(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

According to my PD, yes, cough can be linked to swimming in young babies. Cos it's unavoidable that they may "drink" a little bit of the pool water, which is full of germ. My PD advised against swimming, esp in public pool, for young babies. But we still did for my #1, keke. He got sick a couple of times due to swimming, but after that, his immune built up and never fall sick after that.

yes yes she's trying to 'drink' the pool water!! she's like licking her neck float when water got trapped under her chin! oh.. and we'r still laughing at her when she does it! bad mummy!
We went to Phuket and my daughter was swimming everyday, sometimes 2x a day (but only once in the sea, too troublesome) and we dunk her head in the water all but she didn't get sick. Maybe they got cough from some other kid at the pool?
<font color="ff6000">rach/itsy</font>

wad garage sale is tt? haha near my office leh. maybe psycho hubs to drive over then i can also go office clear some stuff.

sigh so freaking pissed w mil... again... she came over ytd even though i already told her my mum will be coming cos i only hv 1 baby and 2 grannies a crowd! my mum gg overseas so i tot its gd tt she can spend more time w jacob mah. ok nvm... cos i need to go out so i almost wanted to cancel my appt cos mil came and leaving her in my hse w/o me is a definite no no but i tot my mum ard, so shld be ok. on my way back, i already hv a hunch tt she will kpo n try to do something in e hse liao, so i told myself i will not only close one eye or two eyes... i will pretend tt i dun have eyes! when i returned, my mum was quite uptight and warned me tt i will definitely be angry. lo n behold, mil went to wash my clothes!!! i really hate it when ppl wash my clothes or touch my stuff!!! cos she is the kind who will scrub and put bleach one, and spoil the clothes! i already told her for so many years when we were living tgt not to wash my clothes liao she still cannot get it! now i move out she still come gar jiao!!! for 1, she went to my room for wad? then 2, why does she need to go and peep at my laundry bag? 3, my mum already told her not to wash so y must she be so "helpful"?! cos my mum also scared of me when it comes to washing my clothes! so mil hand washed the stuff and wanted to hang all the super dripping wet laundry out. wah lao i live top floor leh, wad is she thinking?! then it was gg to rain and my mum was also worried tt she will fall down cos the dripping clothes were very heavy to hang out so she left them in the kitchen, dripping! so when i came back, got to clear so much shit, got to mop the floor and re-wash the clothes. i din want to wash cos now evening time will rain so i dun want to wash yet and i plan to wash baby's stuff first. so she so kpo go do my laundry so now i am stuck with wet and smelly clothes and baby's laundry cos i dun have so many poles to hang! n just when i was freaking angry, hubs called. haha then he kena and i literally lunged at him over the phone n he hung up! cos he was in a mtg and everyone could hear me scream hahaha! sigh really need to fa xie man!

my mil very sly one, she knew my mum coming up so purposely come up also to stake territory. then wanna make herself look good so tt's y do my laundry for me. but she always get on my nerves and do exactly e stuff tt i hate! e day before also like tt. insisted on gg out with me and make me late cos when we were at the train station, she ran off to buy herbal tea even though the train was arriving! told her i was late but she still ran off to buy... then when she knew the train left she try to salvage by volunteering to push the pram. wah lao, she push push push and keep banging my feet and scratch my ferragamo lo! grrr..... really mad at her leh. then today she kept calling but i just dun want to talk to her and she called 16 times! luckily i cancelled my voice mail (also becos of her!) liao if not also will jam it. then she must hv called fil cos he called also. her hse so dirty and oily she dun want to clean, come my hse gar jiao for wad?! then since we live so near, if got things to say hor, she dun talk to us one. she will call my mum and complain one. last time stay tgt also like tt. rather ask my mum to talk/scold me than to talk to us directly. so political! she was against us putting jacob in infantcare, also called my mum to niam. said grandmas are to take care of grandchildren one mah. but i dun wan her to take care!!! so now we may really re-consider infantcare again cos coincidentally, hubs has been really angry with jacob for being really difficult at night for the past few wks and think tt if the infantcare can instill discipline or regulate his activities will also be gd. really sorry for the super long post but i m boiling mad!
Wa so many posts! I was trying to read in my dad's car on iPhone. Now feel like puking. Words too small.

