesting... I bought 1 Vit C and Rayanne loves it... she will hold helper's hand to the place where the Vit C is kept every morning..and asks for 1.... ahahha...
so i tot better than eating sweets?? :p
Aiyoh, sure she loves it lah. It's sweet mah! Taking vit c is better than sweets. But you don't have to start her on sweets mah, do you?
Kam> haha.. no la..not starting her on sweets.... Mmmm... just sick of eating the same stuffs...
or i sick of seeing her eating the same stuffs.. ahhaha.. :p
My bank is standard chartered, nearest also so far..

Nahhhh.. Unhelpful lor. Made me not yet buy the tickets

So stupid right??? Tell y not updated Liao still wan send to tat no. Updating the number gt so diff meh?? Somemore I call their no and choose "update particular" thought try suppose to help me?? Raghu
off topic abit, does anyone know how to remove watermelon juice stain on clothing? kimberly stained her white pants! no matter how i wash n scrub cannot come out! help?
really? u mean soak in boiling water? ok, i go google n see! i try this method 1st then. thanks!! i'm paranoid mummy, prefer to use bleach only as last resort!
Ehh, but your rinse off the bleach thorouhgly mah :p Unless Kim has sensitive skin. I have stopped using baby detergent when XY turned 3month old. Just throw hers in the washing machine with all the clothes. Stain I don't care one leh. No wonder I can survive with 2 kids without a maid, keke.
Me too! He'll bring Chinese books for me, but when I start to read, he'll run away after a few pages. sigh...

I haven't really started toilet training, but when I see him "gek", we'll quickly sit him on the potty, so he does his business in the potty. But not for pee - totally nothing. Can't imagine having to bring him to the toilet each time he wants to pee if we're out! *lazy*

MNG KOI SAI!! That was SO helpful!! Can make some connections now! Otherwise, really lost! thank you thank you! paiseh, you must have spent some time doing it up.
Exactly! That's another reason why don't rush into toilet training - until they can control their bladder and bowel better, else finding a (clean) toilet when you are out is really very challenging! My boy only needs to go toilet every 2 hours or so.

You are welcome. Actually I already have the list for a while. Cos initially I was also very lost who's who, so make up the list to refer whenever I need to.
Hello mummies! I'm back from bbk

previously, when I go to BKK, I'll return with a luggage full of my things but now, so poor thing, cos I realised my luggage is full of Ian's new things! But it was a good 'rest' (so tired from all the walking :p), just shop and eat and shop and eat :D

<font color="119911">Ling</font>
Why dun u plan for a short hols? Maybe somewhere nearby so won't take so many days. But I must say, I'm able to go BKK to shop cos I don't have to bring Ian along, if I have to, then the trip won't be as free and easy lor and I most prob will choose a more toddler friendly place to go.
Bernice: yeah.. I was thinking of something that allows me to spend time with her... well besides the holidays which is a plus in my line...argh! Need slightly more income as well after BTO completes in 2013.

Jeni: Hehe thanks for the link! Messy these organisations can be eh? haha but it ain't cheap for 12 classes at 600++ish. Just wanna try out their stuffs hehe

*eh hmm this post was typed 4days ago and didnt post it! was busy at IT show helping out.. LOL**
Wah... i just read Itsy got BKK and the last post she's already back!! LOL

anyway.. someone looking for bento making websites? Came across these..


Connie: Nah because I am in the afternoon session, by the time i reach home, the little one is already asleep! Then sometimes we have workshops &amp; meetings held in the morning instead. I've got colleagues in the am session, staying back and knock off at the same time as me. No joke man.

Seriously, this line is getting a little tougher each day. Or at least it's getting a little draining, with holistic assessment and stuff. And I've got a very challenging class and kids this year. Will most likely be taking half am, half pm by next year. But the timing ain't going to help.
Yeah but which job isn't tough in the first place?! Did consider tuition before but.. maybe I wanna 'try' something else. Can't risk anything yet as we're tight on finances so have to plan carefully before making any move.
CAn give me the facebook list too?

Thanks for the link. I was wondering will the playgroup or Kindy class be better for u? They are conducted in the am so pm are free liao.

If you have more free time, can take up a few tuition. Extra $$. Last time, Niece's BF earn more than 5k/mth giving tuition. At least u r still utilise your current experience.

FOr me, its v clear cut that the other job that my frien recommend need someone v committed. But higher pay lor. Here has more freedom but no opportunity to grow. Now is family vs career
Which one to choose.
i'm still using baby washing detergent to wash her clothes and i wash separately! i think its ok lah, not that much 'extra' effort. so far her skin ok lah...not much sensitivity.

i think the method works alittle but not totally! the stain like faded but not totally gone! i try put abit of dynamo and see if can come out or not.

so how was BKK? ahh...if only i can go alone with friends too!!! i was juz telling my hb how lucky u are. yes, i agree with bb tagging along its 'less fun' and quite tiring! i think i could have done much much more shopping without her in tow!

*hugz* i think i'd feel the way too even though my girl is just going to 2hrs playgroup next mth. so what made u decide to put her in daycare? is it fullday?
I'm also thinking of changing job!
I need something that will allow me to work from home without having to take leave! I'm depleting my leave for every single day that Kate is ill and is refused into childcare!
My 28 days really not enough!!
Hi mommies
So happy, my gal finally call mama last nite.
Everytime ask her to call mama, she will go gor gor, ah ma where, papa where.... just refused to say mama. Not sure y yesterday suddenly willing to recite after me.

Hopefully will not rain later, planning for a trip to sentosa.

Gina -
i clarifed with the My Genius school, they say they are not linked to the prev school and off different management, they just used their programme. now they stopped and using this other new program. so i guess shld be ok bah..but ya not tat cheap....GUG cheaper hor..

i recently saw advert on Stamford Little Genius, am going down to have a look later. seem like similar stuff....it's at bugis. see website below:

