(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Baby poo

When my hubby went overseas during last month, my boy likes to poo in the middle of the night after his night feed or ard 5 plus in the morning... Sometimes one night have to clear his shit two times.. But now hubby back, he's back to normal again..

<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
U mean even when she drinks milk, gotta watch video? Aiyoyo Haha then mummy very busy must help to hold the ipod. If you don't let her watch, she won't drink?

<font color="119911">Jess</font>
YEeee.. then must continue to feed with poo poo in his diaper? HAha what if in restaurant, then people nearby can smell? >__<
ya! thanks to her daddy who started this bad habit! if i don't let her watch, she will keep flipping over and try to get away!
haha.. we will try to feed him fast n then go off to change him.. so far, no one complained!! phew...

cos once disrupted he dun wan to con't eating and the food will get cold too...

that's gd..
mine really taking his own sweet time lo
Ian naps once a day agar agar 1:30pm-3:30pm. If we go out, sometimes he can dong until about 3 plus then will take short nap (half hr) in stroller. Also short nap while in the car. Sleeps at 9:30pm at night.
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
My nephew is 3. Hm...you reminded me that I have some plastic crayons meant for kids, supposed to be less breakable.

So, I'll attribute his not-wanting to eat to his teething for the time being. :p

<font color="0000ff">TV</font>
I managed to feed him once that day without TV! But it took 30mins. I really wonder how you all can feed your kids in 15mins leh! Wonder!
He also surprised me the other day when I made steamed egg and steamed pork. Cooked almost double the portion and gave a bit more rice, and he actually finished it all! I was really surprised. But next day, didn't eat much. Haiz...this kid, wish I could read his mind.

<font color="119911">waiwai</font>
Thanks for feedback on Aquadoodle. Haha...no "masterpiece" on your wall. My nephew's room walls are his "masterpieces"!
<font color="119911">maelyn</font>
Last time we used to pool together to buy from HT direct cos they gave 15% discount for orders of $250 and above. If you're getting, can let me know? I wanna get some cookies, but just a few boxes. But where do you stay? Maybe can PM me...?
<font color="119911">flower4</font>
My boy wakes between 8 to 9. Then he naps about 10.30-11.30 till about 1pm, sometimes 2pm. SOmetimes he skips this nap. If he does skip it, then he'll nap at about 1pm till 4 or 5pm. Otherwise, his second nap will be about 3-4pm and wakes at about 5-6pm, sometimes just before 7pm. And he sleeps about 10pm.
At her nanny, my gal takes 2-3 naps adding together to make a total of 2-3 hours nap. During weekends at home, there is no schedule be it going out or not, she sleeps when she is tired, usually 2 naps for about 1-3 hours total, one morning one afternoon, or sometimes just 1 nap in the mid-day if she skips the morning one.

My son is coming to 3 yo, and he never draws a single line on the wall, yet (finger crossed!). I actually don't like crayon, I have switched him to painting using either poster paint or water colour paint since a few months ago. More fun, I reckon. Even my girl did her very first finger print :) Can see her "masterpiece" in my blog http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/2010/11/arty-crafty-6.html
Speaking of PDs &amp; jabs.. it took me till now to find the time &amp; to 'get over it' &amp; post here abt the PD in Toa Payoh who made poor Sam suffer

<font color="0000ff">I aws went to the PD Dr Ong at Mt A (he was at TMC &amp; I was assigned to him when I delivered there). But his clinic is aws very crowded &amp; the queue is really long. I went to him for all the jabs though, coz Hubs &amp; I trust him a lot.

But because MIL's place is at Toa Payoh, &amp; both ILs dislike the queue (&amp; they're not happy with Dr Ong coz he seems very bo chap &amp; they feel that the clinic is stuck up coz they're "popular'), they'd rather go to THAT PD. (And also bcoz SIL used to go to her - speaking of this, it makes me mad, but that's another loong story). So.. a couple of mths back, my boy had a blocked/running nose, cough, phlegm &amp; fever episode. We went to THAT PD again &amp; she said it was probably HFMD! Made me buy antibiotics &amp; antiviral med. I wasn't sure that it really was HFMD &amp; was reluctant to buy the $100+ antiviral. I asked her if antibiotics was also necessary &amp; she said YES. She asked me to buy the $30+ antiviral that day &amp; made me go back to her the following day for follow up.

The next day, she said it was CONFIRMED HFMD &amp; made me buy the $100+ antiviral. My poor boy took 2 types of paracetamol, 2 types of antiviral, &amp; augmentin. On hind sight, docs shd never prescribe antiviral &amp; antibiotics together. Antibiotics is for baterial infection. If it's a virus, why augmentin? Besides, virus shd be allowed to recover by itself? But I was too panicked that my boy had HFMD to ask/think too much.