Thinking of bringing Yihui to the pool. But she'll definitely try to drink the pool water. Cos she tried to drink her bath water every day!!

I went for the trial. My baby liked it but I didn't like the idea that we had to pay for the material which was overpriced. And wanted her to develop better motor skills so signed up with bjg. Gymboree also offers music classes similar to kindermusik. You can go for trial.


When I called gymboree for enquiries. When I ask for a they ans me b. Ask for c she tell me d. I think last time she failed Eng comprehension in school!! So confirm not your fault!!
haiz, just now the PD clinic calls me to tell me the nose swap test on my bb shows his mucus has some bacteria and advice to take antibiotics.

Heard that babies should try to refrain from taking antibiotics. Felt so guilty for not taking good care of him causing him to take so many medicine....this is the 3rd week liao
xmasc> dun think so much ba. previously pd ask my boy take klacid. den after swab test ask my boy take argumentin again -_-"
***hugz hugz*** Hope you feel better after venting it out :)

<font color="ff0000">xmasc,</font>
Wah, your PD so careful one ah. Do nose swap test for your boy. IMHO, if it's already tested that it's caused by bacteria, it's actually no harm to give bb antibiotics, as it helps to boast his immune temporarily to fight off the bug. Just to make sure you let him finish the whole course of antibiotics. Unless your PD just anyhow give antibiotics without knowing it's caused by bacteria or virus, then you should think twice. You want to make sure, you can google the name of the antibiotics given, and learn how the antibiotics help to kill the bacteria. Does he give you the lab report, to say which bacteria strains in his mucus?

You mean your son coughs for 3 weeks liao? Or taking antibiotics for 3 weeks liao?
kam, michelle
just went to get the medi and is augmentin lor. Kam you are right he says is bacteria, and indeed he is careful i guess is because the cough is for 3 weeks liao. yah he did give me the lab report. He says this bacteria may result to pneunomia if not treated.

Then i tell him my boy's running nose comes and goes not sure due to allegy as in air con or not because not consistent de. He says monitor till sat still have running nose..then start taking.

From the way u say, should i just start letting bb take antibiotics?? aiyo im in a dilema now
If you ask me, yes, let him take the antibiotics. If he hasn't recovered for so long, meaning he hasn't got strong enough immunity to fight with the bacteria and hence needs the help of the antibiotics. In young bb, prolong the necessary treatment may lead to complication, eg, pneumonia as what the PD said.

My #1 took augmentin and his cough was gone in a couple of days (but that was when he was 2 yo). Augmentin targets a wide range of bacteria, so should be effective. Make sure you let him finish the whole course of antibiotics, if you decide to let him take.
Thanks for your advice. hopefully it works for him just like your #1. i sim tia to see him keep coughing haiz...
Hi everyone

It's been sometime that I have not been following the thread. Not that I was busy... but just feeling down.

I changed my job 2 mths ago. Now that I need to find another job really make me feeling depressed. Something happened here (which is not within my control). Sian... What should I do?
hmm i have not brought my gal to the PD... seems like she only cough at nite and in the morn... day time hardly... wonder if it's the cold temp that causes her to cough??

*hugs* cool down! i know mil(s) can be quite irritating..

*hugs* 2... oh sounds like u r feeling really depressed.. u just changed ur job and now looking for another one?? i'm also in the lookout for a new job :p
<font color="0077aa">cookiezz</font>
i can feel for u...me too.. dislike my mil so much that i can "hate" her...

mostly get into heated quarrels with my hubb bcos of his mom...

do what u n ur hubb both deem best for ur baby...
<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>

hehe i paiseh to tell her tt but i use actions.. we will boycott her for a wk hahaha!

<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

heh heh gian gian ifc! oh yah if u want to do lasik hor, go do lar. its kinda like one of the best things i have ever done. been abt 3 yrs since i hv done it. did it before wedding and now i cant even rem i used to wear spec!

<font color="ff6000">kam, milkyway, jess</font>

*phew!* feels so much better after ranting it and downing 2 big glasses of icy cold green tea! thanks! but very heng my hubby always on my side but his mum really very stubbon. hubs was joking, "u mean u dunno meh? tt's y papa, uncle and auntie also dun like her! welcome to the club!" haha made me feel better also. i know its mean tt i keep complaining to him abt his mum but really cannot take it man!

