(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


He got to do again tomorrow
doc says the xray shows a lot of phlegm. They use a towel to wrap round his body to prevent his hands movement. Think can't be help cos they can't spit out..

Good job to your gal

ABC pasta

I rem reading that some mummies here have cooked ABC pasta. I can't find ABC pasta. I bought some normal small pasta and tried cooking for myself but I find the pasta a little too big.

Where can I find ABC pasta?

yah! It's great that they sleep early. AT least I have a bit of "me" time. Either do some work, watch tv, surf net, facebook etc. hur hur hur.

But I wake up super early to play with her. She wakes up at 6am..
Hope your son get well soon. u take care too!

Thanks for your encouragement!

Your girl sleeps so early at night and wakes up so early!
ABC pasta... think Cold Storage should have

Your gal is good! can run already

Those hours are my favorite time of the day when I can really relax
not sure if still have such luxury when no :2 is out ;)

Same for my boy, he wakes between 6 to 7am .
<font color="0000ff">Healthy Times</font>

Hi Mummies,
I am planning to collate orders for Healthy Times. Hope to get $250 total in orders. Any mummies interested can PM me pls.
kaira / potbelly,
Wow your bb sleeps so early. That's so good. I am so envy of you! We only arrive home at 7pm, and then I have to cook dinner, play with the kids till at least 9.30pm then put them to bed. They take another hour or so to fall asleep. So by the time I am "free", already 10.30-11pm. Still have chores to do. My ME time is getting shorter and shorter, haven't watched TV for more than a year already (except kids channels), let alone HK drama. But it's okay, I tell myself it's going to get better and better!

U're not the only one. But I have MIL to cook dinner for us. But we do reach home at ard 8plus, so by the time we settle Sam for bed, he only falls asleep at ard 930pm. Luckily Hubs makes him sleep, not me, else I may strangle him haha
Jul> so nice.. Hub put him to sleep!!

We reach home at any time.. No fixed time..
Only if I dun go out that day, Rayanne will have a slightly fixed schedule to be put to bed ard 9-10pm..
Actually I've been going out so much lately I can't rem when I was really home....
But at least she's sleeping much earlier at 10-11pm now...
Compared to 12-1am last time..
Sacrificed my 11pm 台湾龙卷风... And we both sleep earlier..
Good sacrifice at least.. Hee..
And she wakes up earlier at 8-9am too...
So all her routine is brought forward...

BUT.. she will wake up for FM at 12-1am, 4-5am, then 8-9am... Each feed abt 120-150ml...
So tiring.. Good thing is HB will make the milk...
I just latch till milk is ready...anyway to prevent her frm waking up so many times, mummies??

She used to sleep thru the nite frm 10weeks onwards... But I also can't rem since when she will wake up so many times since I've always been latching on demand..
Now it's so tired to be up making milk and washing bottles in the middle of the night..

Is it a habit to want to wake up &amp; suckle? Coz Sam used to sleep like the log from 12 weeks till 5 mths. Then he started waking up for pacifier
abc pasta

Thanks for all the inputs, i will check out cold storage and ntuc again. I notice that different branches sometimes carry different things.


But I don't see her when I come home from work. So the only time I can play with her is in the morning. So I wake up early to play with her!

kaira ya... watching tv is quite mindless but good at times!! hehehe

yes. this happens to most of my friends because they eat at in law's place and then go home. So it can't be helped because by the time they get there for dinner it's around 7. eat and get ready the child around 8. by the time they get home it's already 8 something, and you have to settle the child down. I'm lucky because my mom comes to my place to look after yihui.

Me time
I feel that usually mothers sacrifice too much time for the family that they leave no time for themselves. For the initial few years it may be ok but then again we are humans. We will get burnt out some day. SO it's better to take it easy then to reach a breaking point. Sometimes I make arrangements with my hubby so that he comes home earlier to watch over yihui (it's quite easy because she usually doesn't wake up in the night at all, but just in case...) and I go out for a girls' night out with my friends.
rach, she shouldn't be waking up in the middle of the night for milk. It's either she's not eating enough in the day or it's become a habit. It's taxing on you since you are with child now. You may want to try to wean her off for your health's sake.
Jul> no leh... If suckle she Wont drink 120-150ml of FM liaoz..
Sometimes I dun latch and let her cry till milk is done...
Then she will drink drink drink and when enough then falls asleep...
Potbelly> so nice to have girls nite out!!! I haven't had that in 14mos at least!!!!!!!!! What is that man??!!?!?
Doesn't exist in my dictionary anymore!!!!
And if I leave the bed, Rayanne wakes up very soon...
So I dun even bother to put her to sleep and use the pc anymore.. Cuz I'll end up running to n fro the room...