My poor boy was crying &amp; struggling &amp; couldn't eat for a few days. We had to pin him down to take meds. Hiding the meds in his milk or porridge didn't work coz there was so darned much (5ml of antiviral alone!) He lost appetite coz the meds were so strong (fyi my boy has a very good appetite. He eats very well even if he's sick). he also had diarrhoea after taking all those meds till he had a very very bad diaper rash. His whole butt &amp; scrotum &amp; testicles were red &amp; weeping &amp; he cried like mad every time we had to change him.

Hubs insisted we go back to Dr Ong for a 2nd opinion &amp; he said it WASN"T HFMD! Even it it were, there's no need to take antiviral med bcoz it will run its course (analogy : chicken pox). And definitely not antibiotics! I was sooo upset that my boy went through all that trauma &amp; suffering coz that PD wanted to make $$. Oh yeah, I went to read the labels &amp; the $100+ antiviral was for HERPES!!!!

I went back &amp; told MIL that I am NEVER gog back to that PD. I'd rather go to Dr Ong &amp; camp there from opening hrs till lunchtime than subject my boy to such suffering again.

And thinking back.. My boy had another flu episode &amp; that PD gave so many meds too. Insisted I took Zyrtec &amp; whatever not even he had no running nose. I stupidly took it for 7 full days like she instructed.

And when my poor boy as only 2 weeks old, my MIL &amp; SIL inisted he had phlegm &amp; went to that PD. He was obviously too young for meds then so that PD did the suction thing. Inserted a tube into his throat &amp; nostrils to supposedly suck out phlegm. We went back again at ard 8 weeks to do the same thing. Now I keep wondering if I had damaged my boy's nose &amp; throat membranes by that stupid sucking of phlegm. For info, Dr Ong said my boy didn't have phlegm (just normal 'pi sai') but MIL insisted there eas phlegm coz all kids have phlegm (????)

So.. anyway.. buyers beware. I'm aware that there are many parents out there who find that PD very gd. But for me, I'd rather self-medicate than go to her ever again. The consultation may be cheap, but she earns it all back &amp; more thru the meds. I went to Dr Ong for my boy's flu recently &amp; even with $50 consultation &amp; 5 meds &amp; 1 diaper rash cream, it cost me only $80+. I must have spent more than $700 at THAT PD</font>
Poor Sam... my friend told me that some PDs are out there to "squeeze" $$ from parents through unnecessary medicine.

Glad that my kids' PD is very nice, she would check the past record and helps us save $$ by telling us to use the one she gave during last consultation. There was once I gancheong spider brought my son to see her for minor issue, she gave me advice and didn't charge me a single cent!

That's nice of ur PD

Yup it's very sad that some PDs are unethical &amp; use their profession to make money.

I'm aws subtly reminding MIL of her "golden" advice to see that PD. Nasty of me, I know, but I need to assauge my guilt by blaming someone else :p
OMG! That's a horrible horrible horrible PD, to prescribed an antibiotic and an antiviral AT THE SAME TIME!

Sam's your son. Glad that you stand firm and told your MIL that you will never go back to THAT PD again, never!

Yup, I think it's horribly unethical of her. I was too scared by her HFMD diagnosis to think clearly at that point of time, else I would have scratched my head at the antiviral-antibiotics combi.

If MIL ever mentions gog to that PD again, I will ask her is she wants Sam butt to "open flower"

Oh btw our persistence in making Sam drink water had sort of paid off. he doesn't use a atrwa or bottle or whatever. But he takes water from a spoon now. He seldom refuses water like he used to.

He's still not drinking a LOT, but it's better than nothing. One hurdle down, 20,000 more to go haha
Just to thing that there are a lot of parents out there who go to see her would let their children take all sorts of unnecessarily med. So sad. There should be a channel for us parents to report this kind of doctors for the benefits of the kids (and adults).

HFMD is actually not that scary. But I know, when my son was first diagnosed with it, I freaked out too! I also let him take the antiviral med. The second round he got it, I was actually more worried on how to spend one whole week at home to take care of a super active toddler, he wasn't feeling any sick at all.

Just need some listening ears...

As some of u know that I'm trying to do some online business... of course, must thank some of u here for your support... Recently I plan to develop my "own" products - design kids' t-shirt and romper. But the problem still remains (which I posted sometime ago), my hubby is still not too supportive. A few days ago, we had a quarrel after the kids had slept. He said that I keep slimming down as I don't have enough rest, even my mum also not too supportive, blah blah blah.

I'm really upset. Sometimes I question myself, should I just give up the idea of setting up business? But I really want to do something different in my life. Without emotional support from hubby, I wonder how I can keep my entreprenuer mindset going... sighz

Yeah I feel bad for those parents who are still faithfully supporting her &amp; innocently trusting her so-called professional judgement

I know what u mean. My reaction was.. HFMD!! What??? Panic...

Now if Sam gets HFMD, I'll prob be like.. "Oh ok. How did it happen? Tsk tsk! Told u to wipe his hands more often?" haha


I understand. It's difficult bcoz u really need ur Hub's support. The work is hard &amp; u need to devote time &amp; energy to make it work. If he is not supportive, u have more to battle with.