<font color="ff6000">swimming</font>

ohh swimming may cause cough? haha was thinking of bringing jacob to swim next next mon cos hub's got exam so on leave and i just got swim pants for him. haha since hub's exams in the morning so we might as well go in the afternoon when it is very very hot! his 7 mth treat!
<font color="ff6000">BiBiNogs Trial Class</font>

Anyone keen?


Bilingual (6 – 17+ months)
Accompanied Class - 1½ hrs

The stage of learning through consistency and familiarity. This is also the best time for you to learn along with your child and help nurture his sense of security and attachment to the surroundings.

Sensory explorations that stimulate all 5 senses by involving your child in puppetry, art &amp; craft, music and rhythmic exploration, and story-telling
Focus on building early motor skills such as ‘Mastering the Pincer’ (thumb and finger grip), honing the ‘baby body’ movements and hand-eye coordination

15 minutes Mandarin playtime to promote bilingualism

Organic snack time

Parental involvement required

I called and check with them liao, trial is $40 for wkday and $48 for wkends. If we do a pte class, min is 6 babies and max 8 babies. if we form pte class there is a 5% disc of the trial and if more than 5 sign up after the class we get 10% off for 1 term which is $370/term (10 lessons wkday) or $426/term (10 lessons wkends)

2 branches, at Serene Centre or UE Sq. Anyone keen? I am fine with both centres but preferably wkdays. but if majority wants wkend i also ok. if no one keen then i will go myself next wk liao
Prettymums> wat happened at work? Why so depressed??

Cookiezz> where is serene centre?? UE SQ very out of way leh..
But I prefer weekdays too...
<font color="ff6000">Little Neuro Tree Trial Class</font>


my client recommended one. but this one so atas, no disc for pte trial class. $180 for 3 lessons for trial. but i like it cos they teach 3 lang, eng, mandarin n jap. i may wanna go and see also. anyone keen? i most prob will go to the bukit timah shopping centre one. the one at pomo closed!
<font color="ff6000">rach</font>

haha i got direct bus to ue sq and its near my office and also quite near e place for ur garage sale! serene centre is at bt timah there. think u can take 851 or 853. cannot rem which one

hope your baby gets well v v soon. We all try to do our best for our darlings but sometimes they do get I'll. Don't blame yourself. He'll definitely get better with your tlc!

only 1 week? I only visit my il once a week. You visit them more than once a week? How to tahan? Luckily my mil is quite nice to me. Sometimes naggy. I just smile and phase out.
xmasc-check with your pd. previously dd had a nose swab and was told she needs antibiotic too. it turns out that the antibiotic is in the form of cream to apply in the nose and not oral. pd said she will avoid administering oral antibiotic as much as possile.
Xmas, have u try to suck out your bb phegm? my son since day 1 at Infant care started 1 April flu , running nose &amp; now his cough is like getting worst now.. so poor ting, mus rub &amp;rub his back &amp; chest to ease his pain.

need to send for lab ah to check his phegm ah? how much its cost ah?

your bibinog one sounds like Julia gabriel. I went for class observation. I quite like their class but they require the baby to be able to sit unassisted. And they hv 3 mths waitlist!!

So I'm planning to go for bjg first then go for Julia Gabriel.

I read that one of the mommies here is bringing in bibs. I'm looking for those big bibs. Yihui messes herself up during every meal session. I don't hv enough big bibs. Some will be in the wash or being dried.
thanks for your encouragement!

really, oh man but i do noe that augmentin is for this. What is the antibiotics that your pd gives to your baby arh?

so poor thing rite? my hubby tried but nothing comes out leh and he cried but i realise that vicks does help
rub on his chest and feet at nite and today i decided to stop aircon to see whether that is the main cause.

eh the PD did a nose swap not phelgm to the lab wor. i think should ask your PD whether need boh. But i learnt a lesson, if the medicine does not work for a week, seek 2nd opinion.

btw if have HFM, by right need to CLOSE leh.
Yes, the cough like painful to their lung, we adult cough oso will feel the pain at our chest too..

Think i need to seek another opinion lioa cuz i took the previous prescription and top up only.

my son infant care is fuly aircon , oso on during their bathing.