Mmmmmmm.... Maybe she's not eating enough for the day ba..... But she eats non stop on snacks.....
Nite time she's now drinking a total of 400-500ml...
Day time she drinks ard 240-300ml or lesser... Plus solids...

I seldom latch her in the day anymore... Unless no choice and I take the easy way out... Cuz if she's tired and cranky and she's not in the stroller, I'll have to latch her to sleep then substitute with a bottle of FM.. if shes in the stroller I just have to offer snacks and she'll fall asleep while munching...

Oh no... Seems like there's a lot of bad habits I see...

But if we are home... We'll lie on the bed and she drink her FM then end off with some suckling and she'll sleep...
You lucky, got home cook food ready for you.

You even better, have your mum come over to stay with you!

Me and my hub don't go out often to hang out with friends even before we have kids. So it's okay for us. But I do agree that sometimes we have to take a break from the kids. And I agree that we always leave no time for ourselves. Thanksfully I am still surviving after almost 3 years now :) I am very sure it's going to be better and better!

If R only wakes up for these 2 weeks or so, then it maybe a growth spurt. But if it's longer than that, it maybe a a habit. My gal was also waking up for FM, sometimes 1x sometimes 2x for the past 2 weeks or so. Last night she dropped it. So I am crossing my fingers that she has just gone through a growth spurt and now settling down again. She has gained a lot of weight during the past 2 weeks too, so I am quite conveince she was going through a growth spurt the last 2 weeks. She is over 12kg now :p
How's your little one today?

No lah, I am not super. I just die die have to do it, cos no choice. We have no families here, just us.

Thks.. There's no vomiting yesterday night.. Just continuous coughing for two hrs after his midnight feed .. But it's a improvement.
Maybe Rayanne is having growth spurt, but if for the next 1-2 weeks still like that, then perhaps become a habit... but her weight is good.
Have u used Comgateway for shipping from USA to S'pore? Is vPost a better choice? Thanks

misery has spoken, tink my son is teething... tat y he lost of appetite &amp; drink verylittle milk &amp; cry in the middle of nite few times..

beside giving teething tablets. wat can i help him?

i feeling so bad now.. has been venting anger on him tot he show pattern..

Muahaha I scold Sam all the time lah. We're all human! Just like your son can't help feeling irritable due to teething, we can't help feeling irritated with them!

Oh pls don't give the Hyland's teething tablets. Some time ago, some mummy posted that there's been an FDA recall

No, not panadol!

U try teething gel lah. Can just go to Guardian or Watsons Pharmacy &amp; get off the shelf. Think it's galled Oragel or Oracid or something. U just ask the pharmacist &amp; they'll know.

I never gave Sam anything for his teething
waiwait, ok i try.

jul, thanks. wow your sam sooo good boy dun need teething things.. my son refuse to eat &amp; refuse to drink &amp; refuse to sleep

No lah, not good boy. His milk intake dropped by a bit, but not that much until he lost weight or anything like that. I just heck care &amp; let him be.

But he liked to bite plastic things in the hse. Give him teether.. don't want. Wanna bite things like door stopper, plastic vitamin bottles etc haha
Ya. When Yihui slept with us we were literally doing things in the dark and risk waking her up. So when she was 6 months I moved her to her own room and she's been there ever since. I just peep at her before i sleep to make sure she's ok. But other than that she sleeps through the whole night.

Not enough rooms for my mom to sleep over. She needs her own life too. Usually when either one of us come home usually around 7 or 8 she and my dad will drive themselves home.
Kam/Waiwai> I hope it's a growth spurt too.. Shes been getting rounder and heavier... Lol...
And my mum attributes it to the fm she's drinkig.. Watever...
Shall see how in the next 1-2 weeks and I shall see that she has real proper meals in the day time as well!!