Hmm.. do u need the money or is it for interest? If it's for interest, maybe u can try to 'downsize' &amp; reduce the work as much as possible? If it's for money, then maybe u can talk it over with your hubs? basically, I feel that u need to talk to him again &amp; again &amp; let him understand why u're doing the business. because at the end of the day, he's ur Hubs. U need to work together, esp since u have 2 kids. My 2 cents worth..
*hugs* what a horrible experience for u and sam. who is that horrible PD? can PM me to let me know? thanks.
I think Jul brings up a good point. It's a good thing that you have this enterpreneur thing in your blood and you want to do something different in your life. It sounds to me that you do it for interest more than for money. If this is true, then maybe do it later, say 1-2 years later, when the kids are older so you have more free time to do this, and you can use this 1-2 years to build up your health (and weight) so your hub doesn't have to worry about you? Personally, I won't go ahead and do something if my hub is not agreeable to (for a valid reason), if not, it might bring us to quarrel, then no point right. All the best!

LOL. But mind you, even if you wipe his hands more often, doesn't mean can escape from the virus :)

Thanks for your advice. I'm doing this for my own interest. My hubby just turns a deaf ear whenever I want to talk about my business / suppliers / customers... I just need listening ears.

Guess his main concern is my health, well, I shall think of ways to stop myself from slimming further hur hur...

Thanks for your advice. Sometimes I regret that I didn't have the drive to do all these before I had children. Now life is different, I have to consider family first when I want to do anything.

I'll just tell u here. it's The Children's Clinic at Toa Payoh Central!


Haha yeah lah, but wiping hands is a gd hygiene habit mah :p


Well, ur Hub's concern for ur health is a gd thing right?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">play date on 25Nov, Thur</font></font>
venue: Little Ozone @ Orchid Country Club
Time: 3pm - 5pm

Let me know if u can make it..
We'll be meeting 2pm at Northpoint Foodcourt for lunch..

I'm now in gleneagles .. My boy going to do that insert tube through the nostril to suck phlegm later... He has been coughing since 13th nov and vomit 5, 6 times since yesterday .. Really don't feel like letting him go through that procedure.. Sooo sad

Oh dear.. Poor baby. I'm sure the hospital wouldn't suggest doing that if it really weren't necessary right? It's very tortorous to watch them. The procedure is very fast, but they'll cry like mad

Why must MIL involve in all these parenting.. Just be the role of granny and play wi their grandchildren.. Which pd to see also want to interfere .. Really cannot tahan
Aiyah bcoz they have "gone thru this" &amp; think that they have the benefit of experience &amp; we are silly, young things who don't know what is right &amp; wrong

It's true that they do have some gd tips to share. But on the other hand, they may also create potential disasters haha

Erm.. u're not at Gleneagles b/c of MIL r u?
hope your boy will have speedy recovery!!
nex time u can tell him he had "survived" this throat procedure!!

MIL thingy again...
esp they give lotsa problem to the Daughter-IL's children... how come!!
why they dun go interfere with their own daughter's children....

my elder sis kenna from her MIL too!
Her MIL preferred the eldest grandson (i pitied my poor 2nd nephew)..
it was during the recent exam period, but on a holiday so my sis prepared assessment work for #1 to do since he is in P2 (#2 still in K2). Her MIL went to find them and after greetings, my sis shooed #1 to go do the wk. then MIL flared up and scolded her for not letting her and #1 chat and bond together etc...
this is crazy...

Yup everything over .. Ya see him cry till so poor thing, me also at one corner tears keep flowing down.. Tonight got to camp in hospital. Thanks



Nvm, I'm sure he will get better soon


Haha MILs are like common complaint topic. I think if our MILs were to have a chat forum, they'd be complaining abt their weird DILs too

Hope your boy recovers soon! Don't worry, our darlings are miracle machines. Before you know it, they will be up and bouncing!


I understand where you are coming from. Why don't you discuss with your hub that it's really your interest and you feel happy doing it? I know that now we have children and we tend to put family as a priority. But heck, we are humans with feelings and passion too. If we are not happy ourselves, how do we bring happiness to others? We still need some me time and we can't just disappear because we have to give all the time to the family.

Let him know that you will dedicate just a certain number of hours to your business e.g. 1-2 hours each night and it really makes you happy. So he should support you in it.

Luckily my girl sleeps between 6-7pm so I have time at night to do my stuff.

Jia you!

My boy sleeps at 7pm
After that i got to watch my Korean drama serials ;)

Thanks everyone for your well wishes


Keekee , yup not because of MIL ..

It v painful to see them doing the phedgm suction but no choice have to go thru. My gal went thru once in kk and she was crying v badly.
HOpe he recover soon.

BB are amazing. My gal only start her steps after she turn 1 and now can run. Her walking pattern v weird, her leg are a bit far apart when walking. (A shape) Wonder will the gap close when she grow older? Very coi lor.

Envy envy. Your hb so sayang you lor.