HFMD need to upto 7case then can close leh, how ah?
Flower4, we can't decide for you if you should continue to send your son to the IFC. Why not you discuss with your husband?
<font color="ff0000">comomile3 / xmacs,</font>
I have never heard of to use antibiotic cream to cure cough. Antibiotic cream is a atopic treatment for wound or skin problem, to prevent bacterian from spreading.

But for cough, the bacteria already gone inside the body woh, how can the cream kill the bacteria inside the body? Unless the bb inhale and the cream through the nostril and gets into the body? Furthermore, the bacteria causing cough and the bacteria causing wound/skin problem usually are totally different strains woh.

You make me very confused here.

What's the name of the antibiotics cream? Let me know, I can check with my PD during my next visit or I can ask my friends who practices medicine.

<font color="ff0000">flower4</font>,
For HFMD, if it's just one case, the centre will only inform the parents and it's parents decision whether to send the child there or not. If the baby is a young baby, as in he/she is still not crawling/walking around, then maybe you shouldn't worry too much, as HFMD are mainly spread through contact of the patient's saliva/blister discharge. On the other hand, if that is an older baby, then yes, consider stop sending him there.

Like BBQ98 said, the final decision is for you and your hubby to make.

my boy can crawling around, already the worse part is, all babies share the same toy??!!

although now is play groud 1 got it,not infant care..

haiz.. i jus started 1april only and i have paid already..hiaz..

if dun send any idea what is the waiting period? shld i dun send for a week or 2weeks or few days? how long the HFMD will reppear after one case happen ah?

very worry..hiaz.. heard its very painful ucleer &amp; bb cant eat &amp; drink.. sobz...
<font color="aa00aa">michelle</font>
My reply machiam so OLD and outdated liao. LOL! I tired waking him up earlier but he ended up so grouchy. And his mouth become ): instead of the usual :) Everyday i try my very best to make him sleep earlier but failed failed failed. I still won't give up cos i really don't like it when he sleep late as once he sleep late, i ended up sleep late and thus we both wake up late and i cannot do so much.

Most of the time it's like this.
2am sleep until 11am/12pm/1pm - in between wake up to drink somewhere 5am/6am. Then 9am/10am drink again. Back to sleep till 12/1pm. Tried to stop him from going back to sleep after 9/10am feed but he doze off after flipping and wriggling for 30mins...... usually i get up to do my stuff at 10am while he is still sleeping but lately i cannot as i am just way too tiredddddddd. Breakfast time-i am still sleeping, lunch time-i might not be able to eat, thus i seemed to be having dinner only. COntinue with his nap time... sometimes 4pm/5pm he sleep around 15mins then 7/8pm he fuss for milk then he just sleep even though i tried to make him wake up............ sometimes he sleep for almost an hour in the evening......... more or less it's something like that.... everyone commented it's my fault now and it was my fault when i was pregnant.... this is so funny lah ~.~ UrgH!

<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>
Hmm.. actually before i brought him to swim but failed for the first time, we last brought him was like a month plus.... he just somehow became so frightened.... my friends were asking me to try bring him to the public pool and i "swim" with him..... you still got bathtub not so bad... i got many tubs only. Hahahaha.... I was thinking is it the last time he swam happily at hwa xia then the ladies there only chat never come and help me... then end up zander drink some water from his chin there......... then he kena frightened cos he seemed to be struggling before i carried him out... hais... or was it we fought that tramatised him.... sigh.. i think and think and think until don't know which is the reason lor... but i just hope it was really teething that caused him to be that cranky.... i'm very patient but sometimes impatient to get things done. LOL! SIgh....... i now hope he will enjoy swimming again as i want him to learn swimming when he's much much older....

<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
I also hope it's a phrase he's going through due to teething... i saw 2 teeth popping.. one is 10% the other is 1%...... :)

<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>
Your place also near my place. LOL! But these few weekends i might be quite busy so maybe cannot join the rest of the mummies if they going up... :) I move in one month liao but my place still so messy..... my hb totally so busy until he got no time to do housework and i am the one trying to do as much as i can but really nothing much can be done as i have a koala bear with me..... and many reno works still going on so very dusty daily...... sigh....
xmasc> my boy is oso currently on auguentin, it does gets better. but de moment he come back from ifc, he gets sick agn. really dunno wat to do. zzz

let him finish de whole course of medication, n if sat still not well, den i'll have to visit de pd agn -_-

actually my boy nv cough. he is more of u can hear him whizzing when he eat n sleep

prettymums> like u say not within ur control. so juz do wat u can. n ya, cheer up

cookiezz> but ifc got its bad. my son really olways fall sick. very heart pain.