Waiwai> yes I used CGW before but only for concierge orders... Where they dun accept our CC...
I dun really like it cuz they count GST by the total number of consolidated packages.. Unlike vpost.. U can consolidate 10parcels and so long each is less than $400(cost+shipping), u won't kena GST..
Rach, maybe you can give her fixed meal (solid food) instead of milk? Cause maybe her solids not enough so she drinks so much milk at night? Cause I think babies of our age drinks about 500ml - 750ml of milk the whole day plus 2-3 solids?

Kaira, hope your boy recovers soon.
my boy now average have 5 meals a day including 2 confirmed milk feeds which is ~200ml x2 = ~400ml cos he nv finish his milk.
so he is taking less than the 500-750ml.. no wonder he is so slim... all his fats contributed to me.. -_-"

does water intake count as well?

unless i give 2 solid and 3 milk feed then can have 500-750ml of milk feed.
Jess - does ur boy drink milk at night? If slightly below that level I think also okie lah.. Most important is main meal. Its very important... in between snacks is okie too but not too much.

My boy takes his 3 meals and countless short latch...
think also dun have 500ml but somewhere there. Although he wakes up at night but its not those hungry latch, is just for comfort. He's a superglue! lol... sleep also must make sure milk source is there... ahahah

His Breakfast is cereal or 3 rusks mixed with water. Lunch and dinner is either rice-like porridge/ bee hoon/ tau chiam/ mee sua/ cha soba... etc

Faint.. recently either cause of growth spurt or teething, he wants to latch like every 3 hours or the moment he sees me... faint... latch one letdown each boob then he run away to play liao..

Then he will have 1 tub kiddy yogurt and some snacks in between if he sees the pack lying around...
must have ur smell around then he can sleep! feel safe n comforting!

growth spurt!
i dunno when he is having growth spurt.. if everytime he finishes his meal clean the bowl n bottle, im very happy...

mommy's smell..
if i wake up first, n leave the bed, he will follow suit too and wake up...

when we r out, &amp; he need to nap, he will want me to carry him and sleep cradling or on shoulder.. he luv my dad and want him to carry him walking around (he doesnt want to sit in stroller anymore! &amp; doesnt want to learn walking)
but he always find me to sleep... together with his pacifier &amp; smelly pillow. all 3 elements are in and he will fall asleep when he is ready..
Yes, I agree with Steph. The main meals are important. It's okay to drink a little less milk or eat a little less solid. But should fix the 5 main meals as much as possible. Snack intakes shouldn't affect the main meal.

My girl is 2 solid (1 full chinese bowl) and 3 milk feed (200-240ml each time). Snack is usually fruits and yogurt only. She doesn't like all sorts of baby biscuits/rusks/whatever liao. Even the gerber puff also not interested.

yep yihui is sleeping in a cot next door.

she used to when she was younger. but now, maybe because she is used to it. When she wakes up very early, she will lie on her bed and talk to herself until she gets bored then she will scream for us. hehe
ok..noted. wanna know juz in case i go to the same PD! =p

i can't make it on thurs. i guess another time bah.

oh dear, speedy recovery to your boy! sounds very bad! he coughs till vomit...poor thing!

connie, kaira
under what circumstances will PD advise must do this phlegm section thingy? my gal's cough stopped but i can still hear the phlegm when she is cranky and cries. will it ever go away on its own i wonder? coz as of now, i stopped her cough medication.

if u want organic pasta, u can try eden brand, vitakids sells it. kim is taking that. and it is smaller then the usual ABC pasta selling in supermkts. so i find it more suitable for my gal now.

that munchkin feeder net i also have. if u don't mind messy then its ok to use. i used it when kim was v young, coz scared she choke.

kim is also like yihhui. if she does wake up before me (rarely), she'd be talking to herself or her soft toy, making soft soft noises until she's bored then will start to throw everything in her cot out then scream for 'mamamamama'. hee... other then that, she's doing well in her own room. hee...
Kiki> orh.. Okie... Was just thinking abt u earlier.. Long time no hear frm u...glad kim's getting better..

So nice to have train them in own room since young...

Thanks for your advice on vPost!

It is ok to drink a bit less milk at this age, just remember to give him some food with calcium e.g.tofu, green leafy veggie