lasik, haha. scare leh. my mum's boss's son is a eye surgeon, he dun really recommend me to do lasik, he oso din do. he say every op got its risk n nothing is perfect forever.

hehe. tot rach take 852 =o ya serene center at bt timah there. quite convenient, near adam market. think parking oso pretty easy

camomile3> think diff bacteria need diff course of antibiotic

flower4> my boy's nose swab test cost 45bucks before gst at mt a. i think u better bring ur boy to a doc. long term flu n cough can lead to pneumonia or bronchitis. not very good for the kid.

other den seeing pd. think i'll bring my boy to yu guo every 2wks for a massage to clear his phlegm

how come play group n infant care kids share the same toys? my boys ifc, de smaller kids play tgt. so only like 10 person he mix ard with. i find it safer this way leh

princessxiaomei> u juz have to make him grouchy a few days. so u c. if he wakes up early in de morning, he is grouchy n tired, he will go for his morning nap earlier. den after nap oso obviously earlier den nite oso earlier =p

maybe for me i really dun care if my boy grouchy. cos i need to go to wk, so i need him to wake up at 645 latest to latch. so after long time, he is so used to waking up, he wakes up latest 7am. most of the time he wakes up before me, n cry awhile, but i'll ignore him till at least 615, now he dun disturb me, cos he know i will ignore him =x
hi, i'm not too sure what exactly is the treatment though as the pd just told me that if dd is able to get well via the cream than she won't need to administer the oral med. also the caregivers as well as people that goes close to dd needs to get treated as well-hence dh, ds and me are also on one course of the treatment. i don't have the med with me anymore cos i dispose the med after the course which was abt 2-3mos ago. i'm not suggesting using the same cream as treatment for diff bacteria differs, just that since in my dd case my pd mentioned that antibiotic cream can be administered 1st b4 oral, i thot i should share my experience so that concerned mummies can check with their dr for alternative not overwriting the dr prescription. that was also the first time i knew that antibiotic cream was used to treat flu/cough.

kam- i suspect that in dd case previously probably similar to ds. my ds cough is usually triggered by backflow of mucus. for ds case as soon as his mucas dries up, his cough usually gets better.
xmasc- if it's augmentin the dr prescribe i guess it's different course of treatment. i understand that it's a pretty strong antibiotic n the dr probably wants to get your ds cured to prevent complications due to prolong cough.
Thanks for the info. I will sure ask my PD and see what he says. Maybe it's a newly intro med in the market? It's very interesting that the whole family needs to be on the same course of antibiotics. You all were sick as well at that time?

BTW, antibiotics doesn't cure flu, as flu are almost always caused by virus.

Yes, augmentin is quite a broad spectrum bacteria. Over-use of it is definitely not good.
kam- nope we wasn't sick but the pd just want to make sure we were not carrying the bacteria. it would defeat the purpose should we pass the bacteria back to her if we're carrying it but not exhibiting any symptoms. yup, antibiotic for cough not flu (maybe i should say flu-like symptom? ;) ).
<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>

oh julia gabriel! i was trying to rem the name! chanced upon it when hubs brought me to evans rd for breakfast. a place call Hatch, where they only serve eggs. so i listed Julia Gabriel as "besides Hatch" on my to-check-out list and hubs was asking y i add f&amp;b into jacob's "cca". so crowded ah? issit really gd? looks ex

sigh mil lives a 5 min walk or bus ride away so she always pop by unannounced. then we will go over for dinner cos hubs' taking part time course so we can be there up to 3-5 times a wk sigh!

Gymboree Class

Hihi, walked past Gymboree @ harbourfront yesterday during lunch time and decided to pop in to check out the classes.. They passed me some brochures and schedules etc..If I read correctly hor,the "play &amp; learn" package is $399 for 12 sessions and "music" package is $270 for 12 classes for 6-10months old group. So if you want both the gym and music classes, you got to pay $399+$270.. You can also just sign up for either one.. each session is 45min. so if you sign up for both, it's 45minx2 = 90 min.. So it might not be that cheap after all? If those thinking to sign up for the trial might want to clarify beforehand.
